127 resultados para electric arc
Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) optimized allocation allows control, monitoring and accurate operation of electric power distribution systems, improving reliability and service quality. Good quality and considerable results are obtained for transmission systems using fault location techniques based on voltage measurements. Based on these techniques and performing PMUs optimized allocation it is possible to develop an electric power distribution system fault locator, which provides accurate results. The PMUs allocation problem presents combinatorial features related to devices number that can be allocated, and also probably places for allocation. Tabu search algorithm is the proposed technique to carry out PMUs allocation. This technique applied in a 141 buses real-life distribution urban feeder improved significantly the fault location results. © 2004 IEEE.
This work deals with the effects of the series compensation on the electric power system for small-signal stability studies. Therefore, the system is modeled admitting the existence of the compensation and then, the equations are linearized and a linear model is obtained for a single machine-infinite bus power system with a compensator installed. The resulting model with nine defined constants is very similar to the Heffron & Phillips linear model widely used on the existent literature. Finally, simulations are executed for an example system, to analyze the behavior of these constants when loading the system. © 2004 IEEE.
The purpose of our investigation is to compare the intrapulpal temperature changes following blue LED system and halogen lamp irradiation at the enamel surface of permanent teeth. The fixation of brackets using composite resin is more comfortable and faster when using a photo-curable composite. Several light sources can be used: halogens, arc plasma, lasers, and recently blue LED systems. An important aspect to be observed during such a procedures is the temperature change. In this study, we have used nine human extracted permanent teeth: three central incisors, three lateral incisors, and three canines. Teeth were exposed to two light sources: blue LED system (preliminary commercial model LEC 470-II) and halogen lamp (conventional photo-cure equipment). The surface of teeth was exposed for 20, 40, and 60 sec at the buccal and lingual enamel surface with an angle of 45 degrees. Temperature values measured by a thermistor placed at pulpar chamber were read in time intervals of 1 sec. We obtained plots showing the temperature evolution as a function of time for each experiment. There is a correlation between heating quantity and exposition time of light source: with increasing exposition time, heating increases into the pulpal chamber. The halogen lamp showed higher heating than the LED system, which showed a shorter time of cooling than halogen lamp. The blue LED system seems like the indicated light source for photo-cure of composite resin during the bonding of brackets. The fixation of brackets using composite resin is more comfortable and faster when using a photo-curable composite. Blue LED equipment did not heat during its use. This could permit a shorter clinical time of operation and better performance. © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
A novel instrument for measurement of X-ray intensity from mammography consists of a sensitive pyro-electric detector, a high-sensitivity, low-noise current-to-voltage converter, a microcontroller and a digital display. The heart of this device, and what makes it unique is the pyro-electric detector, which measures radiation by converting heat from absorbed incident X-rays into an electric current. This current is then converted to a voltage and digitised. The detector consists of a ferro-electric crystal; two types were tested; lithium tantalate and lithium niobate. X-ray measurement in mammography is challenging because of its relatively low photon energy range, from 11 keV to 15 keV equivalent mean energy, corresponding to a peak tube potential from 22 to 36 kV. Consequently, energy fluence rate or intensity is low compared with that of common diagnostic X-ray. The instrument is capable of measuring intensities as low as 0.25 mWm -2 with precision greater than 99%. Not only was the instrument capable of performing in the clinical environment, with high background electromagnetic interference and vibration, but its performance was not degraded after being subjected to 140 roentgen (3.6 × 10 -2 C kg -2 air) as measured by piezo-electric (d 33) or pyro-electric coefficients. © IFMBE 2005.
With the considerable increase of the losses in electric utilities of developing countries, such as Brazil, there is an investigation for loss calculation methodologies, considering both technical (inherent of the system) and non-technical (usually associated to the electricity theft) losses. In general, all distribution networks know the load factor, obtained by measuring parameters directly from the network. However, the loss factor, important for the energy loss cost calculation, can only be obtained in a laborious way. Consequently, several formulas have been developed for obtaining the loss factor. Generally, it is used the expression that relates both factors, through the use of a coefficient k. Last reviews introduce a range of factor k within 0.04 - 0.30. In this work, an analysis with real life load curves is presented, determining new values for the coefficient k in a Brazilian electric utility. © 2006 IEEE.
The power flow problem, in transmission networks, has been well solved, for most cases, using Newton-Raphson method (NR) and its decoupled versions. Generally speaking, the solution of a non-linear system of equations refers to two methods: NR and Successive Substitution. The proposal of this paper is to evaluate the potential of the Substitution-Newton-Raphson Method (SNR), which combines both methods, on the solution of the power flow problem. Simulations were performed using a two-bus test network in order to observe the characteristics of these methods. It was verified that the NR is faster than SNR, in terms of convergence, considering non-stressed scenarios. For those cases where the power flow in the network is closed to the limits (stressed system), the SNR converges faster. This paper presents the power flow formulation of the SNR and describes its potential for its application in special cases such as stressed scenarios. © 2006 IEEE.
This paperwork presents a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) speed controller for an electric mini-baja-type car. A battery-fed 1-kW three-phase induction motor provides the electric vehicle traction. The open-loop speed control is implemented with an equal voltage/frequency ratio, in order to maintain a constant amount of torque on all velocities. The PWM is implemented by a low-cost 8-bit microcontroller provided with optimized ROM charts for distinct speed value implementations, synchronized transition between different charts and reduced odd harmonics generation. This technique was implemented using a single passenger mini-baja vehicle, and the essays have shown that its application resulted on reduced current consumption, besides eliminating mechanical parts. Copyright © 2007 by ABCM.
Objective: This crossover study compared the efficacy of an ultrasonic toothbrush for the reduction of plaque, gingival inflammation, and levels of Streptococcus mutans, in relation to an electric and a manual toothbrush. Materials and Methods: Twenty-one patients with orthodontic appliances were divided into three groups. All patients were evaluated by a periodontist and samples of saliva were collected for quantification of S mutans. The patients received their first brushes with appropriate instructions. For each crossover leg, patients used each toothbrush for a period of 30 days. At the end of each washout period, participants received a periodontal evaluation and new samples of saliva were collected. After 15 days of using their own toothbrushes, patients received the next toothbrushes in the experimental sequence. Results: The ultrasonic brush group presented significant improvement in the reduction of visible plaque on the buccal surfaces (-6.36%, P = .007). The counts of S mutans decreased in the electric (2.04 × 105 to 1.36 × 105 colony-forming units [CFU]/mL) and ultrasonic (2.98 × 105 to 1.84 × 105 CFU/mL) groups. There were no statistical differences among the three brushes for the clinical and microbiological parameters evaluated. Conclusions: This study did not demonstrate that the ultrasonic toothbrush was better in reducing gingival inflammation in adolescent orthodontic patients, but plaque scores were lowered on buccal surfaces of teeth with orthodontic brackets. In addition, S mutans counts were markedly decreased in the electric and ultrasonic groups, which should be related to a reduced risk of oral disease. © 2006 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.
Electric propulsion is now a succeful method for primary propulsion of deep space long duration missions and for geosyncronous satellite attitude control. Closed Drift Thruster, so called Hall Thruster or SPT (Stationary Plasma Thruster), was primarily conceived in USSR (the ancient Soviet Union) and, since then, it has been developed by space agencies, space research institutes and industries in several countries such as France, USA, Israel, Russian Federation and Brazil. In this work we present the main features of the Permanent Magnet Hall Thruster (PMHT) developed at the Plasma Laboratory of the University of Brasilia. The idea of using an array of permanent magnets, instead of an electromagnet, to produce a radial magnetic field inside the plasma channel of the thruster is very significant. It allows the development of a Hall Thruster with power consumption low enough to be used in small and medium size satellites. Description of a new vacuum chamber used to test the second prototype of the PMHT (PHALL II) will be given. PHALL II has an aluminum plasma chamber and is smaller with 15 cm diameter and will contain rare earth magnets. We will show plasma density and temperature space profiles inside and outside the thruster channel. Ion temperature measurements based on Doppler broadening of spectral lines and ion energy measurements are also shown. Based on the measured plasma parameters we constructed an aptitude figure of the PMHT. It contains the specific impulse, total thrust, propellant flow rate and power consumption necessary for orbit raising of satellites. Based on previous studies of geosyncronous satellite orbit positioning we perform numerical simulations of satellite orbit raising from an altitude of 700 km to 36000 km using a PMHT operating in the 100 mN - 500 mN thrust range. In order to perform these calculations integration techniques were used. The main simulation paraters were orbit raising time, fuel mass, total satellite mass, thrust and exaust velocity. We conclude comparing our results with results obtainned with known space missions performed with Hall Thrusters. © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
ResumoThe main idea of this work is based on the analysis of the electric torque through the acting of the PS in the power system, provided of a control for the compensation degree (PSC). A linear model of the single machine-infinite bus system is used with a PS installed (SMIB/PS system). The variable that represents the presence of PS in the net is associated to the phase displacement introduced in the terminal voltage of the synchronous machine by PS. For the input signals of the PSC are evaluated variations of the angular speed of the rotor, the current magnitude and the active power through the line where the PS is located. The simulations are accomplished to analyze the influence of the PS in the torque formation (synchronizing and damping), of the SMIB/PS system. The analysis are developed in the time and frequency domain.
This paper presents a methodology for the placement and sizing evaluation of distributed generation (DG) in electric power systems. The candidate locations for DG placement are identified on the bases of Locational Marginal Prices (LMP's) obtained from an optimal power flow solution. The problem is formulated for two different objectives: social welfare maximization and profit maximization. For each DG unit an optimal placement is identified for each of the objectives.
In this work, a heuristic model for integrated planning of primary distribution network and secondary distribution circuits is proposed. A Tabu Search (TS) algorithm is employed to solve the planning of primary distribution networks. Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) are used to solve the planning model of secondary networks. The planning integration of both networks is carried out by means a constructive heuristic taking into account a set of integration alternatives between these networks. These integration alternatives are treated in a hierarchical way. The planning of primary networks and secondary distribution circuits is carried out based on assessment of the effects of the alternative solutions in the expansion costs of both networks simultaneously. In order to evaluate this methodology, tests were performed for a real-life distribution system taking into account the primary and secondary networks.
This paper proposes an alternative codification to solve the service restoration in electric power distribution networks using a SPEA2 multiobjective evolutionary algorithm, assuming the minimization of both the load not supplied and the number of switching operations involved in the restoration plan. Constrains as the line, power source and voltage drop limits in order to avoid the activation of protective devices are all included in the proposed algorithm. Experimental results have shown the convenience on considering these new representations in the sense of feasibility maintenance and also in the sense of better approximation to the Pareto set. ©2009 IEEE.
An agent based model for spatial electric load forecasting using a local movement approach for the spatiotemporal allocation of the new loads in the service zone is presented. The density of electrical load for each of the major consumer classes in each sub-zone is used as the current state of the agents. The spatial growth is simulated with a walking agent who starts his path in one of the activity centers of the city and goes to the limits of the city following a radial path depending on the different load levels. A series of update rules are established to simulate the S growth behavior and the complementarity between classes. The results are presented in future load density maps. The tests in a real system from a mid-size city show a high rate of success when compared with other techniques. The most important features of this methodology are the need for few data and the simplicity of the algorithm, allowing for future scalability. © 2009 IEEE.
Authors - Magno AFF, Martins RP, Vaz LG, Martins LP Objectives - Evaluate the shear bond strength (SBS) and the adhesive remnant index (ARI) of indirect bonded lingual brackets using xenon plasma arc light, light-emitting diode (LED) and conventional quartz-tungsten-halogen light. Material and Methods - Lingual brackets were bonded indirectly to 60 premolars divided to three groups according to the curing light used: Group 1, plasma arc for 6 s; Group 2, LED for 10 s; and Group 3, halogen light for 40 s. After bonding, the specimens were subjected to a shear force until debonding. The debonding pattern was assessed and classified according to the ARI scores. The mean shear bond strengths were accessed by anova followed by the Student-Newman-Keuls test for multiple comparisons. ARI scores were assessed using the chi-square test. Results - The three groups showed significant differences (p < 0.001), with the averages of group 1 < group 2 < group 3. Groups showed no differences regarding ARI scores. Conclusion - Bonding lingual brackets indirectly with plasma arc, during 60% of the time used for the LED, produced lower SBS than obtained with the latter. Using LED during 25% of the time of the halogen light produced lower SBS than obtained with the latter. These differences did not influence the debonding pattern and are clinically acceptable according to the literature. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S.