147 resultados para OXIDIZED LIPOPROTEINS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O fígado desempenha uma função central no metabolismo devido à sua interposição entre o trato digestivo e a circulação geral do organismo. Ele é também o principal órgão envolvido na biotransformação de substâncias exógenas (xenobióticos), com capacidade de converter compostos hidrofóbicos em hidrossolúveis, mais facilmente eliminados pelo organismo. O gossipol é uma substância fenólica tóxica presente na semente de algodão (Gossypium sp). Com o objetivo de estudar os mecanismos envolvidos na hepatotoxicidade do gossipol avaliou-se os seus efeitos no sistema antioxidante do fígado de ratos no que diz respeito ao estresse oxidativo e aspectos histopatológicos. Foram utilizados ratos machos da linhagem Wistar, separados em dois grupos, sendo que um recebeu óleo de canola (veículo, grupo Controle) e o outro recebeu gossipol na dosagem de 40 mg/kg de peso vivo do animal por 15 dias (grupo Tratado). O tratamento com gossipol promoveu alterações na atividade sérica das enzimas marcadoras de dano hepático e um significativo estresse oxidativo caracterizado pela diminuição nos níveis da glutationa reduzida (GSH) e consequente aumento da glutationa oxidada (GSSG), incluindo, ainda, danos à membrana plasmática e de organelas demonstrados pela peroxidação lipídica. O resultado da avaliação histopatológica demonstrou degeneração dos hepatócitos.
The free form of the iron ion is one of the strongest oxidizing agents in the cellular environment. The effect of iron at different concentrations (0, 1, 5, 10, 50, and 100 µM Fe3+) on the normal human red blood cell (RBC) antioxidant system was evaluated in vitro by measuring total (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) glutathione levels, and superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and reductase (GSH-Rd) activities. Membrane lipid peroxidation was assessed by measuring thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS). The RBC were incubated with colloidal iron hydroxide and phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.45, at 37oC, for 60 min. For each assay, the results for the control group were: a) GSH = 3.52 ± 0.27 µM/g Hb; b) GSSG = 0.17 ± 0.03 µM/g Hb; c) GSH-Px = 19.60 ± 1.96 IU/g Hb; d) GSH-Rd = 3.13 ± 0.17 IU/g Hb; e) catalase = 394.9 ± 22.8 IU/g Hb; f) SOD = 5981 ± 375 IU/g Hb. The addition of 1 to 100 µM Fe3+ had no effect on the parameters analyzed. No change in TBARS levels was detected at any of the iron concentrations studied. Oxidative stress, measured by GSH kinetics over time, occurs when the RBC are incubated with colloidal iron hydroxide at concentrations higher than 10 µM of Fe3+. Overall, these results show that the intact human RBC is prone to oxidative stress when exposed to Fe3+ and that the RBC has a potent antioxidant system that can minimize the potential damage caused by acute exposure to a colloidal iron hydroxide in vitro.
Óleos de sementes de girassol com diferentes níveis de ácido oléico foram utilizados sob condições de termoxidação e fritura para avaliar o comportamento do óleo de girassol com alto teor de ácido oléico quanto ao seu grau de insaturação quando comparado com o óleo de girassol convencional. Os métodos analíticos aplicados incluíram a determinação de compostos polares totais, quantificação de compostos glicerídicos menores, quantificação da composição triglicerídica, período de indução a 100oC e níveis de a -tocoferol. Os resultados para compostos polares totais apresentaram menores valores em óleo de girassol com alto teor de ácido oléico quando comparados com óleo de girassol convencional. Quanto à distribuição dos compostos glicerídicos menores, verificou-se, de modo geral, que o aumento dos compostos polares totais estava relacionado essencialmente aos compostos de maior peso molecular, isto é, polímeros, dímeros e triglicerídios oxidados, os quais são representantes das alterações térmica e oxidativa. Já os diglicerídios e ácidos graxos, indicativos da alteração hidrolítica, permaneceram praticamente nos níveis originais; uma vez que a umidade não se encontrava presente no meio. A perda quantitativa da composição triglicerídica dependeu do grau de insaturação do triglicerídio, sendo mais elevada em triglicerídios que contêm duas ou três moléculas de ácido linoléico. em todos os casos, o óleo de girassol convencional teve uma maior tendência à polimerização, um maior grau de alteração total e uma maior perda de triglicerídios majoritários que o óleo de girassol com alto teor de ácido oléico. Assim, dentre os óleos utilizados neste estudo, os resultados mostraram um excelente comportamento do óleo de girassol com alto teor de ácido oléico em relação à termoxidação, independente do tipo de aquecimento e à fritura descontínua. Tais resultados demonstraram que sua resistência à alteração termoxidativa estava relacionada com seu baixo teor em ácidos graxos polinsaturados e alto teor em ácido oléico e trioleína.
O chá preto é uma das bebidas mais consumidas no mundo. Essa bebida é feita a partir da infusão de folhas processadas de Camellia sinensis, que é cultivada em mais de 30 países, tendo grande importância socioeconômica. Estudos sugerem que o chá tem efeito protetor contra diversos tipos de câncer e doenças cardiovasculares devido à presença de polifenóis denominados catequinas, que são oxidadas enzimaticamente durante o processamento das folhas, gerando uma mistura constituída principalmente de teaflavinas, teasinensinas e tearubiginas. A produção mundial de chá tem aumentado mais do que o consumo, provocando redução do preço que, juntamente com o aumento no custo de produção, implica a necessidade de alta produtividade e qualidade. Apesar disso, ainda não foram estabelecidos critérios precisos e eficientes para predizer a qualidade do chá a partir das folhas, bem como quais práticas agronômicas contribuem para o aumento da qualidade. No Brasil, a cultura do chá se concentra no Vale do Ribeira, em São Paulo (SP), sendo quase toda produção exportada. Apesar de o produto brasileiro não ser de alta qualidade, tem conseguido bons preços no mercado internacional. A produção brasileira, a área de produção e o número de indústrias de chá vêm diminuindo ao longo dos últimos anos, o que demonstra a necessidade de investimentos.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da suplementação com ácido linoléico conjugado, associada ao treinamento moderado em natação, sobre a composição corporal, o consumo e a eficiência alimentar, a glicemia, o perfil lipídico e o glicogênio muscular e hepático de ratos Wistar. MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar (30 dias) foram divididos em: sedentário, sedentário suplementado, treinado e treinado suplementado. Permaneceram em gaiolas individuais com comida e água ad libitum, temperatura de 23ºC (com variação de1ºC) e ciclo claro-escuro de 12 horas, durante 8 semanas. A sessão de natação durou 1 hora e foi realizada três vezes/semana, bem como a suplementação com ácido linoléico conjugado a 2%. Após sacrifício, o plasma, os tecidos adiposos brancos e o marrom, o músculo gastrocnêmio e o fígado foram coletados e pesados. RESULTADOS: A suplementação per se não promoveu modificação na ingestão alimentar e na massa corporal dos animais. Houve aumento na glicemia de jejum (p<0,05), nas lipoproteínas de alta densidade (p<0,05), no colesterol total (p<0,05) e redução dos triacilgliceróis. A suplementação associada ao treinamento reduziu a massa corporal (p<0,05) e aumentou o peso relativo do tecido adiposo, do fígado e a glicemia de jejum. CONCLUSÃO: A suplementação com ácido linoléico conjugado associada à prática de exercício físico parece ter influência no balanço energético, mas, por outro lado, o aumento no peso do fígado indica que a ingestão deste ácido graxo pode ter efeitos indesejáveis, aumentando as chances de desenvolvimento do fígado gorduroso. Estes achados apontam perspectivas para novos estudos envolvendo análises histológicas do fígado, expressão gênica de enzimas chaves do metabolismo lipídico e de carboidratos, associados ou não a diferentes protocolos de treinamento físico.
This work describes an electroanalytical method for determining gold(I) thiomalate, aurothiomalate, widely used for treatment of reumatoid arthiritis, using a screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE). Aurothiomalate (AuTM) was determined indirectly at the same electrode by accumulating it first at -1.5 V vs. printed carbon. At this potential in the adsorbed state, the AuTM is reduced to Au(0), which is then oxidized at two steps at -0.22 V and +0.54 V on SPCE. Using optimized conditions of 60 s deposition time, -1.5 V (vs. printed carbon) accumulation potential, 100 mV s(-1) scan rate, linear calibration graphs can be obtained by monitoring the peak at +0.54 V for AuTM in HCl 0.1 mol L-1 from 1.43 x 10(-6) to 1.55 x 10(-4) mol L-1. A limit of detection obtained was 6.50 x 10(-7) mol L-1, and the relative standard deviation from five measurements of 3.0 x 10(-5) mol L-1 AuTM is 4.5%. The method was successfully applied for AuTM determination in human urine sample.
A fibrino(geno)lytic nonhemorrhagic metalloprotease (neuwiedase) was purified from Bothrops neuwiedi snake venom by a single chromatographic step procedure on a CM-Sepharose column, Neuwiedase represented 4.5% (w/w) of the crude desiccated venom, with an approximate Mr of 20,000 and pI 5.9, As regards the amino acid composition, neuwiedase showed similarities with other metalloproteases, with high proportions of Asx, Glx, Leu, and Ser, Atomic absorption spectroscopy showed that one mole of Zn2+ and one mole of Ca2+ were present per mole olf protein. The cDNA encoding neuwiedase was isolated by RT-PCR from venom gland RNA, using oligonucleotides based on the partially determined amino-acid sequences of this metalloprotease. The fall sequence contained approximately 594 bp, which codified the 198 amino acid residues with an estimated molecular weight of 22,375. Comparison of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of neuwiedase with those of other snake venom metalloproteases showed a high level of sequential similarity, Neuwiedase has two highly conserved characteristics sequences H(142)E(143)XXH(146)XXG(140)XXH(152) and C164I165M166. The three-dimensional structure of neuwiedase was modeled based on the crystal structure of Crotalus adamanteus Adamalysin II. This model revealed that the zinc binding site region showed a I high structural similarity with other metalloproteases,, the proteolyitc specificity, using the B beta-chain of oxidized insulin as substrate, was shown to be directed to the Ala(14)-Leu(15) and Tyr(16)-Leu(17) peptide bonds which were preferentially hydrolyzed. Neuwiedase is a A alpha,B beta fibrinogenase, Its activity upon the A alpha chain of fibrinogen was detected within 15 min of incubation. The optimal temperature and pH for the degradation of both A alpha and B beta chains were 37 degrees C and 7.4-8.0, respectively. This activity was inhibited by EDTA and 1,10-phenantroline, Neuwiedase also showed proteolytic activity upon fibrin and some components of the extracellular matrix. However, it did not show TAME esterase activity and was not able to inhibit platelet aggregation. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
More than 130 organic substances in dichloromethane-methanol (4: 1) extracts of particulate matter and the gaseous phase from wood burning for the production of charcoal have been identified by capillary gas chromatography coupled with low-resolution mass spectrometry (GC-MS), use of GC retention indices, and comparison with authentic standards. Many of the substances identified are methoxyphenols (derivatives of syringol and guaiacol), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), oxidized PAH (oxy-PAH), and levoglucosan, the last being a monosoccharide derivative from the thermal breakdown of cellulose. The amount of unsubstituted PAH was greater than that of methyl- and dimethyl-substituted homologs.
Fourteen samples of particulate matter and semi-volatile organic compounds were collected during 6 months in the city of Campo Grande, South Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were collected on Fluoropore PTFE filters and gas-phase PAHs were collected into sorbent tubes with XAD-2 resin. Both types of samples were extracted with a dichloromethane/methanol mixture (4:1 v/v), then the extracts were subjected to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. PAHs, oxidized PAH (oxy-PAHs), phenols and methoxyphenols were identified by use of GC retention indices and MS files. The average value obtained for the sum of 15 PAHs was 21.05 ng m(-3) (range: 8.94-62.5 ng m(-3)). The presence of specific tracers and calculations of characteristic ratios (e.g. [Phe]/[Phe] + [Ant]) were used to identify the sources of the emissions of PAHs in the atmospheric samples. Levoglucosan (the anhydride of beta-glucose), retene (1-methyl-7-isopropylphenanthrene) and methoxyphenols (derivatives of syringol and guaiacol) and tracers for wood burning were identified. This study demonstrates that biomass burning from the rural zone is the main source of PAHs and emissions of other substances in the investigated site of Campo Grande. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. A survey has been carried out on the blood constituents of penguins from the Pygoscellidae family, Pygoscellis antartica, P. papua and P. adeliae, and of skuas (Chataracta maccormicki).2. Glucose, non-protein nitrogen compounds, proteins, lipids and inorganic compounds and the electrophoretic patterns for hemoglobin, serum proteins and lipoproteins were studied.3. The values obtained for glucose partition in the blood, glycosylated hemoglobin and non-protein nitrogen compounds, are discussed.
Chalcopyrite oxidation was evaluated with two acidophilic thiobacilli that are important in bioleaching processes. Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans in pure culture did not oxidize CuFeS2 but oxidized externally added S in the presence of CuFeS2. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans released Cu2+ and soluble Fe from chalcopyrite, and the time course lead to a gradual passivation of chalcopyrite whereby Cu2+ dissolution leveled off. Fe3+ acted as a chemical oxidant in CuFeS2 leaching and was reduced to Fe2+. Parallel bacterial re-oxidation of Fe2+ contributed to a high Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio and an increase in redox potential. Chemical oxidation of chalcopyrite was slow compared with A. ferrooxidans-initiated solubilization. X-ray analysis revealed new solid phases: (i) jarosite, found in solids from A. ferrooxidans cultures and in chemical controls that initially received Fe2+ or Fe3+, and (ii) S-0, found mostly in iron-amended A. ferrooxidans culture and the corresponding chemical controls. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
The secondary electron emission of dielectrics usually is measured by the pulse method, in which the dielectric is irradiated with short pulses of electrons. Attempts to use a dynamic method, in which the dielectric is irradiated continuously, have failed because the dielectric becomes charged and this charge interferes with the emission process. The dynamic method can, however, be applied to metals where volume charges are prevented. This article reports dynamic measurements of the total secondary emission yield from stainless steel, platinum, and aluminum and compares them with results from the current pulse method. In order to apply the dynamic method to metals a simple but important change in the setup was introduced: a dielectric slab was placed between the electrode and the metallic sample, which permitted the sample surface potential and therefore the energy of the incident electrons to change continuously. Unlike for dielectrics, the emission curves for metals are identical when obtained by the two methods. However, for a sample with deliberately oxidized surfaces the total secondary emission yield is smaller when measured with the dynamic method as compared with the pulse method, just as happens for dielectrics. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)03413-7].
Two cleavage pathways of beta-carotene have been proposed, one by central cleavage and the other by random (excentric) cleavage. The central cleavage pathway involves the metabolism of beta-carotene at the central double bond (15, 15') to produce retinal by beta-carotene 15, 15'-dioxygenase (E.C.888990988). The random cleavage of beta-carotene produces beta-apo-carotenoids, but the mechanism is not clear. To understand the various mechanisms of beta-carotene cleavage, beta-carotene was incubated with the intestinal postmitochondrial fractions of 10-week-old male rats for 1 h and cleavage products of beta-carotene were analyzed using reverse-phase, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). We also studied the effects of alpha-tocopherol and NAD(+)/NADH on beta-carotene cleavage. In addition to beta-carotene, we used retinal and beta-apo-14'-carotenoic acid as substrates in these incubations. Beta-apo-14'-carotenoic acid is the two-carbon longer homologue of retinoic acid. In the presence of alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene was converted exclusively to retinal, whereas in the absence of alpha-tocopherol, both retinal and beta-apo-carotenoids were formed. Retinoic acid was produced from both retinal and beta-apo-14'-carotenoic acid incubations only in the presence of NAD(+). Our data suggest that in the presence of an antioxidant such as alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene is converted exclusively to retinal by central cleavage. In the absence of an antioxidant, beta-carotene is cleaved randomly by enzyme-related radicals to produce beta-apo-carotenoids, and these beta-apo-carotenoids can be oxidized further to retinoic acid via retinal. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V.
Vitreous samples were prepared in the NaPO(3)-BaF(2)WO(3) ternary system with high WO(3) concentrations. These glasses exhibit a strong absorption in the visible due to the presence of reduced tungsten species and the use of oxidizing species is required. The couple Sb(2)O(3)/NaNO(3) was introduced in the composition and allowed to obtain transparent glasses. These oxidized samples were illuminated by visible laser radiation and showed an efficient volumetric photochromic effect. The photosensitive effect appeared as a dark spot throughout the entire volume of the glasses. The effect was investigated by several techniques such as, U-V-visible absorption, Raman and XANES at the L(1) and L(3) tungsten absorption edges. The results suggest a photoreduction of tungsten atoms without structural changes of the viteous network. Finally, the photochromic effect can be erased by thermal treatment at 200 degrees C for a few minutes. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.