122 resultados para light limitation


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Purpose: To evaluate the cohesive strength between composite and different light-curing characterizing materials (LCCM), which were prepared using the intrinsic technique.Materials and Methods: One hundred composite specimens were made by using a prefabricated Teflon device, and a layer of LCCM was applied at the interface. The specimens were divided into 5 groups (n = 20): group 1 (control), no LCCM was used; group 2: application of White Kolor Plus Pigment (Kerr) LCCM; group 3: White Tetric Color Pigment (Ivoclar/Vivadent) LCCM; group 4: Brown Kolor Plus Pigment (Kerr) LCCM; group 5: Black Tetric Color Pigment (Ivoclar/Vivadent) LCCM. All materials were used according to the manufacturers' instructions. Specimens were submitted to a tensile test in a universal testing machine (EMIC DL-200MF) to evaluate the cohesive strength at the composite interface. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 5%).Results: ANOVA showed a p-value = 0.0001, indicating that there were significant differences among the groups. The mean values in MPa (+/- standard deviation) obtained for the groups were: G1: 28.5 (+/-2.74)a; G2: 23.5 (+/-2.47)b; G3: 20.3 (+/-2.49)b; G4: 10.5 (+/-2.40)c; G5: 9.66 (+/-3.06)c. The groups with the same letters presented no significant differences. The control group presented statistically significantly higher cohesive strengths when compared to the other groups. The groups in which Brown Kolor Plus Pigment and Black Tetric Color Pigment LCCM were used showed significantly lower cohesive strengths when compared to the groups in which White Kolor Plus Pigment and White Tetric Color Pigment LCMM were used.Conclusion: The use of LCCM produced with the intrinsic technique reduced the cohesive strength of composite.


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Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of the color change of hybrid light-emitting diode (LED) and low-intensity infrared diode laser devices for activating dental bleaching and to verify the occurrence of a color regression with time. Material and methods. A total of 180 specimens obtained from human premolars were immersed in a coffee solution for 15 days for darkening and then divided into eight experimental groups (n = 20 in each) as follows: G1, bleaching without light; G2, bleaching with halogen light; G3, bleaching with a blue LED (1000 mW/470 nm) and a laser device (120 mW/795 nm) simultaneously; G4, bleaching with an LED emitting blue light (1000 mW/470 nm); G5, bleaching with a blue LED (800 mW/470 nm) and a laser device (500 mW/830 nm) simultaneously; G6, bleaching with a blue LED device (800 mW); G7, bleaching with a green LED (600 mW/530 nm) and a laser device (120 mW/795 nm) simultaneously; and G8, bleaching with a green LED (600 mW). Three measurements were performed (at baseline and 14 days and 12 months after bleaching) using a Vita Easyshade spectrophotometer. The data were submitted to two-way ANOVA and a Tukey test. Results. All groups showed significantly higher Delta E values than Group G1, with the exception of Group G8. Variations in the Delta E values at 14 days were significant when compared with those obtained at baseline and after 12 months. Conclusions. Light activation of the bleaching gel provided faster and more intense bleaching than use of the bleaching gel without light activation. Combinations of low-intensity diode lasers are ineffective as a bleaching gel activator. Color regression was observed after 12 months of storage.


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We show that by introducing appropriate local Z(N)(Ngreater than or equal to13) symmetries in electroweak models it is possible to implement an automatic Peccei-Quinn symmetry, at the same time keeping the axion protected against gravitational effects. Although we consider here only an extension of the standard model and a particular 3-3-1 model, the strategy can be used in any kind of electroweak model. An interesting feature of this 3-3-1 model is that if we add (i) right-handed neutrinos, (ii) the conservation of the total lepton number, and (iii) a Z(2) symmetry, the Z(13) and the chiral Peccei-Quinn U(1)P-Q symmetries are both accidental symmetries in the sense that they are not imposed on the Lagrangian but are just a consequence of the particle content of the model, its gauge invariance, renormalizability, and Lorentz invariance. In addition, this model has no domain wall problem.


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A systematic study of the root-mean-square distance between the constituents of weakly-bound nuclei consisting of two halo neutrons and a core is performed using a renormalized zero-range model. The radii are obtained from a universal scaling function that depends on the mass ratio of the neutron and the core, as well as on the nature of the subsystems, bound or virtual. Our calculations are qualitatively consistent with recent data for the neutron-neutron root-mean-square distance in the halo of Li-11 and Be-14 nuclei. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We show that by imposing local Z(13)circle timesZ(3) symmetries in an SU(2)circle timesU(1) electroweak model we can implement an invisible axion in such a way that (i) the Peccei-Quinn symmetry is an automatic symmetry of the classical Lagrangian, and (ii) the axion is protected from semiclassical gravitational effects. In order to be able to implement such a large discrete symmetry, and at the same time allow a general mixing in each charge sector, we introduce right-handed neutrinos and enlarge the scalar sector of the model. The domain wall problem is briefly considered.


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The pion electromagnetic form factor is calculated with a light-front quark model. The plus and minus components of the electromagnetic current are used to calculate the electromagnetic form factor in the the Breit frame with two models for the q (q) over bar vertex. The light-front constituent quark model describes very well the hadronic wave functions for pseudo-scalar and vector particles. Symmetry problems arising in the light-front approcah are solved by the pole dislocation method. The results are compared with new experimental data and with other quark models.


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The kaon electromagnetic (e.m.) form factor is reviewed considering a light-front constituent quark model. In this approach, it is discussed the relevance of the quark-antiquark pair terms for the full covariance of the e.m. current. It is also verified, by considering a QCD dynamical model, that a good agreement with experimental data can be obtained for the kaon weak decay constant once a probability of about 80% of the valence component is taken into account.


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Feynman integrals in the physical light-cone gauge are more difficult to solve than their covariant counterparts. The difficulty is associated with the presence of unphysical singularities due to the inherent residual gauge freedom in the intermediate boson propagators constrained within this gauge choice. In order to circumvent these non-physical singularities, the headlong approach has always been to call for mathematical devices - prescriptions - some successful and others not. A more elegant approach is to consider the propagator from its physical point of view, that is, an object obeying basic principles such as causality. Once this fact is realized and carefully taken into account, the crutch of prescriptions can be avoided altogether. An alternative, third approach, which for practical computations could dispense with prescriptions as well as avoiding the necessity of careful stepwise consideration of causality, would be of great advantage. and this third option is realizable within the context of negative dimensions, or as it has been coined, the negative dimensional integration method (NDIM).


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The only calculations performed beyond one-loop level in the light-cone gauge make use of the Mandelstam-Leibbrandt (ML) prescription in order to circumvent the notorious gauge dependent poles. Recently we have shown that in the context of negative dimensional integration method (NDIM) such prescription can be altogether abandoned, at least in one-loop order calculations. We extend our approach, now studying two-loop integrals pertaining to two-point functions. While previous works on the subject present only divergent parts for the integrals, we show that our prescriptionless method gives the same results for them, besides finite parts for arbitrary exponents of propagators. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The usual particle emission scenario used in hydrodynamics presupposes that particles instantaneously stop interacting (freeze-out) once they reach some three-dimensional surface. Another formalism has recently been developed where particle emission occurs continuously during the whole expansion of thermalized matter. Here we compare both mechanisms in a simplified hydrodynamical framework and show that they lead to a drastically different interpretation of data.


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We use the light-front machinery to study the behavior of a relativistic free particle and obtain the quantum commutation relations from the classical Poisson brackets. We argue that their usual projection onto the light-front coordinates from the covariant commutation relations show that there is an inconsistency in the expected correlation between canonically conjugate variables time x(+) and energy p(-). This incompatibility between canonical conjugate variables in the light front is discussed in the context of Poisson brackets and a suggestion is made on how to avoid it.


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Here we present a possible way to relate the method of covariantizing the gauge-dependent pole and the negative dimensional integration method for computing Feynman integrals pertinent to the light-cone gauge fields. Both techniques are applicable to the algebraic light-cone gauge and dispense with prescriptions to treat the characteristic poles.


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We model the electrical behavior of organic light-emitting diodes whose emissive multilayer is formed by blends of an electron transporting material, tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq(3)) and a hole transporting material, N,N-'-diphenyl-N,N-'-bis(1,1(')-biphenyl)-4,4-diamine. The multilayer is composed of layers of different concentration. The Alq(3) concentration gradually decreases from the cathode to the anode. We demonstrate that these graded devices have higher efficiency and operate at lower applied voltages than devices whose emissive layer is made of nominally homogeneous blends. Our results show an important advantage of graded devices, namely, the low values of the recombination rate distribution near the cathode and the anode, so that electrode quenching is expected to be significantly suppressed in these devices. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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