97 resultados para meios porosos homogêneos


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Introduction:The regular practice of physical activity is being used as a therapeutic resource to the elderly population, with the objective of reduction of the losses provoked by the growing old process. The home place (urban or rural) is still little explored in literature about your infl uence in the physical capacity of the elderly people. Objective: The aim of this study was to value and compare the quality of life, motion and functional capacity between physically active and sedentary elderly people, residents in the urban and rural area. Methods: Sixty people with age above 60 years old were valued, 20 physically active residents in the urban area (66,5 ± 4,32 years), 20 sedentary residents in the urban area (68,8± 7,24 years), 10 physically active residents in the rural area (64,4±2,46 years) and 10 sedentary residents in the rural area (68±5,78 years). It was realized the evaluation of the fl exibility (previous fl exon of the trunk), mobility (timed up and go test), a six-minute walk test and answered a quality of life’s questionnaire SF-36. To compare the results obtained by the two groups was used the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the signifi cant presence of the test was performed post hoc Newman-Keuls. The level of signifi cance used in statistical analysis was 5% (p<0,05).Results: It was observed that the physically active elderly people obtaine better performance on the six-minutes walk test. It wasn’t found difference in the mobility among the groups. In relation to the quality of life, the elderly residents in the rural area, were better in the component Vitally. In relation to the fl exibility the elderly residents in the urban area obtained the best results. So, we can conclude that the practice of physical activity realized by the volunteers contributed to a better functional capacity, observed by the biggest distance gone through on the walk test. The rural home place positively infl uenced the vitality control, while the fl exibility was worse presented in these elderly people.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Escherichia coli é uma bactéria Gram-negativa, pertencente à família Enterobacteriaceae, que habita o intestino de animais de sangue quente, com 90% sendo comensais para o ser humano e 10% patogênicas. Quando presente em alimentos esse grupo é considerado um bom indicador higiênico-sanitário de alimentos. Em alimentos, a cepa patogênica mais estudada é E. coli produtora de toxina de Shiga (STEC) O157:H7. Entretanto, muitos casos vêm ocorrendo em todo o mundo devido a cepas patogênicas não O157, como O103, O111, O145 e O26. As STECs são responsáveis por desde uma simples diarréia até diarréia sanguinolenta que pode evoluir ainda para síndrome hemolítica urêmica e púrpura trombótica trombocitopênica, que podem ocasionar danos crônicos como falência renal. A transmissão destas cepas se deve a carnes mal cozidas, leites e derivados não pasteurizados, água e vegetais contaminados. Uma característica interessante de E. coli O157:H7 é o seu mecanismo de resistência ao estresse ácido – ácido tolerância – de modo que os alimentos ácidos não podem mais ser considerados seguros contra tais organismos. A fim de ampliar o conhecimento acerca das cepas não O157 e dos mecanismos de ácido resistência, este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar o comportamento de linhagens de STEC não O157:H7 submetidas às condições de estresse de baixo pH utilizando para tanto meios de cultura acidificados e polpas de frutas como matriz alimentar. Constatou-se que quando mantidas em condições-controle e as ácido-adaptadas mantêm populações da ordem de 2 a 3 log UFC/mL quando em polpas de frutas sabor cajá (pH 2,3) e tamarindo (pH 2,3) armazenadas a 4 C por até 30 dias


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The implications of modernity and globalization stimulated the establishment of a new type of organization. Resilient organizations, as they will be called, representing the twenty-first century and are aligned with the social, political and economic context for their adaptability and flexibility. The study of the case will be the communication of the NGO Periferia Legal, also linked to the plane of the creative economy because of the intangible asset it produces. The study will be focused on the ways which public relations can help in the development of the NGO by analyzing their media. Thus, the three fronts of communication from the NGO (external, internal and institutional) will be analyzed through observations and interviews and their channels are categorized into: inefficient, low efficiency , average efficiency and efficient. The media will be key to understanding the phenomenon and the degree of efficiency will be marked as it achieves the proposed and designed objectives by the project itself - through the mission and vision of the NGO - using communication. In this way, the study seeks to understand the characteristics of resilient organizations from the standpoint of public relations


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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A pesquisa analisa o novo marco regulatório da comunicação da Argentina, a Lei n° 26.522/2009 de Serviços de Comunicação e Audiovisual (LSCA). O texto é referência reguladora emblemática e contemporânea para os campos de estudos da Comunicação, das Políticas Públicas e da Economia Política da Comunicação na América Latina. O caráter original dessa legislação reside na aproximação de uma concepção inovadora do direito à comunicação e na atribuição de um novo papel regulador reservado ao Estado. A criação de uma nova arquitetura institucional para o desenho das políticas de comunicação, o estabelecimento de limites de propriedade para empresas e grupos da radiodifusão e a divisão do espectro radioelétrico em partes iguais para operadores privados, estatais e privados sem fins de lucro são objetos de especial atenção. Nesse sentido, são analisadas as premissas normativas da LSCA e os obstáculos à sua implantação. O processo de elaboração e implantação dessa nova legislação é inseparável do momento político e da correlação de forças políticas do país e de um fenômeno comum na América Latina desde a redemocratização: a emergência da sociedade civil e a luta pela difusão dos direitos de cidadania. A pesquisa aponta tensões entre politicas públicas progressistas e velhos costumes impregnados no Estado, como o fortalecimento de grupos de mídia próximos ao governo de turno e o uso oficialista dos canais de comunicação estatais. Assim, a LSCA revela baixo grau de materialização, a despeito de representar um avanço normativo, institucional e político chave para o país e a região na perspectiva da democratização da comunicação


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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This article is a reflection about the contribution the social communication media can provide to the public debate about the environmental concerns. The Agenda XXI and several other UN documents call to the need to inform and educate the society. On the other hand, the Communication theories always have in common the imperative of the emitter to be understood by the recipient, in such a way that they can become change agents and not only observers. The first step is, therefore, to study the environmental question, adequately focus the theme and convey clarification. It is not what happened, for instance, with some technical concepts from the area, in particular sustainability, that came about in the 70 s to guide public policies at the service of the life preservation and specially, future and today, utilized even as a parameter of preservation of profit and advantage resulting from exploitation of nature.Key-Words Theory of Communication - Environmental Sustainability MCM


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Grandes mudanças de ordem tecnológica e social colaboraram para a transformação na forma de comunicação do homem ao longo da história, que compartilha informações e transforma conceitos através de novos meios e novas narrativas, construindo e reconstruindo informações. O compartilhamento desses novos conteúdos vem colaborar na divulgação de diversidades culturais e regionais de todo o país fazendo jus a um dos objetivos da televisão digital que é a democratização da informação e do conhecimento.


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This research has as its main reference, the need to detect the development initiatives by public higher education, concepts, methods and teaching and pedagogical tools and to investigate the ability to transfer knowledge and practices of teaching and learning produced for other levels education. The task of providing appropriate training of teachers of basic education to university education is a vital political and administrative demands for a large country, which needs to adequately educate its people, so he can face in the right conditions, the huge and complex demands of regional and national development. The research presented here, aims to gauge the extent and adequacy of current media and information as tools for teaching and pedagogical transfer the knowledge and practices of teaching and learning as a tool for updating and also for training or non-presence blended Primary School Teacher Education. From the established goals will be carried out research, conceptual and field, to analyze and evaluate some educational practices and resulting forms of communication and also to assess the effects brought about by replacing the linear communication model and the model of unilateral to multilateral communication networks on digital models, and practices of schooling. The results obtained from both theoretical and practical will be on the selection of concepts, content production, methodologies and resources run by different "means" integrated with the cultural, economic and social development, both locally, regionally or nationally. The strategic aim will be to expand from the analysis, production and dissemination of concepts, methods and tools made by teachers of Basic Education and Higher Education, teaching and pedagogical possibilities of media and digital devices that are emerging as the derivation of network communication.