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Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Nosso objetivo neste artigo é discutir a institucionalização da participação nas políticas sociais, procurando identifi car como a participação da sociedade civil se insere na política social e qual sua infl uência sobre o processo decisório. Nossa análise tem como foco a Política de Assistência Social e sua proposta participativa via conselhos de políticas públicas. A pesquisa sobre o Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social de Araraquara procurou mostrar os entraves e avanços desta política na esfera municipal.
O artigo apresenta como as operações de paz contemporâneas, conduzidas pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) para gerenciar e/ou resolver conflitos armados, têm lidado com a questão da segurança pública. Como parte do esforço de estabelecer uma paz duradoura nesses territórios, as atividades realizadas pela Organização incluem a reforma do setor de segurança e a estruturação de uma força policial democrática como parte de um amplo processo de construção da paz. Baseado em bibliografia sobre o assunto, documentos das Nações Unidas e observações pessoais, o texto aborda conceitos sobre as operações de paz, as ideias que norteiam a construção de uma polícia democrática, suas finalidades no contexto da segurança pública pós-conflito armado, as atividades realizadas para consecução desse objetivo e os problemas enfrentados pela ONU.
INTRODUCTION: The study of placentas from pregnant human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive women has become the subject of numerous studies in the literature. Morphological, viral, immune and inflammatory placental aspects have been analyzed in order to grasp the vertical transmission of the virus. OBJECTIVE: To identify the most frequent findings in the placentas by associating them with a viral antigen and correlating them with the infection of newborns. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-five placentas from HIV- positive pregnant women were pathologically and immunohistochemically analyzed with the use of p24 antibody in the period from 1992 to1997 in accordance with the routine laboratory testing from the Anatomopathological Department - Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro - Universidade Federal Fluminense (APD/HUAP/UFF). RESULTS: The microscopic alterations detected in all cases, including those with vertical transmission, were arteriopathy in the fetal blood circulation, chorioamnionitis, perivillous fibrin deposition, syncytial knotting, villous edema and villous immaturity. No specific macroscopic or histopathological changes were found in these placentas. The neonatal infection was observed in five cases. Vertical transmission was identified in two out of five placentas that had low weight for the respective stage of pregnancy. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed 14 positive cases, two of which showed vertical transmission. The viral protein was not identified in 10 out of 14 placentas from patients who had been medicated with zidovudine (AZT). CONCLUSION: Our study has contributed to the anatomopathological investigation into placentas from HIV-positive patients, although p24 expression per se did not allow a definite and early diagnosis of the vertical transmission.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, por meio da ultrassonografia convencional modo B, as características sonográficas e a biometria dos rins de fetos caninos, bem como determinar os índices vasculares da artéria renal dos conceptos ao Doppler Triplex. Foram utilizadas 24 fêmeas Shi-tzu e Pugs pesando de quatro a 10 kg e com idade entre quatro e seis anos. Ao modo B, a ecobiometria renal fetal, a regularidade da superfície renal, a ecotextura e a relação córtico-medular foram avaliadas durante a quinta, sexta, sétima e oitava semanas gestacionais. Ao Doppler Triplex, durante o mesmo período em que se realizou o exame convencional, foram determinados o pico de velocidade sistólica (PVS), a velocidade diastólica final (EDV) e o índice de resistência vascular (RI) e de pulsatividade (PI). Ao modo B, não foram detectadas alterações em rins fetais, e à ecobiometria renal dos fetos, foi possível determinar medidas renais importantes, verificando-se aumento das biometrias no decorrer do desenvolvimento fetal (P<0,0001). Ao Doppler Triplex, determinaram-se os índices vasculares da artéria renal fetal, sendo que os valores para PSV e EDV aumentaram no decorrer das semanas gestacionais (P<0,05) e permaneceram constantes para PI e RI (P>0,05). Concluiu-se que o modo B e o Doppler Triplex são ferramentas importantes para a avaliação do desenvolvimento renal fetal, com a utilização da ecobiometria renal e avaliação dos indices vasculares da artéria renal de fetos caninos.
Water loss increase through evapotranspiration is one the most important modes of interference of weeds in water bodies, especially in water storage reservoirs. Thus, this research was conducted to compare the water losses in mesocosms colonized with the aquatic weeds Myriophyllum aquaticum,Brachiaria subquadripara,Echinochloa polystachya,Typha latifolia and Pontederia lanceolata. The evaluations were carried out in July 2004, in three 4-day periods. The water losses were evaluated based on the amounts of water necessary to restore the existing water level before each evaluation period. The colonization of the aquatic weeds increased the water losses in the mesocosms, with the highest losses being observed in those colonized by T. latifolia, between 3.54 to 4.71 times the water surface without aquatic weeds. The losses in the mesocosms colonized by M. aquaticum,B. subquadripara, E. polystachya, and P. lanceolata were statistically similar and promoted increases between 1.54 to 2.21 times the free surface. The results showed that aquatic weed control is important to prevent water losses in reservoirs used for water storage.
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ
Background. Melatonin is a free radical scavenger with important actions in the study of renal ischemia and reperfusion (I/R). This study evaluated possible renal protection of high doses of melatonin in an experimental model of I/R in which rats were submitted to acute hyperglycemia under anesthesia with isoflurane.Method. Forty-four male Wistar rats, weighing more than 300 g, were randomly divided into 5 groups: G1, sham (n = 10); G2, melatonin (n = 10; 50 mg.kg(-1)); G3, hyperglycemia (n = 9; glucose 2.5 g.kg(-1)); G4, hyperglycemia/melatonin (n = 10; 2.5 g.kg(-1) glucose + melatonin 50 mg.kg(-1)); and G5, I/R (n = 5). In all groups, anesthesia was induced with 4% isoflurane and maintained with 1.5% to 2.0% isoflurane. Intraperitoneal injection of melatonin (G1, G4), glucose (G3, G4), or saline (G1, G5) was performed 40 minutes before left renal ischemia. Serum plasma values for creatinine and glucose were determined at baseline (M1), immediately following reperfusion (M2), and 24 hours after completion of the experiment (M3). Histological analysis was performed to evaluate tubular necrosis (0-5).Results. Serum glucose was higher at M2 in the groups supplemented with glucose, hyperglycemia (356.00 +/- 107.83), and hyperglycemia/melatonin (445.3 +/- 148.32). Creatinine values were higher at T3 (P = .0001) for I/R (3.6 +/- 0.37), hyperglycemia/melatonin (3.9 +/- 0.46), and hyperglycemia (3.71 +/- 0.69) and lower in the sham (0.79 +/- 0.16) and melatonin (2.01 +/- 1.01) groups, P < .05. Histology showed no necrosis injury in the G1, lesion grade 2 in the G2, and severe acute tubular necrosis in the G3: (grade 4), G4: (grade 5) and G5: (grade 4) groups (P < .0001).Discussion. Melatonin protected the kidneys submitted to I/R in rats without hyperglycemia; however, this did not occur when the I/R lesion was associated with hyperglycemia.Conclusions. Due to its antioxidant and antiapoptotic action, melatonin was able to mitigate, but not prevent acute tubular necrosis in rats with hyperglycemia under anesthesia by isoflurane.
Objectives: Syngonanthus macrolepis, popularly known in Brazil as sempre-vivas', is a plant from the family Eriocaulaceae, it is found in the states of Minas Gerais and Bahia. The species contains a variety of constituents, including flavonoids with gastroprotective effect. In this work, a flavonoid-rich fraction (Sm-FRF) obtained from scapes of S.macrolepis was investigated for preventing gastric ulceration in mice and rats.MethodsThe activity was evaluated in models of induced gastric ulcer (absolute ethanol, stress, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pylorus ligation). The cytoprotective mechanisms of the Sm-FRF in relation to sulfhydryl (SH) groups, nitric oxide (NO) and antioxidant enzymes were also evaluated.Key findingsThe Sm-FRF (100mg/kg, p.o.) significantly reduced gastric injury in all models, and did not alter gastric juice parameters after pylorus ligation.ConclusionsThe results indicate significant gastroprotective activity for the Sm-FRF, which probably involves the participation of both SH groups and the antioxidant system. Both are integral parts of the gastrointestinal mucosa's cytoprotective mechanisms against aggressive factors.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper describes the preparation and complementary characterization of a composite formed from the activation of titanium isopropoxide by phosphoric acid and deionized water (TiP). Techniques such as, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman, electronic (UV-vis) and Scanning electron microscopies (SEM) were used for characterization of this new composite formed. In the X-ray diffractogram of TIP was observed four intense peaks. A strong absorption was observed in the region 362-445 nm. The scanning electron microscopy of TiP, shows that the prepared material consists mostly of a cluster of spherical particles with diameters ranging from 2.35 to 2.60 mu m.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper presents a new methodology to analyze aeroelastic stability in a continuous range of flight envelope with varying parameter of velocity and altitude. The focus of the paper is to demonstrate that linear matrix inequalities can be used to evaluate the aeroelastic stability in a region of flight envelope instead of a single point, like classical methods. The proposed methodology can also be used to study if a system remains stable during an arbitrary motion from one point to another in the flight envelope, i.e., when the problem becomes time-variant. The main idea is to represent the system as a polytopic differential inclusion system using rational function approximation to write the model in time domain. The theory is outlined and simulations are carried out on the benchmark AGARD 445.6 wing to demonstrate the method. The classical pk-method is used for comparing results and validating the approach. It is shown that this method is efficient to identify stability regions in the flight envelope. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)