402 resultados para jornalismo


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This article is a reflection about the contribution the social communication media can provide to the public debate about the environmental concerns. The Agenda XXI and several other UN documents call to the need to inform and educate the society. On the other hand, the Communication theories always have in common the imperative of the emitter to be understood by the recipient, in such a way that they can become change agents and not only observers. The first step is, therefore, to study the environmental question, adequately focus the theme and convey clarification. It is not what happened, for instance, with some technical concepts from the area, in particular sustainability, that came about in the 70 s to guide public policies at the service of the life preservation and specially, future and today, utilized even as a parameter of preservation of profit and advantage resulting from exploitation of nature.Key-Words Theory of Communication - Environmental Sustainability MCM


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This article intends to inventory the medias that also cover Third Age in Brazil, in view of that all the demographic pointers reveal the accented process of aging of the world-wide population, and therefore of our country. A time that the journalists cannot ignore the changes that occur in the interior of the society, in which it is the main area of performance of the journalism, we want to understand why the Brazilian media still dedicates so little space to this phenomenon of the elderly, in contrast of what occurs in other countries. We ask ourselves, then, if the change in the way of looking at the elderly one would not have to be born inside of the University, through the young who prepare for the exercise of the profession, with citizenship and social concern. In the Course of Journalism of the UNESP/Bauru a group of future journalists is searching this subject, for this they sign this article.


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This paper focuses on the importance of internal communication within the journalism departments of regional Brazilian open television networks. This research shows that these professionals recognized that communication can improve relationship among staff and journalistic performance. However, just one of the companies researched invests in internal communication management. The present study also reveals many challenges which influence internal communication, relationship, and the journalistic work in these companies, such as: lean teams, interferences from other areas in the journalistic writing, lack of formal network of communication, competition among members of the team, the journalist's professional profile, need for shared leadership and internal communication policies and information management.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ao refletir sobre a esfera do jornalismo sob influência da lógica mercadológica, esta pesquisa contextualiza teoricamente o cenário atual das características e tendências do jornalismo, especificamente o jornalismo cultural praticado pelo caderno Prosa & Verso, o suplemento literário do jornal carioca O Globo. O presente estudo tem por objetivo estudar a cobertura jornalística do citado suplemento, identifi- cando os valores-notícia presentes nas reportagens de capa, especificamente nos períodos referentes ao ano de 2008 em que ocorrem a Feira Literária Internacional de Paraty e a Bienal Internacional do Livro de São Paulo. Tratando, portanto, da cobertura de eventos do mercado editorial, propõe-se uma análise e reflexão acerca das tensões existentes entre campo jornalístico e campo literário, focando a influência da citada lógica mercadológica na produção jornalística. Com a elaboração da análise dos suplementos veiculados durante a ocorrência de ambos os eventos e a partir das relações entre produção da notícia, imposições de mercado e espetacularização na indústria cultural, verifica-se, entre outras questões, que a notícia não escapa da necessidade de possuir valor de troca, mesmo quando se trata do jornalismo cultural, uma vez que a cultura também tem sua própria economia.


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Several groups reveal their interests, their critical position on reality through structure alternative of communication ways for great media. These ways, that were present during history of brazilian journalism don´t have the repercussion and reach of great communication enterprises, but they are initiatives that collaborate to spread of perspectives about the reality and on structure of a communication more democratic. This analysis organizes itself from observation about the newspaper Sem Terra emphasizing their principal characteristics, their speech about the conception of citizenship related to agrarian reform project and its significance about journalism of great media. The militant journalism just emerges like one of the tools on struggles of citizenship, but fundamental importance to spread the reality readings and to allow reflexions about the admitted journalistic language through arrival of modernity.


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This article is based on research which has been developed in partnership with Unesp TV, a university TV broadcast station of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Bauru campus/SP. The study aims to identify convergent and divergent aspects in the design of audiovisual journalistic content for TV and other media such as the internet and mobile communication systems. The results presented here are the considerations obtained from the first stage of the research. In this phase, the basic steps which should guide the design of the content to feed broadcasting time are outlined, as well as the online audiovisual news broadcast and business management of a TV station, compared to the model which has been followed by internet TV broadcasters.


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A Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2002, disputada no Japão e na Coreia do Sul, representava um desafio inédito para a cobertura dos jornais brasileiros: oferecer um conteúdo atraente para o leitor diante dos prazos de edição e publicação, os quais antecediam em poucos momentos os horários das partidas do torneio. Uma das estratégias para combater a efemeridade do tempo da notícia foi a de recorrer à colaboração de escritores e cronistas. Convocados para comentar o evento, esses profissionais distanciaram-se da mera referência jornalística; assim, fatos e notícias reconstruídos passaram a adquirir contornos carregados de subjetividade e criação literária.


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Scientific research has shown remarkable advances in the formulation of criteria for assessing the quality of journalism practiced in the commercial media and public broadcasting, comprising aspects such as management models, business principles, parameters to the assessment of results and exercise of social responsibility. However, there are fewer investigations on the practice of journalism in digital public communication formats explored by government web portals. The contribution of this paper lies in a proposal of elements for the construction of parameters for evaluating the quality of journalism in the digital public communication. The proposal is inspired by criteria for evaluating the quality of commercial media and public broadcasting and suggests means for its application in the journalism practiced in the context of government web portals.


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The proposed paper aims to understand and analyze how the sporting television journalism has changed in Brazil, affecting the coverage of major events like the World Cup. The impact of these changes are reflected in the use of interactivity, entertainment and presentation of news, in pictures and on television news programs inserted in Brazilian TV News. The study proposes to analyze, through theories of journalism and content analysis, as two seemingly opposing concepts (journalism and entertainment) were put into perspective by the Central Cup television program, aired during the year 2010 by Globo television, on the occasion of the World Cup in South Africa.


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From the study of the news, it is possible to notice a substantial and progressive increase in the number of reports that use social networks as a source for the composition of the news in recent years. This paper discusses precisely this process of legitimation of social networks as an authorized source for journalists from the perspective of the standards narration codes historically marked that journalists use to tell their stories, in a crossover between the ideas of Michel de Certeau, Paul Ricoeur and Roland Barthes. We will study the notion that this increase is due to a repositioning of journalistic values in vogue (who put those sources within the boundaries of acceptable) and has visible consequences in the writing and structuring of journalistic report as an enunciative technical.


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Since journalistic report is subject to certain pre-coded forms of narration, so that the recognized journalistic discourse is subject to a specific and standardized way of narrating the events, in this article, we will discuss the historical status of reality effects engendered narratively by news stories. Over time, although the use of reality effects is constant in news, the narrative techniques that harbor these effects have changed. In different historical periods, different narration codes had assumed the role of making the journalistic stories more credible. As material of analysis, we will show certain narrative techniques linked to reality effects used by magazines such as Revista da Semana (1900-1958), O Cruzeiro (1928-1975) and Manchete (1952-2000). Each one of these used certain storytelling techniques that have been abandoned in subsequent periods and that show the historical status of reality effects linguistically constructed in journalism.


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The purpose of this article is to think the online collaborative journalism from the perspective of semiosis in Charles Sanders Peirce. It seeks to define the formal elements of language hypermedia web, beyond the concepts of semiosis, sign, object and interpretant. Thus, paths are indicated for understanding how different aspects of the news can emerge and coexist in mediating the journalistic own website, marked by the decentralization of the production and dissemination of media content, as opposed to mediation system based on broadcast journalism. There is also a small survey of the evolution of Brazilian collaborative journalism on the web, showing that there is still a tendency to keep the logic of journalism massive unidirectional.