123 resultados para Community public relations
This project aimed at discussing about the possibility of transforming a corporate blog into an Intranet tool. The objective is to make the internal communication more interactive by bringing the employee closer to the organization through conversing in a less formal environment. In the first series of discussions, issues such as how the organizational communication works as a whole, which communications vehicles are normally used to reach the target group and the role of public relations in the organizational communication, were conducted aiming the discussion around the internal communication and the personnel, one of the objectives of this paper. Following these discussions, the focal points was around digital communication and its possibilities in the organization, as well as talking about and discussing the blog and the Intranet. Finally a theoretical discussion was conducted concerning the possibilities of turning this corporate blog into an Intranet tool and the reasons why public relations should manage this new communications tool
The contemporary organizations establish complex networks of relationships with their audiences. However, it is the socio-historical setting of the organizations that allow that their internal structures, management and culture as well as their interests and goals in relation to the macro social environment to be understood. To understand what is currently proposed as institutional relations, it is necessary to search on that socio-historical source the progress in the studies of management and organizational communication aiming to prove the assumptions underlying this strategic role within organizations. In order to do that, this project raises ethnographic aspects of the institutional relationships to see what is proposed by the organizations and, therefore, highlights the lack of detailed studies in this area. From this survey, it is clear the possible role of public relations in contributing to studies, plans and execution of institutional relations according to the basement in the humanities and communication processes of networks of relationships between organizations
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
The aim of the present study was to point out the importance of the experience of undergraduate dental students in extra-curricular activities and volunteer work, as a means through which to gain essential knowledge and abilities for their professional lives. A literature review of the Medline, Scielo, and Lilacs databases was carried out in an attempt to select articles related to the university extension and volunteer work of undergraduate dental students. It is still extremely difficult to include university extension and volunteer work as an important activity in Dentistry courses. However, the presentday work market demands professionals who have expertise not only in dental techniques, but also in the socio-cultural characteristics of communities, considering that people need to be comprehensive in their psychosocial aspects in order to be treated as a complete professional. Therefore, university dentistry courses should give equal consideration to both oral rehabilitation skills and the promotion of general healthcare, acquired mainly through extracurricular activities, in an attempt to redeem the integral education of the healthcare professional. Moreover, students should pay closer attention to the opportunities offered during their undergraduate courses, as the work market for dentists is becoming more and more competitive. Moreover, the dentist whose professional life is limited to the dental office will most certainly forgo the opportunity to act in other social areas as well as the recognition that comes with such acts.
The consumers' requirements are constantly growing, as well as the concern for the environment. Considering this change of scenario, industrial companies started paying more attention to environmental issues and decided to resort to solutions such as the adoption of the Environmental Management System based on the ISO 14001 model. It is believed that the adoption of this model changes the organizational image, both internally and externally. This possible change was the focus of this research, considering that many publics related to certified companies may have the wrong idea about what being a green company really means. The objective of this study is to verify, through a survey research, the relation between the Environmental Management System based on ISO 14001 with organizational image of Brazilian firms. At first, this paper presents a theoretical review on Environmental Management System, IS0 14001, Organizational image, green Marketing, Greenwashing and Public Relations. Next, the research method is presented, as well as the results obtained through theoretical study, the research application and data analysis, and a brief analysis of the Public Relations' role in the organizational environment at issue. Finally, it presents the results obtained by tabulating the questionnaires, analysis of related data, and consideration about these
In the globalized world of capitalism, the organizations need to reinvent themselves in order to conquer the attention of the consumers. The offer of similar products is huge and it is necessary to innovate so the consumer will pick yours. The storytelling comes as an auxiliary tool for this difficult task. The transmedia is a tool that will put the products in many different media platforms. The convergence culture exists to make the experience with the brand become closer. Sometimes the consumer dictates the rules; in other moments the producers take this function for themselves; nowadays, this relation occurs in terms of the intense interactivity with the consumer. Concerning the Public Relations professional, among the questions that remain, we can city: where does the professional of Public Relations fit itself inside this complex context? Which would be its functions amid this whirlpool of information in the convergence culture era? These are the questions that are going to guide this paper
This work of course conclusion has as objective main the development of a plan of marketing for academy of Acquamondo gymnastics. The enterprise has good equipment and training structure, allowing the client a propitious exercise that shows valuables results. However, there's no structured organization of internal and external communication and marketing: the concern with this topics, essential nowadays to the companies' survivor, practically doesn't exists. Expecting the improvement of the relationship between academy and its clients, enlarge the horizons of the mark and make it known at Bauru and region, stablish priority publics and actions and prospect new clients, the main ideas have been used of practices which contribute in an expressive way for the e stablished objective, like planning, strategic planning, marketing, communication and Public Relations, all applied to the reality of a micro and small company. Based on the concepts described above and by means of SWOT Analysis, a model of marketing plan was proposed with the aim of expanding the reach and impact power of Acquamondo gymnastics in the region its operates
This study presented a literature review about the topics: marketing, public relations, marketing communication planning and marketing communication. From this, the project explained, through all stages of planning, the integrated work's importance between marketing and public relations in developing a marketing communication planning
Uma estratégia de relacionamento da favela com a cidade para a integração social, física e simbólica
This paper presents the principles of a strategy for the integration of slums in the city. From an extensive literature search, it analyzes the environment of the slums, the culture of peace as a future desirable situation and the fundamental value of popular participation. It proposes a strategy based on the theories and practice of the communitarian public relations. It realizes that this is a long process and requires the complicity of various social actors, in particular the State through a manager committee of communal integration, which managements the integration of actions
This project aims to use concepts of innovation and obsolescence in products, to analyze and test the technological product FingerByte, a blend glove and joystick that needs to be appropriate for specific audiences. For this adjustment, this project uses a qualitative opinion survey, known as focus group in order to obtain data during product testing with certain audiences. Another purpose of the paper is to serve as a guide to readers in similar situations where you wish to use focus groups to develop products that have not been put on the market. The experiment uses the knowledge of public relations, both in research and in data analysis. The main results of the research are described in this monograph, in order to demonstrate what are the possible types of data being collected, helping the reader to approach the experience of qualitative research
This work aims to present Appreciative Inquiry as a participative methodology and seeks to establish possible relationships with organizational communication. For this, we make a literature review about topics such as participation, participative planning, appreciative inquiry, it's basic concepts, it's methodology and possibilities. It also presents the fundamental concepts of communication and organizational culture and public relations, searching to highlight the perceived interfaces through the interrelation of concepts, the main references, authors such as Demo (1999), Gandin (1994) Brose (2010), Cooperrider and Whitney (2006), Varona (2004), Bordenave (1999), Kunsch (2002) and Marchiori (2013). In order to verify the applicability of this methodology, this paper also develops a qualitative study, using the technique of indepth research with the first Brazilian organization using Appreciative Inquiry: Nutrimental, a food company. The results of the application of AI in the organization are presented and then seeks to make the possible connections with the concepts of communication and organizational culture
This Project aims to study and verify the importance of effective communication in public organizations, considering current factors such as globalization and new trends in the behavior of the individuals. The issue is relevant because of the need to understand the relationships between the public institution and the various interest groups and research development of new practices of Public Relations as regards their influence on the municipal level. In this context, we present the concept of city, communication, citizenship and participation, focusing on the integration of these elements in the concept of Public Communication. Thus, attem pts to develop the applicability of instruments involving these concepts through scenario analysis, making communication purposal to the prefecture of Laranjal Paulista
Comunicação empresarial e relações públicas: a construção de relacionamentos no contexto do Facebook
Currently with the context of the Internet, especially on online social networks, it is observed that people and companies are establishing relationships both online and offline. The new digital culture and the competitiveness of the market are making companies change the way they communicate with their customers, providing a broader and more participative communication with their stakeholders. This resear chaims to understand the relation of corporate communication and Public Relations and from the conceptualization of the trials will detect the relationship processes of companies and their public in online social networks. Understand this type of relation ship is interesting because that, it is the field of the Public Relations professional. An area that grows in importance in today's market, since Facebook is being used as a channel of communication and relationship with consumers. The methodology used is exploratory research, in which, it aims to familiarize themselves with the subject and the possibility of analyzing three examples of relationships and engagement in the corporate communications field. In this case, the ranking of the top three companies, Coca-Cola, Guaraná Antarctica e Mc Donald's, in the Top Facebook Posts Brazil in January 2015. It is important that to have a Public Relations Professional that is able to create an open channel of communication on social networks with the purpose of detecting the characteristics of the target public and promote the participation of such public in the building of content and the innovative organization process. Therefore, it becomes an engaging and everlasting relationship
In the current dynamic environment in which the public relations professional is inserted and, considering their ability to perform various activities, the field of events, an area that comprehends many different aspects, ends up being very active and executed by professionals from other fields. The following research demonstrates the importance of the Public Relations professional in the management of an organizational event, aiming to present Public Relations as the area with the most expertize to put plan and organize events, due to the knowledge and theory that can be put into practice. Through a participatory research, the researcher recounts her experience with organizing Carnatlética, event in which she was a part of in 2013. Thus, it is concluded that the participation of a public-relations in the organization is critical to the success of an event, especially in issues related to advertising, media and planning
This work points out innovative alternatives for increasing the visibility of nonprofits using the creative profile of the public relations professional through guerrilla marketing. By means of methodological literature and document the suggested proposal is that the public relations through a Strategic Planning, articulate actions of guerrilla marketing on behalf of third sector concerns increasing its visibility to the state's eyes, the private sector and company making the fundraising and the visibility of these entities increase with low cost, creativity and technique. How guerrilla marketing can encourage smaller competitor it is evident to face their opponents with great creative weapons, innovative and cost effective, providing improvement in the area of activity and easier to raise funds; especially in the third sector entities, which is moved without any profit, only for individual or collective will to solve social issues