176 resultados para análise comparativa de métodos de mensuração


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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PURPOSE: to quantify and to compare the typology of disfluencies in the speech of adults who clutter and adults with developmental persistent stuttering. METHOD: participants of this investigation were 15 adults, divided in two groups: Group of Adults Who Clutter, composed by 5 individuals and Group of Adults Who Stutter, composed by 10 subjects. The procedures used were: Assessment of Fluency, Predictive Cluttering Inventory and Stuttering Severity Instrument. RESULTS: the data indicated that the groups differed regarding the occurrence of other disfluencies (p=0,021) and stuttering-like disfluencies (p<0,001). The analysis for the types of other disfluencies revealed that there was statistically significant difference for the interjections, revision and unfinished word. The Group of Adults Who Stutter showed statistically significant increase of all the types of stuttering-like disfluencies. CONCLUSION: the group of adults who clutter showed increase of the occurrence of the other disfluencies, whereas the group of adults who stutter showed increase in the occurrence of the stuttering-like disfluencies. The other disfluencies were variable in both groups and those who clutter show less types of stuttering-like disfluencies when compared to those who stutter.


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PURPOSE: to evaluate and compare the fluency between the familial and the sporadic persistent developmental stuttering, characterizing the typology and the frequency of the disfluencies, the speech rate and the severity of the stuttering. METHOD: 40 participants aged from 6 to 42 years old, divided in two groups with twenty participants in each one: Familial Persistent Developmental Stuttering and Sporadic Persistent Developmental Stuttering. The procedures used were: clinical and familial history, assessment of fluency and Stuttering Severity Instrument. RESULTS: there were no statistically significant differences between the groups regarding the frequency of stuttering like disfluencies, the flow of syllables and words per minute and the severity of stuttering. It was noted a tendency of the group with familial stuttering to show a bigger variability of the severity of stuttering, going from mild to very severe, whereas in the group with sporadic stuttering, the severity varied from mild to severe. CONCLUSION: this study represents the first effort to the characterization of the speech fluency profile of the subgroups of people who stutter, namely familial persistent developmental stuttering and sporadic persistent developmental stuttering. It is possible to conclude that the speech fluency profile of people who stutter, independently of the familial history, is similar. It is noteworthy that the occurrence of some stuttering-like disfluencies, monosyllabic word repetition, block and intrusion were different between groups.


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This paper discusses the results of an investigation of academic achievement by gender and student perception of the expectations of their teachers. 120 students from the 5th year of primary education municipal public schools in the metropolitan region of Campinas city participated in the research: 60 of the students have satisfactory academic performance and the other 60 have unsatisfactory performance. We used a scale of student perception of teacher expectations and, to measure academic performance, we considered the grade teachers assigned to students. Research results revealed significant differences between boys and girls in the group of students with unsatisfactory performance, because most of them (83.3%) were male. On the other hand, there were no statistically significant differences between boys and girls in the group with satisfactory academic performance, although girls' average academic performance was higher. Regarding the perception of their teachers, we observed differences in both groups. Students with satisfactory performance have the perception that they are more praised and more often chosen to assist the teacher in the classroom while underperforming students believe they receive more criticism from their teachers and are seen as more unruly. The data allow discussing student-teacher bond, the influence of experience at the time of learning and how it influences the interest and motivation of students.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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From the ideologies of inclusive education, the development and adoption of new organizational practices in the school curriculum are noted. In this sense, the work presented here aims to report part of implementation and development process of a individual instrument of curricular adaptation (ACI), to students with special educational needs, especially disabilities, or strong disabilities evidences, who were enrolled in mainstream school. This research aim is to present and to analysis comparatively the structure and use of a didactic-pedagogical curricular adequacy tool, employed by the Department of Education City teachers from a city of Sao Paulo. Two different groups of teachers who worked with students with special educational needs participated in this study, the first (G-1) has had contact with the instrument, and the second (G-2) unknown the instrument. The data collection procedure was the application of a questionnaire consisting of 11 multiple choice questions to the sample. It was noted the document evaluation was positive for most participants from G-1, and participants in G-2 show interest in adopting an instrument to facilitate the teacher activity in organization of education process with special educational needs students. In this way, it’s possible concludes that the instrument analyzed ACI was considered by both teachers groups with a useful pedagogical procedure, able to guide them to elimination of procedural barriers to access to the curriculum towards the realization of an inclusive school.


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The present article concerns on the development of Brazil, Argentina and South Korea in a comparative manner during the 1970s and 1980s. We tried to show that the structural crisis of capitalism and the restructuring of the system have closed the possibilities of Brazil and Argentina‘s development while Korea that engaged in an export strategy achieved a qualitative jump on its economy.


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Introdução: O índice de massa corporal elevado no compartimento toraco-abdominal promove alterações no sistema respiratório interferindo nos volumes e capacidades e consequentemente na troca gasosa. Objetivo: Analisar comparativamente a mobilidade tóraco-abdominal relacionando ao índice de massa corporal em crianças. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo do tipo transversal com abordagem quantitativa e descritiva. A amostra constou de 70 crianças com idade entre 8 e 12 anos de ambos os sexos e com o índice de massa corporal variável. Foi realizada a verificação da altura, peso, expansibilidade destas crianças em seguida classificadas em três grupos em função dos seus índices de massa corporal: eutróficos (57,1%), com sobrepeso (15,7%) e obesos (27,1%). Resultados: Os resultados obtidos apresentaram diferenças entre o grupo dos eutróficos e dos obesos, indicando, nesta perspectiva, que a mobilidade na região axilar e xifoideana são mais elevadas no grupo dos eutróficos, quando comparado ao dos obesos. Conclusão: Portanto conclui-se que o índice de massa corporal está relacionado a alterações na expansibilidade tóraco abdominal de crianças.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB


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In Brazil, the football is more than just a sport, it's a passion and part of country's DNA almost a century ago. By this prerogative the club national championship, nowadays known as Brazilian Championship and organized by Brazilian Football Confederation, it is a mark in this modality. During the soccer history, were made several changes of nomenclature, rules and dispute mode, that generated many controversies, contributing for discussing about credibility of the championship. There were many changes about dispute mode, alternating the mixed mode (eliminatory + classificatory and vice versa) and a dispute mode based on classification. This research aimed to described and to analyzed the changes that have occurred in dispute types of the Brazilian Championship, series A, in the last 15 years (1995 to 2010). It was analyzed each edition, with data like average of public, matches and participants number, period that the championship was conducted, beyond the dispute mode. In the last 15 years, have been used five different types and it was observed that the current mode to consecutive points is the most appropriate, because this mode showed the best public average, greater coherence to elect the competition champion and this mode also encouraged the clubs about planning, organization and professional management. This issues contributed to a significant improvement in quality of Championship


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A maior parte das espécies de anuros adultos terrestres está constantemente exposta a altas taxas de perda de água por evaporação através da pele. A manutenção do balanço hídrico nestes animais envolve a absorção de água através da mancha pélvica, uma região da pele ventral altamente permeável à água, além da reabsorção de água a partir do fluido filtrado nos glomérulos ao longo do sistema tubular dos néfrons, bem como a partir da urina formada e estocada na bexiga urinária, em resposta à arginina vasotocina (AVT). O movimento de água através da membrana plasmática ocorre através de poros formados por proteínas integrais de membrana, conhecidas como aquaporinas (AQPs), e a regulação osmótica exercida pelo AVT envolve translocação de vesículas contendo AQPs do citoplasma para a membrana apical e, provavelmente, alteração na expressão de alguns tipos de AQPs. Resultados previamente obtidos no laboratório demonstraram a existência de variação interespecífica nas taxas de reidratação de três espécies de Rhinella, sendo que R. ornata apresentou taxas de reidratação significativamente menores que aquelas apresentadas por R. schneideri e R. icterica. Uma possível explicação para esta variação em taxas de reidratação poderia envolver diferenças na expressão de aquaporinas na mancha pélvica. Desta forma, o objetivo do projeto foi identificar e quantificar a expressão do RNAm de aquaporinas do tipo 1 (AQP-1) e de aquaporinas AVT dependentes pertencentes ao tipo 2a (AQP-t2 e AQP-t3) - quanto à classificação das AQPs entenda-se AQP -t aquelas que apresentam sequência gênica referentes a Rinella marina AQP -h a Hyla japonica.- nos seguintes tecidos: pele dorsal e pele ventral (mancha pélvica) de espécimes de R. schneideri e R. ornata totalmente hidratados e após submissão à desidratação correspondente a 70% da massa corpórea padrão. As hipótese ...


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Pipelines are linear construction that intersect several environments, requiring integration of environmental and technical aspects in its various elaboration steps. Environmental impact assessment if made to integrate the environmental information to enable environmental characterization, possibility identify previously fragilities of environment what contributes to the safety forecast of the significant impacts. These studies shall consider superimpose of the elements and the worsening of critical situations that already exists. In this way, meet and analyse informations about the environmental impact assessment, constructive aspects related to pipelines transport and get environmental impact studies of the case studies, providing the student a critical vision for the discussion of the apropiate balance between description and analysis, methodological rigour and the interface between construction and the environmente with inserts. Performing the critical analysis of methodologies and applied criteria for the environmental diagnosis and impact identification, search improve the methodologies for elaboration of environmental impact studies for linear construction, particulary pipelines, minin conflicts and giving security for the license process. Await provide subsidy to direction data collection, for choosing environmental indicator and for the prognosis and indentification of impacts.


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O estresse psicológico é um importante fator que ocasiona uma queda no desempenho de atletas, independente do esporte. No Brasil o de maior visibilidade e mais assistido e comentado pela mídia é o futebol. Tendo em vista isso a pratica dessa modalidade em alto nível pode gerar certo estresse, no entanto a situações específicas durante o jogo que podem aumenta-lo ainda mais, dentre elas temos o pênalti considerado a melhor oportunidade de marcar o gol e a mais fácil, exatamente por isso essa situação não admite falhas. Apesar de já ser uma situação que causa alto nível de ansiedade, existem alguns fatores que podem influenciar mais ainda negativamente o cobrador, portando o presente estudo tem como objetivo primeiramente de encontrar o fator que causa maior influencia negativa nos atletas e posteriormente comparar com as cobranças de pênalti do Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol de 2010 (CBF) nessa situação com as demais. Os dados obtidos a partir da aplicação de um inventário demostraram que o fator que mais influencia negativamente jogadores de futebol durante cobranças de pênalti são situações de final de jogo, assim o objetivo do presente estudo é de comparar as cobranças de pênaltis do Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol de 2010, em situações de final de jogo com as demais. Os resultados obtidos mostraram uma queda de 4% nos escores em situações de final de jogo comparados com as demais


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A importância que é atribuída ao ato da leitura serviu como princípio para nortear este estudo, que se utiliza do conto da Cinderela para aprofundar a reflexão a respeito da relação entre o tipo de leitores que estamos formando e aquele que desejamos formar. Sistematizando, por meio da teoria de Vladimir Propp, nossa análise das versões de Charles Perrault e dos Irmãos Grimm do conto de Cinderela, obtemos importantes conclusões a respeito de como o conto se contextualiza de acordo com as sociedades vigentes. Desse modo, este estudo permitiu o aprofundamento necessário para que nós, como profissionais responsáveis pela formação do sujeito e do leitor, nos atentemos a aspectos e valores contidos em cada versão do conto e que nos esforcemos em trabalhá-los junto aos nossos educandos. Retomamos ainda algumas produções contemporâneas a respeito do enredo da Gata Borralheira, para situar a concepção que fazemos deste conto e desta personagem ainda hoje. As reflexões finais ficaram responsáveis por apresentar algumas possibilidades de trabalho que o educador pode pensar para levar para a sala de aula