96 resultados para Sensação Diller Scofidio


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Pain is a subjective condition and, thus, difficult to measure. The best tools to assess pain are the pain evaluation questionnaires, which provide either diagnostic, pain evolution or pain intensity information. To provide information which could help differentiate between nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain is one of the most important functions of these questionnaires. The questionnaires can measure pain intensity, quality of life, or sleep quality. Quality of life and sleep are two really important characteristics to assess the pain impact on patients' life. Pain intensity assessing questionnaires combine physical evaluations with questions, providing information either from the patient sensations or clinical assessment of pain manifestations as well as the underlying biological mechanisms (such as hyperalgesia or allodynia). For example, the Pain Detect questionnaire has two parts: the patient form (intuitive, with pictures and easy understandable) and the physician form. Thus, in this questionnaire, subjective information is provided by the patient and the objective one is provided by the physician. Other pain intensity questionnaires are NPSI, DN4, LANSS or StEP. Quality of life questionnaires are versatile (can be used in different pathologies). These questionnaires include functional self-evaluation questions, and other ones associated to physical and mental health. Two of such quality of life questionnaires are SF-36 and NHP. Sleep evaluation questionnaires include quantitative features such as the number of sleep interruptions, sleep latency or sleep duration as well as qualitative characteristics such as rest sensation, mood and dreams. One of the most used sleep evaluation questionnaires is PSQI, which includes patient questions and bed-partner questions, providing information from two points of view.


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Segundo a Confederao Brasileira de Basquetebol (CBB), o basquete um esporte popular, praticado em todo o mundo por mais de 300 milhes de pessoas. Manoel Tubino (2001, p. 57), aponta um fenmeno social que atingiu nveis muito complexos de desenvolvimento nas diversas sociedades. Sobre o jovem atleta Cratty (1984) destaca que este acaba vivenciando situaes em que seu rendimento, tanto sendo um sucesso como um fracasso se torne visvel perante a sociedade, deixando que os sentimentos emocionais e psquicos se aflorem junto com os fisiolgicos influenciando no desempenho. Entre os vrios fatores intra e extra quadra que podem influenciar no resultado, esto os aspectos psicolgicos e os pensamentos automticos. Para Cecarelli (2011) um dos fatores que mais afetam os atletas a ansiedade e est diretamente ligado, a importncia da competio e de cada jogo, distncia de casa, viagem, mudana de hbitos, adaptao ao clima e fuso horrio, entre outros aspectos que provocam possvel processamento errneo do pensamento automtico e um aumento da ansiedade. Desta maneira torna-se imprescindvel destacar que os aspectos fisiolgicos e psicolgicos de jovens atletas no se encontram eficientemente maduros para lidar com cobranas e presses advindas do meio esportivo, cabendo aos sujeitos envolvidos na prtica do basquetebol (tcnicos, diretores, pais, patrocinadores, psiclogo do esporte e atletas) fazer uso da psicologia do esporte a fim de objetivar-se um bom rendimento. O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender como se d a relao entre os pensamentos automticos e a ansiedade. A metodologia deste estudo pautou-se em uma reviso de literatura utilizando os principais referenciais tericos que circunscrevem os temas principais deste trabalho. Segundo Beck (2005) to possvel perceber um pensamento, focar nele e avali-lo, como possvel identificar e refletir sobre uma sensação...


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Ps-graduao em Filosofia - FFC


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Costens syndrome is defined as a set of auditory signs and symptoms in patients with TMD. It is characterized by ear fullness, hearing loss, tinnitus, ear pain and vertigo with nystagmus.It has predilection for females and fourth decade of life. The multidisciplinary monitoring of these patients is imperative in its recognition and the establishment of effective therapy. In this paper we report a case of Costens Syndrome patient whose treatment consisted of advice on the etiology of the disorder and weekly sessions of acupuncture. The clinical features that led to the diagnosis and treatment plan, and the effectiveness of acupuncture as supportive therapy were also discussed.


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O tratamento clareador se destaca por ser uma tcnica conservadora, que pode proporcionar elevao da autoestima e melhorar o convvio social das pessoas. No entanto, pacientes expostos a essa terapia experimentam diferentes nveis de ocorrncia e de intensidade de sensibilidade dentria. Essa sintomatologia preocupante, pois tem sido apontada como o reflexo de uma eventual resposta pulpar frente ao tratamento realizado. Por outro lado, a presena de dor desestimulante aos pacientes, prejudicando a evoluo do tratamento e reduzindo o sentimento de satisfao. Apesar dessa importncia, a maior parte dos estudos de sensibilidade dentria ainda emprega mtodos subjetivos, dificultando a reprodutibilidade e interpretao dos resultados. Objetivo: nesse sentido, o presente artigo objetiva analisar a resposta neurossensorial proporcionada pela aplicao de estmulos trmicos gerados pelo equipamento TSA II (Medoc TSA II Neurosensory Analyzer, Israel), em um paciente submetido ao tratamento clareador, seguido pelo uso ou no uso de um dessensibilizante. Mtodos: as anlises foram realizadas antes do clareamento (AC), depois do clareamento (DC) e depois da aplicao ou no do dessensibilizante (DD) em cada hemiarcada estudada. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste t de Student, com nvel de significncia de 5%. Resultados: observou-se que o clareamento dentrio alterou o limiar de sensação ao frio, provocando aumento da sensibilidade dentria, e que o uso do dessensibilizante foi efetivo. Concluso: o uso de testes sensoriais quantitativos mostrou-se promissor para o estudo da sensibilidade dentria, podendo colaborar no estabelecimento de terapias seguras e confortveis.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Ps-graduao em Sade Coletiva - FMB


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Space is certainly one of the most important basic narrative categories to be considered when studying different fictional media formats; it encompasses a range of rich attributes. While we perceive the preference cinema gives to this narrative category by the fact that the Seventh Art is known as the art of space, the occurrence of digital media makes us realize that space has to be explored virtually, providing the interacting person with the feeling that he, too, has room in the fictional world.


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This paper presents the results of a study on the thermal comfort in open urban spaces, undertaken in pedestrian streets located in the three towns, Campinas, Baur, and Presidente Prudente, in the state of Sao Paulo. The study was developed as part of a more extensive project on thermal comfort in different kinds of open public spaces in Brazil. The methodology involved monitoring the microclimatic variables (air and globe temperature, humidity, air velocity and global solar radiation), and structured interviews, in order to assess the actual thermal comfort through the Actual Sensation Vote (ASV) and the personal users variables. The Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) was also calculated. The results show different limits for neutral temperature in each city: 20-29C for Campinas, 21-30 C for Bauru and 14-24 C for Presidente Prudente). However, 59.5% of the total sample (308 out of 519 individuals) indicated comfort limits ranging from 18 to 26 C, which is consistent with the limits proposed by Monteiro and Alucci for the city of Sao Paulo. These results can contribute to evaluate the thermal quality of other public spaces in the same towns.


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Stress relates to the broad and generalized body's responses to various environmental, physical and social situations. It is the force that drives the emotions and motives (desires), but is also the cause of the wear and tear of human existence. This study aims to investigate the stressors in administrative technical servers Univ. Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Bauru, as well as on companies providing service within the perimeter of the campus. Was used as a methodology, literature and field research, a questionnaire was applied in order to reach those goals. The profiles of employees who participated in the survey were: both sexes, adults, young people with different educational levels, varying levels of marital and socioeconomic status. The main stressors mentioned by the employees were: workload, dissatisfaction in the workplace, pressure boss or colleagues, as they bring consequences, fatigue or drowsiness, affecting the work environment and mostly family. Physical symptoms of stress are fatigue, difficulty relaxing and headache, and backache. And the psychological symptoms are verbalized concern, agitation, aggression, dissatisfaction, and forgetfulness and feeling of lack of time. It was concluded that these factors negatively affect the quality of life in the work of these employees, interfering with your work, family and socio-emotional life.


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The construction methods of information lean on in variable models in the contemporary, especially by the diversity of languages and platforms offered. Among the innovations we find a growth of the gamification effect in the representation or reinforcement of the news, seizing the moment entertainment to increase user engagement. This research presents, from a case study published by The New York Times on the information complement referring to the World Cup Brazil 2014, studies of the importance of the interface in the broadcasting of informative contents, especially in a society where the tactile sensation is growing.


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Este trabalho consiste na apresentao de um projeto de requalificao urbana para uma rea central da cidade de Catanduva, a partir da anlise de um vazio urbano e seu entorno. Nos levantamentos e anlises realizados, procurou-se utilizar os fundamentos da teoria de Kevin Lynch para comprovar que o vazio urbano atual, fruto da desativao do ptio de manobras da ferrovia, e todo seu entorno so inexistentes para a populao. No h legibilidade. A rea apresenta alguns elementos de paisagem marcantes, mas que sozinhos no provocam no indivduo a sensação de pertencimento. Por meio do estudo das problemticas do local e considerando os fatores histricos, culturais e de sensaes do municpio e sua populao, este projeto busca requalificar a rea, tornando-a uma paisagem legvel e clara, que faa parte do cotidiano e da memria dos indivduos. Assim, a construo do Parque da Paineira seria uma forma de transformar o local em um espao pblico aberto, uma nova rea verde para o centro, espao de lazer, descanso e cultura, aproveitando os elementos preexistentes e inserindo novos para promover a diversidade de usos e apropriaes por diferentes pblicos.


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Ps-graduao em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC