110 resultados para <2 cm
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Although many studies have shown that soil solution chemistry can be a reliable indicator of biogeochemical cycling in forest ecosystems, the effects of litter manipulations on the fluxes of dissolved elements in gravitational soil solutions have rarely been investigated. We estimated the fluxes of NH4-N, NO3-N, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) over the first two years after re-planting Eucalyptus trees in the coastal area of Congo. Two treatments were replicated in two blocks after clear-cutting 7-year-old stands: in treatment R, all the litter above the mineral soil was removed before planting, and in a double slash (DS) treatment, the amount of harvest residues was doubled. The soil solutions were sampled down to a depth of 4 m and the water fluxes were estimated using the Hydrus 1D model parameterized from soil moisture measurements in 4 plots. Isotopic and spectroscopic analytical techniques were used to assess the changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) properties throughout the transfer in the soil. The first year after planting, the fluxes of NH4-N, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl and DOC in the topsoil of the DS treatment were 2-5 times higher than in R, which showed that litter was a major source of dissolved nutrients. Nutrient fluxes in gravitational solutions decreased sharply in the second year after planting, irrespective of the soil depth, as a result of intense nutrient uptake by Eucalyptus trees. Losses of dissolved nutrients were noticeably low in these Eucalyptus plantations despite a low cation exchange capacity, a coarse soil texture and large amounts of harvest residues left on-site at the clear cut in the DS treatment. All together, these results clarified the strong effect of litter manipulation observed on eucalypt growth in Congolese sandy soils. DOM fluxes, as well as changes in delta C-13, C:N and aromaticity of DOM throughout the soil profile showed that the organic compounds produced in the litter layer were mainly consumed by microorganisms or retained in the topsoil. Below a depth of 15 cm, most of the DOC and the DON originated from the first 2 cm of the soil and the exchanges between soil solutions and soil organic matter were low. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Efluentes industriais e domésticos podem conter agentes químicos e biológicos que, em elevadas concentrações, causam danos aos ecossistemas aquáticos e à saúde ambiental. Um dos efeitos mais nocivos desses agentes poluidores é a sua capacidade de induzir alterações celulares. O uso de testes específicos capazes de detectar o potencial tóxico de substâncias químicas caracteriza-se em uma importante estratégia para avaliação ambiental. Neste contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os potenciais citotóxico, genotóxico e mutagênico de amostras de água de recursos hídricos da cidade de Santa Gertrudes-SP, relacionada com recebimento de efluentes de atividade ceramista, por meio de ensaios realizados com o sistema-teste de Allium cepa. Foram realizados testes com amostras de água coletadas no córrego Itaqui, após despejos de efluente de indústria cerâmica e em duas nascentes, tanto em período chuvoso como de seca. Para a análise dos parâmetros de toxicidade descritos acima, sementes de A. cepa foram expostas à germinação nas amostras das águas coletadas. Quando as radículas atingiram 2 cm de comprimento, os meristemas foram fixados em solução de Carnoy 3:1, para serem utilizadas nas avaliações das possíveis alterações dos índices de germinação e mitóticos, bem como de indução de aberrações nucleares e cromossômicas. Além disso, também foram avaliadas, como outro parâmetro indicativo de mutagenicidade, as frequências de micronúcleos em células F1 de A. cepa. O controle negativo foi realizado em água (osmose reversa) e o controle positivo em metilmetanosulfonato (MMS). O material fixado foi corado pela reação de Feulgen e as lâminas foram preparadas, utilizando as porções meristemática e F1 das raízes de A. cepa. As análises foram realizadas em microscópio de luz, por meio da contagem de alterações nucleares (micronúcleos e brotos) e de aberrações cromossômicas...
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The oral and oropharyngeal cancer is aggressive and, in Brazil, the incidence is considered one of the world’s tallest, the most common of head and neck. It affects males more intensively and 70% of cases are in adults over 50 years of age. It is located usually on the floor of the mouth and tongue. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to report a case of male patient, 78 years of age, leukoderma who sought hospital care. Reported frequent smoking and alcoholism. On physical examination headgear, there was the presence of lymph node fixed, painless 1.5 to 2 cm in diameter in the submandibular region. Physical examination intraoral ulcer was found at about 5 cm at its greatest extent, localized to the left oral floor region of the oropharynx, reddish, hardened edges, surface and bottom corrugated carton. The differential diagnosis suggested was traumatic ulcer, paracoccidioidomycosis and squamous cell carcinoma. The approach employed was obtained by incisional biopsy and the piece sent to histopathological analysis, confirming the case of squamous cell carcinoma. The treatment consisted in clarifying the patient about the disease and the need to search for an oncology center. It is concluded that the oral clinical examination is accurate in all major injuries to mouth, even if the chief complaint does not focus on this. In individuals at high risk examination should be systematic and individuals with suspicious lesions should be referred to specialist consultation.
Mucocele is a retention phenomenon from minor salivary gland caused by the excretory ducts rupture. This phenomenon may be caused by local trauma and its location is usually more frequent in the lower lip. Clinically, they appear as nodular lesions and may be exophytic and pedunculated. Histologically, this lesion can be classified as mucus extravasation phenomenon and mucus retention cyst. The treatments described in the literature are total lesion excision, marsupialization, cryosurgery, laser or micromarsupialização. To report a case of mucocele by mucus extravasation developed after a local trauma. A 7 years old Male was attended in the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic, Araçatuba School of Dentistry, complaining about the appearance of lesion in the lower lip since 40 days approximately. During clinical oral examination, it was observed that the lesion was pedunculated, nodular, fibrous to palpation, around 2 cm in diameter, similar in color to the surrounding mucosa, smoothly in surface, non-ulcerated and asymptomatic. As treatment, it was chosen the total lesion excision. Histopathology test confirmed the clinical diagnosis of: mucocele. Since mucocele is a frequent lesions in the oral cavity, it is extremely important that the professionals can to recognize this lesion (its pathogenesis and clinical features), to achieve a definitive diagnosis and perform an appropriate treatment.
O cementoblastoma é uma neoplasia benigna que envolve dentes vitais, frequentemente os molares ou pré molares inferiores. Está associado à raiz dentária podendo provocar a sua reabsorção. Cresce muito lentamente e é assintomático, com exceção dos casos em que há expansão das corticais. Radiograficamente aparece como uma massa radiopaca, bem definida, com contorno radiolúcido, que se sobrepõe à raiz do dente. O diagnóstico final normalmente é feito pelo exame histopatológico, mas o diagnóstico clínico é facilmente realizado, através da avaliação radiográfica. Paciente leucoderma, do sexo masculino, 54 anos realizou uma radiografia panorâmica digital para uma avaliação geral. Na imagem, foi observada uma massa radiopaca, bem delimitada, medindo aproximadamente 2 cm de diâmetro envolvendo as raízes do dente 47. Para uma melhor avaliação do caso, foi realizada uma tomografia de feixe cônico, onde foi observada que a massa radiopaca estava aderida às raízes do dente 47, causando reabsorção externa das mesmas, apresentando as dimensões de aproximadamente 2,7 cm no sentido ântero-posterior, 2 cm da base da mandíbula em direção à cortical alveolar e 1,7 cm de vestibular para lingual. Foi também observada expansão da cortical óssea lingual, sem rompimento. O diagnóstico por meio da tomografia foi de cementoblastoma. Devido à idade do paciente e a ele não apresentar sintomatologia, foi proposto o acompanhamento da lesão. O paciente encontra-se em proservação há 18 meses e não houve alteração do quadro clínico.
A displasia cemento-óssea é o tipo mais comum dentre as lesões fibro-ósseas, podendo apresentar-se de 3 maneiras: periapical, focal e florida. Paciente parda, de 53 anos, compareceu com queixa de “secreção na gengiva” e histórico de exodontia na região há 8 meses. À inspeção apresentou uma leve tumefação na região vestibular posterior esquerda da mandíbula e uma pequena fístula drenando pus. Realizou-se uma radiografia panorâmica, que revelou uma lesão de radiopacidade mista na região de molares inferiores direitos, medindo 2 cm de diâmetro; outra lesão radiopaca na região de pré-molares esquerdos, de 6mm de diâmetro - ambas bem delimitadas; e outra área radiolúcida com radiopacidade central, com halo radiopaco na região infectada, medindo 1,5 cm de diâmetro. O diagnóstico presuntivo foi de displasia cemento-óssea infectada, cisto periapical infectado associado à displasia e osteomielite. Após antibioticoterapia, realizou-se biópsia e curetagem da área. Microscopicamente apresentou áreas de tecido cemento-ósseo em forma trabecular e no local onde deveria haver tecido fibroso, presença de biofilme bacteriano, conteúdo hemorrágico e restos necróticos. No tecido de granulação removido observou-se intenso infiltrado inflamatório e áreas de calcificação cementóide. As características microscópicas juntamente com os achados clínicos e radiográficos levaram ao diagnóstico de osteomielite aguda supurativa secundária a lesão fibro-óssea, sugestiva de displasia cemento-óssea florida.
Use of ring in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is still a matter of controversy among bariatric surgeons. There is no consensus on its impact in relation to weight loss and weight maintenance in the long term. AIM: To evaluate the influence of the ring on the evolution of body weight over four years after bariatric surgery. METHODS: Retrospective analyzis of 143 women who underwent laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass paired on the use or not use of Silastic® ring. Follow-up time was 48 months. Inclusion criteria were age over 18 years, primary bariatric operation and regular attendance at the clinic during the period of interest for research. The technique kept small gastric reservoir estimated in a volume of 30 ml. The food limb had in average 150 cm and the bile one 40 cm from the duodenojejunal angle. The group "ring" used Silastic® device with length of 6.5 cm, placed 2 cm from gastrojejunal anastomosis. The ring was closed for five polypropylene surgical thread sutures. In the morning after surgery the patients received isotonic fluids; on the second day salty liquid diet and were discharged on the third day. Semisolid diet started from the 20th day and solid on the 30th, with daily tablet of polivitamins. RESULTS: The weight loss was larger on the ring than without ring groups in all periods, respectively 10% and only 5% in the third postoperative year. The proportion of not having reached the 50% excess weight loss expectative was significantly higher in the group without ring than in the group with the ring (31% and 8% respectively in the fourth year). There was no difference between groups in delayed recovery of weight lost with the operation. CONCLUSIONS: The results were favorable to use the ring exclusively when it is analyzed only the weight loss.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study did evaluate the handgrip strength capacity of bull riding practitioners and recreational practitioners in order to obtain parameters of the muscular fitness of subjects undertaken this sports practice. Twenty right-handed subjects were grouped into bull riding athletes (10 individuals at AMT: 174.5 ± 5.2 cm of height, 78.9 ± 12 kg of body weight, 24.7 ± 6.1 years, and 13,8 ± 2.4% for body fat) and non-athletes (10 subjects n-AMR: 178.5 ± 7.3 cm of height, 81.2 ± 8.8kg of body weight, 21.7 ± 2.3 years, and 13.8 ± 1.9% of body fat). They were underwent to protocols of handgrip strength evaluation by a standard and specific dynamometry (simulating a bull riding posture) of right (DPD e DED) e left (DEP e DEE) hands. The dynamic force values from one repetition to maximum test (1RM) were either obtained in conventional load-based system for upper limbs exercises. The values were compared by the test-t for independent data, assuming ρ ≤ 0.05. The relationship between the values of strength from handgrip and dynamic exercises were drawn by Pearson correlation. The results of the AMT to DPD (43.8 ± 6.8kgf), DPE (39.4 ± 7.7kgf), DED (44.9 ± 5.6kgf), and DEE (39.8 ± 8.3kgf). For the n-AMT in DPD (47.0 ± 3.0kgf), DPE (42.2 ± 6.1kgf), DED (49.2 ± 1.5kgf), and DEE (46.2 ± 4.1kgf). Significant difference was observed between DED and DEE. The strength tests of 1RM at bench press (73.2 ± 12.0kg and 82.0 ± 12.0kg), arm-curl (45.2 ± 8.9kg and 43.8 ± 8.9kg), triceps pulley (67.0 ± 6.3kg and 72.0 ± 6.3kg), and pulley (73.5 ± 8.5kg and 73.7 ± 7.5kg) for groups n-AMT and AMT did not showed differences. Correlations were showed between all handgrip tests and elbow flexor force for AMT, and between DPD and elbow extensor, abductor, adductor and extensor of shoulder for n-AMT. influences to the performance of the force dynamometry. It could be concluded that handgrip force and dynamic strength of upper limbs did not were putative responses for bull riding practice.