314 resultados para Carga Orgânica
O plantio de mamona (Ricinus communis L.) através de mudas pode ser uma alternativa para um melhor aproveitamento da curta estação chuvosa do semi-árido brasileiro, porém ainda não se dispõe de informações básicas para o emprego desta técnica. Na formulação de substratos para produção de mudas de mamona, as características físicas, principalmente a aeração, são fatores de grande importância. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a composição de substratos utilizando misturas de solo, esterco bovino, casca de amendoim, mucilagem de sisal, bagaço de cana e cama de frango. Utilizou-se delineamento em blocos casualizados com 12 tratamentos e quatro repetições. Sementes da cultivar BRS Nordestina foram semeadas em sacos plásticos de 17 x 28cm, contendo misturas dos materiais a serem testados. Valores de altura, área foliar, número de folhas e diâmetro caulinar foram registrados semanalmente entre 15 e 43 dias após a emergência. Na última coleta também se registraram a massa seca da parte aérea e das raízes. O substrato composto por solo + casca de amendoim + cama de frango + mucilagem de sisal propiciou o melhor crescimento das mudas. A cama de frango contribuiu para o enriquecimento químico do substrato, enquanto a casca de amendoim e a mucilagem de sisal contribuíram para adequar as características físicas de aeração e retenção de água.
Conduziu-se este trabalho com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos de três sistemas de adubação (30 t. ha-1 de esterco de curral, 3,5 t.ha-1 de esterco de galinha e adubação química - 120 kg.ha-1 de P2O5 e de K2O no plantio + 60 kg.ha-1 de N em cobertura) e três épocas de colheita da cana (julho, agosto e setembro de 2003), na qualidade da matéria-prima e nos rendimentos de colmos e de açúcar mascavo de duas cultivares de cana-de-açúcar (SP79-1011 e RB72454). O experimento foi instalado em área do Alambique JM, Perdões, MG. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial (2 x 3 x 3), com três repetições. Não houve efeito dos fertilizantes nos rendimentos de colmos e de açúcar mascavo das cultivares estudadas. Verificou-se efeito de épocas de colheita no rendimento de colmos, com destaque para os meses de agosto e setembro. No entanto, para rendimento de açúcar mascavo nenhuma diferença foi observada. Assim, nas condições deste trabalho, é viável a substituição da adubação química pela orgânica (esterco de curral ou de galinha), sem perdas na qualidade da matéria-prima e nos rendimentos de colmos e de açúcar mascavo artesanal, sendo que os meses de agosto e setembro foram os que proporcionaram matéria-prima de melhor qualidade e maiores rendimentos de colmos.
As doenças decorrentes do exercício pro-fissional, sejam de ordem física ou emocional, têm apresentado aumento crescente na sociedade atual, nos diferentes segmentos laborativos, com projeção significativa junto aos profissionais da saúde como médicos, dentistas, enfermeiros, auxiliares de enfermagem e auxiliares administrativos envolvidos com a prestação de serviços nas unidades de saúde. Este estudo teve por objetivo conhecer a carga de trabalho e seus fatores determinantes, buscando identificar possíveis relações entre as condições de trabalho e o possível impacto para a saúde dos trabalhadores. Participaram da amostra 31 indivíduos: 12 médicos, 3 dentistas, 1 enfermeira, 9 auxiliares de enfermagem, 3 auxiliares odontológicos e 3 auxiliares administrativos de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) no interior de São Paulo. Para a coleta dos dados foi elaborado um roteiro de entrevista estruturado e realizadas reuniões com os grupos específicos para uma descrição detalhada das atividades realizadas em cada setor e o levantamento de problemas e de características desejáveis. Os resultados indicam a presença de carga física, carga cognitiva e carga psíquica; processo de comunicação inadequado; equipamentos obsoletos; número excessivo de usuários e estrutura frágil para lidar com absenteísmo.
Objetivou-se avaliar a composição química e produtividade dos principais componentes do óleo essencial de Baccharis dracunculifolia DC. em função de doses de composto orgânico (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 e 50 t ha-1). Foi realizada uma colheita, aos 150 dias após o transplante das mudas. O óleo essencial, da massa seca útil da parte aérea, foi extraído por hidrodestilação e analisado em cromatógrafo a gás acoplado a espectrômetro de massas (Shimadzu, QP-5000). A identificação dos constituintes químicos foi realizada através da análise comparativa dos espectros de massas das substâncias com o banco de dados do sistema CG-EM (Nist 62.lib), literatura e índice de retenção. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F, às médias obtidas foram submetidas à análise de regressão e o teste Tukey para o efeito das doses de composto orgânico. Os três componentes sesquiterpênicos, E-nerolidol, espatulenol e óxido de cariofileno, perfazem 58,44% da média relativa da composição química do óleo essencial de B. dracunculifolia, composto pela presença de 28 substâncias. Na produtividade dos componentes γ-muroleno, valenceno, δ-cadineno e E-nerolidol as dosagens estudadas influenciaram as plantas, que na dosagem 30 t ha-1 obtiveram os melhores resultados. Se o objetivo no cultivo de B. dracunculifolia for o componente espatulenol as dosagens 30 e 40 t ha-1 obtiveram os melhores resultados. Para a produtividade do componente óxido de cariofileno as dosagens estudadas influenciaram as plantas, que na dosagem 40 t ha-1 obtiveram os melhores resultados.
Avaliação da carga parasitária de helmintos e protozoários em bezerros manejados em sistema orgânico
The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of helminths eggs and protozoan oocysts elimination in calves' feces kept in organic system production. The study was conducted from January 2008 to December 2009. Coproparasitological examinations were carried biweekly of 18 calves in pastures rotating system on Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Agrobiology. The egg counting average data had been submitted to the Kruskal Willis test and the larvae counting percentile values to the qui-square test. The average counting of eggs per gram of faces (EGF) varied of 250 the 800, characterizing low and moderate infection. Animals with inferior age the six months had presented superior results of EGF (P <.05) to the ones of between six and twelve months age. The biggest degrees of infection had been observed in the late spring and summer. In the fecal examinations was identified the following helminths: Haemonchus (73%), Trichostrongylus (24%) and Oesophagostomum (3%). The practical handling adopted in organic system production had been capable to keep the animals in moderate levels of infection, being indicated that it had helmintoses control in rotating system of pastures.
Organic carbon is a major component of soil organic matter and its stock is influenced by the management system adopted. This study aimed to examine the effects of cropping systems and nutrient sources (mineral and organic) on the concentrations and storage of soil organic carbon in no-tillage system. The experiment was carried out in Mercedes, Parana, Brazil, in an Nitossolo Vermelho (Alfisol) from October 2007 to September 2009. The treatments consisted of four crop succession systems: (1) soybean/wheat/corn/wheat; (2) soybean/black oat/corn/black oat, (3) soybean/radish/corn/radish and (4) soybean/common vetch/corn/common vetch and by two sources of nutrients (mineral and organic), arranged in a to split plot randomized block design with four replications. Soil samples were collected in layers of 0.0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20 and 0.20 to 0.40 m deep in the first and the second years of cultivation. Different cropping systems does not affect the content and the stock of soil organic carbon in the first two years of adoption of the systems. The organic fertilization with manure increased soil organic carbon stock, with an annual contribution of C, layer 0.0 to 0.20 m, 1.15 Mg ha(-1) yr(-1). Cropping systems fertilized with mineral fertilizers provide the greatest losses of soil organic carbon, resulting in negative balance of C in soil.
Uso de macroalgas para avaliação da Poluição orgânica no Rio Preto, noroeste do estado de São Paulo.
The Preto River, located in the northwest of São Paulo State, receives a total wastewater load of 15.150 kg DBO day-1, from which 13.685 kg DBO day-1 (90.5%) corresponds to domestic sewage, and the city of São José do Rio Preto contributes with 12.400 kg DBO day-1 (90% of domestic sewage). During the period from August 1990 through January 1991, monthly sampling was carried out to evaluate the use of macroalgae as bioindicator of organic pollution. Five sampling sites were established along the main river and the following variables were analised: temperature, conductance, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, BOD, COD, total and fecal coliforms, and composition and abundance of macroalgal communities. Data were submitted to analysis of variance, correlation coefficient, cluster analysis (four different approaches) and converted to biological indices (species deficit, relative pollution, saprobity, diversity and uniformity indices). A wide range in water quality was found (particularly for conductance, oxygen, BOD and COD) among the sampling sites, which were classified into three groups (polluted, moderately polluted and unpolluted/weakly polluted). As regards the occurrence and abundance of macroalgae the Rhodophyta were found only in unpolluted or weakly polluted sites, whereas Cyanophyta occurred mostly under high pollution load; the Chlorophyta species were observed under a wide range of conditions. Among the biological indices, saprobity was the most sensitive and correlated to all water variables and the other indices. Cluster analyses showed that the composition of macroalgal communities was consistent with the levels of organic pollution in the Preto River.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of afterload on peak rate of tension rise (dT/dt) in the isolated muscle. METHODS: Left ventricular papillary muscles from Wistar rats were studied in isometric and isotonic afterloaded contractions. Muscles were analised in Krebs-Henseleit solution with calcium concentration of 2.52mM at 28 degrees C. The resting muscle length (preload) was maintained constant. The peak isometric developed tension (DT) and dT/dt were measured during increases of afterload (25, 50, 75 and 100% from DT). RESULTS: A rise in afterload corresponding to 50, 75 and 100% of DT, did not cause an increase in dT/dt values (p > 0.05). The dT/dt value decreased (p < 0.05) when afterload was changed from 75% to 25% of DT. CONCLUSION: The data suggest that an increase in the afterload from 50% of the DT did not promote changes in the dT/dt.
The wear rate of the dual-phase steel ABNT-1020 tempered at 450°C sliding against cemented steel ABNT-1020 in function of load value is investigated in wide load range. The alteration in behavior of this function at intermediate load level, like in the case of low hardness steel sliding against high hardness steel, is observed. The analysis by scanning electronic microscope before and after this alteration showed a change of wear mechanism from plastic displacement to embrittlement.
This paper represents the results of the work carried out in order to study the condition of seasonal consumer, the load factor and the more convenient tariff for a sugar mill located in the Vale do Paranapanema, SP, Brazil. Therefore, data of consume and registered demand were collected during the quadriennium 1990 to 1994. The studies showed that the factory did not maintain the condition of seasonal consumer of electric energy during the analysed period. Low values of the load factor observed in the period showed a non rational use of electric energy supplied by the concessionary. The results showed that only in one situation (load retired in top equal to 90%) the most convenient tariff is the horo-sazonal azul. In the other situations the most convenient tariff is the conventional one.
A model for preventive control in electrical systems is presented, taking into account the dynamic aspects of the network. Among these aspects, the effects provoked by perturbations which cause oscillations in synchronous machine angles (transient stability), such as electric equipment outages and short circuits, are presented. The energy function is used to measure the stability of the system using a procedure defined as the security margin. The control actions employed are load shedding and generation reallocation. An application of the methodology to a system located in southern Brazil, which is composed of 10 synchronous machines, 45 busses, and 72 transmission lines. The results confirm the theoretical studies.
Friction loss coefficients for laminar flow of xantan gum solutions (concentrations in the range of 0.1-0.5% by weight) through valves and fittings were experimentally determined. The rheological behavior, studied by means of a concentric cylinder rheometer, was pseudoplastic, being well described by the Ostwald-De Waele model with non-linear correlation coefficients (r) between 0.998 and 0.999. In the pressure drop measurements the following fittings were employed: completely open and half way open ball valve, completely open and half way open angle valve, tee used like coupling, tee used like a 90° elbow, short radius 90° elbow and coupling. The results showed that the friction loss coefficients increased with decreasing generalized Reynolds number. The friction loss coefficients could be well adjusted by a potential model, suggested by Kittredge & Rowley (1957) for Newtonian fluids, K f = A(Re g) -B, with correlation coefficients between 0.837 and 0.999.
The relationships between neutrophils oxidative metabolism, cortisol serum levels and worm burden, estimated by fecal egg count (EPG), were studied in sheep naturally infected by gastrointestinal parasites at the end of pregnancy, during lactation, and after weaning. Twenty-two Suffolk sheep three to four year old, of same parity and season of parturition were used. Serum cortisol was determined by radioimmunoassay and the neutrophils oxidative metabolism by the nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction test. The highest EPG values were observed on the fifth week of lactation while the highest rates of cortisol and reduction of NBT occurred on the fourth week after weaning. A positive correlation (r = 0.52; P<0.01) was observed between the neutrophils capacity to reduce the NBT and the serum cortisol concentration in the pre-parturition period. Otherwise, the neutrophils oxidative metabolism decreased near to the parturition. A negative correlation (r = -0.39; P<0.01) between EPG and NBT reduction test was observed after weaning, which was coincident with the increase in the neutrophils capacity to reduce NBT, indicating that animals showing better immune response after weaning have neutrophils with higher oxidative metabolism and lower worm burden.
In this work was developed an alternative methodology to separation of aquatic organic matter (AOM) present in natural river waters. The process is based in temperature decreasing of the aqueous sample under controlled conditions that provoke the freezing of the sample and separation of the dark extract, not frozen and rich in organic matter. The results showed that speed of temperature decreasing exerts strongly influence in relative recovery of organic carbon, enrichment and time separation of the organic matter present in water samples. Elemental composition, infrared spectra and thermal analysis results showed that the alternative methodology is less aggressive possible in the attempt of maintaining the integrity of the sample.