265 resultados para ROTARY INVERTED PENDULUM


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar os melhores métodos e épocas de realização da enxertia, sobre o pegamento de enxertos de aroeira-pimenteira (Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi). Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, instalados na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, da Universidade Estadual Paulista - Câmpus de Botucatu-SP, nos períodos de 16 de dezembro de 2005 a 30 de janeiro 2006 e de 03 de junho a 17 de julho de 2006. O delineamento utilizado foi de blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos, três repetições cada e dez plantas por parcela. Os tratamentos foram: garfagem no topo em fenda cheia, inglês simples, inglês complicado; borbulhia em T normal e T invertido. As diferentes épocas do ano alteraram o índice de pegamento, o que restringe o período de coleta de garfos. A maior porcentagem de pegamento ocorreu no mês de dezembro, com a enxertia em fenda cheia (40%). No mês de junho, não houve pegamento significativo, mostrando então que o mês de dezembro é o mês ideal, entre os estudados, para a realização da enxertia em aroeira. As garfagens em geral foram superiores à borbulhia. Houve baixo índice de pegamento, quando não foi nulo, e, além disso, suas borbulhas não apresentaram brotos dentro de 45 dias. A maior porcentagem de plantas com brotos, aos 45 dias, foi pelo método inglês simples, com 92%.


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O efeito de diversas tecnologias de aplicação foi avaliado sobre a concentração, viabilidade e eficácia dos juvenis infectantes dos nematóides Heterorhabditis indica Poinar, Karunakar & David (IBCB-n5) e Steinernema sp. (IBCB-n6) no controle da lagarta-do-cartucho Spodoptera frugiperda Smith na cultura do milho. Para o controle da lagarta-do-cartucho no terceiro estádio em placas de Petri foram necessários 280 juvenis infectantes de Steinernema sp., enquanto que 400 juvenis infectantes de H. indica controlaram apenas 75% das lagartas. Podem-se pulverizar os entomopatógenos, sem que haja perda significativa na sua concentração e viabilidade, com equipamentos que forneçam carga elétrica à calda, ponta centrífuga e pontas hidráulicas. Entretanto, o emprego de pulverizadores com pontas que requerem elementos filtrantes com malha igual a 100 resultou em decréscimo na concentração de juvenis infectantes de H. indica e Steinernema sp., de 28% e 53%, respectivamente. Os tensoativos organosiliconado e etoxilados não afetaram a viabilidade dos juvenis infectantes de Steinernema sp. Nos experimentos de pulverização em plantas de milho (V6) com Steinernema sp., doses equivalentes a até 288 milhões de juvenis infectantes por hectare, diluídos em volume de calda de até 800 L ha-1 com 0,01 % do tensoativo etoxilado, ou nesse volume seguido de exposição a chuva artificial (lâmina de água de 6 mm), não foram suficientes para o controle de S. frugiperda em casa-de-vegetação.


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The possibility of variable stoichiometry and the high mobility of oxygen in the CuOx planes of SmBa2Cu3O7 give rise to a rich phase diagram. Measurements of the elastic energy loss and modulus (anelastic spectroscopy) as a function of temperature can distinguish among the different atomic jumps, which occur in the various phases or at different local ordering. In this paper, it is reported anelastic relaxation measurements in SmBa2Cu3O7, above room temperature, using a torsion pendulum operating in frequencies around 40 Hz. The mobility of oxygen atoms in the CuOx planes in the various phases has been discussed and the thermally activated peak of elastic energy dissipation observed around 500 K was interpreted in that framework. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper proposes a different experimental setup compared with the traditional ones, in order to determine the acceleration of gravity, which is carried out by using a fluid at a constant rotation. A computerized rotational system-by using a data acquisition system with specific software, a power amplifier and a rotary motion sensor-is employed in order to evaluate the angular velocity and g. An equation to determine g is inferred from fluid mechanics. For this purpose, the fluid's parabolic shape inside a cylindrical receptacle is considered using a rotational movement.


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Impurity interstitial atoms present in metals with BCC structure can diffuse in the metallic matrix by jumps to energetically equivalent crystallographic sites. Anelastic spectroscopy (internal friction) is based on the measurement of mechanical loss or internal friction as a function of temperature. Due to its selective and nondestructive nature, anelastic spectroscopy is well suited for the study of diffusion of interstitial elements in metals. Internal friction measurements were made using the torsion pendulum technique with oscillation frequency of a few Hz, temperature interval from 300 to 700 K, heating rate of about 1 K/min, and vacuum better than 10-5 mbar. The polycrystalline Nb and Ta samples used were supplied by Aldrich Inc. The results obtained showed thermally activated relaxation structures due to stress-induced ordering of oxygen atoms around the Nb (or Ta) atoms of the metallic matrix. The results were interpreted by three methods and led to activation enthalpy values for the diffusion of oxygen in Nb and Ta of 1.15 eV and 1.10 eV, respectively.


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Ti and its alloys have been used thoroughly in the production of prostheses and dental implants due to their properties, such as high corrosion resistance, low elasticity modulus and high mechanical strength/density relation. Among the Ti-based alloys, the Ti-35Nb-7Zr-5Ta (TNZT) is one that presents the smallest elasticity modulus, making it an excellent alternative to be used as a biomaterial. In this paper, mechanical spectroscopy measurements were made in TNZT alloys containing several quantities of oxygen and nitrogen in solid solution. Mechanical spectroscopy measurements were made by using a torsion pendulum, operating at an oscillation frequency in the interval 4-30 Hz, temperature in the range 100-700 K, heating rate of about 1 K/min and vacuum lower than 10(-5) Torr. Complex relaxation structures and a reduction in the elasticity modulus were observed for the heat-treated and doped samples. The observed peaks were associated with the interactions of interstitial atoms and the alloy elements. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The scientific and technological development in the area of new materials contributed to several applications of niobium and its alloys in nuclear power plants as well as in aerospace, aeronautics, automobile and naval industries. This paper presents the interstitial diffusion coefficients of nitrogen in solid solution in the Nb-1.0wt%Zr alloy using internal friction measurements obtained by mechanical spectroscopy, which uses a torsion pendulum operating at an oscillation frequency between 1.0 Hz and 10.0 Hz. The temperature range varies from 300K to 700K, at a heating rate of 1 K/min and vacuum better than 2 x 10(-6) Torr. The results showed an increase of the interstitial diffusion coefficient of nitrogen that was correlated with configurational considerations for the octahedral interstitials.


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The mechanical properties of metals with a body-centered cubic (bcc) structure, such as Nb, Ta, V, and their alloys, are modified with the introduction of interstitial impurities, such as O, N, C, or H. These metals can dissolve great amounts of O and N, for example, to form solid solutions. The interstitial solute atoms (ISA) in metals with a bcc structure occupy octahedral sites and cause local distortion with tetragonal symmetry. So ISA in these metals forms an elastic dipole that can align along one of the three cubic axis of the crystal. In the present paper, the torsion pendulum technique was employed for the investigation of various interactions among the metallic matrix and different interstitial solutes in the Nb-46wt%Ti alloy. From the relaxation spectra, we obtained the diffusion coefficients, pre-exponential factors, and activation energies for nitrogen in the Nb-46wt%Ti alloy.


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The mechanical properties of metals with bcc structure, such as niobium and its alloys, have changed significantly with the introduction of heavy interstitial elements. These interstitial elements (nitrogen, for example), present in the alloy, occupy octahedral sites and constitute an elastic dipole of tetragonal symmetry and might produce anelastic relaxation. This article presents the effect of nitrogen on the anelastic properties of Nb-1.0 wt% Zr alloys, measured by means of mechanical spectroscopy using a torsion pendulum. The results showed complex anelastic relaxation structures, which were resolved into their constituent peaks, representing each relaxation process. These processes are due to stress-induced ordering of the interstitial elements around the niobium and zirconium of the alloy.


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Anelastic relaxation measurements were performed in a Nb-46wt%Ti alloy, in the temperature range of 300 to 700 K, using a torsion pendulum operating at an oscillating frequency near 2.0 Hz. The samples were measured in different conditions: cold worked, annealed in ultra-high vacuum and doped with several quantities of nitrogen. The relaxation spectra obtained were resolved into their component peaks, corresponding to the different kinds of interaction of the interstitial solutes with the metallic matrix. The relaxation parameters of each process were calculated using Debye's elementary peaks.


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Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de treze tipos de meios filtrantes primários desenvolvidos para uso na filtração a vácuo de lodo de caldo de cana, simulando as operações de formação e desidratação da torta em filtros contínuos de tambor rotativo a vácuo, empregados nas indústrias de açúcar e álcool do Brasil. Para tanto, foi desenvolvida uma planta-piloto anexa ao filtro de tambor rotativo a vácuo, na qual foram realizados todos os ensaios, com o objetivo de refletir a realidade das variáveis operacionais durante uma safra sucroalcooleira. Os resultados são apresentados, comparando-se as taxas de filtração, variando a pressão de formação da torta, temperatura e concentração de auxiliar filtrante, mostrando ao usuário um novo caminho para o melhoramento quantitativo e qualitativo, sem aumentar a área nominal da unidade de filtração.


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This work summarizes the HdHr group of Hermitian integration algorithms for dynamic structural analysis applications. It proposes a procedure for their use when nonlinear terms are present in the equilibrium equation. The simple pendulum problem is solved as a first example and the numerical results are discussed. Directions to be pursued in future research are also mentioned. Copyright (C) 2009 H.M. Bottura and A. C. Rigitano.


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This work discusses on the preparation of Ni-45Ti-5Mo, Ni-40Ti-10Mo and Ni-46Ti-2Mo-2Zr (at-%) alloys by high-energy ball milling and hot pressing, which are potentially attractive for dental and medical applications. The milling process was performed in stainless steel balls (19mm diameter) and vials (225 mL) using a rotary speed of 300rpm and a ball-to-powder weight ratio of 10:1. Hot pressing under vacuum was performed in a BN-coated graphite crucible at 900 degrees C for 1 h using a load of 20 MPa. The milled and hot-pressed materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, electron scanning microscopy, and electron dispersive spectrometry. Peaks of B2-NiTi and Ni4Ti3 were identified in XRD patterns of Ni-45Ti-5Mo, Ni-40Ti-10Mo and Ni-46Ti-2Mo-2Zr powders milled for 1h. The NiTi compound dissolved small Mo amounts lower than 4 at%, which were measured by EDS analysis. Moreover, it was identified the existence of an unknown Mo-rich phase in microstructures of the hot-pressed Ni-Ti-Mo alloys.


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This paper reports on the phase transformation during the preparation of Ni-25Nb, Ni-25Ta, Ni-20Nb-5Ta and Ni-15Nb-10Ta (at-%) powders by high-energy ball milling from elemental powders. The milling process was performed in a planetary ball milling using stainless steel balls and vials, rotary speed of 300rpm, and a ball-to-powder of 10:1. To minimize contamination and spontaneous ignition the powders were handled under argon atmosphere in a glove box. The milled powders were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction techniques. Results indicated that the Ni atoms were preferentially dissolved into the Nb (and/or Ta) lattice at the initial milling times, which contributed to change the relative intensity on the diffraction peaks. After the dissolution of Nb (and/or Ta) into the Ni lattice, the Ni peaks were moved to the direction of lower diffraction angles in Ni-25Nb, Ni-25Ta, Ni-20Nb-5Ta, Ni-15Nb-10Ta powders, indicating that the mechanical alloying was achieved.