188 resultados para Autran Dourado
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Um experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos dos níveis de cálcio nas rações sobre o desempenho e a qualidade de ovos de poedeiras comerciais. Foram utilizadas 216 poedeiras da linhagem Lohmann Brown no período de 39 a 55 semanas de idade. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, composto de seis níveis de cálcio (3,0; 3,4; 3,8; 4,2; 4,6; 5,0%) e seis repetições de seis aves por parcela. Os níveis de cálcio avaliados não influenciaram os parâmetros produtivos, mas afetaram significativamente as porcentagens de albúmen e casca do ovo. O aumento do cálcio na dieta promove incremento na qualidade da casca do ovo em relação aos demais componentes do ovo. Recomenda-se nível de 4,3% de cálcio em dietas para poedeiras semipesadas após o pico de postura.
Quatrocentas aves com peso médio de 675,00 g foram distribuídas em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com base no peso das aves, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. As dietas experimentais foram constituídas de cinco níveis de energia metabolizável (2.800, 2.900, 3.000, 3.100 e 3.200 kcal de EM/kg de ração) formuladas para atender às exigências nutricionais, exceto de energia metabolizável. O aumento do nível de energia das rações foi obtido pela adição de óleo de soja. Realizaram-se análises de variância e de regressão, associando-se os níveis de energia aos valores das variáveis estudadas. As aves foram avaliadas quanto ao desempenho (consumo de ração, ganho de peso e conversão alimentar) e às características de carcaça nos períodos de 22 a 35 dias, 36 a 42 dias, 43 aos 49 dias e de 22 a 49 dias de idade. O ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar de frangos de corte da linhagem Hubbard mantidos em ambiente de alta temperatura não são influenciados pelos níveis de energia metabolizável da ração. Os níveis de energia da dieta não afetam os rendimentos de carcaça, coxa, sobrecoxa, asa, tulipa, moela coração fígado, proventrículo e intestino. Entretanto, a gordura abdominal aumenta e o rendimento de peito decresce proporcionalmente à elevação da energia da dieta em ambiente de altas temperaturas.
Um experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de estimar a concentração espermática das espécies dourado (Salminus brasiliensis), curimba (Prochilodus lineatus), jundiá (Rhamdia quelen), cascudo-preto (Rhinelepis aspera) e tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) pelo método de espermatócrito. Utilizaram-se 19, 58, 51, 43 e 85 reprodutores de dourado, curimba, jundiá, cascudo-preto e tilápia-do-nilo, respectivamente. Com exceção da tilápia-do-nilo, os reprodutores foram submetidos ao processo de indução hormonal e posteriormente submetidos a coleta de sêmen. Foram comparadas as técnicas de mensuração da concentração espermática do sêmen por contagem em câmara hematimétrica de Neubauer e por espermatócrito. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de regressão a 5% de probabilidade. As concentrações espermáticas mensuradas por ambas as técnicas apresentaram relação linear, para curimbas, jundiás e tilápias-do-nilo, com equações y = 6,6624 × 10(9) + 3,68553 × 10(8)x; y = 2,153 × 10(9) + 4,426 × 10(8)x e y = -9,0897 × 10(8) + 6,0167 × 10(8), respectivamente. O método de espermatócrito pode ser utilizado para estimar a concentração espermática do sêmen de curimbas, jundiás e tilápias-do-nilo.
For many vector-borne organisms, dogs can be used as sentinels to estimate the risk of human infection. The objective of this study was to use dogs as sentinels for multiple vector-borne organisms in order to evaluate the potential for human infection with these agents in southeastern Brazil. Blood from 198 sick dogs with clinicopathological abnormalities consistent with tick-borne infections were selected at the São Paulo State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Botucatu and tested for DNA and/or antibodies against specific vector-borne pathogens. At least one organism was detected in 88% of the dogs, and Ehrlichia canis DNA was amplified from 78% of the blood samples. Bartonella spp. seroreactivity was found in 3.6%. Leishmania chagasi antibodies were detected in 1% of the dogs. There was no serological or polymerase chain reaction evidence of infection with Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi, Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Ehrlichia ewingii, and Rickettsia rickettsii. The full E. canis 16S rRNA gene sequence of one of the Brazilian strains obtained in this study was identical to the causative agent of human ehrlichiosis in Venezuela. Ehrlichia canis may pose a human health hazard and may be undiagnosed in southeastern Brazil, whereas exposure to the other organisms examined in this study is presumably infrequent.
The seroprevalence of infection by Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, and Leishmania spp. was detected through an indirect immunofluorescence in 70 cats from the Andradina Municipality, São Paulo State, Brazil. Anti-T. gondii antibodies (titer >64) were detected in 15.7% (11/70) of animals, whereas positivity for N. caninum (titer 16) was not observed in any animal. of the cats from urban and rural areas, 10.4% (5/48) and 27.2% (6/22) were positive for T. gondii, respectively. Breed, age, food, and contact with animals of other species were significant for considering the positivity for T. gondii (P <= 0.0001). Cats having access to streets (17.1%, 11/64), cats cohabiting with rats (19.6%, 10/51), and cats feeding on homemade food and raw milk (27.2%, 6/22) were positive for T. gondii. In addition, 4.2% (3/70) of the cats were positive for Leishmania spp. by ELISA technique and negative by IFAT without coinfection with T. gondii and Leishmania spp. There was no serological positivity against feline immunodeficiency virus or feline leukemia virus. In conclusion, T. gondii infection in part of the feline population from Andradina is not linked to immunosuppressions or coinfections but probably to postnatal infection in association with the type of diet and presence of rats.
Se estudió la ocurrencia de Lonchaeidae en variedades de melocotón, conducidos sobre los patrones ‘Okinawa’ y Umê: Tropical, Ouromel 3, Jóia 4, Régis, Talismã, Aurora 2, Aurora 1, Dourado 2 y Doçura 2. Se colectaron muestras de 30 frutos por planta en el Banco de Germoplasma en Presidente Prudente, Brasil. Se obtuvieron 633 especímenes de Lonchaeidae; 394 de ellos en frutos de variedades sobre ‘Okinawa’ y 239 sobre Umê. Se capturaron especies como Neosilba zadolicha, N. inesperata, N. pendula, N. certa y Neosilba spp. (hembras). N. zadolicha y N. inesperata, se observaron en 77,78% de las muestras de las variedades sobre ‘Okinawa’. Sobre el patrón Umê la mayor incidencia fue de N. zadolicha , N. inesperata y N. pendula (55,6%, 33,3% y 33,3% respectivamente). Las variedades Ouromel 3, Talismã, Doçura 2 y Aurora 2 presentaron mayores infestaciones por Lonchaeidae. N. certa tuvo una menor incidencia y sólo se observó en la variedad Doçura 2 sobre ‘Okinawa’. Plantas con mayor número de frutos presentaron mayor incidencia de moscas por fruto; sin embargo, no hubo correlación entre peso del fruto y número de moscas. No se observó diferencia para peso del fruto y número de moscas por fruto entre los dos patrones, ‘Okinawa’ y Umê. Melocotones crecidos en los patrones ‘Okinawa’ y Umê en Presidente Prudente están infestados por especies de Lonchaeidae que presentan preferencia independientemente del peso de los frutos. El aporte de este trabajo al conocimiento de la comunidad de especies de Lonchaeidae ofrece una base para su control.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In order to evaluate the use of shallow seismic technique to delineate geological and geotechnical features up to 40 meters depth in noisy urban areas covered with asphalt pavement, five survey lines were conducted in the metropolitan area of São Paulo City. The data were acquired using a 24-bit, 24-channel seismograph, 30 and 100 Hz geophones and a sledgehammer-plate system as seismic source. Seismic reflection data were recorded using a CMP (common mid point) acquisition method. The processing routine consisted of: prestack band-pass filtering (90-250 Hz); automatic gain control (AGC); muting (digital zeroin) of dead/noisy traces, ground roll, air-wave and refracted-wave; CMP sorting; velocity analyses; normal move-out corrections; residual static corrections; f-k filtering; CMP stacking. The near surface is geologically characterized by unconsolidated fill materials and Quaternary sediments with organic material overlying Tertiary sediments with the water table 2 to 5 m below the surface. The basement is composed of granite and gneiss. Reflections were observed from 40 milliseconds to 65 ms two-way traveltime and were related to the silt clay layer and fine sand layer contact of the Tertiary sediments and to the weathered basement. The CMP seismic-reflection technique has been shown to be useful for mapping the sedimentary layers and the bedrock of the São Paulo sedimentary basin for the purposes of shallow investigations related to engineering problems. In spite of the strong cultural noise observed in these urban areas and problems with planting geophones we verified that, with the proper equipment, field parameters and particularly great care in data collection and processing, we can overcome the adverse field conditions and to image reflections from layers as shallow as 20 meters.
Ehrlichia canis has a worldwide distribution, but clinical manifestations may vary geographically. We selected 129 dogs to determine prevalence of ehrlichiosis in dogs with anemia, thrombocytopenia, or ticks presented to a Veterinary Teaching Hospital in South Brazil. Of the 129 dogs, 68 carried the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus), 61 had thrombocytopenia (platelet count <150,000/μl), and 19 had anemia (PCV < 22%). Twenty dogs fulfilled more than one inclusion criteria. Ehrlichiosis was diagnosed by positive amplification of ehrlichial DNA by PCR using primers ECC and ECB that amplify a sequence of the 16S rRNA gene. Presence of E. canis was confirmed by cleavage of the amplified DNA using endonucleases HaeIII and AvaI. Fourteen of 68 (21%) dogs with ticks had ehrlichiosis, whereas 12 of 61 (20%) dogs presented with thrombocytopenia and 4 of 19 (21%) anemic dogs had ehrlichiosis. Similar results were obtained in dogs with thrombocytopenia and anemia (one of eight positive) and in dogs with thrombocytopenia and ticks (two of seven positive). All four dogs with anemia and ticks, and the dog that fulfilled all inclusion criteria yield no amplification of ehrlichial DNA by PCR. Based on our results, one in each five dogs infested by the brown dog tick, with anemia or thrombocytopenia had ehrlichosis. Contrary to widespread believe, ehrlichiosis was not the main cause for thrombocytopenia in our region. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
High-speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC) is a leading method for the fast separation of natural products from plants. It was used for the preparative isolation of two flavone monoglucosides present in the capitula of Eriocaulon ligulatum (Veil.) L.B.Smith (Eriocaulaceae). This species, known locally as botão-dourado, is exported to Europe, Japan and North America as an ornamental species, constituting an important source of income for the local population of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The solvent system, optimized in tests prior to the HSCCC run, consisted of the two phases of the mixture ethyl acetate: n-propanol: water (140:8:80, v/v/v), which led to the successful separation of 6-methoxyluteolin-7-O-β-D-allopyranoside and 6-methoxyapigenin-7-O-β-D-allopyranoside in only 3 hours. The two flavonoids were identified by NMR (1-D and 2-D) and ESI-MS, comparing their spectra with published data.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is progressive and is characterized by abnormal inflammation of the lungs in response to inhalation of noxious particles or toxic gases, especially cigarette smoke. Although this infirmity primarily affects the lungs, diverse extrapulmonary manifestations have been described. The likely mechanisms involved in the local and systemic inflammation seen in this disease include an increase in the number of inflammatory cells (resulting in abnormal production of inflammatory cytokines) and an imbalance between the formation of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant capacity (leading to oxidative stress). Weakened physical condition secondary to airflow limitation can also lead to the development of altered muscle function. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease presents diverse systemic effects including nutritional depletion and musculoskeletal dysfunction (causing a reduction in exercise tolerance), as well as other effects related to the comorbidities generally observed in these patients. These manifestations have been correlated with survival and overall health status in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. In view of these facts, the aim of this review was to discuss findings in the literature related to the systemic manifestations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphasizing the role played by systemic inflammation and evaluating various therapeutic strategies.