310 resultados para Águas de Superfície


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Sessenta e duas fêmeas eqüinas foram distribuídas ao acaso em dois grupos experimentais de acordo com o intervalo da penúltima à última inseminação artificial de cada ciclo (48h ou 72h). As éguas foram rufiadas e inseminadas às segundas, quartas e sextas-feiras, a partir do momento em que apresentavam um folículo de 3,0 a 3,5 cm de diâmetro, com sêmen de apenas um garanhão de fertilidade comprovada, diluído para um volume inseminante de 10 mL com diluidor de mínima contaminação. As taxas de concepção referentes ao primeiro ciclo, para os intervalos de 48h e 72h foram de 66,67% (24/36) e 65,22% (15/23), respectivamente, sendo as taxas de concepção/ciclo de 53,45% (31/58) e 56,76% (21/37), na mesma ordem anterior. Com base nos resultados obtidos, recomendam-se inseminações às segundas, quartas e sextas-feiras, sem perda da fertilidade.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do fornecimento, no período das águas, de suplementos formulados com diferentes fontes de proteína sobre os parâmetros nutricionais de bovinos de corte em recria. Foram utilizados cinco novilhos mestiços Holandês × Zebu com peso vivo médio inicial de 300 kg, fistulados no esôfago e no rúmen, distribuídos em cinco piquetes de Brachiaria decumbens de 0,3 ha, em delineamento quadrado latino incompleto (5 × 5), com quatro períodos e cinco tratamentos, em quatro períodos experimentais de 14 dias. Como tratamentos, avaliaram-se suplementos à base de farelo de soja (FS), farelo de algodão (FA, 38% PB), farelo de glúten de milho (FGM, 60% PB) e farelo de trigo + uréia (FTU) e um tratamento testemunha, constituído apenas de mistura mineral (MM). A quantidade diária de suplemento fornecida foi fixada para fornecer aproximadamente 180 g de PB/dia. As fontes protéicas afetaram apenas o consumo de carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF) e o de PB, que foi maior quando fornecido o suplemento à base de farelo de algodão e menor quando fornecida a mistura mineral. Não houve efeito das fontes protéicas sobre as digestibilidades total e parcial dos nutrientes. O pH e os níveis de nitrogênio amoniacal do líquido ruminal (N-NH3) não foram influenciados pelas fontes protéicas avaliadas, mas todos os valores mantiveram-se nos limites favoráveis à digestão da forragem. As fontes de proteína não afetaram a eficiência microbiana, em média 9,96 g PBmic/100g NDT, nem as concentrações de nitrogênio uréico no plasma (NUP), média de 12,78 mg/dL, e a excreção de nitrogênio na urina (NUr), média de 63,14 g/dia.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes relações entre proteína verdadeira e nitrogênio não-proteico sobre a digestibilidade, a síntese de proteína microbiana e o balanço de compostos nitrogenados em bovinos em pastejo durante o período das águas. Foram utilizados cinco novilhos mestiços Holandês × Zebu, castrados, com peso vivo inicial de 335±35 kg fistulados no rúmen e no abomaso. Os tratamentos foram: controle (somente pasto); e suplementos com ureia; com 2/3 de compostos nitrogenados oriundos da ureia e 1/3 de compostos nitrogenados oriundos da albumina; com 1/3 de compostos nitrogenados oriundos da ureia e 2/3 de compostos nitrogenados oriundos da albumina; e com albumina. Foram fornecidos 200 g/dia de proteína bruta (PB) a partir dos suplementos. O experimento foi conduzido segundo delineamento em quadrado latino 5 × 5, com cinco períodos experimentais, cada um de 15 dias. A suplementação não afetou os coeficientes de digestibilidade total nem o teor de nutrientes digestíveis totais da dieta; elevou as estimativas do coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente ruminal da PB, que migraram de negativa, no tratamento controle, para positivas, porém não diferentes de zero, nos tratamentos envolvendo suplementação. O fornecimento de suplementos elevou a concentração de nitrogênio amoniacal ruminal. O balanço de compostos nitrogenados aumentou com a suplementação. A substituição de ureia por albumina influenciou de forma cúbica o balanço de compostos nitrogenados, cuja estimativa foi maior para o suplemento com 1/3 de PB oriunda da ureia. A eficiência de síntese microbiana no rúmen não foi influenciada pelo fornecimento ou pela composição dos suplementos. A suplementação de bovinos em pastejo com fontes de compostos nitrogenados degradáveis durante o período das águas amplia a eficiência de uso do pasto, principalmente por ampliar a retenção de compostos nitrogenados no organismo.


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Forty-two mares were randomly assigned in a 3 x 2 factorial experiment which included three intervals between rectal palpation (6/6h, 12/12h and once a day palpation) and two frequencies of inseminations (daily or every other day). The mares were inseminated with semen from only one stallion, diluted in minimal contamination extender. There were no differences in the conception rate at first cycle, conception/cycle, conception total, efficiency of pregnancy in either system of rectal palpation, independently of the frequency of insemination utilized. Also there were no differences among intervals of rectal palpation concerning the following reproductive characteristics: number of cycles/mare, cycles/pregnant mare, cycles/ pregnancy, pregnancy/cycle, number of inseminations/mare, inseminations/ pregnant mare and insemination/open mare. There were no differences in pregnancy rate at first cycle, pregnancy rate/cycle, pregnancy rate total and efficiency of pregnancy between the two frequency of insemination. However, the frequency of insemination influenced the number of inseminations/mare, number of inseminations/ pregnant mare and inseminations/open mare. The highest values were observed with the mares inseminated daily. Therefore, insemination every other day can be recommended. If necessary the mare may be palpated rectally at intervals of six hours without reducing the pregnancy rate.


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Estudaram-se os efeitos da rufiação e da manipulação do sistema genital (estocadas) sobre a fertilidade de éguas inseminadas com sêmen fresco (exp. 1) e resfriado/transportado a 14ºC/3,6 horas (exp. 2). No experimento 1 utilizaram-se 42 ciclos de 29 éguas, e no experimento 2, 148 ciclos de 100 éguas, distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos experimentais definidos por um esquema fatorial 2 x 2, com número desigual de repetições, de acordo com o tipo de rufiação utilizado (éguas rufiadas e não rufiadas) e o tipo de manipulação do sistema genital da fêmea no momento da inseminação (estocadas e não estocadas). Em ambos os experimentos não se observou efeito da estimulação sexual da égua sobre a fertilidade. No experimento 2 não se observou efeito da estimulação sexual sobre a dinâmica de crescimento folicular e ovulação.


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One hundred and one estral cycles of 92 Mangalarga Marchador breed mares were analyzed to study the effect of different spermatic concentrations on different reproductive characteristics. The mares were inseminated with diluted equine semen, cooled at 20 degrees C and transported: T1-concentrations below 250 x 10(6) (177.58 +41.74 x 10(6) viable spermatozoa per inseminate dose), T2-concentrations between 250 and 350 10(6) sptz (315.51 +/- 20.78 x 10(6)), and T3-concentrations above 350 x 10(6) sptz (477.71 +/- 136.83 x 10(6)). The conception rates in the first cycle were 43.75 (7/16), 57.89 (11/19)and 54.55% (18/33) for treatments 1, 2 and 3,respectively. After five cycles, the conception rates were 36.00 (9/25), 44.12 (15/34) and 54.76% (23/42) for treatments 1,2 and 3, respectively. Concentrations of 177.58 +/- 41,74 x 10(6) viable spermatozoa perinseminate dose had moderate fertility index in a commercial program using cooled and transported semen.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different interval from the beginning of the heat to the ovulation on the fertility of inseminated mares with diluted equine semen, cooled at 20 degrees C and transported, the mares were grouped with the following interval periods: T1 - period less than five days, T2 - period from five to seven days and T3 - period from 8 to 21 days. The conception rates in the first cycle were 53.85 (7/13), 52.17 (12/23) and 66.67% (10/15) for treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively, and after three cycles, 50.00 (9/18), 48.15 (13/27) and 64.71% (11/17), in the same preceding order. The duration of heat, in the conditions of this experiment, did not influence the fertility of inseminated mares.


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One hundred forty seven cycles of mares were allocated in a completely randomized experiment, with different number of replications and divided in four treatments (T1 = 24 hours preovulation; T2 = 48 hours preovulation; T3 = 48 hours preovulation and in tbe same day of ovulation; T4 = 72 hours preovulation and in the same day of ovulation), in order to study the effect of AI/ovulation interval on mare fertility. The mares were inseminated three times for wek (monday, wednesday and friday), with semen of only one stallion diluted in extender skim milk-glucose, using a volume of 15ml, with 400 x 10(6) sptz viable, cooled at 14 degrees C/3.6 hours, and transported in modified container Celle. Conception rates were not different according to the treatments. So, observed spermatic survival for 60 hours showed the practicability of the inseminations on monday, wednesday and friday.


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The effects of extender and farms on the fertility of sixty-five Mangalarga Marchador breed mares were studied. The mares were randomly assigned to a 2 x 2 factorial experiment, with two breeding farms (H1 and H2) and two extenders (glycine-egg yolk-T1 and lactose-egg yolk modified-T2), from only one stallion, with different number of replicates. The mares were inseminated, on alternated days, with diluted, cooled, transported semen, in a special container (MSP-2). There were no differences in the conception rate at first cycle, regardless of the breeding farm or extender used. Also. there was no difference among breeding farm or extender concerning the conception rate/cycle and the following reproductive characteristics: number of cycles/pregnancy, number of inseminations/mare, inseminations/pregnant mare, inseminations/open mare, water temperature in the container, temperature of semen in the container, time between collection and insemination and efficiency of pregnancy. The use of lactose-egg yolk modified extender for the dilution, cooling and transport of stallion semen between farms is recommended. The new container MSP-2 showed to be a option for the transportation between farms, for the same purpose.


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The response surface methodology as a tool for assessing the production of alginate and polyhydroxybutirate by Azotobacter vinelandii. Alginate is a polysaccharide extracted from cell walls of brown algae and used in the food, pharmaceuticals and biotech industries. Production is concentrated on the cultivation of brown seaweed, but several bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas and Azotobacter produce alginate. The chemical structure of alginates produced by algae is similar to those synthesized by A. vinelandii. The bacteria also produce intracellular polymers such as polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), known as bioplastic. This work studied the simultaneous alginate and PHB production by A. vinelandii using sucrose and different parameters of fermentation in an orbital shaker. The optimal values for the production of these compounds were determined by the MSR. The first experiment was a 2(6-2) factorial design. The second was based on significant variables of the first, resulting in a full 3(3-0) factorial design. From the first to the second, an increase was observed in the PHB productivity from 12 to 45 mg g(-1) cell h(-1) and alginate from 100 to 1,600 mg g(-1) of cell h(-1). The productivity of both compounds was in the maximum incubation temperature of 62 degrees C, in the shortest time of incubation (18h) and the sucrose concentration, 11 g L(-1). In both experiments the PHB extracted presented purity of 94%.


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Sixty small farms of Botucatu County, S. Paulo, Brazil, given over to cattle breeding were studied. These farms account for 15% of the total of 402 farms that exist in the county. The sample was drawn by simple probabilistic technique. There were found to be one hundred and thirteen drinking places located on the farms. Samples of water were taken from these drinking places and examined for bacteria of the genus Salmonella, for the determination of Most Probable Number (MNP) of fecal coliform bacteria as well as determination of the water's pH. Water temperature was measured before collection. Samples from 15 drinking places (13.3%) were positive for Salmonella. The drinking places belonged to 12 of the sixty farms studied (20%). The following serotypes were identified: S. dublin, S. newport, S. madelia, S. IV 43:g,z57:-, S. saphra, S. glostrup, S. IV ochsenzool; S. I9,12:i:- and two new serotypes S. IV 41:z52:- and S. IV 50:d:-. Of the 113 samples studied 14 (12.4%) presented MPN/100ml of fecal coliforms above 4,000. There was no relationship between MPN/100ml of fecal coliforms above 4,000 and positivity for Salmonella. Highest positivity both for Salmonella and MPN/100mL of fecal coliforms over 4,000 occurred at temperatures above 18 degrees C. As regards pH, in both situations the highest positivity occurred between 6.0 and 7.0.


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Candida albicans and other yeasts from recreational water or clinical materials were isolated. Sixty-six water samples, originating from eight swimming pools and five lakes with beaches were examined for the presence of these yeasts, by a membrane filter method and 'pour plate' technique. Sixty-two clinical materials from suspected cases of candidiasis were studied in the same period. Rhodotorula sp and C. albicans were more frequently isolated from lakes and swimming pools, respectively; C. albicans and C. parapsilosis from clinical materials. From 44 samples of C. albicans, 90,9% were serotype A, and 9,1%, serotype B; C. albicans from recreational waters belong only serotype A. No difference was observed in the M.I.C. of C. albicans strains from waters and clinical materials. All strains were susceptible to the antifungal drugs tested.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different interval from the beginning of the heat to the ovulation on the fertility of inseminated mares with diluted equine semen, cooled at 20°C and transported. The mares were grouped with the following interval periods: T1 - period less than five days, T2 - period from five to seven days and T3 - period from 8 to 21 days. The conception rates in the first cycle were 53.85 (7/13), 52.17 (12/23) and 66.67% (10/15) for treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively, and after three cycles, 50.00 (9/18), 48.15 (13/27) and 64.71% (11/17), in the same preceding order. The duration of heat, in the conditions of this experiment, did not influence the fertility of inseminated mares.


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One hundred and one estral cycles of 92 Mangalarga Marchador breed mares were analyzed to study the effect of different spermatic concentrations on different reproductive characteristics. The mares were inseminated with diluted equine semen, cooled at 20°C and transported: T1 - concentrations below 250×10 6 (177.58±41.74×10 6 viable spermatozoa per inseminate dose), T2 - concentrations between 250 and 350 10 6 sptz (315.51±20.78×106), and T3 - concentrations above 350×10 6 sptz (477.71±136.83×10 6). The conception rates in the first cycle were 43.75 (7/16), 57.89 (11/19) and 54.55% (18/33) for treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively. After five cycles, the conception rates were 36.00 (9/25), 44.12 (15/34) and 54.76% (23/42) for treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Concentrations of 177.58±41,74×10 6 viable spermatozoa per inseminate dose had moderate fertility index in a commercial program using cooled and transported semen.