170 resultados para Crabs.
A biologia de caranguejos de água doce tem sido pouco enfocada na literatura carcinológica, especialmente em relação à Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson, 1861. Este estudo visa analisar a relação peso/tamanho e variações temporais/sazonais do fator de condição, comparando com a biologia da espécie. Os exemplares foram coletados mensalmente na Represa Municipal de São José do Rio Preto (São Paulo), durante um período bianual (outubro/1994 a setembro/1996). Foram obtidos 962 espécimes (534 machos e 428 fêmeas), que foram mensurados (LC = largura do cefalotórax) e pesados (PE = peso úmido total). Os pontos empíricos da relação PE/LC foram analisados para cada sexo e submetidos à análise de regressão pela função potência (y = ax b) e representadas por: PE Machos = 0,0002LC3,º8 e PE Fêmeas = 0,0005LC2,82. O fator de condição foi calculado mensal e sazonalmente, sendo o das fêmeas cerca de 2,5 maior que o dos machos, possivelmente devido ao maior tamanho/peso das gônadas. de modo geral o verão foi caracterizado pela menor média de fator de condição (época reprodutiva), contrastando com a maior verificada no inverno (reorganização gonadal). Os resultados obtidos são enfocados pela primeira vez na literatura carcinológica, sendo de grande valia no manejo populacional e preservação desta espécie, que vem sendo intensamente explorada e usada como isca na pesca esportiva.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The relative growth of U. thayeri was studied for a subtropical mangrove population in the estuary of the Comprido and Escuro rivers, Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil. The evaluation of the morphological sexual maturity of U. thayeri was performed using the allometric technique. Remarkable ontogenetic changes were observed in the allometric growth of the male major cheliped and the female abdomen, indicating that these structures are closely connected to the timing of sexual maturity. For males, the relative-growth analysis of cheliped propodus length rendered an estimate of 13.8 mm of carapace width for the size at onset of sexual maturity. A distinct growth pattern was observed for the abdomen of U. thayeri females. It has a wide puberty size range (from 10.7 to 16.8 mm of CW) compared to other brachyurans previously studied. Thus, the females' abdominal growth can be represented by three growth phases: immature, transitional, and mature. The major cheliped is the fight one in 50% of males. The median length of the male major cheliped did not differ between right- and left-handed crabs.
The egg number and the rate in which they are produced constitute important informations for the comprehension of the reproductive process. The egg number carried by a female crab is related to a body dimension (carapace width or length). These data are adjusted to a linear regression. The specimens of Ii. pudibundus were collected in Ubatuba region, Brazil during the period from January 1991 to July 1993. In this paper 30 females with eggs in the initial embryonic phase were used to estimate ther egg number. The mean fecundity obtained was 75,615 +/- 30,120 eggs/female/spawn. Although the H. pudibundus fecundity was not high, it can be inferred that the larval survival in nature should be large, because it is one of the most abundant crabs in the studied area.
The structure of two populations of the fiddler crab Uca rapax in two subtropical mangrove habitats near Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil were compared. The size - frequency distribution, sex ratio, and recruitment were evaluated. Sampling was performed monthly from April 2001 to March 2002 in the Itamambuca and Ubatumirim habitats. Crabs were caught manually for 15 min by two collectors during low tide. The carapace width of each crab was measured with a digital caliper, and the sex and ovigerous state were recorded. The median size of the carapace width of males was greater than that of females at both sites (P<0.05). The median size of the crabs from Itamambuca was larger than at Ubatumirim (P<0.05). Only 28 ovigerous females were obtained from both mangroves, which suggested that females might remain in their burrows during the incubation period. The highest recruitment pulse occurred in winter for both populations, probably as a consequence of high reproductive activity during summer. The sex ratio in the size classes showed an anomalous pattern, with a higher frequency of females in the intermediate size classes. This may be related to a greater energy requirement for reproduction in females, thus delaying growth. The variable environmental conditions to which Uca rapax populations are subject appear to act directly or indirectly on the population, causing variations in growth and reproductive processes in the different populations investigated here.
In populational studies, the weight/width carapace relationship analysis, can furnish indications about the individual physiological variations as a function of the environment, and it can indicate sexual dimorphism. The goal of this research is to find the mathematical expressions of weight/width carapace relationship in the crab Hepatus pudibundus. This study was accomplished by analysing the crabs that were sampled monthly with a shrimp fishing boat equipped with 2 otter-trawl nets, during the period from november/1988 to october/1989. A total of 624 specimens were obtained composed of 244 males and 380 females. In each group the sex, the weight (PE) and the carapace width (LC) were determined. The obtained values agree with the studied range, showing variations during male and female development, represented by the potential function of the equation Y = aX(b). Such variations are probably related to reproductive strategies.
The fecundity of C. danae in Ubatuba (SP) region was analized. The swimming crabs were collected by trawl during two consecutive years. Only females earring early developmental stage eggs were used in this work. The ovigerous females mean size based on the carapace width, except the lateral teeth, was 21.5 +/- 90 mm. The fecundity obtained from 29 ovigerous females varied from 363,660 to 826,638 eggs.
The external infestation of Callinectes ornatus Ordway, 1863 and Callinectes danae Smith, 1869, in particular cirripeds, was studied for two consecutive years in the Ubatuba Bay (SP) (23 degrees 26' S and 45 degrees 02' W). Bryozoans, polychaetes and cirripeds were found on both swimming crab species, but cirripeds were the most abundant and frequent. The number of infested swimming crabs increased proportionally to carapace size, but not surpassing 30 %, suggesting an absence of terminal anecdysis in both species. The establishment of the pernicious organisms on their hosts is influenced by other factors, such as their habit of burying themselves in sediments. The correlation between molting activity in adult specimens of both sexes and the low incidence of epizoonts suggest that C. ornatus and C. danae may be molting after maturity.
This work aims to analyse the faunistic composition of ''Ilha Comprida, SP, Brasil, in relation to semiterrestrial crabs. The collects were done during one year. The animals were handy sampled, and the colleting area comprised from Cananeia proximities to Icapara bar, towards north, including beaches, sand banks and mangroves. After each sample the animals were identified. The results obtained were similar those presented for other estuarine regions in São Paulo north coast. With reference to the species from Parana coast, we have got 2 species more. The crabs recorded are distributed in 3 Decapod families: Grapsidae, Ocypodidae and Xanthidae.
The biometric relationship between the weigth and the carapace width in the swimming crab A. cribrarius was compared with the results from other portunid crabs studied previously. During November/1988 to October/1989, a total of 403 specimens (189 males and 214 females) were collected with otter-trawl nets in north coast of the São Paulo State, Brazil. The animals were measured (carapace width excluding lateral spines = LC! and weighed (wet weight = PE). The empiric points of this relation were fit according to the power function (Y = a.X(b)) for each sex, maturation phases and total of individuals. The relation PE x LC indicates that the mole's growth changes during the ontogenesys from isometric (in juvenile phase) to allometric positive (in adult phase). For the females the growth is isometric in the two phases. The weight grows in a higher proportion than the carapace width variable (allometric positive growth). The data can be grouped in a single equation (PE = 7.85.10(-5).LC(3.14)) for the convertion between the variables there was a greater similarity between the equations obtained far each sex. In spite of this, the males present the fattening grade value (''a'') slightly higher than that of the females, possibly because of the greater size reached in its devellopment. The mean weight of the males is greater than the females one (p < 0.01). In the range 80 proves 90mm the males were more abundant, probably due to the females terminal ecdysis is near this size. The females only have the mean weight greater than the males in the 60 proves 70mm range (p < 0.01) when the puberty molt occurs and they present morphological changes in their reproductive system.
Neohelice granulata ecological distribution was evaluated in its northernmost latitudinal occurrence in a Brazilian tropical mangrove (23[degree]13'4" S, 44[degree]42'47" W). Samples were collected in three sites along the main river in the mangrove. Crabs were manually captured by two people, 15 min each, at low tide periods. The sex of the animals was assessed and carapace width measured. The size-frequency distribution was determined in each site. Environmental factors (salinity, temperature, organic matter and sediment texture) were analyzed, compared among sites and related to crab abundance and size in each site. Crab abundance decreased with the distance from the sea. Juvenile crabs were more frequent next to the sea, whereas larger and ovigerous ones were mainly found in the most distant site. Crab size was proportional to the organic matter percentage in the sediment. N. granulata spatial distribution varies along the river course, which is probably related to the most productive areas that have more nutrients available; this may also occur in order to prevent intraspecific competition.
The life cycle of decapod crustaceans can be classified into three distinct morphological phases: larval, juvenile and adult. Despite its recognized importance, studies of the juvenile phase have been neglected. The present Study aimed to analyze the growth of juveniles from a single population of Uca maracoani under laboratory conditions, and also to describe the morphological differentiation of pleopods in each sex. Megalopae and juvenile crabs or U. maracoani obtained on a Mud beach at Jabaquara, Paraty, on the southern coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), were reared in the laboratory. The specimens were checked daily for molts and deaths. The carapace widths (CW) of intact exuviae and dead individuals were measured under a stereoscopic microscope provided with a micrometer rule. These data allowed the definition of a growth equation as well as the stages related to the beginning of pleopod development, which begins when females reach 3.0 mill CW (6th juvenile developmental stage), similar to the sizes reported for other species of the genus. In males, however, pleopods appear when the crabs reach 3.5 mm CW, equivalent to the 7th developmental stage. This difference may be related to differential growth between sexes. It also may be a consequence of laboratory rearing, or may represent an actual feature of the species.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study analyzed a population of the spider crab Epialtus brasiliensis, in regard to its size distribution, sex ratio and Sexual maturity. The study was conducted on a rocky shore in the Ubatuba region, state of Silo Paulo, Brazil, where a wide strip of algae covers the intertidal zone. A total of 378 specimens were obtained: 200 males (128 juvenile and 72 adult crabs) and 178 females (46 juveniles and 132 adults). Their Sizes ranged from 3.4 to 16.7 mm carapace length (CL). Taking into account that the pubertal and terminal molts are coincident in majid crabs, the maximum sizes attained by males and females are especially dependent on the factors that influence sexual maturity, mainly food resources, temperature and intraspecific competition. Males of E. brasiliensis occurred in all size classes, whereas females occurred only as far the 10th size class (12-13 min CL). file total sex ratio did not differ statistically from 1 : 1, but when the juvenile and adult specimens were analyzed separately the differences between sexes were significantly different, with higher proportions of immature males and mature females. The CL50 calculated for males and females was 10.4, and 6.9 min CL, respectively. Thus, males reach their sexual maturity at a larger size than females. This feature may be important for the reproductive strategy of this species, because larger males probably have greater reproductive Success.