144 resultados para Techniques: images processing


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This paper presents a method for indirect orientation of aerial images using ground control lines extracted from airborne Laser system (ALS) data. This data integration strategy has shown good potential in the automation of photogrammetric tasks, including the indirect orientation of images. The most important characteristic of the proposed approach is that the exterior orientation parameters (EOP) of a single or multiple images can be automatically computed with a space resection procedure from data derived from different sensors. The suggested method works as follows. Firstly, the straight lines are automatically extracted in the digital aerial image (s) and in the intensity image derived from an ALS data-set (S). Then, correspondence between s and S is automatically determined. A line-based coplanarity model that establishes the relationship between straight lines in the object and in the image space is used to estimate the EOP with the iterated extended Kalman filtering (IEKF). Implementation and testing of the method have employed data from different sensors. Experiments were conducted to assess the proposed method and the results obtained showed that the estimation of the EOP is function of ALS positional accuracy.


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Image categorization by means of bag of visual words has received increasing attention by the image processing and vision communities in the last years. In these approaches, each image is represented by invariant points of interest which are mapped to a Hilbert Space representing a visual dictionary which aims at comprising the most discriminative features in a set of images. Notwithstanding, the main problem of such approaches is to find a compact and representative dictionary. Finding such representative dictionary automatically with no user intervention is an even more difficult task. In this paper, we propose a method to automatically find such dictionary by employing a recent developed graph-based clustering algorithm called Optimum-Path Forest, which does not make any assumption about the visual dictionary's size and is more efficient and effective than the state-of-the-art techniques used for dictionary generation. © 2012 IEEE.


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This paper describes an image compounding technique based on the use of different apodization functions, the evaluation of the signals phases and information from the interaction of different propagation modes of Lamb waves with defects for enhanced damage detection, resolution and contrast. A 16 elements linear array is attached to a 1 mm thickness isotropic aluminum plate with artificial defects. The array can excite the fundamental A0 and S0 modes at the frequencies of 100 kHz and 360 kHz, respectively. For each mode two synthetic aperture (SA) images with uniform and Blackman apodization and one image of Coherence Factor Map (CFM) are obtained. The specific interaction between each propagation mode and the defects and the characteristics of acoustic radiation patterns due to different apodization functions result in images with different resolution and contrast. From the phase information one of the SA images is selected at each pixel to compound the final image. The SA images are multiplied by the CFM image to improve contrast and for the dispersive A0 mode it is used a technique for dispersion compensation. There is a contrast improvement of 47.5 dB, reducing the dead zone and improving resolution and damage detection. © 2012 IEEE.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of 2 different surface polishing procedures - glazing (GZ) and manual polishing (MP) - on the roughness of ceramics processed by computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) and conventional systems (stratification technique). Eighty ceramic discs (diameter: 8 mm, thickness: 1 mm) were prepared and divided among 8 groups (n = 10) according to the type of ceramic disc and polishing method: 4 GZ and 4 MP. Specimens were glazed according to each manufacturer's recommendations. Two silicone polishing points were used on the ceramic surface for manual polishing. Roughness was measured using a surface roughness tester. The roughness measurements were made along a distance of 2 mm on the sample surface and the speed of reading was 0.1 mm/s. Three measurements were taken for each sample. The data (μm) were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). Qualitative analysis was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mean (± SD) roughness values obtained for GZ were: 1.1 ± 0.40 μm; 1.0 ± 0.31 μm; 1.6 ± 0.31 μm; and 2.2 ± 0.73 μm. For MP, the mean values were: 0.66 ± 0.13 μm; 0.43 ± 0.14 μm; 1.6 ± 0.55 μm; and 2.0 ± 0.63 μm. The mean roughness values were significantly affected by the ceramic type (P = 0.0001) and polishing technique (P = 0.0047). The SEM images confirmed the roughness data. The manually polished glass CAD/CAM ceramics promoted lower surface roughness than did the glazed feldspathic dental ceramics.


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Digital techniques have been developed and validated to assess semiquantitatively immunohistochemical nuclear staining. Currently visual classification is the standard for qualitative nuclear evaluation. Analysis of pixels that represents the immunohistochemical labeling can be more sensitive, reproducible and objective than visual grading. This study compared two semiquantitative techniques of digital image analysis with three techniques of visual analysis imaging to estimate the p53 nuclear immunostaining. Methods: Sixty-three sun-exposed forearm-skin biopsies were photographed and submitted to three visual analyses of images: the qualitative visual evaluation method (0 to 4 +), the percentage of labeled nuclei and HSCORE. Digital image analysis was performed using ImageJ 1.45p; the density of nuclei was scored per ephitelial area (DensNU) and the pixel density was established in marked suprabasal epithelium (DensPSB). Results: Statistical significance was found in: the agreement and correlation among the visual estimates of evaluators, correlation among the median visual score of the evaluators, the HSCORE and the percentage of marked nuclei with the DensNU and DensPSB estimates. DensNU was strongly correlated to the percentage of p53-marked nuclei in the epidermis, and DensPSB with the HSCORE. Conclusion: The parameters presented herein can be applied in routine analysis of immunohistochemical nuclear staining of epidermis. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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This work combines symbolic machine learning and multiscale fractal techniques to generate models that characterize cellular rejection in myocardial biopsies and that can base a diagnosis support system. The models express the knowledge by the features threshold, fractal dimension, lacunarity, number of clusters, spatial percolation and percolation probability, all obtained with myocardial biopsies processing. Models were evaluated and the most significant was the one generated by the C4.5 algorithm for the features spatial percolation and number of clusters. The result is relevant and contributes to the specialized literature since it determines a standard diagnosis protocol. © 2013 Springer.


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Piezoelectric array transducers applications are becoming usual in the ultrasonic non-destructive testing area. However, the number of elements can increase the system complexity, due to the necessity of multichannel circuitry and to the large amount of data to be processed. Synthetic aperture techniques, where one or few transmission and reception channels are necessary, and the data are post-processed, can be used to reduce the system complexity. Another possibility is to use sparse arrays instead of a full-populated array. In sparse arrays, there is a smaller number of elements and the interelement spacing is larger than half wavelength. In this work, results of ultrasonic inspection of an aluminum plate with artificial defects using guided acoustic waves and sparse arrays are presented. Synthetic aperture techniques are used to obtain a set of images that are then processed with an image compounding technique, which was previously evaluated only with full-populated arrays, in order to increase the resolution and contrast of the images. The results with sparse arrays are equivalent to the ones obtained with full-populated arrays in terms of resolution. Although there is an 8 dB contrast reduction when using sparse arrays, defect detection is preserved and there is the advantage of a reduction in the number of transducer elements and data volume. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.


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This paper presents a novel segmentation method for cuboidal cell nuclei in images of prostate tissue stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The proposed method allows segmenting normal, hyperplastic and cancerous prostate images in three steps: pre-processing, segmentation of cuboidal cell nuclei and post-processing. The pre-processing step consists of applying contrast stretching to the red (R) channel to highlight the contrast of cuboidal cell nuclei. The aim of the second step is to apply global thresholding based on minimum cross entropy to generate a binary image with candidate regions for cuboidal cell nuclei. In the post-processing step, false positives are removed using the connected component method. The proposed segmentation method was applied to an image bank with 105 samples and measures of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were compared with those provided by other segmentation approaches available in the specialized literature. The results are promising and demonstrate that the proposed method allows the segmentation of cuboidal cell nuclei with a mean accuracy of 97%. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) process is a three dimensional surface modification method that is quite mature and well known to the surface engineering community nowadays, especially to those working in the field of plasma-materials interaction, aiming at both industrial and academic applications. More recently, deposition methods have been added to PIII, the PIII&D, opening possibilities of broader range of applications of these techniques. So, PIII&D is becoming a routine method of surface modification, with the advantage of pushing up the retained dose levels limited by the sputtering due to ion implantation. Therefore, well adherent, thick, three-dimensional films without stress are possible to be achieved, at relatively low cost, using PIII&D. In this paper, we will discuss about a few PIII and PIII&D experiments that have been performed recently to achieve surface improvements in different materials: 1 - high temperature nitrogen PIII in Ti6Al4V alloy in which a deep nitrogen rich treated layer resulted in surface improvements as increase of hardness, corrosion resistance and resistance to wear of the Ti alloy; 2 - nanostructures in ZnO films, obtained by PIII&D of vaporized & ionized Zn source; 3 - combined implantation and deposition of calcium for biomaterial activity of Ti alloy (PIII&D), allowing the growth of hydroxyapatite in a body solution; 4 - magnetron sputtering deposition of Cr that was enhanced by the glow discharge Ar plasma to allow implantation and deposition of Cr on SAE 1070 steel (PIII&D) resulting in surfaces with high resistance to corrosion; and 5 - implantation of nitrogen by ordinary PIII into this Cr film, which improved resistance to corrosion, while keeping the tribological properties as good as for the SAE 1070 steel surface. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Objectives: This in vitro study compared the dimensional accuracy of stone index (I) and three impression techniques: tapered impression copings (T), squared impression copings (S) and modified squared impression copings (MS) for implant-supported prostheses. Methods: A master cast, with four parallel implant abutment analogs and a passive framework, were fabricated. Vinyl polysiloxane impression material was used for all impressions with two metal stock trays (open and closed tray). Four groups (I, T, S and MS) were tested (n = 5). A metallic framework was seated on each of the casts, one abutment screw was tightened, and the gap between the analog of implant and the framework was measured with a stereomicroscope. The groups' measurements (80 gap values) were analyzed using software (LeicaQWin - Leica Imaging Systems Ltd.) that received the images of a video camera coupled to a Leica stereomicroscope at 100× magnification. The results were statistically analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis One Way ANOVA on Ranks test followed by Dunn's Method, 0.05. Results: The mean values of abutment/framework interface gaps were: Master Cast = 32 μm (SD 2); Group I = 45 μm (SD 3); Group T = 78 μm (SD 25); Group S = 134 μm (SD 30); Group MS = 143 μm (SD 27). No significant difference was detected among Index and Master Cast (P = .05). Conclusion: Under the limitations of this study, it could be suggested that a more accurate working cast is possible using tapered impression copings techniques and stone index. © 2013 Japan Prosthodontic Society.


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In this work we propose a new image inpainting technique that combines texture synthesis, anisotropic diffusion, transport equation and a new sampling mechanism designed to alleviate the computational burden of the inpainting process. Given an image to be inpainted, anisotropic diffusion is initially applied to generate a cartoon image. A block-based inpainting approach is then applied so that to combine the cartoon image and a measure based on transport equation that dictates the priority on which pixels are filled. A sampling region is then defined dynamically so as to hold the propagation of the edges towards image structures while avoiding unnecessary searches during the completion process. Finally, a cartoon-based metric is computed to measure likeness between target and candidate blocks. Experimental results and comparisons against existing techniques attest the good performance and flexibility of our technique when dealing with real and synthetic images. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT