124 resultados para Acústica.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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The process of sanding wood is little known and industries use it in a practical way without having studied their best conditions before. There are few studies involving this type of machining. On this basis, this paper studied the effects of varying moisture content of the wood surface quality after the sanding process. It was used a sanding machine with flat horizontal cut parallel to the fibers, using: 02 different species (Pinus elliottii and Corymbia citriodora); 01 sanding abrasive (aluminum oxide) and 03 different particle size abrasives ( P80 , P100 and P120 ) . Initially, the pieces were acclimatized ( 2 ± 7% , 12% and 17% ± 2 ± 2 ) and subsequently passed by the sanding process, and therefore, the surface roughness was analyzed. For each condition, were performed 06 repetitions totaling 54 trials for each species. We analyzed the effects of wood moisture by capturing the power sanding, rougheness, acoustic emission and maximum temperature during the sanding process. The variation of moisture content produced changes in the surface quality of the finished parts, and these changes were more marked in Pinus than Corymbia. During the sanding process of the specimens with 7 % and 12 % humidity, there was a lower noise emission, power consumption and heating surface. When checking the roughness of these parts after this process, it was observed that the surface quality of them were superior in the parts sanded containing 17 % moisture


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With the new computational technology, the studies of acoustic phonetics started to have a special place. This brought a new way of seeing the phenomenon and to deal with it in the phonetics and in the phonology. Such studies have been developing even more, recently, with a facilitated use of computational programs specially developed to the acoustic analysis of speech, such as PRAAT. Programs like this have been very interesting and useful recently. The acoustic models of analysis have influenced the way the researchers came to see and to interpret the prosodic phenomenon. The current project investigates the acoustic production of declarative and interrogative sentences from the “paulista” Portuguese. This study contributes for a more detailed description of the phenomenon, also becoming inserted in the chart of “intonational” descriptions of the Brazilian Portuguese. The subject of this current project is the acoustic study of some intonation aspects from the speaking Portuguese in Brazil, with a special place to the “paulista” dialect. The current project´s purpose is to make a specific study of interrogatives sentences through the acoustic data analysis of “paulista” dialect speakers


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In recent years a great worldwide interest has arisen for the development of new technologies that enable the use of products with less environmental impact. The replacement of synthetic fiber plants is a possibility very important because this fiber is renewable, biodegradable and few cost and cause less environmental impact. Given the above, this work proposes to develop polymeric composites of epoxy resin and study the behavior of these materials. Both, the epoxy resin used as matrix in the manufacture of sapegrass fiber composite, as tree composites formed by: epoxy/unidirectional sapegrass long fiber, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber, by volume, and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber, by volume, were characterized by bending, and the composites produced with short fibers random were inspected by Optical Microscopy and Acoustics Inspection (C-Scan). For the analysis of the sapegrass fiber morphology, composites 75% epoxy/25% short fiber (sheet chopped) and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber images were obtained by optical microscope and the adhesion between polymer/fiber was visualized. As results, the flexural strength of composites epoxy/unidirectional long fibers, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber were 70.36 MPa, 21.26 MPa, 25.07 MPa, respectively. Being that composite showed that the best results was made up of long fibers, because it had a value of higher flexural strength than other composites analyzed


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O presente trabalho consiste na elaboração de um projeto de uma casa noturna e restaurante, com uma temática, na cidade de Presidente Prudente. Ele é caracterizado por tratar-se de questões relativas à Arquitetura e Urbanismo, envolvendo os confortos ambientais, especialmente o acústico, e sua implantação em uma cidade média com uma grande população universitária, e que polariza várias cidades da sua região. Além disso, a construção de tal edificação tem como objetivo impulsionar o setor e contribuir para a consolidação do circuito de lazer noturno na cidade. O projeto apresenta dois serviços diferenciados que, no entanto se complementam – os serviços alimentícios e a danceteria. Em um primeiro momento mostram-se integrados, mas podendo funcionar separadamente. Levando em consideração a efemeridade e o dinamismo deste tipo de empreendimento, busca-se, através da arquitetura, solucionar os problemas técnicos referentes à acústica; buscando também atender os anseios e desejos de seus frequentadores, criando espaços de convívio e proporcionando diferentes sensações


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Natural history studies aim to know where the organisms live, what they do, and their relationships within the environment, including the other organisms. The anurans, among other vertebrates, exhibits the greatest variety of reproductive modes as well as a high complexity of social organization, that may enable a lot of naturalist studies. Anurans modes of organization are direct related to parental care, vocalization of chorus organization, and with males territoriality. In general, the social organization is influenced by species reproductive pattern. This study aim to get information about the natural history of Hypsiboas albopunctatus (perereca-cabrinha) a species of the family Hylidae, on the region of Rio Claro Municipality, São Paulo State, Brazil. The major aspects discussed were: seasonality, spatial distribution, acoustic and visual communication, reproductive mode, reproductive site, abiotic factors influences, territoriality, courtship behaviour, satellite male behavior, embrace and defensive behavior. To obtain this data, nocturnal field excursions were realized monthly. Two sites of Rio Claro county where chosen as studies sites, the sítio Cantaclaro (22o19’36’’S; 47o42’57’’O), on the District of Itapé and Floresta Estadual Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA) (22o24’58’’S; 47o31’26’’O).


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The teaching of hearing physiology requires an knowledge integration of Human Anatomy, Biophysics, more precisely Bioacoustics and Bioelectrogenesis, as well as Neurophysiology. Students present difficulty to build knowledge about functional mechanisms of sound conduction and sensory transduction, especially if the elements are not visible forms, as the middle and inner ear structures. To make the teaching about hearing physiology and sensory perception easier, was produced a set of didactical materials about the subject. At first, a resin model that faithfully describes the anatomical relationship of the ossicles with the tympanic membrane was developed. Subsequently, a second model that, besides illustrates the mechanism of acoustic impedance overcoming, also reveals how acoustic sensorial transduction occurs in inner ear, was designed and produced. In the third didactical model, are visualized, through students interaction, areas of the cerebral cortex that interpret the different sensory modalities. In addition, were created three educational videos about hearing problems and a site on Human Hearing Physiology, available on Institute of Biosciences website. The results of this course conclusion monograph are presented in the form of articles that were submitted to Journal Physics in the School and the Journal of the Nucleus of Teaching


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Neste artigo, tratamos do processo fonológico de apagamento do /d/ no morfema de gerúndio “ndo” em uma variedade do Português Brasileiro. Com base em análise acústica e perceptual, verificamos que, quando /d/ tem seus parâmetros acústicos alterados, os ouvintes percebem seu apagamento no morfema de gerúndio. Essa correlação, porém, não é categórica. A regra de apagamento do /d/ é variável e se aplica somente a formas de gerúndio. Esses fatos levam ao desafio de interpretar o processo ou como regra lexical ou como poslexical. Fundamentados nos pressupostos da Fonologia Lexical, defendemos que se trata de regra lexical. Na análise variacionista do fenômeno, analisamos 76 amostras de fala constituídas a partir do controle das variáveis sociais sexo/ gênero, idade e escolaridade. Constatamos que homens jovens e com poucos anos de escolaridade são os que mais aplicam o apagamento de /d/ nas formas de gerúndio, o que nos permite concluir, com base em hipóteses clássicas da atuação de variáveis sociais, que tal fenômeno é estigmatizado na comunidade de fala estudada.


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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The present monograph studies the speech of the people from Ibiraci, MG. It is a phonetic study which collects speech data by recordings. It has been recorded the speech of eight informants with the age between 20 and 85 years old. The phonetic objective is to transcribe the recordings for acoustic analysis with Praat program, considering aspects such as duration and intonation. The present monograph represents a contribution for the linguistic phonetic description of a Brazilian Portuguese variety. In Brazil, linguistic studies have always been considered the speech of people from big and capital cities. There are a great deal of data related to those cities, but only a few data collection for the other cities and communities


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This paper is an outline of how intonation has been analyzed and described by phonologists and phoneticians within the framework of modern linguistics. Intonation is a prosodic reality that is concerned directly with the fundamental frequency in speech. Phonetically, intonation can be described physically with special equipments. But a phonological treatment of intonation data is a hard task for linguists. This paper presents part of this discussion.


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The present study focuses on the presence of covert contrasts in the speech of children with a phonological disorder. The hypothesis is that children with phonological disorders manipulate secondary acoustic cues in an attempt to distinguish the phonological contrasts. We used five audio recordings of the speech of five children with speech disorders, between four and five years of age, who showed the so-called “phonic substitution” involving the sound group of the fricatives. The data were edited and analyzed using the software PRAAT. A phonetic transcription of the first repetition of each child was performed by three evaluators, reaching a 66% agreement level. After the transcription, we carried out a contrastive phonological analysis of the production of the five children and, finally, an acoustic analysis of all the “substitutions”, based on six parameters. We discovered the existence of covert contrasts in the productions auditorily regarded as homophones by the evaluators, representing a total of 54% of total substitutions identified through an impressionistic approach by the evaluators. Children with phonological disorders are seen to rely on secondary acoustic cues in an attempt to distinguish fricative phonemes. The data obtained in this study allow us to reflect on the importance of considering the phonetic detail within the phonological models.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)