112 resultados para Cadeia Agroindustrial


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Salmonella is the etiological agent responsible for one of the most important Food Borne Disease (FBD), Salmonellosis, which generates significant economic consequences in several countries, including Brazil. Poultry meat is one of the most important disseminators of the pathogen. Accordingly, several countries have developed programs trying to reduce the prevalence of Salmonella in poultry meat. Such programs are based on the research of the pathogen in the carcasses, establishing a maximum limit of positive samples at each set of analysis. The Salmonella scans are usually made using the conventional microbiological methods, which tend to be expensive and time consuming. In recent years were developed rapid methods such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which can greatly shorten the results time, showing greater sensitivity and specificity than conventional methodology


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Nos últimos 40 anos, a biotecnologia tem evoluído significativamente, gerando uma série de repercussões e possibilidades para diversos setores. Embora os avanços tenham impactos muito amplos, um dos setores que mais se beneficiam do desenvolvimento da biotecnologia é a agricultura. Em meio a um contexto favorável para o desenvolvimento da biotecnologia no Brasil, buscaremos analisar o papel do setor público, de instituições de pesquisa e ensino e de empresas nacionais e transnacionais, bem como o estímulo à cooperação entre universidades e empresas do setor de defensivos agrícolas e sementes


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The work below boards critically the issues involved in the study of the microbiota of milk. It starts with a contextualization of the current dairy chain, in the presence of Normative Instruction - 51. Following are developed the most relevant concepts and definitions about the subject: the emergence of psychrotrophic, mesophilic acidifying metabolism, the injuries of marginal cooling. Next, the main genres that comprise the milky microbiota are described, in front of the following question: from what point the metabolism of these bacteria is no longer beneficial and becomes a deteriorating activity to the product? The paper does not end with classical conclusions or definite answers, but with questions, pointing out lines of research that can improve the quality of Brazilian milk, making it a differentiated and competitive product at the international market


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O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar as relações entre as políticas públicas para a industrialização, a construção do patrimônio agroindustrial e os desafios das políticas de preservação do patrimônio em São José do Rio Preto (SP).


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Este texto tem por objetivo apresentar as relações entre as políticas públicas para a industrialização, a construção do patrimônio agroindustrial e os desafios das políticas de preservação do patrimônio em São José do Rio Preto (SP). Nesse sentido, partimos da problematização histórico-teórico do tema, as políticas públicas para a industrialização no Brasil, e seus desdobramentos, e abordamos a construção do patrimônio agroindustrial em Rio Preto, temática vinculada à preservação do patrimônio ambiental urbano , conforme Castriota (2009, p. 87). Problematizamos especificamente as questões relativas aos intelectuais e a organização da cultura , especialmente os libaneses em Rio Preto. A questão dos Intelectuais e a Organização da Cultura , sob uma perspectiva gramsciana (Gramsci, 2001), foi abordada em diversos trabalhos ao longo de nossa trajetória acadêmica (Villela, 2003; 2005; 2008). No sentido de exemplificar tais questões, escolhemos um intelectual orgânico da construção do patrimônio agroindustrial de Rio Preto, Murchid Homsi (1895-1959). Ao analisarmos as práticas destes intelectuais orgânicos , emerge a necessidade de políticas de preservação da Memória do Lugar , no sentido apresentado por Hayden (1997), especialmente do patrimônio de Rio Preto.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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The research aims to map and understand the SAI- Integrated Agroindustrial System of SEBRAE, topic program directed to small and medium "rural entrepreneurs". The SAI policy seeks targeted result saiming to qualify productive agents (smallholders) to a "mark et under construction". In the study I high light the "production location", as a constituent en vironment with own productive and defining characteristics of this location and of the productive agent. I aim to perceive the location (region of Araraquara) as a topic en vironment of a type of "alternative "agriculture, that in principle is “parallel” to the large hegemonic model of the economies of scale, of monoculture and concentrative, which in the region is taken as that of the "sugarcane industry". I understand the coexistence of these different models as central to understand the development of capitalism, which I treat as "cognitive capitalism".


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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The present study evaluated the use of PCR for Histophilus somni detection in bovine semen. Semen samples were experimentally infected with H. somni at dilutions ranging from 107 to 101 bacteria/mL and subjected to DNA extraction by the phenol/chloroform method, followed by PCR amplification. The amplification products were analyzed by electrophoresis in 8% acrylamide gel. The oligonucleotide primers used yielded an amplification fragment of 400 base pairs from the bacterial DNA. Positive amplification was obtained even for the 101 bacteria/mL dilution. PCR proved to be an efficient method for the detection of H. somni. The results obtained in this study have brought relevant information for the diagnosis of H. somni, justifying the need for the diagnosis of this bacterium in bulls, especially in semen samples that should be free of contamination. The PCR method has shown to be a useful tool for the quality control of semen produced in artificial insemination centers.


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The production of starch and cassava starch (Manihot esculenta) if has shown to an important business for the region the northwest of the Paraná, generating income and job for a significant agricultural producers. The production of the region is processed for industries at private capital and cooperatives of producers. The study involving agricultural producers and one of the most important cooperatives of the region (C-Vale) objectified to evaluate the relationships between cooperative and producers, and the mechanisms of coordination of the productive chain. The results had disclosed that the relationships are not harmonious, generating opportunism situations, high costs of transaction and diffidence in the operations between producers and cooperative. Also if it perceived a difficulty of coordination of the productive chain, due to lack of integration between the partners, what it affects the competitiveness and the efficiency of the sector.