213 resultados para Circadian Rhythm.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Oxygen consumption rate was measured continuously in young tegu lizards Tupinambis merianae exposed to 4 d at 25 degrees C followed by 7-10 d at 17 degrees C in constant dark at five different times of the year. Under these conditions, circadian rhythms in the rate of oxygen consumption persisted for anywhere from 1 d to the entire 2 wk in different individuals in all seasons except the winter. We also saw a progressive decline in standard oxygen consumption rate (at highly variable rates in different individuals) to a very low rate that was seasonally independent (ranging from 19.1 +/- 6.2 to 27.7 +/- 0.2 mL kg(-1) h(-1) across seasons). Although this degree of reduction appeared to take longer to invoke when starting from higher metabolic rates, tegu lizards reduced their metabolism to the low rates seen in winter dormancy at all times of the year when given sufficient time in the cold and dark. In the spring and summer, tegus reduced their standard metabolic rate (SMR) by 80%-90% over the experimental run, but only roughly 20%-30% of the total fall was due to the reduction in temperature; 70%-80% of the total fall occurred at constant temperature. By autumn, when the starting SMR on the first night at 25 degrees C was already reduced by 59%-81% (early and late autumn, respectively) from peak summer values, virtually all of the fall (63%-83%) in metabolism was due to the reduction in temperature. This suggests that the temperature-independent reduction of metabolism was already in place by autumn before the tegus had entered winter dormancy.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar as possíveis alterações eletrocardiográficas de cães submetidos a duas condutas anestésicas, indicando aquela que produz menores alterações no eletrocardiograma (ECG). Foram utilizados 40 cães com idade igual ou superior a cinco anos, 24 machos e 16 fêmeas, com peso entre 5 e 42kg, oriundos de clínicas particulares da cidade de São Paulo e do canil da Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo, sem sintomas cardiovasculares e triados para tartarectomia. Todos os cães foram submetidos a dois ECG: um antes da anestesia e outro imediatamente antes de se iniciar o procedimento cirúrgico. As características eletrocardiográficas avaliadas foram: ritmo, duração da onda P, do complexo QRS e dos intervalos PR e QT, amplitude das ondas P e R e alterações do segmento ST e da onda T; avaliou-se também o índice de tono vagal (ITV). Os cães foram divididos em: grupo 1, que recebeu atropina, levomepromazina, tiopental e halotano (ALTH) e grupo 2, que recebeu atropina, tiletamina e zolazepam (ATZ). Os resultados mostraram que a associação ALTH produziu algumas alterações discretas no ECG dos cães avaliados, caracterizadas por modificações qualitativas no segmento ST, na onda T e no ritmo cardíaco, reduzindo significativamente o ITV, com tendência à bradicardia e hipóxia. Já a associação ATZ, além das alterações já citadas, produziu diminuição da duração dos intervalos PR e QT, bem como aumentou a freqüência cardíaca, com tendência à taquicardia e hipóxia.
Avaliou-se a ação antiarrítmica do isofluorano em cães submetidos a arritmias ventriculares pelo uso de cloreto de bário, utilizando-se de seis cães, machos e fêmeas, que receberam uma dose de 3mg/kg de peso IV de cloreto de bário a 2,5% (G1). O mesmo protocolo foi repetido, nos mesmos animais, sob anestesia geral com isofluorano (G2). Usou-se a eletrocardiografia computadorizada para avaliar o ritmo cardíaco, a duração e/ou amplitude das ondas e os intervalos eletrocardiográficos. Não se verificou alteração no ritmo cardíaco em G2, diferente de G1, que apresentou freqüentes arritmias ventriculares na forma de bigeminismo e taquicardia ventricular multifocal. Houve diferença significativa entre os grupos em relação à freqüência cardíaca nos minutos iniciais de observação, quando ocorreu aumento na freqüência cardíaca em G1. A utilização do isofluorano conferiu ação antiarrítmica em cães com arritmias induzidas pelo cloreto de bário, reforçando suas indicações a pacientes com risco considerável de desenvolvimento de arritmias ventriculares.
Neste artigo, discute-se a percepção de alguns estudiosos de que a pontuação demarca aspectos rítmicos da linguagem. Num primeiro momento, destaca-se a intuição dos estudiosos: (a) sobre aspectos métricos do ritmo (como simetria rítmica) e (b) tentativas de reprodução da linguagem (como os movimentos respiratórios, a alternância de características prosódicas da fala, a sensação de satisfação de expectativas e a de quebra de expectativas). Num segundo momento, destaca-se a intuição sobre aspectos do ritmo mais ligados a características da organização da linguagem em sua expressão escrita (como paralelismos rítmicos e unidades de idéias mais extensas)
Análise das relações existentes entre as predições dos modelos fonológicos não-lineares (em especial, o de Hayes, 1995) a respeito da quantidade das sílabas e a efetiva realização fonética dessas sílabas em termos de duração, através da consideração de dados extraídos do Projeto Gramática do Português Falado.
Os anestésicos inalatórios sensibilizam o miocárdio ou seu sistema de condução à ação das catecolaminas endógenas e/ou exógenas, predispondo o animal às arritmias cardíacas. Dentre os anestésicos voláteis, o sevoflurano e o desflurano são fármacos relativamente recentes e, embora sejam dotados de características relacionadas a não sensibilização do miocárdio às catecolaminas, desconhecem-se estudos que comparem suas eventuais propriedades antiarritmogênicas. Com o objetivo de estudar, comparativamente, o comportamento do ritmo cardíaco e observar eventuais bloqueios atrioventriculares em cães anestesiados pelo sevoflurano e desflurano e submetidos à infusão contínua de adrenalina, foram utilizados 20 animais adultos, os quais foram separados em dois grupos de igual número (G1 e G2). Aos cães do G1, foi administrado propofol, na dose média de 10mmg.kg-1; em seguida os animais receberam sevoflurano, a 1,5CAM. Decorridos 30 minutos do início da administração do anestésico volátil, iniciou-se a infusão de adrenalina na dose de 1mmg.kg-1.min-1. A cada 10 minutos, a dose da catecolamina foi acrescida em uma unidade, cessando-se a administração em 6mmg.kg-1.min-1. Para o G2, empregou-se a mesma metodologia, substituindo-se o sevoflurano pelo desflurano, administrado a 1,5CAM. A cada dose de adrenalina, foi feita contagem de batimentos ventriculares ectópicos, bem como a observação de bloqueios atrioventriculares. Os achados foram tratados pelos métodos estatísticos de Análise de Perfil e Kruskall-Wallis. Os resultados permitiram concluir que o desflurano minimiza de maneira mais eficiente a arritmia induzida pela adrenalina, além de reduzir a incidência de bloqueios atrioventriculares.
In the present investigation the locomotor and the metabolic activity of Gymnostreptus olivaceus were studied, using 24-hr cycles at different photoperiods and constant temperature and RH. Locomotor activity was studied by the actography method and was reported as coefficients of nocturnalism [CN (N/N + D). 100]. The results showed a nocturnalism coefficient of 98,71% under normal photoperiod conditions and of 29,58% under inverted photoperiod conditions. In constant illumination, the CN of G. olivaceus was 88,22%, and in constant darkness, its rhythm was close to that of the normal photoperiod (CN = 94,92%). The metabolic activity was studied by manometric Warburg respirometry and lit was reported as mu l O-2 . g(-1). h(-1). The respiratory rate of G. olivaceus under normal photoperiod condition was higher at night than during the day (52,52 x 28,76), coinciding with the pattern of nocturnal locomotor activity of the animal. However, under conditions of inverted photoperiod, the millipede maintained its tendency toward a more intense nocturnal respiratory rate (50,35 x 39,14). Similar behaviours were observed under constant illumination and constant darkness, in which G. olivaceus again presented higher nocturnal respiratory rates than diurnal ones(85,84 x 53,48 and 73,18 x 57,0, respectively). The present experimental data suggests the persistence of an endogenous rhythm where the light may not be an important exogenous synchronizer of the activity of G. olivaceus, because it was insufficient to block the start of the biological clock and the natural tendency of higher nocturnal activities of millipedes, principally when the tests were performed in constant illumination or darkness (free-running tests).
Objective: To study the electroclinical phenotype in 5 patients with large Supernumerary marker chromosome referred as inv dup (15), in an attempt to analyze the electroclinical spectrum in order to determine if the binomial epilepsy-EEG is stereotyped enough to corroborate this challenging diagnosis.Methods: Five patients with large inv dup (15) were submitted to EEG and/or V-EEG, with a minimum duration of 2 h. Two certified neurophysiologists analyzed all EEG tracings simultaneously, blinded to clinical and molecular data. Epilepsy was characterized by detailed history and a standard questionnaire according to International League Against Epilepsy guidelines and corroborated by V-EEG findings.Results: Epilepsy started during infancy in 4 patients, in 3 with spasms. Spasms were easily controlled in one but not in others. Epilepsy evolved with generalized seizures in two patients and, generalized and focal in one. Currently, 3 patients present refractory epilepsy and two are seizure-free. In one patient, only one isolated episode suggestive of a secondary generalized tonic-clonic event occurred at the age of 12 years without recurrence. Regarding the EEG, patients had distinct features, except for two patients with very high amplitude fast activity, resembling recruiting rhythm. Despite good seizure outcome in 3 patients, EEGs remained remarkably abnormal with frequent epileptiform discharges over poorly organized background.Conclusions: Our data showed a heterogeneous electroclinical phenotype with generalized and partial epilepsy, presenting distinct degrees of severity and refractoriness.Significance: Our findings suggest that it is not possible to delineate an electroclinical phenotype in this neurogenetic syndrome. Therefore, inv dup (15) remains as a diagnostic challenge and epilepsy and EEG features are valuable only when inserted in the proper clinical context. (c) 2006 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
We examined the relationship between fungal refuse production and vegetation input in a laboratory colony of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex coronatus. We found only a strong 6-day time-delay in the production of refuse with variation in substrate intake.
The primary role of the respiratory system is to ensure adequate tissue oxygenation, eliminate carbon dioxide and help to regulate acid-base status. To maintain this homeostasis, amphibians possess an array of receptors located at peripheral and central chemoreceptive sites that sense respiration-related variables in both internal and external environments. As in mammals, input from these receptors is integrated at central rhythmogenic and pattern-forming elements in the medulla in a manner that meets the demands determined by the environment within the constraints of the behavior and breathing pattern of the animal. Also as in mammals, while outputs from areas in the midbrain may modulate respiration directly, they do not play a significant role in the production of the normal respiratory rhythm. However, despite these similarities, the breathing patterns of the two classes are different: mammals maintain homeostasis of arterial blood gases through rhythmic and continuous breathing, whereas amphibians display an intermittent pattern of aerial respiration. While the latter is also often rhythmic, it allows a degree of fluctuation in key respiratory variables that has led some to suggest that control is not as tight in these animals. In this review we will focus specifically on recent advances in studies of the control of ventilation in anuran amphibians. This is the group of amphibians that has attracted the most recent attention from respiratory physiologists. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The changes of arterial pressure promoted by bolus injection of 50 mg phenylephrine (PHE) were studied in 20 atropinized patients (5 normal subjects, 13 patients with mitral valve disease, 1 patient with essential arterial hypertension and 1 patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) submitted to routine catheterism. Patients with aortic valve disease, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction and intracardiac shunt were excluded from the study. All patients were in sinus rhythm, without heart failure. Arterial pressure started to increase at 14.8 +/- 5.4 s (range, 5.6 to 27 s; mean +/- SD) after PHE. There was an increase of 37.8 +/- 16.7 mmHg (range, 12.5 to 70 mmHg) in systolic pressure and of 26.6 +/- 11.1 mmHg (range, 7.5 to 42.5 mmHg) in diastolic pressure. Peak hypertension was attained at 36.6 +/- 16.4 s (range, 10.8 to 64.9 s) and hypertension continued for 176 +/- 92 s (range, 11 to 365 s). Heart rate was 114 +/- 21 bpm before PHE and 111 +/- 21 bpm (P<0.05) after PHE. There were no adverse events associated with intravenous PHE injection in any patient, in accordance with the general view that bolus injection of PHE is a safe and practical maneuver to promote arterial hypertension.
Adolescents usually exhibit late sleep phase and irregular sleep patterns. As a result, they do not get enough sleep and report daytime sleepiness. This condition could be aggravated in working students who have a more limited time for sleep. In this survey, we investigated the impact of evening classes and employment on the sleep patterns of adolescents. We compared female (n = 17) and male (n = 14) non-worker students to female (n = 28) and male (n = 20) worker students who attended the same high school. The volunteers (aged 17.4 years +/- 11 months) answered a sleep log during a 16-day period. Worker students slept and woke up earlier, had a shorter nocturnal sleep length and a shorter daily (nocturnal plus diurnal) sleep length compared to non-working pupils. The four groups of students delayed sleep onset time on weekends, but only worker students delayed wake-up time on Sundays. The wake-up time was similar among groups on Sundays. While student workers tended to increase the sleep length in the weekends, non-working students increased it on Mondays and/or Tuesdays. The results showed that sleep schedules and sleep length were different according to the work status. Going to bed later on Saturday by the four groups of students suggests the influence of social activities, while a later wake-up time on Sundays could result from a shorter sleep length on workdays.