211 resultados para Parasitic gastroenteritis


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Estudaram-se os efeitos do pastejo alternado de ovinos e bovinos e do pastejo rotacionado sobre o controle da verminose em ovelhas. Utilizou-se uma área experimental composta por três módulos de 1,67ha cada. Os módulos foram subdivididos em oito piquetes. Vinte ovelhas foram colocadas no módulo 1 e quatro bovinos adultos no módulo 2. Os animais permaneceram em cada piquete do módulo por cinco dias, totalizando 40 dias de permanência em cada módulo. Ao final desse período, as ovelhas foram transferidas para o módulo onde estavam os bovinos e estes para o módulo onde estavam os ovinos, mantendo esse esquema até o final do experimento. Um grupo-controle de 20 ovelhas foi mantido, também em sistema rotacionado, em um terceiro módulo, sem compartilhar a pastagem. As ovelhas submetidas ao manejo com bovinos apresentaram o menor grau de infecção por nematódeos gastrintestinais e os maiores valores de volume globular. O pastejo rotacionado de ovinos, sem a utilização de bovinos, não foi eficiente no controle da verminose das ovelhas. A utilização do pastejo rotacionado e alternado de ovinos e bovinos adultos exerceu efeito benéfico significativo no controle da verminose ovina.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo verificar a associação entre o desempenho e a carga parasitária de 28 machos inteiros da raça Nelore (a partir de um ano de idade), naturalmente infectados por nematódeos gastrintestinais. de novembro de 1999 a junho de 2000, os animais foram pesados quinzenalmente, período no qual foram colhidas amostras de fezes e de sangue para a realização, respectivamente, de exames coprológicos e sangüíneos. Os dados da contagem de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG) ajustaram-se ao modelo de distribuição binomial negativa, indicando que a distribuição de nematódeos no rebanho é agregada. Não ficou evidenciada associação entre ganho de peso e contagem de OPG, e entre contagem de OPG e volume globular (VG). de 10 coeficientes de correlação entre ganho de peso e VG, oito foram negativos, mas apenas dois significativos (P<0,05). As estimativas de repetibilidade da contagem de OPG, LOG (OPG+1) e VG foram de 0,26, 0,25 e 0,33, respectivamente. Cooperia punctata foi a espécie mais freqüentemente encontrada parasitando os animais. Além dessa espécie, foram detectados os seguintes nematódeos: Haemonchus placei, Haemonchus similis, Trichostrongylus axei, Bunostomum phlebotomum e Oesophagostomum radiatum. O parasitismo por nematódeos gastrintestinais aparentemente não prejudicou o desenvolvimento dos animais estudados.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The parasite Schistosoma mansoni lacks the de novo pathway for purine biosynthesis and depends on salvage pathways for its purine requirements. Schistosomiasis is endemic in 76 countries and territories and amongst the parasitic diseases ranks second after malaria in terms of social and economic impact and public health importance. The PNP is an attractive target for drug design and it has been submitted to extensive structure-based design. The atomic coordinates of the complex of human PNP with inosine were used as template for starting the modeling of PNP from S. mansoni complexed with inosine. Here we describe the model for the complex SmPNP-inosine and correlate the structure with differences in the affinity for inosine presented by human and S. mansoni PNPs. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tuberculosis made a resurgence in the mid-1980s and now kills approximately 3 million people a year. The re-emergence of tuberculosis as a public health threat, the high susceptibility of HIV-infected persons and the proliferation of multi-drug-resistant strains have created a need to develop new drugs. Shikimate kinase and other enzymes in the shikimate pathway are attractive targets for development of non-toxic antimicrobial agents, herbicides and anti-parasitic drugs, because the pathway is essential in these species whereas it is absent from mammals. The crystal structure of shikimate kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtSK) complexed with MgADP and shikimic acid ( shikimate) has been determined at 2.3 Angstrom resolution, clearly revealing the amino-acid residues involved in shikimate binding. This is the first three-dimensional structure of shikimate kinase complexed with shikimate. In MtSK, the Glu61 residue that is strictly conserved in shikimate kinases forms a hydrogen bond and salt bridge with Arg58 and assists in positioning the guanidinium group of Arg58 for shikimate binding. The carboxyl group of shikimate interacts with Arg58, Gly81 and Arg136 and the hydroxyl groups interact with Asp34 and Gly80. The crystal structure of MtSK-MgADP-shikimate will provide crucial information for the elucidation of the mechanism of the shikimate kinase-catalyzed reaction and for the development of a new generation of drugs against tuberculosis.


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The polysaccharides beta-glucans occur as a principal component of the cellular walls. Some microorganisms, such as yeast and mushrooms, and also cereals such as oats and barley, are of economic interest because they contain large amounts of beta-glucans. These substances stimulate the immune system, modulating humoral and cellular immunity, and thereby have beneficial effect in fighting infections (bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic). beta-Glucans also exhibit hypocholesterolemic and anticoagulant properties. Recently, they have been demonstrated to be anti-cytotoxic, antimutagenic and anti-tumorogenic, making them promising candidate as pharmacological promoters of health. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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From August 2000 to December 2003, 185 colonies of Polistes versicolor were observed at the Bioterio of the Instituto de Biociencias, UNESP, Campus de Rio Claro, SP. In 144 colonies (77,84%) didn't emerge wasps, and of others 41 (22,16%), in 16 it was not possible to obtain the number of meconia, because they were attacked in several degrees of injury by natural enemies such as, ants, birds and parasitic wasps. The colonies productivity was measured through the meconia count in the cells of 25 colonies, which ranged from 1 to 6 meconia by cell.


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Four population samples of Haematobia irritans (horn flies), collected from farms and subjected, or not, to insecticide control, were: analysed as to esterase bands by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Eight esterase bands were detected in this species, a low number when compared with flies of other genera. The reduced number of esterase variants of H. irritans is attributed to their parasitic behaviour and blood-dependence for food. Unlike other fly species whose esterase bands exhibit affinity to both alpha- and beta-naphthyl acetates, the esterases in H. irritans seem to be of a single kind, all preferentially hydrolysing a-naphthyl. The four populations were very similar as to esterase bands. In relation to the frequencies of patterns resulting from combining bands, Nova Alianca and Birigui were more alike than the other two populations. Inhibitors were used in an attempt to classify five of the esterase bands. The results indicate one acetylcholinesterase, two acetylesterases and two carboxylesterases.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Plants synthesise a vast repertoire of chemicals with various biological activities. Brazilian enormous botanical diversity facilitates the development of novel ethical drugs for the treatment of diseases in humans. Objective: To present therapeutic patent applications comprising Brazilian native plants published in the 2003 - 2008 period in light of legal aspects of patentability of biodiversity and public health concerns. Methods: Therapeutic patent applications related to Brazilian medicinal plants available at both the European Patent Office and the Brazilian National Institute of industrial Property databases were reviewed. Results/conclusion: Twenty-five patents are presented, most of which concern inflammatory, allergic, parasitic, infectious or digestive diseases, including extracts from Carapa guianensis, Copaifera genus, Cordia verbenacea, Erythrina mulungu, Physalis angulata and other pharmaceutical compositions with antileishmanial, antimalarial or trypanocidal activity. Brazilian research centres and universities are responsible for most of these inventions.