118 resultados para Rittenhouse, Edna


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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O artigo propõe mostrar, a partir da leitura do texto “Ao Pantanal”, de Guimarães Rosa, como a presença desta região brasileira impregna o narradorprotagonista que relata a “rapsódia de percepções” que vivenciou quando da suatravessia. A concretude e condensação da linguagem inscrevem esse texto rosiano no universo do mito.


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Tendo como embasamento teórico a semiótica greimasiana, faz-se análise comparativa da história de Cinderela, na versão de Charles Perrault, com dois filmes e um conto de Guimarães Rosa, para verificar o modo como o tema “o amor tudo vence” é tratado nesses textos. A história de Cinderela renova-se, recobrindo-se com novas figuras, como conseqüência da alteração nos traços sêmicos dos papéis de príncipe e de princesa. Palavras-chave: Semiótica greimasiana; narrativa; invariantes; variantes; Cinderela; cinema; Guimarães Rosa.


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A metalinguagem natural é propriedade sui generis de qualquer língua e, tanto quanto a língua-objeto, é responsável por todo ato de linguagem. Partindo desse pressuposto, procuramos fundamentar a importância de sua descrição para a teoria da linguagem.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo demonstrar a importância da tradução intralingual para aprodução de microuniversos discursivos. Para tanto, parte-se do pressuposto de que o texto se constróicomo uma seqüência de paráfrases definicionais/denominativas.


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Partindo do pressuposto de que construir um texto é operar comos mecanismos da denominação e da definição, procura-se demonstrarcomo Rubem Braga funda o microuniverso da crônica Casas, permitindoque o saber instaurado pelo produtor passe para o receptor da mensagem.


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A revista O Cruzeiro surgiu no dia 10 de novembro de 1928, época em que o Brasil tinha cerca de 50 milhões de habitantes. Revistas como O Cruzeiro fazem parte do acervo da história do país, e o exame dos diferentes tipos de textos nela contidos permite o resgate das formas de vida do século XX. Partindo de pressupostos teóricos da semiótica greimasiana, particularmente os regimes de interação propostos por Landowski, analisamos, em edições de O Cruzeiro da década de 40, a seção denominada “Assuntos femininos” que semanalmente apresenta a matéria “Da mulher para a mulher” em que a articulista Maria Teresa, investida do papel temático de conselheira, escreve crônicas ou responde cartas de consulentes. A partir da análise de textos dessa seção, propomos regimes de interação amorosa que configuram formas de vida da mulher. A análise do corpus nos revela que a mulher da década de 40, ora reitera, modalizada pelo dever, valores impostos por um projeto de vida pronto; ora, modalizada pelo querer, tenta impor uma nova ética que configura uma nova forma de vida.


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A Província de Sergipe ganhou autonomia em relação à Província da Bahia em 1820, por decisão de D. João VI, que então já havia transferido a Corte portuguesa para o Brasil. Dois anos depois o Brasil se tornava uma nação soberana, separando-se de Portugal. Esses dois acontecimentos, que guardam proximidade temporal e política, instigaram a historiadora Edna Maria Matos Antônio a estudar a presença da corte portuguesa no Brasil e os significados das transformações institucionais aplicadas pelo governo joanino às regiões distantes do Rio de Janeiro, então sede política da nação. A autora aborda as reformas econômicas e administrativas promovidas pelo estado metropolitano, iniciadas na fase pombalina em meados do século XVIII e continuadas com a chegada de D. João VI ao Rio de Janeiro. E avalia as distintas conseqüências de tais reformas para o desenvolvimento regional do Brasil, além da influência que teriam exercido sobre o movimento da independência brasileira. Tomando como referência a Revolução Pernambucana de 1817, que ao contestar a política joanina e exigir reformas recebeu adesão de parte das elites locais e desencadeou conflitos na relação com o poder monárquico, o livro analisa o processo de independência da capitania de Sergipe. A autonomia teria sido concedida em reconhecimento da Coroa à participação dos representantes do poder sergipano no combate à revolta de Pernambuco. A investigação desses fatos permitiu à autora expor a natureza desses conflitos e seus desdobramentos dentro da crise do colonialismo em terras brasileiras. O momento exigia que os grupos sociais e políticos da Colônia tomassem decisões sobre formatos políticos institucionais vistos como soluções para melhorar e modificar a realidade. De acordo com a autora, Diferentes concepções e perspectivas sobre Estado e sociedade acabaram por definir os rumos da configuração governativa e estrutura política da nação...


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The aim of this research was to analyze the composition and structure of the plant community in four phytophysiognomies at Pantanal Poconé-Mato Grosso, assuming that each sample group is a type of community, and there would be a corresponding group of species that characterize that community. We set up five plots of 50 × 50 m and subdivided each one into subplots of 10 × 10 m. In each subplot, individuals with CAP (circunference at breast height) > 10 cm were sampled. To check the structural and floristic similarity of the five vegetation types the unweighted averages grouping method was used - UPGMA, with Jaccard's coefficient and Bray-Curtis, respectively. DCA ordination of plots was used for inundation gradient analysis and TWINSPAN indicator species groups for the three strata. In the four areas 55 species belonging to 30 families were sampled. The UPMGA indicated floristic and structural differences between cambarazal, savanna types and campo de murundu and similarity between the semideciduous formations. The DCA separated the vegetation types according to the level of flooding and TWINSPAN indicated the existence of typical species for each vegetation type. In the Pantanal, some species may be restricted to certain types of vegetation, and these species can be used as indicators of the effect of flooding and possible changes in flood pulse dynamics in plant communities.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Although enzymuria tends to be associated to renal injury, there are no studies that have evaluated the presence of the enzyme gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) spectrophotometry in the urine using a non-nephrotoxic agent (Nerium oleander) in order to evaluate the possibility of false positive results. The urinary GGT/urinary creatinine concentration ratio (uGGT/uCr) of 10 healthy dogs was calculated and posteriorly confronted with data from clinical evaluation, hematological and serum biochemical profiles, creatinine clearance (CrC), urinalysis, urine protein/creatinine ratio (UPC), electrocardiogram, systemic blood pressure (SBP) and light and electron microscopy. The results for kidney histology, SBP, UPC and CrC were not significantly different in any of the time-points analyzed. However, uGGT/uCr was significantly higher when measured 4 hours and 24 hours after administration of N. oleander. The measurement of the urinary GGT enzyme, as performed in many studies, yielded false positive results in dogs poisoned by a non-nephrotoxic agent.


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Background: Scorpion envenomations are a major public health problem in Brazil, whose most dangerous cases are attributable to the genus Tityus. This study was designed to compare the clinical and demographic features of envenomations by Tityus obscurus in two areas of the state of Para located in the Amazon basin. Were compared demographic findings, local and systemic signs and symptoms of human envenomations caused by T. obscurus that occurred in western and eastern areas of the state.Results: Forty-eight patients with confirmed envenomation by T. obscurus were evaluated from January 2008 to July 2011. Most of them came from the eastern region, where male and female patients were present in similar numbers, while males predominated in the west. Median age groups were also similar in both areas. Most scorpion stings took place during the day and occurred significantly more frequently on the upper limbs. The time between the sting and admission to the health center was less than three hours in both areas. Most eastern patients had local manifestations while in the west, systemic manifestations predominated. Local symptoms were similar in both areas, but systemic signs and symptoms were more common in the west. Symptoms frequently observed at the sting site were local and radiating pain, paresthesia, edema, erythema, sweating, piloerection and burning. The systemic manifestations were significantly higher in patients from the west. Futhermore, neurological symptoms such as general paresthesia, ataxia, dysarthria, myoclonus, dysmetria, and electric shock-like sensations throughout the body were reported only by patients from the west.Conclusion: The present study shows that two regions of Para state differ in the clinical manifestations and severity of confirmed envenomation by T. obscurus which suggests a toxicity variation resulting from the diversity of T. obscurus venom in different areas of the Brazilian Amazon basin, and that T. serrulatus antivenom can be successfully used against T. obscurus.


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The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of statins associated with physical exercise (PE) in liver cells in dyslipidemic rats through cariometry. The animals were divided into six groups: animals subjected to a hypercholesterolemic diet (HD), simvastatin, with (G1) and without (G2) physical exercise (PE); HD submitted (G3) or not (G4) to PE, and commercial food diet (F) with (G5) and without (G6) PE. Histological analysis of the liver was performed by staining the slides with hematoxylin and eosin. The cariometric study included measuring the major and minor diameters of the hepatocytes nuclei. The Shapiro-Wilk test was also performed. To determine the differences among the groups, the Kruskal-Wallis Test with Dunn's post-test were conducted. The significance level was set at 5%. No difference was found in the hepatocytes nuclei between G5 and G6. When these groups were related with G3 and G4, reduced nuclei were observed. There was no difference between G1 and G6. The comparison between G6 and G2 showed that the nuclei in G2 were smaller. No difference was detected between G5 and G1. Changes were observed in the nuclei shape in G2 in comparison to G1. Considering G2 and G3, a decrease in the size of nuclei was observed in G3. On the other hand, G2 showed changes in shape in the comparative analysis with G4. The size and shape of G1 nuclei were larger than G3 as well as changes in shape were observed when compared to G4. G4 showed smaller nuclei than G3. Therefore, F, associated or not with the practice of PE, does not alter the size and shape of the hepatocytes nuclei; HD combined with sedentarism influences changes in the morphometric parameters of hepatocytes; and the association of simvastatin and PE seems to protect the hepatocytes nuclei with regard to HD.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)