132 resultados para Veterinário


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Nas últimas décadas, as proteínas de fase aguda (PFAs) tornaram-se biomarcadores de escolha em medicina humana para identificação e monitoração de doenças. Não há razão para imaginar que tais pesquisas clínicas não sejam igualmente úteis na medicina veterinária. Com o objetivo de verificar a importância das PFAs como biomarcadores de doenças inflamatórias em bovinos, determinou-se o proteinograma sérico, por meio da técnica de eletroforese SDS-PAGE, com interesse especial nas PFAs. Foram utilizados 30 animais, distribuídos em dois grupos: 15 bovinos sadios e 15 bovinos doentes (cinco com mastite estafilocócica, cinco com fotossensibilização e cinco com onfaloflebite). Os animais foram submetidos a colheitas diárias de sangue durante sete dias, enquanto internados no Hospital Veterinário da Unesp, Campus de Jaboticabal. Ceruloplasmina e haptoglobina apresentaram elevação significativa em animais acometidos por mastite, fotossensibilização e onfaloflebite (275,17% e 343,71%; 175,17% e 230,19%; 114,47% e 144,47%, respectivamente). A α1-glicoproteína ácida foi um bom biomarcador apenas em animais com mastite e fotossensibilização, elevando, respectivamente, suas concentrações séricas em 198,14% e 145,89%. Fibrinogênio mostrou-se um indicador confiável apenas em bovinos com mastite, com elevação de 146,5% em relação ao grupo sadio. Ficou clara a diferença na responsividade de distintas PFAs frente a diferentes estímulos inflamatórios. Ceruloplasmina e haptoglobina foram biomarcadores mais sensíveis e, portanto, mais confiáveis entre as PFAs estudadas nessa espécie.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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This paper will address the main concepts os modern marketing: marketing in businnes analysis, internal marketing, marketing plan, and relationship marketing and personal, always drawing a parallel with the reality of the veterinarian


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Violacein is a deeply violet pigment produced by Chromobacterium violaceum, an ubique tropical and subtropical bacterium. This molecule presents many biological activities including antimicrobial, antimycotic, antiviral, antiprotozoal and antitumoral. Important reports pointed to a considerable bactericide activity, which brings an extremely necessary quest. This work evaluated the resistance of some bacterias of interest veterinary. It was obtained significant inhibition activity against Staphylococcus aureus came from bovine mastitis. It was also obtained important synergic relations when violacein and penicillin or cloranphenicol are combined


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Um grande problema que é encontrado nas cidades pelo mundo todo, é o abandono dos animais domésticos pelas ruas, que vagam sem destino, em sua maioria doente ou ferida e que são suscetíveis a contraírem doenças transmissíveis ao homem. O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta da criação de um Centro de Ressocialização para Animais Abandonados na cidade de Presidente Prudente, que faz uma crítica principalmente à relação entre homem e animal nos dias atuais. Esta proposta busca alternativas para controlar a população de animais domésticos errantes pelas ruas da cidade e desta forma, as zoonoses que são transmissíveis ao homem, através de diversos serviços relacionados ao tratamento clínico veterinário, sempre levando em consideração os Direitos de Proteção aos Animais. Este espaço busca ser o apoio necessário para o Centro de Controle de Zoonoses de Presidente Prudente (CCZ/PP), para evitar que a superlotação cause a matança indiscriminada de cães e gatos sadios, que serão recolhidos e até mesmo encaminhados diretamente do CCZ/PP para o Centro de Ressocialização. Após serem tratados, os animais receberão todo o suporte para o encaminhamento à adoção. Este centro irá oferecer programas de educação para a população a respeito da posse responsável de animais domésticos e também o incentivo à adoção. Vale ressaltar que o espaço criado terá infraestrutura para o atendimento clínico veterinário para a comunidade, oferecendo serviços a baixo custo para aqueles que possuem menor renda e também a esterilização solidária como forma de controle populacional dos animais


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A cocaína, alcalóide extraído das folhas de coca, apresenta antigo histórico de uso para diversas finalidades. O uso vinculado à fim recreacional se dá na década de 70 e permanece até hoje com variações espaciais e temporais. Muitas são as substâncias usadas como adulterantes à cocaína, ou seja, adicionadas com o propósito de mimetizar ou potencializar o efeito da mesma, e o levamisol, antiparasitário de uso humano e veterinário no Brasil, tem sido reportado mundialmente, com notável crescimento desde 2003. Desde 2009, casos de agranulocitose e vasculite crônica tem sido associado à usuários de cocaína com o levamisol como adulterante. Visto o aumento no consumo de cocaína no Brasil entre 2010 e 2011, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a prevalência desta adulteração na cidade de Campinas e região entre outubro de 2012 e junho de 2013, fazendo uso de CCDC e CG/MS. As análises em CCDC mostraram um aumento na prevalência da adulteração de 15,5% para 26,5% no período de estudo. Os resultados encontrados reiteram a importância da discussão e difusão do tema perante a comunidade médica, principalmente, a fim de tomarem decisões mais acertadas frente aos casos envolvendo os usuários.


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The dairy business is in constant development, in order to achieve better results and higher profits to the producer, and this search for improvement has led to the selection of a herd more productive. But this has caused some problems heightened, among them the displacement of the abomasum, a disease that affects much of the high producing dairy herd. The main reasons are apparently related to the feeding management, with the abrupt changes that the animal suffers in the post partum period, with diseases that would cause abomasal atony favoring its displacement, among others. When affected, the animals lose their appetite and in milk production, and may even, in severe cases, death to come. Treatments described in literature are varied and there are conservative and chirurgical methods. The choice of a particular technique depends on the financial condition of the producer, the economic value of the cow and from personal experience and technique of the veterinarian. Understanding the clinical implications of displaced abomasum is necessary not only for its animal identification in the field and its appropriate treatment but also for finding the errors and inadequacies in the management system of production that trigger this disease


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Endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract is a specialized minimally invasive diagnostic method and with both diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities. It is divided into two major groups, the rigid and flexible endoscopy. The first most widely used for visualization of body cavities that do not have a light, like the chest, for example, and the second for those with light as the gastrointestinal tract. In Brazil there are few professionals, veterinary hospitals or clinics that offer this type of service. Thus, endoscopy is an area of expertise of the veterinarian who is in huge expansion and has shown great applicability with excellent results in both clinical medicine and surgical small animals


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Radiography is currently an important method of diagnosis, both medical, dental and veterinary. The image in this type of survey is obtained using an X-ray beam, where the radiologist can possibly view structures of interest. It isn't always possible to get the desired images due to various factors, such as equipment limitations. The Administrative Law 453/98, the State Resolution SS 625/94, and other standards require testing and quality control acceptance limits that guarantee a good performance of the equipment for the security and quality of care, giving service users greater effectiveness in exams. This study were performed in the accompaniment of testing procedures for quality control established by Administrative Law 453/98 in several X-ray equipment to make a comparison and optimization in the descriptions of the procedures used by the Institute for Electrical Energy and the University of São Paulo (IEE / USP / SP).The optimization of the procedures were performed with the aid of a current literature, the Resolution 453/98, State Resolution SS 625/94 and other international standards. On this basis it was possible to observe the importance of regular monitoring of tests for an update, following the technological development of instruments used in the service


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This project aims the verification of doses in canines and felines to chest and coxal exams due to the transition from screen-film to computed radiography system. It also seeks a possible optimization of the new techniques employed in this new system. The study was carried out in Diagnostic Imaging service in Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo using a conventional x-ray equipment. Initially, data about the physical characteristics of animals and the technique currently used in computed radiography was collected for each of 80 chest and 16 coxal X-ray examinations. The animals were divided into different groups according to the body weight. For each group, were calculated the averages of each item: thickness of the region to be imaged, voltage, current, exposure time, current-time product, size of film used, presence or absence of bucky and focus (small or large). The techniques have been reproduced in phantoms (representative of the thickness of the animal) in order to collect the air kerma entrance. Based on the average of intermediate size M group (weights less than 5 kg for cats and from 10.1 kg and 20 kg for dogs) analysis of image quality using three devices test patterns were made consisting of the evaluation of spatial resolution, low-contrast resolution and contrast-detail. In general, the results showed the dose animals decreased with the use of computed radiography and was possible to preliminary optimization of some techniques used currently in CR


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The pets, mostly dogs and cats are susceptible to a variety of situations that can lead to acute kidney failure, such as infection and intoxication, besides other common causes such as dehydration or other pre-existing diseases. The abrupt decrease in renal function in these animals characterizes a severe clinical condition and requires specialized veterinary medical care since it increases the death. Early diagnosis is an important factor for the survival of these animals and so is the appropriate treatment. New technologies on diagnosis and treatment of serious diseases in veterinary medicine have made acute renal failure successfully reversed by hemodialysis in cases where conventional therapy may not be effective. In cases like that, hemodialysis treatment may be the only chance of survival for the animals, which makes this therapy more and more important and necessary, especially in referral centers of veterinary assistance


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Radiotherapy in veterinary practice is already known and widely distributed in large specialized centers of developed countries. In early 2000, there were about 30 radiotherapy equipment specifically designed for the veterinary clinic in the United States. In Brazil, the veterinary radiotherapy is still confined to research in universities, where most of the procedures is radiation therapy performed with superficial x-ray machines, with a voltage between 50 and 150 kVp, focus-distance surface (DFS) between 20,0cm and 40,0cm. As that occurs in human medicine, new research strengthens the development and prospects for the use of radiotherapy as a safe option for treating cancer in animals. This paper presents a methodology for calculating the exposure time for superficial radiotherapy procedures in veterinary medicine for small animals (dogs and cats). The dosimetric parameters of X-rays are determined using a spreadsheet tool for Microsoft Office Excel, developed in this paper for a device Dermopan 2, Veterinary Hospital of UNESP in Araçatuba. Using the worksheet helps the veterinarian to determine the time of exposure to radiation determined for each clinical case, optimize the workflow for professionals in veterinary radiotherapy procedures, which often lack the medical physics in team and at the time of radiotherapy. The correct use of spreadsheet decreases the chances of errors in dose rates of radiation, providing a higher quality of care


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Tuberculosis and brucellosis are important diseases in national scenario, as they affect national cattle and can be transmitted to human, as they are zoonosis. The transmission risk increases mostly for those who have strict contact with animals, as is this case of slaughterhouse workers. This paper presents a bibliographic review of data referent to both diseases occurring in bovine slaughterhouse workers in Brazil, characterizing as occupational zoonosis diseases. We still have few data available of this subject, what raise difficulties to know the real incidence of both diseases in national cattle and in people who work in contact with animals, and most of the time are not instructed to the risk that they are exposed and how to prevent it. It’s important to know which is the situation of both diseases so that prevention and even eradication measures can be taken, as we know the Veterinary has an essential function in this matter, protecting animal health as much as protecting national public health


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The spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism is one of the most common endocrine diseases in dogs, and is caused by an excessive production of cortisol by the adrenal cortex. In most cases (85-90%) occur the presence of a pituitary tumor, and for this reason, it is called hyperadrenocorticism pituitary-dependent. In this work, was realized a broad discussion about the different diagnostic methods and the many drugs that are used to treat hyperadrenocorticism pituitary-dependent and its benefits and side effects, leaving it to the veterinarian, along with the owner, choose to use or not each one of them