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Due to new technologies in civil engineering and the competition of the market, the demand for computer programs for the elaboration of structural projects of reinforced concrete is raising in a quick and efficient manner. This paper presents a study based on Eberick, a structural calculation software, and this software was applied to a low cost residence project. By performing structural calculation manually, it is possible to compare and analyze the criteria that Eberick uses for the design and detailing of structural elements like columns, beams and slabs. As the software functionality becomes clear, the engineer will use it careful and safely, exploring all of its resources and advantages
Over the years, water has become an increasingly valuable resource and scarce, this situation is attributed to factors such as population growth, poor distribution and increasing degradation of water resources as a result of indiscriminate human activities in the middle environment, making their dwindling availability and increasing its cost. I n this context , the use of rainwater for non-potable purposes begins to be stimulated in Brazil , as a measure to preserve this resource , while in countries such as Japan and Germany , this technique has already been used for a long time. The ability to capture rainwater reduces the demand for sanitation companies, also resulting in cost reduction with the water bill and the risk of flooding in the event of heavy rains. The stored water is used only for non-potable purposes, such as toilets, taps into the garden, for washing vehicles and clothing. This work was developed with the aim of presenting the importance of rational use of water, associated with viability constructive economic and consumption of the installation of rain water harvesting, and for that, considered four case studies. From this study, it was found that the implementation of this system has led to a reduction in costs of water and sewer consumption poses no hazard to the user and its installation does not require significant changes in building construction, however, in relation to the economy, should be made a detailed analysis in each case for investment to bring a suitable financial return within the lifetime of the system
O Projeto de Extensão foi desenvolvido na Farmácia-Escola Prof. Dr. Antônio Alonso Martinez, que faz parte do NAC (Núcleo de Atendimento à Comunidade), pertencente à Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas da UNESP. Desenvolveu-se um Sistema de Gestão Interno para o controle das amostras grátis e medicamentos que são destinados à doação para a população de Araraquara e região. Realizou-se a orientação e conscientização da população sobre o reaproveitamento de medicamentos e amostras grátis que não seriam mais utilizados e que estavam dentro do prazo de validade. A divulgação foi efetuada com folder explicativo que foi distribuído na Farmácia-Escola, em consultórios médicos e nas faculdades da UNESP do Câmpus de Araraquara. Além disso, houve divulgação na Semana de Atenção Farmacêutica Estudantil (SAFE) e no site e jornal da EPTV. O prazo de validade de cada produto foi verificado e a dispensação desses medicamentos foi feita mediante a apresentação de prescrição médica. Além disso, realizou-se a Assistência Farmacêutica ao informar ao paciente os detalhes da posologia e possíveis interações medicamentosas, de modo a esclarecer eventuais dúvidas dos pacientes. Os medicamentos mais doados foram anti-hipertensivos e hormônios, refletindo no maior número de formas farmacêuticas doadas como sendo comprimidos e cápsulas. O objetivo da divulgação foi alcançado com o aumento de doações realizadas nos meses subsequentes ao início da mesma e com o aumento de 61,9 % em relação ao ano de 2012
Circus activities have formed over the years as an important content to be exploited by the teachers in the school environment, and current projections, the inclusion of circus activities in physical education classes has been presented and defended by several authors. That being so, the objective was to offer a continuing education program thematising circus activities having as research focused on the analysis of this training process, as well as their implications, contributions, opportunities and challenges for teacher pedagogical practice. The research, qualitative, was developed in two phases: a questionnaire for physical education teachers working in public schools in order to highlight the reasons for the absence of most of the teachers in the training program. The second phase included the development of the continuing education program content circus activities in the continuing education of physical education teachers, the two teachers in the school environment, as well as analysis and reflection of teacher participation in the training program, described in daily class and daily meetings ending this step with a final interview. Participated in the study, 13 physical education teachers of the municipal school system of a city of São Paulo, of which only two teachers participated in the development of the training program in schools. The teachers manifestations through the questionnaire and participation in the training program showed that teachers make themselves available to participate in continuing education programs, however, the priorities of each teacher (such as family, leisure or other chores) can demarcate difficulties in establishing common to all teachers moments, preventing the effective participation of teachers within the continuing education programs. On the other hand, the school is set up as a rich space of experiences and exchanges of experience, contributing to the development of continuing education programs