133 resultados para Uso Racional de Medicamentos


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this work was to verify the rational use of energy in restaurants of the city Botucatu, that apply the Good Manufacturing of Production (GMP). Ten restaurants were appraised regarding the number of meals and energy consumption. A check list of the sanitary surveillance was also applied, regarding just the related items to electric installation, ventilation, and equipment maintenance, that are related to the energy consumption. It was asked and observed if there were some program or orientation for conscious consumption or reduction of the energy consumption. The energy consumption of the restaurants was positively related to the number of served meals and operation time of the establishment. In none of the visited establishments it was observed the control measures of the energy consumption, neither cooling equipments of low energy consumption.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Depuis que l'électricité a été découverte et que le secteur électrique s'est considérablement développé dans le XVIIIe siècle, jamais l'homme n'a pu se détacher de cette énergie. Pendant longtemps le système d'énergie électrique a fonctionné sans grand changement, mais avec le développement rapide des technologies, de nouvelles améliorations apparaissent. Ce mémoire traite des nouveaux concepts de réseaux d'énergie électrique appelés Réseaux intelligents ou Smart Grid. À travers un panorama de leurs développements dans le monde, cette étude porte d'une part, sur l'avancée des projets dans quelques pays et d'autre part, du niveau de développement de ce réseau au Brésil et de son intérêt pour le pays. L'étude a comme point central un des composants de ce réseau intelligent, le compteur communicant, qui est l'élément essentiel des interconnexions entre consommateurs et producteurs. Ce rapport apporte un éclaircissement sur les compteurs conventionnels et les compteurs intelligents et sur leur mode de fonctionnement. Enfin il aborde la question des consommateurs : par quels moyens leur transmettre tous ces changements à venir, puisque jusqu'à présent, leur seule participation était de payer l'énergie consommée. Avec le nouveau réseau, ils deviendront de véritables acteurs puisqu'ils seront informés en temps réel de leur consommation d'énergie électrique. Pour terminer, le mémoire montrera comment ils pourront s'adapter à cette nouvelle façon de gérer leur consommation en ésperant les inciter à une utilisation plus raisonnable de l'énergie et à modifier leur comportement en gérant de manière active leur consommation en intégrant notamment les énergies renouvelables


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O Brasil é considerado um grande produtor e consumidor de carnes, leite e alimentos de origem animal e os medicamentos veterinários têm sido amplamente utilizados na criação dos animais destinados ao consumo humano, com o intuito de prevenir o aparecimento de doenças e também como promotores de crescimento. Os fármacos utilizados para esta finalidade, no entanto, podem ocorrer nos alimentos derivados desses animais tratados, com conseqüências sobre a saúde humana. Além das substâncias utilizadas intencionalmente, a contaminação ambiental ou a presença de contaminantes em rações constitui uma fonte potencial de compostos cuja concentração no alimento final processado pode exceder os limites de segurança estabelecidos para garantir a saúde humana. Com o intuito de promover maior segurança alimentar, no Brasil, foram estabelecidos os programas PNCRC e o PAMVet, que são responsáveis pelo monitoramento da presença de substâncias ilegais (como os antimicrobianos nitrofuranos) e também, visam o controle do Limite Máximo de Resíduos (LMR). O objetivo do presente trabalho é reunir e discutir as informações sobre os principais resíduos e contaminantes de medicamentos veterinários em alimentos de origem animal no Brasil, assim como as publicações referentes às avaliações mais recentes desses produtos alimentícios presentes no mercado brasileiro. Estas informações serão utilizadas para novas discussões relacionadas ao uso adequado de medicamentos veterinários e à proposição de estudos de farmacocinética que poderão fundamentar o estabelecimento do período de carência para esses produtos farmacêuticos.


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Considering that the Brazilian energy source is based on hydroelectric power plants, every moment that it does not rain enough, we are likely to suffer power outage. Making the rational use of energy not only is wise, but also important for financial issues. The industrial sector is of great importance to Brazilian economic context, because it is one that creates more wealth and jobs. It should be noted that it is one of the sectors that consume more electricity. One of the most used equipment in industry is the three phase induction motor, which ends up providing significant waste of energy. For that reasons, studying three phase induction motors is important. One of the ways to evaluate the parameter of the three phase induction motor is using a dynamometer mechanic or electric. This work aims at further studies (and development) of electrodynamometer brake, a type of electrical dynamometer, that is the only one with reversible use. This means, it is possible to measure both the torque and the power transmitted by the electric motors, by the direct method and the indirect. Besides it allows greater stability in the imposition of charges, due to its nature of being able to regenerate the energy imparted by the engines being tested


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Objective. To identify families served by the family health strategy (FHS) storing medicines at home, to evaluate storage conditions, and to investigate medicine use practices.Methods. The study was conducted in a municipality in the state of São Paulo with two FHS units serving 1 867 households. The sample was selected by means of stratified random sampling. Data collection was conducted through semistructured interviews from July to October 2008.Results. One resident was interviewed in each of the 280 households visited. Medicines were found in 255 households (91.1%). of 326 storage locations, 217 (75.8%) were inadequate (easily accessible to children or exposed to moisture, light). of the 2 578 medicines identified, 2 059 medicines (79.9%) in 236 (84.3%) households had safety or identification problems. of the 280 respondents, 179 (63.9%) used medications. of these, 24 were self-medicating, only one with an over-the-counter drug. Only 44 users had the prescription for their medication, and 21 did not follow the prescription in terms of dosage or had interrupted the treatment.Conclusions. Non-adherence to recommended treatment can lead to negative outcomes, such as inefficiency (using dosages lower than prescribed), poisoning (using dosages higher than prescribed), and other adverse reactions.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o consumo de medicamentos e os principais grupos terapêuticos consumidos por pessoas com deficiências físicas, auditivas ou visuais. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal em que foram analisados dados do Inquérito Multicêntrico de Saúde no Estado de São Paulo (ISA-SP) em 2002 e do Inquérito de Saúde no Município de São Paulo (ISA-Capital), realizado em 2003. Os entrevistados que referiram deficiências foram estudados segundo as variáveis que compõem o banco de dados: área, sexo, renda, faixa etária, raça, consumo de medicamentos e tipos de medicamentos consumidos. RESULTADOS: A percentagem de consumo entre as pessoas com deficiência foi de: 62,8% entre os visuais; 60,2% entre os auditivos e 70,1% entre os físicos. As pessoas com deficiência física consumiram 20% mais medicamentos que os não-deficientes. Entre as pessoas com deficiência visual, os medicamentos mais consumidos foram os diuréticos, agentes do sistema renina-angiotensina e analgésicos. Pessoas com deficiência auditiva utilizaram mais analgésicos e agentes do sistema renina-angiotensina. Entre indivíduos com deficiência física, analgésicos, antitrombóticos e agentes do sistema renina-angiotensina foram os medicamentos mais consumidos. CONCLUSÕES: Houve maior consumo de medicamentos entre as pessoas com deficiências quando comparados com os não-deficientes, sendo os indivíduos com deficiência física os que mais consumiram fármacos, seguidos de deficientes visuais e auditivos.


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The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that prescriptions of medicaments must be one parameter utilized to know how the medication is used by people. To do so, one specific methodology has been indicated, that is, the selected indicators of the use the medicaments. We applied this methodology with the aim of presenting a descriptive study of the physician prescription in Pediatric Clinic of the Health Basics Units. The results obtained are: the average number of medicaments prescribed with prescription was 2.6; the percentage of the medicaments prescribed with the generic name was 32%; the percentage of the prescriptions with antibiotics was 44.6%; the percentage of the prescriptions with injections was 10.4%; the percentage of the medicaments prescribed that are part of the municipal list was 22.8%, 27.5% for the program Dose Certs of the secretary of the State of São Paulo, and 50.4% by adding by adding the two lists. The essentiality of the medicaments prescribed may be considered very low, because only 32.6% appear in the RENAME. The percentage of the medicaments really dispensed was 39.9%. The medicaments more prescribed, according to the classification of the Anatomic-Therapeutic-Chemical (ATC), were the ones which acted in Respiratory System (26.8%), followed by anti-infectives for systemic use (16.4%) and by medicaments with acted in Alimentary tract and metabolism (15.8%). The conclusion is that the prescribers are moved by commercial influence of the drug makers, first because of the low prescription of medicaments by their generic name, second by the low number of medicaments effectively dispensed and then the low concordance between the ones prescribed and the ones included in the lists patterned by Tabatinga and by the State of São Paulo.


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According to the Word Health Organization, adverse drug reactions (ADR) are any harmful and non intentional answer which occurred in doses normally used in human beings. The ADR can be responsible for 2.4% to 11.5% of hospital admissions. Therefore, this study aimed at knowing the admitted patient's demographic profile due to possible ADR, identifying the most frequent drugs and complaints, and evaluating the incidence of hospital admission related to drug use. Patients who were 18 years old or more and were admitted during a period of one month to a medical clinical of a general hospital were interviewed for one month about drug use before being admitted, as well as regarding to the complaint which led them to hospital. These information were analyzed according to official data, like MICROMEDEX® and WHO criteria as well. It was observed that the admission due to drug use occurred in most part of the cases in elderly [47.5% (66/139)] and women [62% (87/139)]. The most frequent drugs used were: omeprazole (16), analgesics (31), antihypertensive (31), simvastatin (7) and formoterol fumarate (6), and the symptoms were normally associated to the digestive (20.5%), circulatory (20.2%), respiratory (18.2%) and central nervous systems (13.9%). It was estimated that 15.5% (139/897) of the hospital admission occurred possibly due to the drug use. The data found by present study suggests some strategies in order to prevent ADR in the context of primary health care services, such as monitoring drug therapy, manly for patients with chronic diseases, elderly and polimedicated people; and pharmaceutical care including dispensation and purchasing of the drugs, a lot of them dispensed over the counter (OTC).


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Introduction: It was observed a considerable growth of elderly people. They are who use more medicines. The physiological changes associated with the age advancing can make pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic alterations. The cognitive decline, physical limitations and associate chronic pathology affect the medications appropriately use ability. Aims: Based in a literature review, appoint the main pharmacological groups prescribed to the elderly and the drug-drug interaction risks. Conclusion: The most of elderly use continually at least 3 medicines, the most prescribed are to cardiovascular and psychic diseases treatment.