137 resultados para Tall towers


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We present results from a search for WZ production with subsequent decay to l nu l'(l) over bar'(l and l' = e or mu) using 0.30 fb(-1) of data collected by the D0 experiment between 2002 and 2004 at the Fermilab Tevatron. Three events with WZ decay characteristics are observed. With an estimated background of 0.71 +/- 0.08 events, we measure the WZ production cross section to be 4.5(-2.6)(+3.8) pb, with a 95% C.L. upper limit of 13.3 pb. The 95% C.L. limits for anomalous WWZ couplings are found to be -2.0


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We present a measurement of the cross section for Z production times the branching fraction to tau leptons, sigma.Br(Z ->tau(+)tau(-)), in p (p) over bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV in the channel in which one tau decays into mu nu(mu)nu(tau), and the other into hadrons+nu(tau) or e nu(e)nu(tau). The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 226 pb(-1) collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. The final sample contains 2008 candidate events with an estimated background of 55%. From this we obtain sigma.Br(Z ->tau(+)tau(-)) = 237 +/- 15(stat)+/- 18(sys)+/- 15(lum)pb, in agreement with the standard model prediction.


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We present a measurement of the Z gamma production cross section and limits on anomalous ZZ gamma and Z gamma gamma couplings for form-factor scales of Lambda=750 and 1000 GeV. The measurement is based on 138 (152) candidates in the ee gamma (mu mu gamma) final state using 320(290) pb(-1) of p (p) over bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV. The 95% C.L. limits on real and imaginary parts of individual anomalous couplings are vertical bar h(10,30)(Z)vertical bar < 0.23, vertical bar h(20,40)(Z)vertical bar < 0.020, vertical bar h(10,30)(gamma)vertical bar < 0.23, and vertical bar h(20,40)(gamma)vertical bar < 0.019 for Lambda=1000 GeV.


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We present a study of the decay B-s(0)-> J/psi phi. We obtain the CP-odd fraction in the final state at time zero R-perpendicular to = 0.16 +/- 0.10 (stat) +/- 0.02(syst), the average lifetime of the (B-s(0), (B) over bar (0)(s)) system, (tau) over bar (B-s(0)) = 1.39(-0.16)(+0.13)(stat)(-0.02)(+0.01)(syst) ps, and the relative width difference between the heavy and light mass eigen-states, Delta Gamma/(Gamma) over bar = (Gamma(L) - Gamma(H))/(Gamma) over bar = 0.24(-0.38)(+0.28)(stat)(-0.04)(+0.03)(syst). With the additional constraint from the world average of the B-s(0) lifetime measurements using semileptonic decays, we find (tau) over bar (B-s(0)) = 1.39 +/- 0.06 ps and Delta Gamma/(Gamma) over bar = 0.25(-0.15)(+0.14). For the ratio of the B-s(0) and B-0 lifetimes we obtain (tau) over bar (B-s(0))/tau(B-s(0)) = 0.91 +/- 0.09(stat) +/- 0.003(syst).


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We present the results of a search for the production of an excited state of the muon, mu(*), in proton antiproton collisions at root s =1.96 TeV. The data have been collected with the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider and correspond to an integrated luminosity of approximately 380 pb(-1). We search for mu(*) in the process p (p) over bar ->mu(*)mu, with the mu(*) subsequently decaying to a muon plus photon. No excess above the standard model expectation is observed in data. Interpreting our data in the context of a model that describes mu(*) production by four-fermion contact interactions and mu(*) decay via electroweak processes, we set a 95% confidence level production cross section upper limit ranging from 0.057 to 0.112 pb, depending on the mass of the excited muon. Choosing the scale for contact interactions to be Lambda=1 TeV, excited muon masses below 618 GeV are excluded.


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We report results of a study of the B-s(0) oscillation frequency using a large sample of B-s(0) semileptonic decays corresponding to approximately 1 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in 2002-2006. The amplitude method gives a lower limit on the B-s(0) oscillation frequency at 14.8 ps(-1) at the 95% C.L. At Delta m(s)=19 ps(-1), the amplitude deviates from the hypothesis A=0 (1) by 2.5 (1.6) standard deviations, corresponding to a two-sided C.L. of 1% (10%). A likelihood scan over the oscillation frequency, Delta m(s), gives a most probable value of 19 ps(-1) and a range of 17


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We present a study of events with Z bosons and associated jets produced at the Fermilab Tevatron collider in p p collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV The data sample consists of nearly 14000 Z/gamma* -> e(+)e(-) candidates corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 0.4 fb(-1) collected with the D circle divide detector. Ratios of the Z/gamma*+ >= n jet cross sections to the total inclusive Z/gamma* cross section have been measured for n = 1-4 jets, and found to be in good agreement with a next-to-leading order QCD calculation and with a tree-level QCD prediction with parton shower simulation and hadronization. Published by Elsevier B.V


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A dieta de uma população de jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) (Geoffroy, 1803) (Carnivora, Felidae) foi estudada entre novembro de 2000 e novembro de 2001, em 24,9 km² de mosaico de Mata Atlântica secundária e reflorestamento de eucalipto na Serra de Paranapiacaba, São Paulo, Brasil. A análise das 26 amostras fecais e regurgitadas, obtidas em 570.1 km de percurso, indicou o consumo de 19 itens alimentares em um total de 74 ocorrências de presas. Pequenos mamíferos foram os itens mais frequentemente encontrados na dieta (42,5%), seguidos por aves (21%), répteis (14%) e mamíferos de tamanho médio (3%). A porcentagem de ocorrência (PO) sugere que a dieta concentra-se, principalmente, em pequenos roedores (30%) e aves (21%). Foi também registrada a predação sobre serpentes da família Viperidae. A amplitude de nicho alimentar padronizada (Bsta = 0,76) mostra uma dieta generalista, entretanto, os dados sugerem que o jaguarundi consome principalmente pequenos vertebrados (mamíferos, aves ou répteis), sobretudo, espécies terrestres.


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O Norte de Minas Gerais cultiva basicamente bananeira 'Prata-Anã', cultivar especialmente exigente em zinco. A possibilidade de fornecimento de Zn, sem que esse entre em contato com o solo, é importante para a região, uma vez que vários fatores levam à baixa disponibilidade do elemento fornecido via solo, como: elevado teor de matéria orgânica na camada superficial (resultante de resíduos culturais); manutenção de elevado pH do solo - acima de 6,00 - como estratégia contrária à proliferação do agente causal do mal- do-panamá; adubações frequentes com potássio e magnésio, que além de basificar o meio, diminuem a participação do Zn no equilíbrio cátion-ânion do solo, dificultando a absorção deste micronutriente pela planta. Para determinar a distribuição de biomassa e minerais na bananeira Prata-Anã, cultivada sob irrigação no norte de Minas Gerais, quando o zinco é fornecido via broto desbastado, foi conduzido um experimento no Perímetro Irrigado de Jaíba. As plantas foram adubadas com 0,00; 1,66 e 3,33 g.família-1 de Zn (0; 25 e 50 g.família-1.ano-1 de sulfato de Zn), via muda desbastada. Um mês após as adubações de outubro de 2007 e junho de 2008, avaliaram-se a produção de massa fresca (MF) e massa seca (MS), os teores e conteúdos de minerais em todos os órgãos de uma ''família'' de bananeira composta por planta-mãe com cacho + planta-filha alta + planta-neta. As doses de Zn não influíram na produção de MF e MS das plantas na primeira avaliação, enquanto na segunda avaliação observou-se efeito positivo do tratamento apenas para MF acumulada nas folhas inferiores, nas porções do terço médio e inferior do pseudocaule, e no rizoma da planta-mãe. Tanto o teor quanto o acúmulo de nutrientes nas plantas-mãe apresentaram a seguinte ordem decrescente: K > N > Ca > Mg > P > S > Fe > Zn > B > Cu. Os teores de Zn foram afetados pela dose desse micronutriente na maioria das situações estudadas. O Zn fornecido via broto desbastado ascendeu na planta-mãe, e daí se redistribuiu na ''família'' da bananeira.


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A resistência à seca foi estudada em quatro cultivares de trigo, dois de porte baixo: Anahuac e IAC-24 e dois de porte alto, BH-1146 e IAC-23, em dois tratamentos de irrigação: I- vasos constantemente molhados por capilaridade; II- vasos irrigados quando o potencial de água do solo atingisse, aproximadamente, -1,5 MPa. O potencial de água e o teor relativo de água das folhas foram mais elevados no tratamento precondicionado ao estresse, em relação ao irrigado por capilaridade, em todos os cultivares sob as mesmas condições de umidade do solo em ambos os estádios considerados: desenvolvimento vegetativo e reprodutivo. Embora os estômatos das plantas do tratamento submetido ao estresse permanecessem abertos a potenciais de água mais negativos que naqueles em que as plantas recebiam água constantemente, não foi possível separar genótipos mais ou menos resistentes à seca, utilizando-se a difusividade ao vapor d'água dos estômatos acoplada ao teor relativo de água e ao potencial de água das folhas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In an area of tropical seasonal semideciduous forest, the soil characteristics, floristic composition, physiognomic structure, and the distribution of three regeneration and three dispersal guilds were studied for four stands within the forest that had documented histories of varying degrees of human disturbance. The aim was to study forest regeneration in areas of preserved forest and secondary forest, with parts of both types of forest experiencing either 'intensive' or 'occasional' cattle trampling. The study was carried out in the Sebastiao Aleixo da Silva Ecological Station, Bauru, São Paulo State, Brazil. Two stands were called 'secondary' because they corresponded to forest tracts that were felled and occupied by crops and pastures in the past and then abandoned to forest regeneration ca. 40 years before this study. The other two stands, called 'preserved', corresponded to areas of the fragment where the forest has been maintained with only minor human impacts. The arboreal component of the tree community (diameter at breast height or dbh greater than or equal to 5 cm) was sampled in 20 plots of 40 m x 40 m, and the subarboreal component (diameter at the base of the stem or dbs < 5 cm and height greater than or equal to 0.5 m) in subplots of 40 m x 2 m. Physiognomic features, such as canopy height and density of climbing plants, were registered all over a 5 m x 5 m gridline laid on the sample plots. Soil bulk samples were collected for chemical and textural analyses. Most detected differences contrasted the secondary to the preserved forest stands. The soils of the secondary stands showed higher proportions of sand and lower levels of mineral nutrients and organic matter than those of the preserved stands, probably due to higher losses by leaching and erosion. Compared to the secondary stands, the preserved ones had higher proportions of tall trees, higher mean canopy height, lower species diversity, higher abundance of autochorous and shade-tolerant climax species, and lower abundance of pioneer and light-demanding climax species. Despite the high proportion of species shared by the preserved and secondary stands (108 out of 139), they differed consistently in terms of density of the most abundant species. on the other hand, the secondary and preserved stands held similar values for tree density and basal area, suggesting that 40 years were enough to restore these features. Effects of cattle trampling on the vegetation were detected for the frequency of trees of anemochorous and zoochorous species, which were higher in the stands under occasional and intensive cattle trampling, respectively. The density of thin climbers was lower in the stands with intensive trampling. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Lippia alba, family Verbenaceae, is widely spread in Central and South American. It's a shurb with a quadrangular branch reaching 1,7m tall. The leaves are membranaceous, petiolate, pubescent with a strong flavor. It's limbs have variable forms with pointed apex, cuneiform or decumbent base, and serrated or crenated hordes. It was determined the best harvest season to biomass production, essential oil content and chemical composition, on different plant parts (apical, medium, basal). It has been observed that, both apical and medium parts represented around 80 % of the fresh leaf mass. The foliar biomass yields are about 5 ton/ha in four harvests during an year. The average yield of essential oil considering the three plant parts were 0.15%, 0.47%, 0.46%, 0.55% and 0.61% for summer/98, autumn/98, winter/98, spring/98 and summer/99, respectively. Essential oils showed similar chemical composition either in relation to seasonality, neral, geranial and t-cariofilene were the majority compounds.


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The structures for brevifoliol and three baccatin VI derivatives were revised to possess the novel 11(15 --> 1)-abeotaxane tricylic skeleton based on X-ray crystallographic studies. Four more new rearranged taxane derivatives related to brevifoliol and the unusual phenylbutanoid, (-)-rhododendrol, were isolated from the needles of Taxus breuifolia. Their structures were established as 10 beta-benzoxy-5 alpha-(3'-dimethylamino-3'-phenyl)-propanoxy-1 beta-hydroxy- 7 beta,9 alpha,13 alpha-triacetoxy-11(15 --> 1)-abeotaxa-4(20),11-diene; 10 beta-benzoxy-1 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-(3'-methylamino-3'-phenyl)- propanoxy-7 beta,9 alpha,l3 alpha-triacetoxy-11(15 --> 1)-abeotaxa-4(20),11-diene; 10 beta-benzoxy-5 alpha-cinnamoxy-1 beta-hydroxy-7 beta,9 alpha,13 alpha-triacetoxy-1 1(15 --> 1)-abeotaxa-4(20),11-diene; 10 beta-benzoxy-1 beta,5 alpha-dihydroxy-7 beta,9 alpha,13 alpha-triacetoxy-11(15 --> 1)-abeotaxa-4(20),11-diene and 2(R)-hydroxy-4-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)-butane.


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We performed hyperglycemic clamps in 283 nondiabetic Caucasians and, with multiple linear regression, determined the contribution of beta-cell function and tissue insulin sensitivity to variations in glycemia and insulinemia during oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs). Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) subjects had reduced insulin sensitivity(P < .02) and beta-cell function (P < .0001). Normal glucose tolerance (NGT) subjects with first-degree type 2 diabetic relatives had reduced first and second phase insulin secretion (both, P < .05), but normal insulin sensitivity(P = .37). beta-Cell function and insulin sensitivity accounted for one fourth of the variability in glucose tolerance. Fasting plasma glucose in subjects with NGT (n = 185) was a function of both phases of insulin secretion and of insulin sensitivity tall, P < .05), whereas, in IGT subjects (n = 98), it was a function of first phase insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity(P < .01). Two-hour glycemia was a function of second phase secretion and insulin sensitivity (P < .01). Fasting and 2-hour plasma insulin levels were determined by insulin sensitivity land glycemia) in NGT subjects (P < .001), but by second phase secretion in IGT (P < .001). We conclude that beta-cell function is reduced in subjects with IGT; glycemia and insulinemia are not regulated by the same mechanisms in IGT and NGT; insulin sensitivity does not contribute to insulinemia in IGT; family history of diabetes influences beta-cell function, but not insulin sensitivity in Caucasians. Copyright (C) 2000 by W.B. Saunders Company.