133 resultados para Renal Perfusion Pressure


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Records of the electrical impedance were obtained by means of surface electrodes placed on ventral and dorsal sides of the left kidney of anesthetized dogs. Changes of the renal electrical impedance resulted from alterations of the glomerular filtration rate caused by decrease of blood renal pressure to 80 and 50 mm Hg either due to constriction of the aorta or bleeding. The relation was established also by using physiological infusion. The results showed that changes of the means of renal electrical impedance were in opposite direction to changes in glomerular filtration rate. The electrodes employed were constituted of two parts: one fixed and another adjustable and flexible, allowing good contact with the renal surface independent of the kidney size.


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In six dogs, previously anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (30 mg/kg) for surgical preparation, catheterism and monitoring, the action of sodium pentobarbital (7,5 mg/kg) on renal flow was studied. Determinations of mean arterial pressure, venous pressure, cardiac rate, arterio-cava pressure gradient and renal arterial resistance were made. Pentobarbital doesn't change significantly the renal blood flow or any of the other parameters studied, with the exception of venous pressure in the inferior caval vein where the drug produces a significant fall.


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Little research has been done with propofol in relation to renal function. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the continuous infusion of propofol on renal function in dogs. Sixteen dogs, previously anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (30 mg.kg-1) for surgical preparation, catheterism and monitoring, were studied. The dogs were mechanically ventilated with air and received alcuronium (0.2 mg.kg-1 in bolus and 0.06 mg.kg-1 - maintenance). The following parameters were studied: heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), central venous pressure (CVP), aortic blood flow (A(o)BF - by electromagnetic flowmeter installed in the ascending aortic), aortic vascular resistance index (A(o)VRI), renal plasma flow (ERPF - by para-aminohipurate clearance), glomerular filtration rate (GFR - by creatinine clearance), effective renal blood flow (ERBF = ERPF/1 - hematocrit), urinary volume (UV), renal vascular resistance (RVR = MAP.80/ERBF.10-3), urinary sodium excretion (UE(Na)), fractionated sodium excretion (FE(Na)), osmolar clearance (C(osm)) and free water clearance (C(H2O)). These parameters were studied at 15 (M1), 30 (M2), 45 (M3) and 60 (M4) min after beginning pentobarbital sodium infusion (5 mg.kg-1.h-1). The dogs were allocated into two groups of eight animals each: G1 (control-pentobarbital sodium) and G2 (propofol). In G1, pentobarbital was given at the four times studied. G2 dogs received the same treatment as G1 dogs at M1 and M2; infusion of pentobarbital was substituted by propofol (3 mg.kg-1 bolus, followed by 12 mg.kg-1.h-1 continuous infusion) at M3 and M4. Profile Analysis was used to analyze the results statistically. In G1 (pentobarbital), there was a significant increase in RVR (M1 < M4) and a decrease in ERPF and ERBF (M1 > M4). In G2 (propofol) there was only a significant increase in A(o)BF (M1 < M2 = M3). In comparison among groups, these was a significant alteration of FE(Na) at M3 (pentobarbital > propofol). It was observed that the continuous infusion of propofol in dogs, at the given doses, did not alter the basic variables of renal function and hemodynamics studied. We concluded that propofol can be one of the drugs of choice to provide base anesthesia in studies of renal function in dogs.


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In order to evaluate the role of underlying disease in the high mortality observed in acute renal failure (ARF) and risk factors related to the development of oliguric ARF in renal allograft recipients, two groups were selected: 34 patients with native kidneys, aged 16 and 57 years, and presenting ischemic ARF caused by cardiovascular collapse, with no signs of infection at the time of diagnosis; and 34 renal allograft recipients who developed ARF immediately after transplantation, without rejection. ARF was defined either as 30% increase of basal plasmatic creatinine in patients with native kidneys or non-normalization of plasmatic creatinine at day 5 after transplantation in renal allograft recipients; oliguria as diuresis ≤ 400 mL/24 h. There were no differences in age, male frequency, oliguria presence and duration, need for dialysis, and infection episodes for renal allograft recipients and patients with native kidneys. The development of sepsis (3% and 41%) and death rate (3% and 44%) were higher in patients with native kidneys (p < 0.01). The renal allograft recipients with both oliguric (n = 18) and nonoliguric (n = 16) ARF were evaluated and no difference was observed in the recipient's age, donor's age, cold ischemia time, time elapsed until plasmatic creatinine normalization, donor's plasmatic creatinine or urea, and mean arterial pressure. No differences were observed between the groups regarding frequency of infection episodes during ARF and frequency of death. In conclusion, renal allograft recipients presented a lower death rate and were less susceptible to sepsis. Cold ischemia time, age, and hemodynamic characteristics of the donor did not affect the development of oliguria.


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The aim of this study was to assess positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)-induced lung overdistension and alveolar recruitment in six patients with acute lung injury (ALI) using a computed tomographic (CT) scan method. Lung overdistension was first determined in six healthy volunteers in whom CT sections were obtained at FRC and at TLC with a positive airway pressure of 30 cm H2O. In patients, lung volumes were quantified by the analysis of the frequency distribution of CT numbers on the entire lung at zero end-expiratory pressure (ZEEP) and PEEP. In healthy volunteers at FRC, the distribution of the density histograms was monophasic with a peak at -791 ± 12 Hounsfield units (HU). The lowest CT number observed was -912 HU. At TLC, lung volume increased by 79 ± 35% and the peak CT number decreased to -886 ± 26 HU. More than 70% of the increase in lung volume was located below -900 HU, suggesting that this value can be considered as the threshold separating normal aeration from overdistension. In patients with ALI, at ZEEP the distribution of density histograms was either monophasic (n = 3) or biphasic (n = 3). The mean CT number was -319 ± 34 HU. At PEEP 13 ± 3 cm H2O, lung volume increased by 47 ± 19% whereas mean CT number decreased to -538 ± 171 HU. PEEP induced a mean alveolar recruitment of 320 ± 160 ml and a mean lung overdistension of 238 ± 320 ml. In conclusion, overdistended lung parenchyma of healthy volunteers is characterized by a CT number below -900 HU. This threshold can be used in patients with ALI for differentiating PEEP-induced alveolar recruitment from lung overdistension.


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Objective: The present study was performed to investigate the influence of different routes of perfusion on the distribution of the preservation solutions in the lung parenchyma and upper airways. Methods: Pigs were divided into four groups: control (n = 6), pulmonary artery (PA) (n = 6), simultaneous PA + bronchial artery (BA) (n = 8), and retrograde delivery (n = 6). After preparation and cannulation, cardioplegia solution and Euro- Collins solution (ECS) for lung preservation were given simultaneously. After removal of the heart, the double lung bloc was harvested. Following parameters were assessed: total and regional perfusion (dye-labeled microspheres), tissue water content, PA, aorta, left atrial and left ventricular pressures, cardiac output and lung temperature. Results: Our data show that flow of the ECS in lung parenchyma did not reach control values (9.4 ± 1.0 ml/min per g lung wet weight) regardless of the route of delivery (PA 6.3 ± 1.5, PA + BA 4.8 ± 0.9, retrograde 2.7 ± 0.9 ml/min per g lung wet weight). However, flow in the proximal and distal trachea were significantly increased by PA + BA delivery (0.970 ± 0.4, respectively, 0.380 ± 0.2 ml/min per g) in comparison with PA (0.023 ± 0.007, respectively, 0.024 ± 0.070 ml/min per g), retrograde (0.009 ± 0.003, respectively, 0.021 ± 0.006 ml/min per g) and control experiments (0.125 ± 0.0018, respectively, 0.105 ± 0.012 ml/g per min). Similarly the highest flow rates in the right main bronchus were achieved by PA + BA delivery (1.04 ± 0.4 ml/min per g) in comparison with 0.11 ± 0.03 in control, 0.033 ± 0.008 in PA, and 0.019 ± 0.005 ml/min per g in retrograde group. Flows in the left main bronchus were 0.09 ± 0.02 ml/min per g in control, 0.045 ± 0.012 ml/min per g in PA, and 0.027 ± 0.006 ml/min per g in retrograde group. The flow rates were significantly (P = 0.001) increased by PA + BA delivery of the storage solution (0.97 ± 0.3 ml/min per g). Conclusions: Our data show that the distribution of ECS for lung preservation is significantly improved in airway tissues (trachea and bronchi) if a simultaneous PA + BA delivery is used.


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Background and Objectives - Allopurinol is a drug which inhibits the formation of noxious renal free radicals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the protecting renal effects of allopurinol in ischemic kidneys of dogs. Methods - Sixteen dogs were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital and submitted to extracellular volume expansion (1.4 ml.kg-1.min-1), to mechanic ventilation with air, to right nephrectomy and to left renal artery clamping. Changes which might occur in renal morphology and function after 30 min of total ischemia and posterior reperfusion were studied in Group 1 (G1), in addition to the action of allopurinol (50 mg.kg-1) on those kidneys, when administered 24 h before the experiment and 1 h before the ischemic procedure in Group 2 (G2). The following parameters: heart rate, inferior vena cava pressure, mean blood pressure, PAH clearance (PAH(c)), renal blood flow (RBF), renal vascular resistance (RVR), creatinine clearance (Cr(c)), filtration fraction, urine output, plasma and urine osmolality, osmolar clearance, free water, sodium and potassium clearance, urine and fractional sodium and potassium excretion, hematocrit, rectal temperature, and left kidney histology were evaluated in four moments: M1 control, and M2, M3, M4 obtained immediately, 15 and 30 min after unclamping of the left renal artery. In G2, M1, M2, M3 and M4 were obtained 45, 90, 105, and 120 min after the second allopurinol dose. Results - Both groups showed the highest values for PAH(c), RBF, and Cr(c), and the lowest values for RVR in M1. Animals were tachycardiac since the beginning of the experiment both in G1 and in G2. The other parameters were not changed. Left kidney histological evaluation showed alterations compatible with acute tubular necrosis in both experimental groups. Conclusions - Alterations found in renal hemodynamics were compatible with the release of vasoconstrictor substances due to renal ischemia. Allopurinol was not effective in preventing renal alterations caused by ischemia and reperfusion.


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Background and Objectives - Successful cadaver kidney transplantation relies on a fast procedure. Patients with chronic renal failure may present with a delayed gastric emptying making it critical a fast tracheal intubation and airway maintenance. Rocuronium a recently introduced nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker with a fast onset. The aim of this study was to evaluate onset time and duration of rocuronium effects in patients undergoing renal transplantation. Methods - Sixty patients were allocated into two groups of 30: Group R (GR) = patients undergoing renal transplantation and Group N (GN) = patients with normal renal function. All patients were premedicated with oral midazolam (15 mg) and anesthesia was induced with 30 μg.kg-1 alfentanil, 0.3 mg.kg-1 etomidate and 0.6 mg.kg-1 rocuronium injected through a central venous catheter. neuromuscular block was monitored by acceleromyography in the ulnar nerve pathway. The following parameters were evaluated: time between administration of rocuronium and first twitch reduction to 5% after supra-maximal stimulation (T1) (onset time = OT); time for first twitch to return to 25% (clinical duration = R25); time elapsed between 25% and 75% recovery of first twitch (relaxation recovery time = R25-75). Heart rate (HR) and mean blood pressure (MBP) were recorded in 6 moments. Results - Median OT was 31 sec. in GR and 47 sec. in GN. Median R25 was 51.5 min in GR and 33.5 min in GN. Median R25-75 was 28 min in GR and 20 min in GN. MBP and HR were higher in GR. Tracheal intubation conditions were excellent for most patients in both groups. Conclusions - These results open the possibility of 0.6 mg.kg-1 rocuronium being injected through a central venous catheter when a faster onset is needed. Due to wide differences in individual responses, monitoring of neuromuscular block is recommended.


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In the renal and femoral arteries of rabbit was verified that both vessels had walls structured by myostromal components, despite of their different distributive of blood, being the renal artery a visceral blood vessel and the femoral artery a parietal vessel. This wall pattern in these vessels concerned to presence of connective stromal elements (collagen and elastic fibres and lamellae) and smooth muscle cells coexisting with some equilibrium in the wall structure of the renal and femoral arteries, mainly in the medial layer architecture. An intimal folding pattern was verified around the vascular lumen, possibly related to capacitance of the both arteries regarding to variability of pressure levels in cardiac cycle. Furthermore, myostromal relations of connective elements and smooth muscle cells verified in the medial layer and the network formed by connective elements in the adventitial layer of these arteries contributed to maintenance of wall viscoelasticity properties of the vessels.


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The aim of this study is to evaluate if hemodialysis (HD) patients with similar blood pressure (BP) in the whole inter-HD period could have different target organ lesions and survival if the behavior of BP differs from the first to the second day of the inter-HD period. The present study compares 44-hour ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) patterns in 45 HD patients. Three BP patterns emerged: group A (n = 15) had similar BPs throughout (138 ± 11/88 ± 12 in the first 22 h vs. 140 ± 11/87 ± 12 mm Hg in the second 22-hour period); group B (n = 15) had a significant systolic BP rise from the first to the second period (132 ± 15/80 ± 12 vs. 147 ± 12/86 ± 13 mm Hg, p < 0.05); group C (n = 15) had significantly higher BPs (p < 0.05) than the other 2 groups throughout the whole inter-HD period, with no significant change between the 2 halves (172 ± 14/108 ± 12 vs. 173 ± 18/109 ± 14 mm Hg). Ventricular mass and survival during the 30-month follow-up period were statistically significantly better in group A, intermediate in group B and worse in group C. The data suggest that a 44-hour ABPM is more accurate than a 24-hour one in evaluating organ lesion and prognosis in HD patients. Copyright © 2006 S. Karger AG.


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Accumulating evidence suggests an association between body volume overload and inflammation in chronic kidney diseases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of dialysate sodium concentration reduction on extracellular water volume, blood pressure (BP), and inflammatory state in hemodialysis (HD) patients. In this prospective controlled study, adult patients on HD for at least 90 days and those with C-reactive protein (CRP) levels ≥ 0.7 mg/dL were randomly allocated into two groups: group A, which included 29 patients treated with reduction of dialysate sodium concentration from 138 to 135 mEq/L; and group B, which included 23 HD patients not receiving dialysate sodium reduction (controls). Of these, 20 patients in group A and 18 in group B completed the protocol study. Inflammatory, biochemical, hematological, and nutritional markers were assessed at baseline and after 8 and 16 weeks. Baseline characteristics were not significantly different between the two groups. Group A showed a significant reduction in serum concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α, and interleukin-6 over the study period, while the BP and extracellular water (ECW) did not change. In Group B, there were no changes in serum concentrations of inflammatory markers, BP, and ECW. Dialysate sodium reduction is associated with attenuation of the inflammatory state, without changes in the BP and ECW, suggesting inhibition of a salt-induced inflammatory response. Copyright © 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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The nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) is the primary site of visceral afferents to the central nervous system. In the present study, we investigated the effects of lesions in the commissural portion of the NTS (commNTS) on the activity of vasopressinergic neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei, plasma vasopressin, arterial pressure, water intake, and sodium excretion in rats with plasma hyperosmolality produced by intragastric 2 M NaCl (2 ml/rat). Male Holtzman rats with 15-20 days of sham or electrolytic lesion (1 mA; 10 s) of the commNTS were used. CommNTS lesions enhanced a 2 M NaCl intragastrically induced increase in the number of vasopressinergic neurons expressing c-Fos in the PVN (28 ± 1, vs. sham: 22 ± 2 c-Fos/AVP cells) and SON (26 ± 4, vs. sham: 11 ± 1 c-Fos/AVP cells), plasma vasopressin levels (21 ± 8, vs. sham: 6.6 ± 1.3 pg/ml), pressor responses (25 ± 7 mmHg, vs. sham: 7 ± 2 mmHg), water intake (17.5 ± 0.8, vs. sham: 11.2 ± 1.8 ml/2 h), and natriuresis (4.9 ± 0.8, vs. sham: 1.4 ± 0.3 meq/1 h). The pretreatment with vasopressin antagonist abolished the pressor response to intragastric 2 M NaCl in commNTS-lesioned rats (8 ± 2.4 mmHg at 10 min), suggesting that this response is dependent on vasopressin secretion. The results suggest that inhibitory mechanisms dependent on commNTS act to limit or counterbalance behavioral, hormonal, cardiovascular, and renal responses to an acute increase in plasma osmolality. © 2013 the American Physiological Society.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)