109 resultados para Questões socioambientais


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This paper addresses issues regarding my translation of selected poems by Harryette Mullen, a rising African-American contemporary poet, whose dense poetry works on the black oral tradition, the experimentalism of writing, the (African-American) pop music, in addition to delving into issues such as the representation of (black) female sexuality. One of the complex aspects of her poetry is the notion of miscegenation, conceived as an aesthetic argument and as a constitutive condition of the identity of multiracial Americans. This concept establishes a textuality that questions the accessible intelligibility generally expected from black American poetry, insofar as a mosaic of dissonant voices are brought to light in her text, which makes it difficult to categorize. In Brazil, especially among politically engaged Afro-Brazilians, there has been criticism towards the praise of miscegenation, since the latter has been considered to support of the myth of racial democracy. Building on these aspects, we investigate the extent to which it is a challenge to translate her poetry – based on miscegenation and hybridity as aesthetic constructs – especially when taking into account the discursive locus of readers identified with an Afro-Brazilian aesthetic, particularly critical of miscegenation. From the point of view of translation, we evaluate the extent to which her poetry could be read by the predominant cultural discourse in Brazil, inclined to favor miscegenation as an integral concept of national identity, as a seductively experimental poetry. In view of this, one wonders whether this perspective makes hers poetry “less black” for Afro-Brazilian literary standards.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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In this paper are systematized the discussions conducted by GDP "Research in EA and School Context", in VII EPEA, which have had, as its main axis, themes, authors and theoretical perspectives privileged in research presented at the event and declared themselves affiliated to this GDP. The dialogue with researches from previous meetings and other, aims to deepen the questions posed by the research group. The discussions allowed to identify themes and issues that present themselves as significant and challenging for research in EA in the school context, namely the conversion of schools into sustainable educational spaces; public-private partnerships, with great interest from companies and NGOs in school spaces, waving kits with educational materials produced for the school; lack of investment in public policies for teacher training in EA; tendency to an adherence to critical environmental education, without, however, have clear theoretical and methodological commitments under this option.


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Contextualiza e descreve o trabalho desenvolvido pela equipe da UNESP de Araraquara no município de Axixá do Tocantins durante o Projeto Rondon. Apresenta proposta multidisciplinar desenvolvida e voltada para os anos finais do Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio, entendendo-se que a rede municipal de ensino constitui-se num espaço estratégico para desencadear processos formativos que possam atingir, direta ou indiretamente, o público escolar e população em contato com esta. Focando a Serra do Estrondo, patrimônio natural local, a proposta objetiva a articulação de conhecimentos teóricos e práticos a partir de conteúdos relacionados à temática ambiental para enfrentamento de problemas socioambientais.


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At the beginning of the 21st century, several crises are intertwined and the environmental crisis is the most global of them all. For a complex and global crisis, which has implications of a social, economic, technological nature, etc., solutions will probably not come from a single source, but rather the sum of efforts of society as a whole (including all its instances, government, business, population, etc.). The objective of this review was to discuss the need to produce “environmental” professionals who, through their activities, are in some way involved with the quality of the environment. We believe that, ultimately, it is the quality of the environment that will ensure the quality of life in a fairer society. Thinking about the training of teachers, as environmental educators in undergraduate (bachelor) universities, means having as a reference the idea of wholeness (environmental, political, educational, social, scientific, etc.) in the diversity that these areas possess. Even though there are many difficulties involved in getting this topic included in the university structure, based on a complex approach, we believe this is one of the best paths toward environmental training.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo observar a presença de palavras de origem inglesa em dicionários do Português Brasileiro relacionando este fato com a atual identificação do brasileiro com a cultura norteamericana – como consequência da importância dos EUA no cenário mundial nas últimas décadas. Neste estudo, notou-se que as palavras estrangeiras passam por um período de observação pelos lexicógrafos antes de serem finalmente inseridas em importantes obras de referência da língua portuguesa. Observou-se também que, quando inseridas nos dicionários, as palavras inglesas são encontradas em diferentes tipos de verbetes: alguns trazem transcrição fonética, por exemplo, outros não. Além disso, muitos verbetes não indicam se a palavra ainda pode ser considerada “estrangeira” à língua portuguesa ou se já se encontra aportuguesada. Dessa forma, podemos concluir que não há um padrão de entrada para palavras estrangeiras em dicionários do Português Brasileiro e que vem sendo uma tarefa difícil para os lexicógrafos encontrar um modelo de verbete que melhor atenda as necessidades das pessoas. Por fim, esta pesquisa comprovou que fatores extralinguísticos e culturais são importantes para que se decida se uma palavra estrangeira deve ou não estar presente em um dicionário do Português Brasileiro.


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Esse artigo propõe que a noção de transexualidade seja discutida a partir de vários aspectos que ela implica. O objetivo é problematizar a escuta clínica que poderia se deixar influenciar apenas pelo viés patológico, sem levar em conta o panorama atual em que a transexualidade se insere. Propomos que a transexualidade seja entendida como um conceito guarda-chuva, que abriga diferentes formas de manifestar o gênero e com variado grau de intervenção ou modificação corporal. Abordamos a rigidez dos critérios diagnósticos, a concepção de gênero, a precocidade no tratamento da transexualidade, a influência da mídia e teorizações sobre a origem da transexualidade. Destacamos o sofrimento psíquico imposto pelo campo da saúde ao estabelecer padrões de coerência entre sexo e gênero como sendo da ordem do impossível. Escutar cada pessoa transexual em sua singularidade, sem descartar a cirurgia de redesignação sexual como possível solução, nos parece ser a postura mais adequada ao trabalho psicanalítico.


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In this paper we discuss and present the first results gathered from the compilation of a learner corpus comprised of texts written by university students (Language, Literature and Translation Course). We made use of Corpus Linguistics and observations of researchers from the learner’s corpus field, in order to compile and analyze a corpus of argumentative and descriptive texts written in Spanish. Four hundred compositions were collected (about 120 thousand words) from August 2011 to December 2012. The methodology adopted assisted us considerably in maintaining a comprehensive working agenda, taking into consideration students’ needs and using the data collected as subsidy to improve classroom management of content. We also present the difficulties faced during the data gathering and propose procedures do avoid or minimize them.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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This study aimed to understand environmental education in the training of teachers of one pedagogy course at a public university in the state of São Paulo. To answer this question, an exploratory research was conducted, in which a study field, by the techniques of semistructured interviews and documentary analysis, provided the data for analysis. Important to highlight theoretical and methodological foundations of Historical-Dialectical Materialism and Historical-Critical Pedagogy that guided the study. With the results analyzed, we say that environmental education in the studied pedagogy course is minimal and, when it appears, enhances conservation and care with the environment perspectives, without considering the causes of environmental degradation: the way to produce life in capitalist society. In this sense, it is necessary for a consistent formation of the teacher in environmental education to advance the knowledge of this field directly related to education. For the inclusion of environmental education in school education, it is necessary that their knowledge to be considered in education, especially in the training of teachers. Therefore, the data collected and analyzed in this study may contribute to the formation of teachers to understand that environmental education in their training has not been established with the importance and the quality that the social and environmental problems require, with no place along the undergraduation, a condition that needs to be changed to teacher develop a transformative environmental educational practice at school


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The aim of this paper is to discuss the issues of supply, service and training put in the brazilian National Education Plan (Law No. 10.172/2001), whose term expired in January 2011. Since a new project of the National Education Plan for the next decade, is currently under discussion in Congress, believe to be of paramount importance to examine which goals that have been achieved, which were partially achieved and what have not yet been achieved, always aiming to better development of professional education in Brazil, we consider mode of teaching still undervalued in the context of public education policies in Brazil.