166 resultados para Parrotfish Dentition
This study aims to the understanding of adolescents regarding oral health, using the Focus Group technique. The study was conducted at three public schools in the city of Araçatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil, with ten students in each. In order to conduct the focus groups, the following words, which featured high error levels, were addressed in survey questions on oral health: oral health; plaque, permanent teeth; fluoride; gum bleeds?; dental floss; transmission of cavities. During the discussions in the focus groups, it was observed that many teenagers were surprised at the situation to which they were submitted and at the topic they were discussing. The word 'oral health' was associated with the condition of cleanliness of the oral cavity, not identifying oral health as part of general health. The term 'transmission of cavities' did not have a sufficient understanding. The term 'permanent tooth' was well understood and was associated with a type of tooth that would not be replaced. The word 'fluoride' had more association with the task of cleaning than protection of the teeth. It is concluded that the use of the focus group technique is of great importance in the interpretation of the knowledge of adolescents on oral health and the appropriateness of the terminology of questionnaires on the same subject.
Objeti vo: Avaliar os efeitos da expansão lenta na maxila e na mandíbula com o aparelho ortodônti co removível superior com torno de expansão simétrico e mediano, nas regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar de pacientes jovens com atresia maxilar. Método: A amostra compreendeu 18 indivíduos leucodermas (11 meninas e 7 meninos; idade média: 8 anos e 10 meses no início do tratamento) que apresentavam atresia da maxila, acompanhadas ou não de mordida cruzada posterior uni ou bilateral na fase de denti ção mista. Todos os pacientes foram tratados com aparelho ortodônti co removível superior com torno de expansão simétrico e mediano, sendo o tempo médio de tratamento de 15,4 meses (± 7,6). Para avaliar a infl uência do tratamento nas mensurações dos pontos demarcados nas regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar, foram uti lizados os modelos de gesso dos arcos superior e inferior (36 pares) obti dos em dois tempos: T1: início do tratamento e T2: ao fi nal do tratamento. Para cada paciente em ambos os tempos, foram mensuradas as distâncias transversas na região oclusal entre caninos decíduos, 1o molares decíduos ou 1o pré-molares permanentes e entre 1o molares permanentes, superiores e inferiores. Para verifi car se a movimentação ocorreu por inclinação ou por movimento de corpo, foram uti lizadas também medidas nas regiões gengival e alveolar. Os dados foram avaliados estati sti camente pelo teste “t student para amostras pareadas (5%). Resultados: Observou-se que em T2, todas as distâncias mensuradas para as regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar apresentaram valores estati sti camente superiores às mesmas medidas em T1 (p<0,05). Conclusão: O aparelho ortodônti co removível superior é efeti vo nos casos de expansão lenta da maxila, agindo também indiretamente nas dimensões transversas do arco inferior.
Aim: To evaluate the treatment with corticosteroid/antibiotic dressing in pulpotomy with calcium hydroxide. Methods: Forty-six premolars were pulpotomized and randomly assigned into 3 groups. In Group I pulpal wound was directly capped with calcium hydroxide, and Group II and Group III received corticosteroid/antibiotic dressing for 10 min or 48 h, respectively, before pulp capping. Teeth were processed for histological analysis after 7, 30 or 60 days to determine inflammatory cell response, tissue disorganization, dentin bridge formation and presence of bacteria. Attributed scores were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (α=0.05). Results: On the 7th day, all groups exhibited dilated and congested blood vessels in the tissue adjacent to pulpal wound. The inflammatory cell response was significantly greater in Group III (p<0.05). On the 30th day, in all groups, a thin dentin matrix layer was deposited adjacent to the pulpal wound and a continuous odontoblast-like cell layer underlying the dentin matrix was observed. On the 60th day, all groups presented a thick hard barrier characterized by an outer zone of dystrophic calcification and an inner zone of tubular dentin matrix underlined by a defined odontoblast-like cell layer. Conclusions: Within the limitations of present study, considering that the treatment was performed in healthy teeth, it may be concluded that the use of a corticosteroid/antibiotic dressing before remaining tissue protection with calcium hydroxide had no influence on pulp tissue healing.
The development of all-ceramic systems following metalceramics restorations allowed simulation of natural dentition due to favorable esthetics and resistance. In-Ceram is an alternative when esthetics is primordial as well as resistance required in rehabilitation. However, an ideal smile is associated to not only shape, color, texture and translucency but also harmony with gingival tissue. So, the aim of this study is to report a clinical case based on periodontal and fixed partial dentures principles to perform periodontal plastic surgery followed by esthetic rehabilitation. A female patient, 40-year-old, presented complaint about dental esthetics. After clinical and radiographic exams, metal-ceramics crowns (teeth 11, 12, 13, 21, 22 and 23) were considered unsatisfactory due to marginal leakage, color change in gingival tissue associated to metallic margin, and gummy smile. So, a crown lengthening surgery of anterior teeth was performed followed by rehabilitation of superior teeth with In-Ceram single crowns. Clinical significance: The interaction between periodontics and fixed prosthodontic area is the key of an adequated treatment planning which involves gingival smile to provide function and an esthetic condition in association with an esthetic, resistant and predictable material.
Aim: This study evaluated the prevalence of the chewing side preference (CSP) in the deciduous, mixed and permanent dentitions. Materials and methods: Three-hundred subjects were divided in three groups (n = 100): Group 1 - children with deciduous dentition; group 2-children with mixed dentition; group 3 - subjects with permanent dentition. The CSP was determined using a direct method (visual observation) developed by McDonnell et al. (2004). Descriptive statistic was used to observe the prevalence of CSP. The Pearson's Chi-square was used to investigate signicant associations between gender, presence of CSP and preferred side (right/left). Results and conclusion: Eighty-seven percent of group 1 had a CSP. Eighty-two percent of group 2 had a CSP. Seventy-six percent of group 3 had a CSP. There was no statistically significant association between presence of CSP and gender in all groups. There was no statistically significant association between preferred side (right/left) and gender in all groups. Clinical significance: There is a higher prevalence of subjects in deciduous, mixed and permanent dentition that presented chewing side preference. The early diagnosis of the presence of chewing side preference can prevent the unilateral chewing pattern with prophylactic therapy applied to the first teeth (deciduous).
A study was performed to evaluate the influence of mandibular lateral excursion, group function and canine guidance on vestibular cervical dental abfraction (VCDA). Thirty-six individuals of both sexes, aged 20 to 45 years, with full natural dentition with at least one tooth with VCDA were selected at the San Marcos University Clinic. We evaluated number of teeth with VCDA per side (left and right), tooth type and lateral excursive movement (canine guidance or group function) affecting it. The results showed no statistical difference (p > 0.05). The tooth type most often showing VCDA was the first lower premolar, with 30.8% on the right side and 36.4% on the left. Moderate positive correlation was found between age and VCDA (R = 0.40). It is concluded that group function during lateral excursion may contribute to presence of VCDA.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The hyoid bone contributes to the maintenance of the airway, chewing and swallowing, given to its anatomical and functional relations to the craniocervical complex. Cephalometric analysis has great importance for orthopedics, orthodontics and oral maxillary surgery. For the treatment of patients with special care needs, the cephalometric evaluation of the position of the hyoid bone should also contribute as a complementary element for dental diagnosis and the selection of the adequate treatment. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the alteration of the hyoid position after carrying out the functional orthopedic maxillary treatment in a 9 year-old patient with Down Syndrome. Initial cephalometric analysis revealed inadequate position of hyoid bone. The association of speech therapy to dynamic functional rehabilitation of jaws showed a positive effect in occlusal relation and facial expression. After treatment, all dimensions obtained from the hyoid triangle were higher than initial ones, except the anterior-posterior value of C3-H, which suggested function improvement of stomatognathic system. Once considered its anatomical and physiological relationship with the others structures of the stomatognathic system, cephalometric analysis of hyoid bone position was helpful to the comprehension of the craniofacial abnormalities related to chromosomal anomaly, and thus is essential to the interdisciplinary dialogue.
Fragile X syndrome is a cytogenetic abnormality related to chromosomal X. This syndrome is frequently associated to intellectual disability, psychological problems, as well as heart, skeletal and join alterations. Intraoral anomalies include malloclusion, ogival palate, cleft palate, presence of mesiodens, dental hypomineralization and abrasion of the occlusal surfaces and incisai edges. The study of characteristics of this syndrome is important for the dentist in order to guide dental treatment and prevention. The aim of this study is to present a myofunctional therapy protocol, evaluated by surface electromyography. A case of a 21 year-old young man who attended the Training Program in Dentistry for Persons with Disabilities, School of Dentistry of São José dos Campos/UNESP is reported. He underwent myofunctional therapy before dental treatment and the masticatory muscles were evaluated by surface electromyography. The exercises of myofunctional therapy consisted of active and passive simple movements of opening and closing the mouth, tongue protrusion and retrusion, digital manipulation and also by using an electric massager on intraoral and perioral region of the masseter, buccinator and orbicularis oris. Action potentials of the masticatory muscles decreased in almost all the muscles and values for the bite force and mandibular opening capacity increased. This study showed that brief and immediate myofunctional therapy optimized clinical practice with positive repercussion on dental care.
Objective: The objective of this study was to describe the oral health of elderly people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Study Design: Thirty elderly subjects with AD (mild, moderate, and severe) and 30 without AD (controls) were included in the study. Volunteer-reported oral health data were collected using the General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Demographic and oral characteristics were assessed, including the number of natural teeth; number of decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMTF); oral health index (OHI); removable prosthesis conditions; and oral pathologies. Results: GOHAI values were similar for both groups. Compared with the controls, the subjects with AD had a higher age, DMTF, OHI, and number of oral pathologies and a lower educational level and number of natural teeth. Conclusions: Elderly subjects with AD had poorer oral health than those without the disease. Despite the positive self-perception of their oral health, the oral health of subjects with AD tended to decline as their disease progressed. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.
Objective. This cross-sectional study assessed the prevalence and severity of the enamel defects, known as Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) and its relationship to dental caries. Materials and methods. A sample of 1157 schoolchildren (population based), aged 6-12 years, of the Araraquara city-Brazil, was evaluated according to the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD) criteria by two trained examiners. The dental impact caused by MIH was evaluated with the Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index (WHO). Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Chi-square tests (p < 0.05). The socioeconomic status was collected using a questionnaire answered by parents. Results. The prevalence of MIH was 12.3%. Mild impairment was the most frequent diagnosis. DMFT of children with MIH was 0.89 (±1.18), which are higher than those of the unaffected group (0.43 ± 1.01). An association was found between dental caries only in the permanent dentition of children with MIH (p = 0.0001). Family income was considered low in 85% of the families of children with MIH in the public system, while in private school it was 18% (p < 0.05). Conclusion. The prevalence of MIH in Araraquara was associated with greater caries experience in the permanent dentition. © 2013 Informa Healthcare.
Genetic disturbances during dental development influence variation of number and shape of the dentition. In this study, we tested if genetic variation in enamel formation genes is associated with molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH), also taking into consideration caries experience. DNA samples from 163 cases with MIH and 82 unaffected controls from Turkey, and 71 cases with MIH and 89 unaffected controls from Brazil were studied. Eleven markers in five genes [ameloblastin (AMBN), amelogenin (AMELX), enamelin (ENAM), tuftelin (TUFT1), and tuftelin-interacting protein 11 (TFIP11)] were genotyped by the TaqMan method. Chi-square was used to compare allele and genotype frequencies between cases with MIH and controls. In the Brazilian data, distinct caries experience within the MIH group was also tested for association with genetic variation in enamel formation genes. The ENAM rs3796704 marker was associated with MIH in both populations (Brazil: p = 0.03; OR = 0.28; 95% C.I. = 0.06-1.0; Turkey: p = 1.22e-012; OR = 17.36; 95% C.I. = 5.98-56.78). Associations between TFIP11 (p = 0.02), ENAM (p = 0.00001), and AMELX (p = 0.01) could be seen with caries independent of having MIH or genomic DNA copies of Streptococcus mutans detected by real time PCR in the Brazilian sample. Several genes involved in enamel formation appear to contribute to MIH. © 2013.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess restorative treatment outcomes in the mixed dentition of amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) patients and determine the postrehabilitation oral health status and satisfaction of the patients. Methods: Clinical and radiographic examinations were performed on eight AI patients, who had 74 restorations placed in permanent incisors and molars, to allow evaluation of the integrity of the restorations and periodontal status post-treatment. Subjects completed a survey regarding esthetics, function, and sensitivity. Results: Among the 74 restorations evaluated, seven were lost; of the remaining restorations, 31 were posterior, and 36 were anterior. Ten were rated clinically unacceptable. Teeth with stainless steel crowns had a moderate gingival index (mean=2.3) and plaque index (mean=2.0) scores. Widening of the periodontal ligament and pulp canal obliteration were common radiographic findings. Subject's recall of satisfaction regarding esthetics (P=.002) and sensitivity (brushing-P=.03; eating-P=.01) showed a statically significant difference before and after treatment. Conclusions: During mixed dentition, teeth with amelogenesis imperfecta may be restored with conventional treatment modalities. Direct restorations should be considered interim with multiple repairs anticipated. Post-treatment, gingival inflammation and plaque accumulation were observed. Subjects were satisfied with their appearance and reported a decrease of hypersensitivity. © 2013 Publishing Technology.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)