111 resultados para neuropatia tóxica


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Patologia - FMB


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Avaliou-se o comprometimento funcional de pacientes com Charcot-Marie-Tooth provenientes da duplicação 17p11.2-p12 (CMT1A), utilizando o SF-36, que é um questionário para medir a qualidade de vida. Vinte e cinco pacientes de ambos os sexos com idades ≥10 anos e diagnóstico molecular de CMT1A foram selecionados. Idade, sexo, condições sociodemográficas e profissionais foram pareados com o Grupo Controle (sem histórico familiar de neuropatia). Os resultados mostraram que o maior impacto da CMT1A na qualidade de vida ocorreu nos domínios social e emocional dos pacientes avaliados. A capacidade funcional também tende a ser significativamente afetada, enquanto outros indicadores de deficiência física foram preservados. Por fim, os aspectos sociais e emocionais dos pacientes acometidos por CMT1A costumam ser negligenciados na assistência médica prestada aos pacientes brasileiros, e devem ser melhor compreendidos a fim de oferecer uma assistência global à saúde, resultando em adequada qualidade de vida.


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Pyrostegia venusta (Ker-Gawl.) Miers (Bignoniaceae) is a species with a wide distribution in nearly all of Southern and Southeastern Brazil, has long been used in folk medicine and is considered an invasive plant. The phytotoxic potential of a hydroalcoholic extract of the flowers of P. venusta was evaluated by the germination (pre and post-emergence) and the phytotoxicity bioassays (mitotic index) on the test plant Lactuca sativa (Asteraceae) (lettuce). A phytochemical screening was performed to identify the components of the floral extract. Different concentrations of the extract caused changes in the germination parameters, the root length and the mitotic index. The phytochemical screening indicated the presence of substances such as terpenes, sterols, flavonoids, tannins and saponins, which are compounds that may be associated directly with the results of cytotoxicity and phytotoxicity observed. P. venusta has allelochemical components capable of impairing the germination and root growth of lettuce.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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As formigas cortadeiras, pertencentes aos gêneros Atta e Acromyrmex, possuem esse nome pelo hábito que têm de cortar as folhas das plantas. Por este motivo, elas causam danos econômicos, principalmente em áreas de cultura agrícola. Para realizar o controle dessas pragas, existem inúmeros métodos; porém, os únicos que apresentam resultados satisfatórios são os que utilizam inseticidas tradicionais. O controle químico pode gerar efeitos maléficos ao ambiente, à fauna e à população humana. É por isso que há uma grande procura por métodos alternativos, utilizando produtos que tenham grande especificidade e sejam passíveis de rápida degradação, sendo, portanto, menos danosos ao ambiente. Uma destas alternativas é a utilização de produtos naturais presentes nos vegetais superiores, que podem constituir novas fontes de material com ação tóxica para estes insetos praga. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a toxicidade das plantas Magonia pubescens e Duguetia lanceolata para operárias de Atta sexdens rubropilosa. Para os testes, as formigas foram divididas em lotes de 50 operárias, distribuídas em 5 placas para cada tratamento e mantidas em B.O.D. durante os 25 dias do experimento. Nos bioensaios de ingestão, os extratos provenientes das plantas foram incorporados em dieta artificial e testados durante 25 dias. No bioensaio tópico, as substâncias eram colocadas no pronoto das formigas e era oferecida dieta pura em todos os dias do experimento. Após os testes, os dados foram transferidos para o software Prisma 3.0, para a confecção de curvas de sobrevivência e para a realização das análises estatísticas. Apesar de Magonia pubescens apresentar um bom resultado, não foi possível continuar com os testes, pois a alta polaridade dos extratos impossibilitava a separação das substâncias... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Photodynamic therapy, term introduced by von Tapeiner in 1900, can be defined as the administration of a non toxic drug, i.e., a dye, known as photosensitizer (FS), which subsequently will be illuminated with light of specific wavelength. PDT is based on the interaction among FS, oxygen and light, which through photochemical reactions cause cell death. The FS molecules must have a high probability to form the singlet state after the excitation, which can induce chemical changes in the neighborhood in two ways, called reactions type I and type II. The type II reaction is based on the exchange of energy to molecular oxygen, exciting it to its state of higher energy (singlet), which is highly reactive. The proposed mechanisms for cell death are linked to damage to the DNA, mitochondria and to the cytoplasmic membrane. Several pre‐clinical and clinical trials have been carried out and the PDT is already used in many countries for treatment mainly against certain types of cancer. The therapy also has been gaining strength in antimicrobial control, since the microorganisms have appeared increasingly resistant to current antibiotics. Another attempt to use the PDT is for the inactivation of macro‐organisms, such as micro‐crustaceans and mosquitoes. To this end I tested whether the photosensitizers methylene blue, rose Bengal and the chlorophyll a has insecticidal activity against the yellow fever and dengue vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Since these diseases have no effective treatments, its control is linked to the vector control, which has shown resistance to chemical pesticides used. Based on this, this work shows its importance, because it is a new type of mosquito control since all the photosensitizers used are low cost, do not generate toxic products at the concentrations used and showed good results in mortality. The best photosensitizer was rose Bengal... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Bacillus thuringiensis is an environmental bacteria that produces a group of crystallizable proteins (Cry) that are toxic for several insects and worms species. Recently, it was described a novel class of Cry proteins called parasporins (PS) that showed cytotoxic effects on animal and human tumor cells. Six types of PS have been described so far, PS1 to PS6, and their cytotoxic activity has been studied. However, the direct effect on tumor cells has been the current research focus, while the immunomodulatory role of the PS has not been studied yet. Therefore, this study aimed to verify whether PS of TC 2.3.1R6 B. thuringiensis strain has immunostimulatory activity on human lymphocytes and monocytes. We have evaluated the protein toxicity against human cells, the lymphoproliferative activity and the effects on peripheral blood monocytes. The PS-PK showed no toxic or stimulating activity on lymphocyte proliferation. However, it inhibited the spontaneous production of IL-10 as well as ConA-induced and the production of IFN-γ. PS-PK decreased the release of hydrogen peroxide and increased the production of TNF- α by monocytes. PS-PK performed inhibitory production of hydrogen peroxide and TNF-α by monocytes, whereas PS-Tp showed stimulation of the production of hydrogen and TNF-α