80 resultados para incubadoras de empresas de base tecnológica.
Pós-graduação em Agronegócio e Desenvolvimento - Tupã
The objective of this work is to determine the membership functions for the construction of a fuzzy controller to evaluate the energy situation of the company with respect to load and power factors. The energy assessment of a company is performed by technicians and experts based on the indices of load and power factors, and analysis of the machines used in production processes. This assessment is conducted periodically to detect whether the procedures performed by employees in relation to how of use electricity energy are correct. With a fuzzy controller, this performed can be done by machines. The construction of a fuzzy controller is initially characterized by the definition of input and output variables, and their associated membership functions. We also need to define a method of inference and a processor output. Finally, you need the help of technicians and experts to build a rule base, consisting of answers that provide these professionals in function of characteristics of the input variables. The controller proposed in this paper has as input variables load and power factors, and output the company situation. Their membership functions representing fuzzy sets called by linguistic qualities, as “VERY BAD” and “GOOD”. With the method of inference Mandani and the processor to exit from the Center of Area chosen, the structure of a fuzzy controller is established, simply by the choice by technicians and experts of the field energy to determine a set of rules appropriate for the chosen company. Thus, the interpretation of load and power factors by software comes to meeting the need of creating a single index that indicates an overall basis (rational and efficient) as the energy is being used.
This study aims to develop innovative proposals for production agriculture management and plans to build a participatory model, through the digital inclusion of members of the family farm gathered in a cooperative venture seeking to establish new environmental management efficiency for household production. The first part of the hypothesis assumes that a major obstacle to the insertion of small family farms into the markets is skilled labor, human capital. A training model has been developed for traceability and tracking activities on family farms, based on the atemoya culture. The second hypothesis predicts that it is possible to create a model that is scientifically supported by widely accepted rules derived from GlobalGAP standard certification, a global benchmark for good agricultural practices. Using these rules the model seeks to achieve the traceability of agricultural products and operations from the preservation of identity information within the production chain. The results obtained by the computerized system confirmed the presented hypotheses by demonstrating that technological innovation through intensive communication and information technologies education as well as other associated forms are important drivers of regional development, especially if implemented through a digital inclusion project using the state program Infocentros Access São Paulo.
Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS
In this work, we address the informational Density Index (IDI) a methodological Option How To be used on the Research Procedures Analysis of Commerce Geography. The IDI and an indicator of Technological Complexity level of economic activities and a review and made a database from CNEFE / NCEA, where the first signifies the National Register of Establishments for statistical purposes and the second means a National Classification Economic Activities. Elaborated with emphasis on discussion of between center and centrality relations, wish to present a constitution of a data base on level sampling with an analysis elaboration do IDI from the criteria: home-page and e - commerce. This methodology helps us understand how polycentric structures, locational enterprise well as a reflection on the middle cities using a through the analysis on city of São Carlos/SP. Where we see the establishments with greater and lesser content as well as its geographical distribution, noting of according to the criteria listed number of establishments with IDI 0 very relevant. Our analysis as well as such divisions that meet greater index, so, IDI 2 like to financial activities. Also present at methodological level the city of São José do Rio Preto/SP paragraph seizure of care when working there in database