292 resultados para Agravos do estado nutricional


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Growing in orange on Terra Mulata has been submitted nutrient limitation requiring correction in agricultural areas. The application of biochar associated with another source of nutrients can be a viable alternative to increase the efficiency of fertilizers and reduce losses in the areas. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of biochar, poultry litter and NPK in the nutritional status of orange trees grown in an Oxisol with anthropogenic A horizon (Terra Mulata). The study was conducted in a rural property landfall in Manacapuru (AM) in a randomized block design with eight treatments using biochar, poultry litter and NPK (4-14-8) applied in isolation and associates. To review two samples were taken at different periods of sheets to determine the nutritional status. Fertilizers applied did not increase the efficiency in the availability of contents of N, P, Fe and Zn, being the latter below the range of suitable content. As for the K, compost chicken manure and their combinations increased their availability, and the highest levels of Mg were found in the control treatment.


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The proper mineral fertilization of guava orchards under intensive management, is a major factor in productivity and monitoring the nutritional status of the plants contributes to the efficiency of this agronomic practice. The aim of this study was to investigate different doses of nitrogen and potassium in the nutritional status of guava 'Paluma'. The experiment was conducted at Vista Alegre do Alto, Sao Paulo, in a 7 year old irrigated orchard, managed with fruiting pruning during four consecutive growing seasons. The soil is a dystrophic Ultisol. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in factorial, with four nitrogen doses (0, 0.5, 1 and 2 kg of N plant(-1)) and four of potassium (0, 0.55, 1.1 and 2.2 kg of K2O plant(-1)), with three replications. Nitrogen fertilization promoted increased levels of leaf N and Mn and the decrease in the levels of P and B; effects observed from the second to the fourth production cycle. Nitrogen fertilization increased the Ca and Mg levels, respectively, in the second and third cycle. Except for the first production cycle, K and Mn foliar concentrations increased with increasing potassium fertilization, whereas the levels of Mg, in the second and the fourth cycle, decreased as a function of fertilization.


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Strategies of cotton growth as row spacing and use of growth regulator are efficient when the knowledge of crop production potential as well as the amounts of nutrients content. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status of cotton DeltaOpal cultivar through leaf analysis of macronutrient, chlorophyll index and yield in relation to plant arrangement and managements of the growth regulator. The treatments consisted of plant arrangement: arrangement 1: 88,900 plant ha(-1) and row spacing at 0.9m, arrangement 2: 114,300 plant ha(-1) and row spacing at 0.7m, arrangement 3: 178,000 plant ha(-1) and row spacing at 0.45m; management of growth regulator (mepiquat chloride) at 1.0 L ha(-1) dose, concentration was50g L-1: a-no regulator application; b-single application at 70 days after emergency (d.a.e.); c-split application into four stages (35, 45, 55, and 65 d.a.e.). The reading reviews SPAD chlorophyll, leaf analysis of macronutrients and cotton yield were conducted in three agricultural years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09, under the experimental design of completely randomized blocks, in a 3x3 factorial scheme totaling up nine treatments with four replications. The reduction of row spacing and increasing plant density gives less absorption of potassium and sulfur by cotton crop. A single application of mepiquat chloride increase calcium leaf content. The split application of mepiquat chloride provides increased SPAD reading index, higher foliar magnesium concentration and highest seed cotton yield.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Infection with hepatitis C virus is a worldwide public health problem it affects about 170 to 250 million people worldwide may lead to complications such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Patients with chronic hepatitis C most often is inadequate nutrient intake, macro and micronutrients, which induces changes in nutritional status and lipid profi le. Supplementation with vitamin C has shown benefi t. Limited information is available on levels of vitamin C in this type of illness. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of regular intake of orange juice on the nutritional and dietetic of patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. The study enrolled 23 patients volunteers, 13 men and 10 women treated at the Special Health Service of Araraquara (SESA). They consumed for 8 weeks 500 mL.d-1 of pasteurized orange juice. At baseline and after 8 weeks of juice intake the patients were evaluated for anthropometric parameters. The dietary intervention with 500 mL.d-1 with orange juice during the 8 weeks did not alter the nutritional status of patients.


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Although the regular practice of physical exercise for the maintenance of the nutritional state and quality of life is important, it is not a common habit among the elderly, especially those of the lower income social bracket. The objective was to characterize and compare according to social-economic conditions and anthropometric indexes of the nutritional state of the elderly who regularly practice and those who do not practice exercises, offered at no cost, in the Northern zone of São José do Rio Preto-SP. In this study, 110 elderly women participated, of which 60 (group P) exercised regularly and 50 did not (group NP). Group P participated in a special gym program, free of charge, for at least 2 years, 2 to 3 times a week, one hour a day. Group NP was recruited from the same location as Group P. The comparison between the groups of elderly women was proportionately distributed according to marital status, level of education, means of locomotion, results of body mass index (IMC), waist to hip ratio (RCQ) and calf circumference, using the chi-square test. Comparisons were also made of average age, per capita family income, individual income, IMC, arm and triceps skin fold measured by t-Test. Differences were not found in all the comparisons made. The variables that stood out were the IMC (overweight) and RCQ (risk of chronic diseases) results, which were above what was expected, and the high frequency of walking and riding buses for both groups of elderly women (about 60%). We came to the conclusion that the low-intensity exercise program evaluated made no difference in the nutritional profi le of the elderly who also used walking as a means of getting around.


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The Dipteryx alata is a tree specie with possibility of use in human and animal nutrition, and in the pharmaceutical industry. For reclamation of degraded areas, the revegetation has been an alternative, however, requires fertilizer addition. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the nutritional status and growth of Dipteryx alata seedlings, introduced in degraded soil under recovery process, with residues (organic and agroindustrial), compared to collected seedlings in preserved Cerrado, and evaluate the residues impact on soil chemical properties. In this work the degraded soil received the incorporation of residues, organic - RO (macrophytes) and agroindustrial - RA (ash derived from burning bagasse from sugarcane), with the following doses: 0, 16 and 32 t ha- 1 and 0, 15, 30 and 45 t ha-1 respectively. Within three months of incorporation of residues into the degraded soil, the D. alata seedlings were introduced in the experimental area, and 12 months later were evaluated for height, stem diameter, chlorophyll content and leaf contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. For purposes of comparison, the foliar concentration of those elements was determined in Dipteryx alata seedlings collected in preserved Cerrado area. Concomitant with the collect of leaves, at Cerrado and experimental area, soil was collected (0.0 - 0.20m deep) for evaluation of chemical parameters (P, OM, pH, K, Ca, Mg, H + Al, Al, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn). Comparing the seedlings collected in the Cerrado with the seedlings from experimental area it is observed that the leaf concentration of N, P, K and Mg was higher in seedlings from preserved Cerrado in relation to those introduced in the experimental area. Fe, Mn and Zn, have lower foliar concentration in plants collected in the Cerrado, in the case of Mn the worst results occur in the absence of macrophytes indicating the importance of organic residue. The foliar concentration of Ca, S and Cu was similar in...


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The planting of seedlings, the establishment and maintenance of the natural regeneration process, or the combination thereof, are methods used in the recovery of degraded or disturbed environments, however, often require the addition of soil conditioners. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of conditioners, introduced in degraded soil on growth and nutritional status of Astronium fraxinifolium seedlings. To conduct the experimentation were used as degraded soil conditioner, ash from sugarcane bagasse (CZ) and macrophytes (MC), at the doses of 0, 15, 30 and 45 t ha-1 and 0, 16 and 32 t ha-1 respectively, which combined produced 12 treatments, with three replications, and for field installation, was used the experimental randomized block design. Astronium fraxinifolium (Gonçalo Alves) seedlings, native tree species in cerrado, were introduced in the experimental area and, after 12 months, were evaluated for leaf concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, copper, iron, manganese and zinc (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn, respectively). Seedlings and adult plants of A. fraxinifolium were collected in preserved cerrado reserve were also analyzed for nutrients foliar concentration to perform a comparative analysis. The leaves collection in the preserved cerrado and experimental area, was accompanied by soil sampling (0.0 - 0,20 m deep), which was analyzed for phosphorus, OM (organic matter), pH, K, Ca, Mg, Al+H (potential acidity), Al (aluminum), Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. The results show that the applied residues contributed to raise the foliar concentration of Cu and Fe. The foliar concentration of nutrients was higher in A. fraxinifolium seedlings from preserved cerrado, except for B, which was similar between areas, besides Cu and Fe with higher levels in the seedlings from experimental area. The combined addition of residues (MC and CZ), led to increase the plants height and diameter. This...


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The aging process involves challenges in meeting social needs, economic and health. Physiopathological changes and socio-economic predispose the elderly population at nutritional risk. The monitoring of nutritional status predict some complications of obesity or malnutrition, and is a tool for health care. The objective to know the nutritional status and risk of chronic diseases of the elderly in geriatric institutions and volunteers. The elderly population of 3 geriatric institutions (n=122) and non-institutionalized elderly (n=75) were evaluated. The body mass index was evaluated according to Nutrition Screening Initiative. For waist circumference, was used the World Health Organization criteria. For statistical analysis, chi-square was used. A high proportion of obesity (46%) was observed. The underweight affects 4% and 20% of noninstitutionalized and institutionalized, respectively. The frequency of the risk of diseases associated with obesity was higher among non-institutionalized. Hypertension affects more than 50% of the elderly. The nutritional status was different between the two situations, with high incidence of overweight and visceral adiposity, in volunteers, and wasting among institutionalized. The data emphasize that it is necessary special attention and appropriate measures to prevent morbidity and mortality and to improve quality of life.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)