92 resultados para dependency ratio
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The study of short implants is relevant to the biomechanics of dental implants, and research on crown increase has implications for the daily clinic. The aim of this study was to analyze the biomechanical interactions of a singular implant-supported prosthesis of different crown heights under vertical and oblique force, using the 3-D finite element method. Six 3-D models were designed with Invesalius 3.0, Rhinoceros 3D 4.0, and Solidworks 2010 software. Each model was constructed with a mandibular segment of bone block, including an implant supporting a screwed metal-ceramic crown. The crown height was set at 10, 12.5, and 15 mm. The applied force was 200 N (axial) and 100 N (oblique). We performed an ANOVA statistical test and Tukey tests; p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The increase of crown height did not influence the stress distribution on screw prosthetic (p > 0.05) under axial load. However, crown heights of 12.5 and 15 mm caused statistically significant damage to the stress distribution of screws and to the cortical bone (p <0.001) under oblique load. High crown to implant (C/I) ratio harmed microstrain distribution on bone tissue under axial and oblique loads (p < 0.001). Crown increase was a possible deleterious factor to the screws and to the different regions of bone tissue. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to evaluate stress distribution in the fixation screws and bone tissue around implants in single-implant supported prostheses with crowns of different heights (10,12.5, 15 mm crown-to-implant ratio 1:1, 1.25:1, 1.5:1, respectively). It was designed using three 3-Dmodels. Each model was developed with a mandibular segment of bone block including an internal hexagon implant supporting a screw-retained, single metalceramic crown. The crown height was set at 10, 12.5, and 15 mm with crown-to-implant ratio of 1:1, 1.25:1, 1.5:1, respectively. The applied forces were 200 N (axial) and 100 N (oblique). The increase of crown height showed differences with the oblique load in some situations. By von Mises'criterion, a high stress area was concentrated at the implant/fixation screw and abutment/implant interfaces at crown-to-implant ratio of 1:1, 1.25:1, 1.5:1, respectively. Using the maxiinum principal criteria, the buccal regions showed higher traction stress intensity, whereas the distal regions showed the largest compressive stress in all models. The increase of C/I ratio must be carefully evaluated by the dentist since the increase of this C/I ratio is proportional to the increase of average stress for both screw fixation (C/I 1:1 to 1:1.25 ratio = 30.1% and C/I 1:1 to 1 :1.5 ratio = 46.3%) and bone tissue (C/I 1:1 to 1:1.25 ratio = 30% and C/I 1:1 to 1:1.5 ratio = 51.5%). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Investigation of carbon isotope fractionation by plants was carried out at two sub-areas located in Reserva Ducke, central Amazonia: open reserve (virgin forest with low density of plant species); and closed reserve (virgin forest with high density of plant species). Preliminary results (δ‰ 13C: 12C values, PDB) of leaf analysis at different plant heights indicate the following: Eschweilera matamata Hub. (Lecythidaceae), common name 'matamata', -31.55±0.61; Protium heptaplyllum March. (Burseraceae), common name 'breu branco', -32.34±1.39; Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Guttiferae), common name 'jacareúba', -30.72±0.23; Scleronema micrantthum Ducke. (Bombacaceae), common name 'cardeiro'. -28.81±0.68; and Carapa guianensis Aubl. (Meliaceae), common name 'andiroba', -31.07±0.51. It is possible that the plant species analysed belong to the C3 photosynthetic cycle. In general, the species in the open reserve show differences of the order of 1.66±0.34‰ (greater in 13C) as compared with the same species in the closed reserve. The old leaves show differences in the relative isotopic enrichment (δ) of the order of 1‰, being smaller in new leaves in both reserves. The probable occurrence of an isotopic gradient from the lower (2-5 m) to the upper part (15-20 m) of the plant, of the order of 1.3‰, smaller in 13C, in species from the dense forest was noted. However, only two plants from each species were analysed during a two-year period, data obtained to far are still preliminary, and results should, therefore, be revised. Moreover, according to the literature, the natural carbon isotope fractionation by plants shows metabolic, physiological and environmental dependence. © 1991.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective was to identify a fat-to-protein ratio (FPR) cut-off to diagnose subclinical ketosis (SCK) and to evaluate the effect of propylene glycol (PPG) treatment of cows with high FPR. The optimized cut-off was > 1.42; sensitivity (Se) = 92%; specificity (Sp) = 65%. A cut-off > 1.5 was selected for the PPG trial for balanced Se-Sp. Fat-to-protein ratio cut-offs > 1.25, 1.35, 1.50, 1.60, and 1.70 resulted in Se-Sp of 100% to 49%, 96% to 59%, 75% to 78%, 33% to 90%, and 8% to 96%, respectively. The proportions of cows with FPR > 1.25, 1.35, 1.42, 1.50, 1.60, and 1.70 were 60%, 50%, 44%, 30%, 14%, and 6%, respectively. Incidences of clinical ketosis and milk yield were similar between cows that received 400 mL of PPG (n = 34) and control cows (n = 38). Prevalence of SCK at enrollment was 29.2%; therefore, FPR > 1.5 is not indicated for treatment. Lower cut-offs should be used for screening.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Experimental etch/leach of Carboniferous Limestone gravels on a laboratory time-scale has demonstrated that 234U 238U activity ratios (AR's) greater than the radiochemical equilibrium value may be generated on short time-scales. The molar U/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios show that both U and Mg are leached preferentially relative to Ca whereas the molar U/Mg ratio is only slightly greater than that of the rock matrix. The generation of enhanced AR's is attributed to a two-stage process in which the limestone surface is dissolved by zero-order etch and silicate minerals so released are subjected to first-order chemical leach of U and Mg. The implications of these results for the production of enhanced AR's in Carboniferous Limestone groundwater are discussed. It is suggested that chemical leaching or exchange of U between groundwater and its particulate load or at the aquifer fluid-solid interface is an important mechanism controlling AR changes as groundwater migrates beyond a redox boundary. AR's for dissolved U in groundwater are more probably related to chemical equilibria than to groundwater age. © 1993.
The literature reports dealing with the dietary electrolyte ratio (K+Cl)/ Na are rare, although the concept has been proposed by Mongin in 1981. Thus, its application appears to be limited as a nutritional strategy in feed formulation, which usually meets only the minimum nutritional recommendations in Na, K and Cl. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of broilers submitted to different dietary electrolyte balances (DEB) Na+K-Cl and dietary electrolyte ratio (DER) from 1 to 21 d of age. A total of 1575 male 1-d old broiler chicks were randomly assigned to 5 treatments with 9 replicates of 35 chicks each. The treatments consisted of diets with 5 relation of electrolytes, arising from combinations DEB/DER 150/3, 250/2, 250/3, 250/4 and 350/3, with use of NaCl, NaHCO3, KCl, K2SO4 and CaCl2. All diets were corn-soybean meal based and formulated to meet or exceed the NRC (1994) requirements. Chicks had ad libitum access to feed and water in floor pens with wood shavings as litter. Body weight, feed intake and feed conversion ratio were measured at 21 d of age. It was found that only the feed conversion was significantly affected (P = 0.0142) by the combinations of relation of electrolytes (DEB and DER). The supplementation levels in DEB and DER were made to fit the data into a surface analysis to allow increasing levels of DEB (150–350 mEq/kg) and narrow and broad ratio of DER (2–4). For the canonical analysis of response surface was obtained the stationary point for body weight (DEB = 255.77 mEq/kg, and DER = 2.73:1) the value was 942.02 g; for feed intake (DEB = 251.69 mEq / kg and DER = 3.51:1), the value was 1200.02 g; and for feed conversion (DEB = 254.62 mEq/kg and DER = 3.06:1) the value was 1.35. The results of this experiment indicated that the best performance was obtained with combinations of relation of electrolytes for DEB between 251 and 255 mEq/kg and DER between 2.73:1 and 3.5:1.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the contributions of some prosthetic parameters such as crown-to-implant (C/I) ratio, retention system, restorative material, and occlusal loading on stress concentrations within a single posterior crown supported by a short implant. Materials and Methods: Computer-aided design software was used to create 32 finite element models of an atrophic posterior partially edentulous mandible with a single external-hexagon implant (5 mm wide × 7 mm long) in the first molar region. Finite element analysis software with a convergence analysis of 5% to mesh refinement was used to evaluate the effects of C/I ratio (1:1; 1.5:1; 2:1, or 2.5:1), prosthetic retention system (cemented or screwed), and restorative material (metal-ceramic or all ceramic). The crowns were loaded with simulated normal or traumatic occlusal forces. The maximum principal stress (σmax) for cortical and cancellous bone and von Mises stress (σvM) for the implant and abutment screw were computed and analyzed. The percent contribution of each variable to the stress concentration was calculated from the sum of squares analysis. Results: Traumatic occlusion and a high C/I ratio increased stress concentrations. The C/I ratio was responsible for 11.45% of the total stress in the cortical bone, whereas occlusal loading contributed 70.92% to the total stress in the implant. The retention system contributed 0.91% of the total stress in the cortical bone. The restorative material was responsible for only 0.09% of the total stress in the cancellous bone. Conclusion: Occlusal loading was the most important stress concentration factor in the finite element model of a single posterior crown supported by a short implant.