144 resultados para Activin Receptors, Type I


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Os dados obtidos no presente estudo sobre a ultraestrutura da espermiogênese e dos espermatozóides de Pseudopimelodidae e Heptapteridae mostram que eles compartilham algumas características, mas são bastante diferentes uns dos outros. As principais diferenças são a ocorrência de espermiogênese do tipo I em Pseudopimelodidae e do tipo III em Heptapteridae, a presença de fossa nuclear em Pseudopimelodidae e sua ausência em Heptapteridae, a presença de uma peça intermediária longa em Pseudopimelodidae e uma peça intermediária curta em Heptapteridae, a presença de um canal citoplasmático em Pseudopimelodidae e sua ausência em Heptapteridae, a presença de muitas vesículas grandes na peça intermediária de Pseudopimelodidae, e a presença de vesículas muito alongadas e dispostas em posição periférica distal em Heptapteridae e mitocôndrias distribuídas em toda a peça intermediária de Pseudopimelodidae e muito próximas ao núcleo em Heptapteridae. Heptapteridae e Pimelodidae compartilham várias características como a espermiogênese do tipo III, o mesmo padrão de condensação da cromatina e a ausência de fossa nuclear e projeções laterais ou fins. O espermatozóide de Pseudopimelodidae é mais similar aos dos Siluridae, porém a ausência de dados adicionais sobre a espermiogênese e o espermatozóide de outros siluriformes ainda limitam uma discussão mais ampla na ordem.


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Em Corydoradinae, a presença de espermátides junto com espermatozóides no lúmen dos túbulos testiculares sugere uma espermatogênese do tipo semicística, enquanto que em Callichthyinae a produção do esperma ocorre inteiramente dentro dos espermatocistos no epitélio germinativo, caracterizando a espermatogênese cística. A espermiogênese em Callichthyinae é caracterizada por um desenvolvimento inicial lateral do flagelo, pela presença de rotação nuclear em diferentes graus, formação de uma fossa nuclear excêntrica ou medial, formação de um canal citoplasmático, e presença de migração centriolar, sendo mais similar à espermiogênese do tipo I. em Corydoradinae, a espermiogênese é caracterizada pelo desenvolvimento excêntrico do flagelo, ausência de rotação nuclear, fossa nuclear excêntrica, formação de um canal citoplasmático, e ausência de migração centriolar, diferindo dos tipos descritos previamente. O processo de espermatogênese e espermiogênese em Corydoradinae e Callichthyinae revelaram caracteres únicos para cada subfamília, corroborando a hipótese de que as mesmas constituem grupos monofiléticos. em relação à ultraestrutura do esperma, a análise comparativa das espécies de Callichthyidae mostra que as características gerais encontradas nos espermatozóides foram similares, reforçando a hipótese de monofilia da família.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a função renal de dez cães adultos saudáveis submetidos à administração de doses terapêuticas do antifúngico anfotericina B, cuja utilização tem sido limitada pelo seu elevado potencial nefrotóxico, e avaliar o método laboratorial mais sensível e precoce de diagnóstico de lesão renal. Foram realizadas, diariamente, urinálise, excreção fracionada de sódio e potássio, dosagem sérica de creatinina e uréia e atividade urinária de gama-glutamiltransferase (GGT). Concluiu-se que a anfotericina B provoca lesões nos túbulos proximal e distal, induzindo acidose tubular renal do tipo I e Diabetes insipidus nefrogênico em cães. Avaliação da função renal, preferencialmente por dosagens de creatinina, uréia e potássio séricos, é recomendada antes de cada aplicação do fármaco. A densidade urinária foi o parâmetro mais precocemente alterado pela lesão renal. A GGT urinária não foi eficaz para o diagnóstico precoce de lesão induzida por anfotericina B.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study evaluated the effects of bFGF and TGF-beta, individually and combined, on cell proliferation and collagen metabolism. Primary human periodontal ligament cells were stimulated with two concentrations (I and 10 ng/ml) of each growth factor, both individually and combined. Proliferation was determined by a commercial biochemical assay. Real time RT-PCR determined gene expression of NMP-1 and -2, collagen types I and III, TIMP-1, -2 and -3. Autocrine effects on synthesis of bFGF and TGF-beta were evaluated by ELISA. Only TGF-beta, either isolated or associated with bFGF, significantly increased cell proliferation. TGF-beta had anabolic effects, increasing expression of type I and III collagen as well as of TIMPs, whereas bFGF had opposite effects. When bFGF and TGF-beta were associated, the anabolic effects prevailed. Synthesis of TGF-beta was induced only by the association of lower concentrations of the growth factors, whereas there was a dose-dependent production of bFGF. It is concluded that bFGF had a predominantly catabolic effect, and TGF-beta exerted an anabolic effect on hPDL cells. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The salivary glands of termites are composed of several secretory acini connected by ducts. These glands, in the Brazilian termite Serritermes serrifer, were examined through the electron microscope. The ultrastructure of worker salivary acinus revealed central ductule cells and four different types of cells. Cells of type I contain an abundance of electron-lucid vacuoles of various sizes which fuse to form enormous vacuolar structures that fill up most of the cell. Cells of type II are narrow cells in which the secretion is contained in small clear vacuoles of approximately equal diameter. Both of these cellular types have numerous Golgi bodies and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Type III or parietal cells have an apical plasma membrane deeply infolded and lined by microvilli. This type of cell is located in the acinar periphery and occurs in pairs. Cells of type IV are completely filled with electrondense secretion. The secretory granules can be small in some cells or large and similar to fingerprints in others. This is the first report of the occurrence of these spiral or concentric rings of dense material in the salivary gland of Isoptera.


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5-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA), a heme precursor that accumulates in acute intermittent porphyria patients and lead-exposed individuals, has previously been shown to autoxidize with generation of reactive oxygen species and to cause in vitro oxidative damage to rat liver mitochondria. We now demonstrate that chronically ALA-treated rats (40 mg/kg body wt every 2 days for 15 days) exhibit decreased mitochondrial enzymatic activities (superoxide dismutase, citrate synthase) in liver and soleus (type I, red) and gastrocnemius (type IIb, white) muscle fibers. Previous adaptation of rats to endurance exercise, indicated by augmented (cytosolic) CuZn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) and (mitochondrial) Mn-SOD activities in several organs, does not protect the animals against liver and soleus mitochondrial damage promoted by intraperitoneal injections of ALA. This is suggested by loss of citrate synthase and Mn-SOD activities and elevation of serum lactate levels, concomitant to decreased glycogen content in soleus and the red portion of gastrocnemius (type IIa) fibers of both sedentary and swimming-trained ALA-treated rats. In parallel, the type IIb gastrocnemius fibers, which are known to obtain energy mainly by glycolysis, do not undergo these biochemical changes. Consistently, ALA-treated rats under swimming training reach fatigue significantly earlier than the control group. These results indicate that ALA may be an important prooxidant in vivo.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of oral supplementation of creatine on the muscular responses to aerobic training. Twelve purebred Arabian horses were submitted to aerobic training for 90 d, with and without creatine supplementation, and evaluated with respect to BW and BCS and to the area and frequency of the different types of muscle fibers in the gluteus medius. Supplementation consisted of the daily administration of 75 g of creatine monohydrate mixed into the ration for the 90 d of training. Physical conditioning was conducted on a high-performance treadmill, and training intensity was stipulated by calculating the velocity at which blood lactate reaches 4 mmol/L, determined monthly for each animal. The individual intensity of physical force at 80% of aerobic threshold was established. Morphometry of glutens medius muscle fibers was performed on frozen sections processed for histochemical analysis of myosin adenosine triphosphatase and immunohistochemistry of slow-contracting myosin. The results demonstrated that the animals maintained a moderate BCS without alteration of BW during the course of training, providing evidence of equilibrium between food intake and caloric expenditure during the study period. The present study demonstrated that aerobic training for 90 d caused hypertrophy of fiber types I (P = 0.04), IIA (P = 0.04), and IIX (P = 0.01), as well as an increase in the relative area occupied by type I fibers (P = 0.02) at the expense of type IIX fibers (P = 0.03), resulting in modifications of the contractile and metabolic characteristics of the gluteus medius muscle. It was not possible to show any beneficial effect from creatine on the skeletal muscle characteristics examined.


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The pathogenic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis causes paracoccidioidomycosis, a pulmonary mycosis acquired by inhalation of fungal airborne propagules, which may disseminate to several organs and tissues, leading to a severe form of the disease. Adhesion to and invasion of host cells are essential steps involved in the infection and dissemination of pathogens. Furthermore, pathogens use their surface molecules to bind to host extracellular matrix components to establish infection. Here, we report the characterization of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) of P. brasiliensis as an adhesin, which can be related to fungus adhesion and invasion. The P. brasiliensis GAPDH was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and polyclonal antibody against this protein was obtained. By immunoelectron microscopy and Western blot analysis, GAPDH was detected in the cytoplasm and the cell wall of the yeast phase of P. brasiliensis. The recombinant GAPDH was found to bind to fibronectin, laminin, and type I collagen in ligand far-Western blot assays. of special note, the treatment of P. brasiliensis yeast cells with anti-GAPDH polyclonal antibody and the incubation of pneumocytes with the recombinant protein promoted inhibition of adherence and internalization of P. brasiliensis to those in vitro-cultured cells. These observations indicate that the cell wall-associated form of the GAPDH in P. brasiliensis could be involved in mediating binding of fungal cells to fibronectin, type I collagen, and laminin, thus contributing to the adhesion of the microorganism to host tissues and to the dissemination of infection.


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The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether changes in myosin heavy chain (MHC) expression and atrophy in rat skeletal muscle are observed during transition from cardiac hypertrophy to chronic heart failure (CHF) induced by aortic stenosis (AS). AS and control animals were studied 12 and 18 weeks after surgery and when overt CHF had developed in AS animals, 28 weeks after the surgery. The following parameters were studied in the soleus muscle: muscle atrophy index (soleus weight/body weight), muscle fibre diameter and frequency and MHC expression. AS animals presented decreases in both MHC1 and type I fibres and increases in both MHC2a and type IIa fibres during late cardiac hypertrophy and CHF. Type IIa fibre atrophy occurred during CHF. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that skeletal muscle phenotype changes occur in both late cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure; this suggests that attention should be given to the fact that skeletal muscle phenotype changes occur prior to overt heart failure symptoms.


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Comparative mapping data on evolutionary conserved coding sequences and synteny maps between human and cattle are insufficient to define the extent and distribution of conserved segments between these two species, because the order of loci is often rearranged. A 5000-rad cattle whole-genome radiation hybrid (WG-RH) panel was constructed to provide high-resolution comparative maps and also to integrate linkage maps of microsatellites with evolutionary conserved genes and transcripts in a single ordered map. We used the WG-RH panel to construct radiation hybrid maps of bovine Chromosomes (Chrs) 15 and 29 (BTA15 and BTA29), integrating microsatellites from published linkage maps with selected genes. The comprehensive map of BTA15 consists of 24 markers. 13 of which were placed in the framework map. Eleven molecular markers compose the comprehensive map of BTA29. seven of which were placed in the framework map. We identified the homologous regions between bovine Chr 15 (BTA15) and human Chrs 5 and 11 (HSA5 and HSA11), as well as between BTA29 and HSA11, the present study demonstrates that WG-RH mapping is an efficient method for integrating multiple genetic maps into one map and for incorporating monomorphic Type I loci into ordered maps for comparison between species.


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Diabetes mellitus can lead to reproductive disorders that in turn result in weakened fertility brought about by morphofunctional changes in the testes and accessory sex glands. However, doubts persist concerning the basic biology of the secretory epithelial cells and the stroma of the coagulating gland of diabetic mice. Thus, the objective of the present study was to analyze the histological and ultrastructural changes associated with stereology of the coagulating gland of mice with alloxan-induced diabetes, and of spontaneously diabetic mice. Sixteen mice of the C57BL/6J strain, and eight non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice were used. The animals were divided into three groups: 1) control (C), 2) alloxan diabetic (AD), and 3) NOD. Thirty days after the detection of diabetic status in group 2, all of the animals were killed and then perfused with Karnovsky's solution through the left cardiac ventricle. The coagulating gland was then removed and processed for morphometric study by light microscopy and electron microscopy. The results showed thickening of the stroma, atrophy of secretory epithelial cells, and disorganization of the organelles involved in the secretory process in both NOD and alloxan-induced mice. Thus, it may be concluded that the coagulating gland suffered drastic morphological changes, and consequently impaired glandular function, in the presence of diabetes mellitus type I in both NOD and AD mice. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Several components of the erythrocyte-dependent glutathione redox system (reduced glutathione, GSH; oxidized glutathione, GSSG; glutathione peroxidase, GSH-Px; glutathione reductase, GSH-Red) were determined in patients with types I and II diabetes mellitus (DM). All groups studied were male subjects: G1, 20 young healthy individuals (aged 23.7 +/- 4.2 years); G2, 15 young insulin-treated type I DM patients; G3, 20 older insulin-treated type II DM patients; 04, 21 older oral hypoglycemic agent-treated type II DM patients; G5, 28 aged healthy individuals (aged 68.9 +/- 11.5 years). There were no differences between G1 and G2, G3 or G4 regarding erythrocyte GSH, GSSG, and GSH-Red (without FAD) levels. GSH-Px activity was significantly lower in G2 when compared to G1 (15.2 +/- 4.9 vs 20.6 +/- 6.6 IU/g Hb). The GSH-Red and GSH-Px activities and GSH levels were significantly higher in 03 (4.6 +/- 1.7 IU/g Hb, 20.2 +/- 8.7 IU/g Hb and 3.5 +/- 1.3-mu-M/g Hb) and G4 (5.0 +/- 2.2 IU/g Hb, 16.9 +/- 6.1 IU/g Hb and 5.0 +/- 2.3-mu-M/g Hb) when compared to G5 (3.4 +/- 0.9 IU/g Hb, 12.0 +/- 3.6 IU/g Hb and 2.3 +/- 0.9-mu-M/g Hb). The findings suggest that treatment of DM can stimulate the redox activity of red blood cells in aged subjects.


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Nine cat isolates and nine dog isolates of Rhodococcus equi from clinical material were investigated for the presence of the virulence-associated antigens (VapA and VapB) and virulence plasmids. Five of the cat isolates and one dog isolate were VapA positive and contained an 85-kb type I or an 87-kb type I plasmid. The remaining 12 isolates were avirulent R. equi strains and contained no virulence plasmids.