85 resultados para Volume de controle


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Aortic regurgitation (AR) is still common in developing countries as secondary of rheumatic fever, and its incidence have increased in senile degenerative form. The AR develops severe myocardial hypertrophy. A common comorbidity associated with cardiovascular disease is depression. Among the most prescribed antidepressants in the world are the serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Central serotonergic pathways are involved with the inhibition of sodium intake and can be modify the excretion of this íon. Therefore, we investigated whether treatment with an antidepressants SSRI, the paroxetine, for four weeks can modfy the behavior of water and NaCl 0,3M intake, excretion of sodium and morphofunctional parameters of rats with AR induce. Wistar rats (280 - 300g) underwent surgery for AR (n=15) or control surgery (n=14). The AR was induced by retrograde puncture of valve leaflets. The animals were divided into 4 groups: AR + paroxetine (n=8), AR + control (n=7), control + paroxetine (n=7), control + control (n=7). From the 4th to the 8th week after inductuin of AR was administered paroxetine (10mg/kg pc) daily and subcutaneously. In the 4th and 8th week after induction of AR echocardiograms were performed to collect data morphofunctional. During the 4 weeks of treatment were analyzed intake of water and saline daily and once a week urine samples were collected for analysis by flame photometer of excretion of sodium and potassium. In the 10th week the animals were submitted to a challenge protocol hidromineral by combining furosemide (10 mg / kg bw) associated with the low dose of Captopril (5 mg / kg bw). During the challenged urine samples were collected for analysis by flame photometer of excretion of sodium and potassium at the time zero and after 2 hours of treatment. As a result we found that treatment with paroxetine in rats with AR determined an improvement in fractional shortening (shortening fraction: 52.7 ± 2.2% vs. RA ...


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This research was done by a theoretical investigation about the moment when a child starts to go to education places like a school before the obligatory age of usual education, here called Precocious Institutionalization, and the changings that it results at the productions of subjectivity, at the relationship between children and family, specially the maternity in the society. Using theory references of Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, was done the analysis with the help of cartography. As a result, there is a kind of map of the way that the human subjectivity is produced by two different society strategies, the disciplinary society integrated with the control society using biopolitics inside the contemporary questions to increase capitalism system.


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The anisocytosis is a hematologic finding that is routinely evaluated from the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and erythrocyte morphology in assessment of blood smears. The present study tested the hypothesis that the coefficient of variation of the red cell distribution width (RDW-CV - Red Cell Distribution Width) is a more sensitive parameter in the evaluation of hematologic anisocytosis, considering different levels of anemia in dogs and reticulocytosis. Blood counts of 102 anemic dogs and 353 control dogs made by automated hematology counter. The anemic animals were grouped according to the degree of anemia (mild, moderate and severe) and also as medullary response by manual reticulocyte count (none, weak, moderate and strong). The RDW-CV was different to the animal groups with moderate and severe anemia, which were higher, compared to the control group and mild anemia. The highest average value of RDW-CV (14.45%) occurred in patients with severe anemia. In the control group had higher MCV value that anemic animals , this may be due to a mixed population of erythrocytes in that group of animals. However, there wasn’t difference in MCV between different degrees of anemia and reticulocytosis. Therefore, the RDW is a more sensitive indicator anisocytosis than VCM and its value is directly proportional to the degree of anemia and reticulocytosis; when combined, the sensitivity for detection of anisocytosis in anemic dogs is greater. The use of reference values established by the clinical laboratory itself is mighty important.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of different herbicides applied in post-emergence in the desiccation of pearl millet with different doses and spray volumes. For the desiccation, doses at 0, 25, 50 and 100% of the herbicide glyphosate (1,440 g ha-1) were used in 3 formulations (Original Round up, Round up Transorb and Round up WG), paraquat + diuron (500 + 250 g ha-1) and glufosinateammonium (800 g ha-1). In all treatments, 2 spray volumes (200 and 400 l ha-1) were used, and there was 1 treatment (control) without the application of herbicides. The treatment effects were evaluated visually at 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after application (DAA). At the end of the evaluations, the dry mass of the plants was determined. The field trial was carried out in randomized block design. At the end of the study, at 28 DAA, all treatments presented total control of plant pearl millet, regardless of the dose and spray volume, except the treatments with paraquat + diuron and glufosinate-ammonium at the lower dose (25%), in 2 spray volumes, which nevertheless showed good and very good control, these two herbicides presenting an effect of volume, in which the control was higher with the use of smaller volume.


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The national truck fleet has expanded strongly in recent decades. However, due to fluctuations in the demand that the market is exposed, it needed up making more effective strategic decisions of automakers. These decisions are made after an evaluation of guaranteed sales forecasts. This work aims to generate an annual forecast of truck production by Box and Jenkins methodology. They used annual data for referring forecast modeling from the year 1957 to 2014, which were obtained by the National Association of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (Anfavea). The model used was Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and can choose the best model for the series under study, and the ARIMA (2,1,3) as representative for conducting truck production forecast


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Over the past two years, Brazil has been facing a major water crisis in its history and the state of Sao Paulo is the one that has been going through worst difficulties. In this scenario, all water users should do everything possible so that the consumption of water resources is carried out in a sustainable manner. In this context, the companies responsible for the public water supply must increase the efficiency of water resource management. It is indispensable combating losses in the public supply system. When there is a non-visible leak in a pipe, the wastewater volume can be high, but in this case, the water returns to nature and continues to participate in the hydrological cycle. The economic loss corresponds to the value added to the product water, which includes the intrinsic costs of exploration, processing and distribution. This damage results in a reduced availability of financial resources of sanitation companies to invest in environmentally friendly solutions. This study aimed to diagnose the water distribution system in the city of Guaratinguetá (SP), held by the Companhia de Serviços de Água, Esgoto e Resíduos de Guaratinguetá (SAEG), to propose measures to combat water loss. Among the proposed measures, there is the monitoring of losses, planning for replacement of old pipes and company awareness as a whole in relation to combat water losses


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Em condições de hipóxia (redução da pressão parcial de oxigênio), respostas reflexas de aumento da ventilação pulmonar, aumento da pressão arterial e diminuição da frequência cardíaca são observadas com o objetivo de aumentar os processos de trocas gasosas e perfusão tecidual. Para que essas respostas reflexas à hipóxia ocorram, quimiorreceptores periféricos são ativados pela redução da pressão parcial de oxigênio arterial e enviam sinais excitatórios para o sistema nervoso central, promovendo a excitação de importantes núcleos cerebrais envolvidos com o controle das atividades respiratória, simpática e parassimpática. Evidências experimentais sugerem que os neurônios do complexo parabraquial/Kölliker-Fuse (PBN/KF), importante região respiratória localizada na porção dorsolateral da ponte, contribuem para o processamento das respostas cardiorrespiratórias do quimiorreflexo. Contudo, os neurotransmissores envolvidos ainda não foram explorados. No presente projeto, exploraremos a hipótese de que a neurotransmissão glutamatérgica da região PBN/KF é importante para a manutenção da ventilação basal e para o processamento das respostas ventilatórias à hipóxia. Para tanto, utilizamos a técnica de microinjeção de agonistas e antagonistas dos receptores de L-glutamato no PBN/KF de animais anestesiados e não anestesiados, avaliando parâmetros ventilatórios (eletromiografia dos músculos diafragma e abdominal em animais anestesiados; e frequência respiratória, volume corrente e ventilação minuto em animais não anestesiados) e parâmetros cardiovasculares (pressão arterial e frequência cardíaca em ambas condições experimentais) em condições de repouso ou em situações de estimulação dos quimiorreceptores periféricos (com cianeto de potássio). Nossos dados mostram que nos animais anestesiados houve uma redução...