113 resultados para Clemente Quaglio


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Animal models are an important tool in scientific research. It is known that this practice must be based on bioethical principles in order to impose limits about pain and suffering, or for inspecting proceedings and research site. This study has as aim to evaluate and present current legislation ruling animal research in Brazil, comparing it with other countries, as well as fostering bioethical reflection about this issue. For this, we present current Brazilian legislation and we have carried out international literature review and discussion. The articles were searched in PubMed data base, using the key words "bioethics" and "animal welfare". Nineteen articles from 1997 to 2013 were included. It was concluded the evident contribution of animal research for scientific research in several fields. It is morally relevant for humans, as rational beings, to secure humane treatment to animals contributing to research. The safest way to follow this path is establishing clear norms and studies well designed, involving society for assigning ethical norms. Thus, animal welfare would be guarantee.


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Ao atender um paciente, muitas vezes o profissional da saúde fotografa ou filma o caso. Há, via de regra, duas razões básicas para tal atitude. A primeira é para a documentação do caso per se, e as imagens ficarão restritas ao prontuário clínico do paciente. E, se porventura algum dia houver um litígio envolvendo aquele determinado tratamento, tais imagens poderão ser utilizadas como meio de prova. A segunda razão diz respeito à divulgação do caso clínico, com a sua publicação em periódicos científicos, apresentação em aulas, cursos, congressos e similares. Pode-se citar ainda uma outra razão: o uso das imagens para a divulgação dos serviços do profissional que conduziu o tratamento/procedimento. Para a obtenção/gravação das imagens, faz-se necessário o consentimento do paciente, ou de seu responsável legal (no caso de incapaz). Porém, a imagem produzida somente poderá ser utilizada para os fins específicos a que se destinou inicialmente. Se porventura o profissional tiver intenção de usá-la, por exemplo, em publicações, precisará do consentimento específico para este fim. Vale lembrar que a própria Constituição Federal da Brasil assegura tal direito. A produção de imagens de pessoas e a sua divulgação em meios acadêmicos, por exemplo, ocorre não somente em atendimentos clínicos, como também em pesquisas que envolvam seres humanos. É necessário respeitar as normas éticas e legais relacionadas ao uso de imagens. Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de Termo de Consentimento para obtenção e uso de imagens de pacientes de profissionais da saúde.


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Ao paciente é necessário fornecer esclarecimentos sobre as possibilidades terapêuticas, apresentando os riscos, benefícios, prognóstico e custos de cada alternativa possível e indicada. Esta é uma determinação ética e jurídica. Não obstante, o profissional da saúde detém o conhecimento clínico/técnico/científico, e determina quais informações serão (ou não) fornecidas. O paciente decide submeter-se a um tratamento, fornecendo o seu Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido com base nos dados a ele apresentados. Infelizmente, pode ocorrer de alguns profissionais não fornecerem todas as informações necessárias a uma tomada de decisão esclarecida ou, depois de obtido o consentimento do paciente, apresentarem-lhe informação que cause sua desistência do tratamento inicialmente aceito. Esta última informação, se pertinente, e não se tratando de fato superveniente, deveria ter sido fornecida inicialmente. Porém, a informação pode não ser de todo verdadeira, e levar o paciente a decidir baseado, por exemplo, em riscos apresentados e mensurados de forma equivocada. A reabilitação crânio-facial da Articulação Têmporo-Mandibular (ATM), por meio de prótese de ATM, é indicada em muitas situações. Amiúde, pacientes que necessitam de tais próteses apresentam problemas funcionais e estéticos; a expectativa gerada com a reabilitação é grande. Este trabalho apresenta um caso e discute questões éticas e legais, incluindo a responsabilidade civil, do fornecimento parcial e inadequado de esclarecimentos a um paciente.


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The knowledge of Forensic Anthropology is very importance in cases of identification of human remains. One phase of this process is the study of human height, which can be accomplished with relative ease when intact corpses, complete skeletons or long bones are available. However, the experience of Forensic Dentistry is essential in situations in which there is only information of the skull or of the teeth. The objective of this study was to review in the literature and evaluate works concerning the estimate of the height calculated from dental dimensions. Carrea, in 1920, proposed the estimation of the probable height of an individual by developing formulas for maximum and minimum heights from measurements of the lower central and lateral incisors and canines. The method was used in the case "Josef Mengele", to complement estimates. Tested in the Brazilian population, 70% of match between the actual and the estimated stature were obtained. Using more precise instruments, in the modified method, 96% of correct matching were verified. Recently, a new formula was introduced to estimate height, from measurements of upper teeth, because the technique cannot be used when jaw is not available. The correlation between height and dental dimensions is demonstrated. However, there is still a lack in scientific literature in this field, and further studies are necessary. The estimate of height from dental dimensions can be very useful and important, especially in situations where the complete skeleton it not found, and long bones are not available.


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The clinical records correspond to a set of documents where all information of the patient is stored. When properly confectioned and filed by the dentist, it may serve as a tool for success in dental expertise. The aim of this paper is to present the importance of proper confection of dental records in human identification by means the presentation of a case of identification, occurred in a São Paulo state city. The notes present in the dental records of the alleged victim were very poor, even with a contradiction. However, having endodontic treatment been performed, the comparative analysis between the radiographs of the skull of the victim (postmortem) and the endodontic treatment of tooth 22 (antemortem) permitted to observe total coincidence between the details of such treatment, and anatomical features present in other dental elements. These important parameters of comparison indicated that the body was of the suspect and, due to the number of coincidences, it could not belong to another individual. Nevertheless, the clinical documentation provided was deficient, and presented contradictory data. Because of its fundamental importance for human identification, it is essential that dental professionals take the necessary care to ensure its proper confection and custody, seeking to make the clinical records also an efficient instrument of consultation in identification cases.


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Violence against children and adolescents, ranging from negligence to sexual abuse, is an imperative public health problem. The ill treatments are considered as nonaccidental traumas, actions or omissions against children, who suffer physical or emotional violence. The main perpetrators are fathers, mothers, guardians, family, friends or the children‘s primary caretaker. It is very important to identify abuse cases, because this allows proper medical and legal intervention. In Brazil, the law n. 8.069, of July 13, 1990, known as the ECA -Statute for Children and Adolescents (SCA), stipulates the obligation to report suspected or confirmed cases of ill treatment against a child or adolescent to the Guardianship Council of the respective locality. The health professionals play a crucial role with regard to identifying cases of violence, collecting information, making early diagnosis of suspect cases and reporting such cases to the authorities. The dentists can contribute significantly, as most injuries occur in the orofacial region. Bite marks, burns, bruising, among others, are easily identified during a dental consultation. The aim of this work was to verify the awareness and attitudes of Brazilian dentists concerning violence against children and adolescents. This research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Dentistry of Araraquara – São Paulo State University (FOAr – UNESP). Sixty-three dentists answered an open and closed questionnaire concerning their formation, knowledge, experience and attitudes towards ill-treated children and adolescents. Among other results, thirty-nine dentists (61.9%) affirmed to have the means to identify illtreatment cases, 13 (20.6%) reported having some experience on this matter, but only 8 reported the cases to the Council of Guardianship, as determined by Brazilian law. Twenty percent of the reasons presented for not notifying the Council were fear of reprisal, and 60.0% were uncertain concerning the ethical and legal implications. Physical violence was the most reported form of identified violence (76.9%), followed by negligence (38.5%). Among the 13 professionals that had experience with violence cases, in 10 cases the perpetrators were identified – in 70.0% of the cases, the parents were the originators of such violence. It was concluded that further formation and orientation are necessary, in order to prepare dentists to act correctly when, during their professional activities, they encounter cases of violence against children and adolescents.


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It is required that patients are provided information about therapeutic possibilities, showing the risks, benefits, prognosis and costs of each possible and indicated alternative. This is an ethical and legal resolution. However, health professionals possess the clinical/technical/scientific knowledge and determine what information will be (or not) provided. The patient in question decides to undergo a treatment, providing his/her free and informed consent on the basis of the data presented. Unfortunately, some professionals may not provide all the information necessary for making an informed decision or, after obtaining the consent of the patient, may provide him information that causes the patient to give up on the treatment initially accepted. Such information, if relevant, and not a supervening fact, should have been provided initially. However, the information may not be entirely true, and bring the patient, for instance, to decide based on inadequately presented risks. The craniofacial rehabilitation of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) by means of TMJ prosthesis, is indicated in many situations. Often, patients in need of such prostheses have aesthetic and functional problems and the rehabilitation expectations run high. This work presents a case and discusses ethical and legal issues, including the liability of partial and inadequate information to a patient.


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Introduction: One of the violence types more observed against children is the physical abuse, which produces many types of traumatic injuries. Contusions are common trauma signs and may indicate aggression when frequently present in locations where accidental injuries are rare. Contusions in skin undergo color changes with the passage of time, and such change in color is called “spectrum of bruise colors of Legrand du Saulle”. Thus, it is possible to estimate the age of the lesion based on the evaluation of color. Injuries caused by child abuse often reach regions of head, face and neck, because they are exposed and easily accessible. Therefore, the dentist is responsible with regard to the diagnosis and the actions to be undertaken against the cases of child abuse. Objective: To present and discuss the significance of the spectrum of bruise colors as a considerable visible trace in suspicion of violence against children and adolescents, during dentists’ clinical routine. Literature review: The study of the “spectrum of bruise colors of Legrand du Saulle” refers to the estimation of the age of the injury, in respect to the color change. The application of this study is of great value for identify if a lesion occurred from a single incident or from multiple incidents, especially in cases where it occurs in the same region of the body, indicative of repetitive trauma. Conclusion: The spectrum of bruise colors is very important for health professionals, such as dentists, for the identification or suspicion of cases of abuse against children and adolescents. As great part of the lesions originated of abuse involve the areas of head and neck, it is unacceptable that these professionals are unaware of the basic signs to help in early diagnosis, which is the case of the colors of the lesions. However, concerning the chronology of the spectrum of bruise colors, it is not possible to establish rigorous times.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic, relapsing, idiopathic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Clinical studies suggest that the initiation of IBD is multifactorial, involving genetics, the immune system and environmental factors, such as diet, drugs and stress. Pfaffia paniculata is an adaptogenic medicinal plant used in Brazilian folk medicine as an anti-stress agent. Thus, we hypothesised that the P. paniculata enhances the response of animals subjected to colonic inflammation. Our aim was to investigate the intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of P. paniculata in rats before or after induction of intestinal inflammation using trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS). The animals were divided into groups that received the vehicle, prednisolone or P. paniculata extract daily starting 14days before or 7days after TNBS induction. At the end of the procedure, the animals were killed and their colons were assessed for the macroscopic damage score (MDS), extent of the lesion (EL) and weight/length ratio, myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity and glutathione (GSH), cytokines and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. Histological evaluation and ultrastructural analysis of the colonic samples were performed. Treatment with the 200mg/kg dose on the curative schedule was able to reduce the MDS and the EL. In addition, MPO activity was reduced, GSH levels were maintained, and the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and CRP were decreased. In conclusion, the protective effect of P. paniculata was related to reduced oxidative stress and CRP colonic levels, and due to immunomodulatory activity as evidenced by reduced levels of IL-1β, INF-γ, TNF-α and IL-6.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Reservoirs are artificial environments built by humans, and the impacts of these environments are not completely known. Retention time and high nutrient availability in the water increases the eutrophic level. Eutrophication is directly correlated to primary productivity by phytoplankton. These organisms have an important role in the environment. However, high concentrations of determined species can lead to public health problems. Species of cyanobacteria produce toxins that in determined concentrations can cause serious diseases in the liver and nervous system, which could lead to death. Phytoplankton has photoactive pigments that can be used to identify these toxins. Thus, remote sensing data is a viable alternative for mapping these pigments, and consequently, the trophic. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) is present in all phytoplankton species. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate the performance of images of the sensor Operational Land Imager (OLI) onboard the Landsat-8 satellite in determining Chl-a concentrations and estimating the trophic level in a tropical reservoir. Empirical models were fitted using data from two field surveys conducted in May and October 2014 (Austral Autumn and Austral Spring, respectively). Models were applied in a temporal series of OLI images from May 2013 to October 2014. The estimated Chl-a concentration was used to classify the trophic level from a trophic state index that adopted the concentration of this pigment-like parameter. The models of Chl-a concentration showed reasonable results, but their performance was likely impaired by the atmospheric correction. Consequently, the trophic level classification also did not obtain better results.