81 resultados para endoscopia


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Liver cirrhosis (LC) is a disease with high mortality rates and its only definitive treatment is the orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). Unfortunately, not all patients have access to OLT and many of them end up dying on the transplant waiting list. The use of branched chain amino acids (BCAA) is widely known as an effective treatment for improving the quality of life of these patients. For the first time, in this paper we documented a great improvement of clinical and laboratorial tests of a patient treated with BCAA, which allowed him to be out of the transplant waiting list. In addition to the increase of the MELD score, the patient achieved restabilization of body weight and recovery of the quality of life registered by the SF-36 questionnaire.


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Crohn’s disease is a chronic infl ammatory bowel disease with segmental transmural infl ammation, which complicate with formation of fi stulas and abscesses. The hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is characterized by recurrent abscesses, with a predilection for areas rich in apocrine glands such as the axillary, inguinal and perineal. The differential diagnosis between these diseases is diffi cult and may compromise treatment. Report case: C.R.M.A., 40 year-old, female, white, ileal and colonic Crohn’s disease complicated with perianal and rectovaginal fi stula for 12 years, treated with biological therapy since May 2010. In Sep/2010 presented with an abscess in the buttock D with purulent discharge refractory to the use of ciprofl oxacin and metronidazole. USG: collection of 30 cm3 in buttock D. The diagnosis was HS and the patient underwent extensive surgical removal of the affected areas (10 x 2 cm) with healing by secondary intention. Skin graft performed unsuccessfully in Dec/2010. The patient returned in jan/2011 with a new fi stula at the site of resection, consistent with Crohn’s disease. In fev/2011 underwent drainage of abscesses and placement of setons in perianal fi stulas. Currently in therapy with good biological evolution of fi stulas. The prevalence of HS varies from 0.3 to 4% of the population in general. The axilla is the region most affected and perianal lesions are associated with greater weakness. There are published reports of association between HS and Crohn’s disease sporadically and further studies are needed to assess a common pathogenesis. The differential diagnosis should be performed in all cases planning immediate treatment, avoiding complications and worsening of the patient’s quality of life.


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Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a functional disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) associated with liver failure, either end-stage chronic liver disease or fulminant hepatic failure. Its pathogenesis remains complex and poorly understood. In view of recent advances in the management of HE, the Brazilian Society of Hepatology endorsed a monothematic meeting regarding HE in order to gather experts in the field to discuss related data and to draw evidence-based recommendations concerning: management of HE and intracranial hypertension in FHF, treatment of episodic HE in cirrhosis, controversies in the management of EH including difficult to treat cases and diagnostic and treatment challenges for minimal HE. The purpose of this review is to summarize the lectures and recommendations made by the panel of experts of the Brazilian Society of Hepatology.


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The real role of renal transplantation in hepatic fi brosis progression caused by hepatitis C virus is still unpredictable. Histological evaluation of the liver is the best form to estimate fi brosis evolution, although semiquantitative analysis carries important limitations. Objective: To apply a morphometric quantitative assay on hepatic fi brosis progression in renal recipients with hepatits C. Methods: Thirty patients were initially evaluated, but only seven were included. They underwent the fi rst biopsy near the transplantation date and the second biopsy at least 4 years later. The immunosuppressant therapy adopted in all cases was azatioprine and micofenolate. Fibrosis progression rate (FPR) was calculated before and after the surgery date in each patient according to Metavir score and morphometric analysis. Results: The FPR calculated by Metavir score showed no statistical difference between pre- and post-transplantation (p=0.9). The FPR calculated by the morphometric analysis was 0.58 ± 0.78 before transplantation and 3.0 ± 3.3 after the surgery, with statistical signi- fi cance between these values (p=0.0026). Conclusion: In the sample assessed, the progression of hepatic fi brosis was documented and quantifi ed only by the morphometric analysis, which is as a promising approach to histological evaluation of these patients.


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There are only 10 reported cases of pancreatic hemangiomas in adults, only one of them causing digestive bleeding. We present a case of variceal bleeding and portal hypertension caused by a pancreatic hemangioma. The patient had 19 year-old and was received at her 16th week of pregnancy. She had massive hematemesis, controlled after variceal band ligation. Her image exams revealed a cystic lesion of 164 cm³ in the pancreas tail and signs of portal hypertension. Two months after, the ultrassonographic exam documented the lesion growth, achieving 200 cm³ at that time. The patient was submitted to distal pancreatectomy, and the histopathological analysis revealed a pancreatic hemangioma of 11 x 9 x 8 cm. Therefore, we report the second case of digestive bleeding caused by a pancreatic hemangioma, which had a well documented growth during the pregnancy. Additionally, we review the previous reports of pancreatic hemangiomas and discuss the hypothesis of hormonal infl uence on the natural history of these tumors.