153 resultados para Búfalos Murrah


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Para este estudo, quinze papilas de fêmeas de búfalos e uma de fêmea bovina foram obtidas no matadouro. Estudos macro e microscópico foram realizados por meio de diferentes técnicas: morfológica, histológica e análises, biométrica, histométrica e mesoscópica. As médias foram: papila cranial direita (PCD) 20,95g; papila caudal direita (PCaD) 21,49g; papila cranial esquerda (PCE) 23,52g; papila caudal esquerda (PCaE) 21,35g. O comprimento médio do ducto papilar, do número de pregas e do comprimento das cisternas papilares foi respectivamente: 0,67/5,5 e 2,17cm para a PCD; 0,62/6,0 e 2,26cm para a PCaD; e para o antímero esquerdo, PCD: 0,71/6,0 e 2,26cm e para PCaD: 0,74/5,7 e 2,57cm. A análise de Pearson revelou uma correlação negativa entre o peso do corpo e o peso da glândula mamária. Foi feita a amostragem das três áreas proximal, média e distal e estas foram fixadas em formaldeído a 10%, seguindo-se a investigação mesoscópica em amostras de espessuras de 10, 20 e 40µm coradas pelas técnicas Azan, F3BA Picrosirus e Weigert - Van Gieson. As análises histológicas e morfométricas foram feitas em amostras de 5µm de espessura o que mostrou que a camada muscular estava disposta em dois arranjos, interna circular e externa longitudinal com epitélio cubóide bi-estratificado. A camada muscular bem desenvolvida estava relacionada com a porção média revelando uma espessura de 22,90mm com uma grande quantidade de tecido conectivo (7,10mm).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Quatro búfalos com cânulas ruminais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em quadrado latino 4 x 4, compreendendo quatro rações com feno de capim-coastcross (Cynodon dactylon) (50% MS) e níveis crescentes de polpa cítrica peletizada em substituição ao milho em grão moído no concentrado (0, 33, 66 e 100% MS). Foram avaliadas a degradabilidade dos nutrientes e a população de protozoários no rúmen. Houve efeito quadrático da fração solúvel dos nutrientes entre os tratamentos, com valores maiores nos dois extremos. A taxa de degradação da PB do feno e da MS da polpa cítrica apresentou-se linear com aumento da polpa cítrica na ração. As rações contendo polpa cítrica promoveram menores concentrações de Entodinium e número total de ciliados/mL que a dieta só com milho. Houve predominância dos Entodinium nas dietas contendo somente milho ou somente polpa cítrica, enquanto em mistura predominaram os ciliados da subfamília Diplodiniinae. Observou-se efeito de interação da polpa cítrica com o milho, promovendo modificações no metabolismo ruminal, especialmente na solubilidade dos nutrientes, na curva do pH e na composição da fauna.


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The objective of this research was to measure the activity of e-desaturase enzyme in lactating buffaloes. Data from forty lactating Murrah-crossbred buffaloes were collected on five commercial farms located at Sarapui and Pilar do Sul, São Paulo-Brazil. A field survey was done from April to November 2002. In four farms, buffaloes were fed with wet brewers grains (primary concentrate). Only one farm (Farm 4) offered pasture and corn silage. Monthly milk samples were collected and stored at -20 degrees C until analyzed for fatty acid composition. The Delta(9)-desaturase activity was measured using an indirect method (myristoleic and myristic acids ration - C(14:1c9)/C(14:0)). The higher C(14:1c9)/C(14:0) rate was verified on Farm 4 (0.092). The C(14:1c9)/C(14:0) ratio were 0.064 to Farm 1; 0.065 to Farm 2; 0.062 to Farm 3 and 0.065 to Farm 5. The C(17:1)/C(17:0), C(18:1c9)/C(18:0) and C(18:2c9t11)/C(18:1t11) ratios were also affected. The Farm 4 showed higher value for all ratios. Therefore, in lactating buffaloes grazing pasture the Delta(9)-desaturase activity could be enhanced.


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Genetic parameters for the relation between the traits of milk yield (MY), age at first calving (AFC) and interval between first and second calving (IBFSC) were estimated in milk buffaloes of the Murrah breed. In the study, data of 1578 buffaloes at first lactation, with calvings from 1974 to 2006 were analyzed. The MTDFREML system was used in the analyses with models for the MY, IBFSC traits which included the fixed effects of herd-year-season of calving, linear and quadratic terms of calving age as covariate and the random animal effects and error. The model for AFC consisted of the herd-year-season fixed effects of calving and the random effects of animal and error. Heritability estimates MY, AFC and IBFSC traits were 0.20, 0.07 and 0.14, respectively. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between the traits were: MY and AFC = -0.12 and -0.15, MY and IBFSC = 0.07 and 0.30, AFC and IBFSC = 0.35 and 0.37, respectively. Genetic correlation between MY and AFC traits showed desirable negative association, suggesting that the daughters of the bulls with high breeding value for MY could be physiological maturity to a precocious age. Genetic correlation between MY and IBFSC showed that the selection of the animals that increased milk yield is also those that tend to intervals of bigger calving.


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Data comprising 1,719 milk yield records from 357 females (predominantly Murrah breed), daughters of 110 sires, with births from 1974 to 2004, obtained from the Programa de Melhoramento Genetic de Bubalinos (PROMEBUL) and from records of EMBRAPA Amazonia Oriental - EAO herd, located in Belem, Para, Brazil, were used to compare random regression models for estimating variance components and predicting breeding values of the sires. The data were analyzed by different models using the Legendre's polynomial functions from second to fourth orders. The random regression models included the effects of herd-year, month of parity date of the control; regression coefficients for age of females (in order to describe the fixed part of the lactation curve) and random regression coefficients related to the direct genetic and permanent environment effects. The comparisons among the models were based on the Akaike Infromation Criterion. The random effects regression model using third order Legendre's polynomials with four classes of the environmental effect were the one that best described the additive genetic variation in milk yield. The heritability estimates varied from 0.08 to 0.40. The genetic correlation between milk yields in younger ages was close to the unit, but in older ages it was low.


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The objective of this paper was to evaluate the relevance of environmental and genetics effects on milk production of buffalo cows in Brazil. The data were based on the Buffalo Genetic Improvement Program - PROMEBUL, using information of 1,911 cows (107 Jafarabadi, 101 Mediterranean, 1,056 Mu/Tab and 647 crossbred females) with parturition between 1982 and 2003. The mathematic model for evaluating milk production included the fixed effects of herd, parturition year (1982 to 2003) and month (January to December), calf's sex (male or female), genetic group (Jafarabadi, Mediterranean, Murrah, and crossbreed), number of milking (one or two), lactation order (1 to 12) and duration of lactation (as a linear effect). The mean milk production in herds was 1,590.36 +/- 609.25 kg. All sources of variation were significant (P<0.05) for the studied characteristics, except calf's sex. The mean milk production per genetic group was 1,651.4; 1,592.2; 1,578.3 and 1,135.5 kg, for Murrah, Mediterranean, Crossbred and Jafarabadi, respectively. The duration of lactation was the most important source of variation over milk production, followed by the year of parturition, herd, parturition order, genetic group and month of parturition.


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Genetic and environmental effects on parturition interval (PI) and duration of lactation (DL) were evaluated in 107 Jafarabadi, 98 Mediterranean, 1027 Murrah and 624 crossbred buffalo females (n=1856), based on data from the Buffalo Genetic Improvement Program-PROMEBUL from 1980 to 2003. The statistical model included effects of herd, parturition year and month, calf's sex, parturition order and genetic group, composing 11, 34, 12, 2, 12 and 4 classes, respectively. A significant effect over PI was observed (P<0.01) in all classes, excepting sex. Mean parturition intervals per genetic group presented significant differences through SNK test (P<0.05), with mean values of 451.29; 429.47; 406.97 and 389.78 days in Mediterranean, crossbred, Murrah and Jafarabadi, respectively. Mean DL values were 276.68; 270.33; 258.03 and 235.59 days for Mediterranean, Murrah, crossbred and Jafarabadi groups, respectively. No significant differences in DL were observed in relation to genetic groups. However, herd and parturition order, year and month significantly influenced DL (P<0.01). The herd was the main source of variation over DL, followed by parturition year and month. A regression based on parturition month in relation to PI and DL showed that females giving birth in the last months of the year presented higher PI and DL.


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This research aimed to report the occurrence of subclinical mastitis in a buffalo from a study carried out with 548 milk samples of 137 Murrah and Mediterranean buffalos from seven milk properties, located in the cities of Jau, Botucatu and Sorocaba, State of São Paulo. The animals of the study were submitted to a clinical examination of the mammary gland by the inspection and to the diagnosis of clinical and subclinical mastitis by California Mastitis Test (CMT), being the milk samples later directed to the laboratory for microbiological studies and also to the test of Whiteside Modified (WSM). The isolated agents were identified by the morphological characteristics of its colonies and through microcultive staining with blue cotton. Two (02) pure fungi samples were isolated representing 2.86% of the total isolated microorganism, corresponding to two mammary rooms in one animal, and were classified as pertaining to the Aspergillus fumigatus specie. The animal in question showed reaction of ++ to the CMT in both affected rooms and negative reaction to the WSM. In this way it is concluded that the Aspergillus fumigatus participates in a discrete way as a determinant agent of bubaline subclinical mastitis, however it is important because the affected animals can act as potential reservoirs and may be able to generate the infection in human beings.


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In this study the trait Stayability (SA) was evaluated according to the year of cull after first calvin, i.e., SA 1 to 6 for 1 to 6 years from first calving in lactating females from bubaline milk herds spread in nine farms located in São Paulo state. Informations were used regarding 1027 lactating Murrah breed buffaloes. The statistical analyses were made using LIFEREG (SAS, 1999) procedure. The SA was evaluated using the fixed effects: farm production, birth year, calving season (Season 1- April to September and Season 2 October - March) and class of milk yield at 270 days. The age at first calving (AFC) was considered as a random effect. The mean observed for total milk yield was 1458.75Kg. Calving Season 2 encloses 65.6% of births. The means of cull age, in months, and the percentage of SA were, respectively: 10.69 e 69% (SA1), 19.30 e 63% (SA2), 26.4 e 54% (SA3), 33.15 e 42% (SA4), 38.53 e 36% (SA5) e 42.65 e 26% (SA6). It is verified that most of culls happens after the first lactation, among the sixth and eleventh month after first calving. It was observed that the factors: farm production, birth year and class of milk yield at 270 days affected significantly all SAs. Factors like calving season and the age at first calving (AFC) were only significant for SAL Being significant the factor AFC in level of 1% and factor time in 10%. For other SAs these factors were not statistically significant.


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The cytogenetic study of 182 river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L., 2n=50) of Murrah, Mediterranean and Jaffarabadi breeds, from the State of São Paulo, was carried out to characterize their chromosomes and to detect possible chromosomal abnormalities. The karyotypes were indistinguishable with conventional staining as well as with C and replication R banding techniques. In about 44% of the sample (8 males and 72 females), an X marker chromosome due to a fragile site was shown. The frequency of metaphases expressing the fragility site on the X was highly variable, from 2.86 to 41.03%. In females, the fragile site, rarely appeared on both X chromosomes. Most of the metaphases showed only 1 marker chromosome. In R-banded metaphases using 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) treatment, it corresponded in general to the late replicating X chromosome. No correlation between the X fragile site and altered phenotype was found. Structural and numerical chromosome rearrangements were ruled out in the present sample of buffalo. (C) 1998 by Elsevier B.V.


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Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLAs) comprise a family of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid. The main form of CLA, cis-9, trans-11-C18:2 show positive effects in cancer prevention and treatment. The major dietary sources of these fatty acids are derived from ruminant animals, in particular dairy products. In these animals, the endogenous synthesis mainly occurs in mammary gland by the action of enzyme Stearoyl CoA Desaturase (SCD). Different levels of expression and activity of SCD in mammary gland can explain partially the variation of CLA levels in fat milk. Considering a great fat concentration in bubaline milk and the benefit of a high and positive correlation between fat milk and CLA production, this study was carried on with the intention of sequencing and characterizing part of the gene that codifies SCD in buffaloes. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples of lactating bubaline which begins to the breed Murrah. After the (acho que nao precisa desse the) extractions, PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) reactions were made by using primers Z (sic) (sic) D1 and E1 (sic) (sic) F1. The fragments obtained in PCR were cloned into T vectors and transformed in competent cells DH10B line. After this, three samples of each fragment were sequenced from 5' and 3' extremities using a BigDye kit in an automatic sequencer. Sequences were edited in a consensus of each fragment and were submitted to BLAST-n / NCBI for similarity comparisions among other species. The sequence obtained with Z (sic) (sic) D1 primers shows 938 bp enclosing exons 1 and 2 and intron 1. The primers E1 (sic) (sic) F1 show 70 bp corresponding to exon 3 of bubaline SCD gene. Similarities were obtained between 85% and 97% among bubaline sequences and sequences of SCD gene described in human, mouse, rat, swine, bovine, caprine and ovine species. This study has permitted the identification and partial characterization of SCD codifing region in Bubalus bubalis specie.