154 resultados para Moulting cycle
O objetivo do estudo foi desenvolver um ciclo de dietas hipercalóricas para promover obesidade em ratos. Ratos Wistar foram distribuídos em dois grupos: dieta normal (ND = 32; 3,5 kcal/g) e dietas hipercalóricas (HD; n = 32; 4,6 kcal/g). O grupo ND recebeu ração comercial e os animais HD um ciclo de diferentes dietas hipercalóricas, por 14 semanas. As variáveis analisadas foram peso corporal, parâmetros metabólicos e hormonais, pressão arterial sistólica e teste oral de tolerância à glicose. O nível de significância foi de 5%. O ciclo de dietas hipercalóricas promoveu aumento de peso e gordura corporal, pressão arterial sistólica e níveis séricos de glicose, triacilglicerol, insulina e leptina no grupo HD. Além disso, o grupo HD apresentou tolerância à glicose diminuída. em conclusão, os resultados deste estudo mostram que o ciclo de dietas hipercalóricas promove obesidade e exibe várias características comumente associadas com a obesidade humana, como aumento da pressão arterial, resistência à insulina, hiperglicemia, hiperinsulinemia, hiperleptinemia e dislipidemia.
Objetivou-se compreender a experiência relativa à morbidade materna grave, a partir de um grupo de mulheres que vivenciou esse problema. Adotaram-se os preceitos metodológicos da pesquisa qualitativa, sendo o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo o referencial metodológico. Foram entrevistadas 16 mulheres que vivenciaram a morbidade materna grave. Os resultados foram discutidos a partir de quatro temas: descrevendo o desejo e o planejamento para ter um filho, percebendo seu problema de saúde, sua influência na gestação e para o concepto, passando pelo choque inicial no pós-parto e experienciando a situação de risco: desejos, frustrações e superação. Espera-se que este trabalho possa contribuir para qualificar a assistência de enfermagem, especialmente para reconhecer a diversidade e amplitude de necessidades que mulheres apresentam em situações de morbidade grave, durante o ciclo gravídico puerperal.
In this article we compare how sensitivity to the chronotropic effect of noradrenaline and adrenaline of right atria isolated from female rats is modified after repeated swimming or foot-shock stress, under the influence of the estrous cycle. Right atria from stressed female rats sacrificed at diestrus were subsensitive to both catecholamines, irrespective of the stressor agent. However, although subsensitivity to noradrenaline was of similar intensity, subsensitivity to adrenaline was more pronounced in right atria from foot shock stressed rats as opposed to swimming-stressed rats. Identical stress protocols did not induce any alteration in atrial sensitivity to catecholamines when the stressed female rats were sacrificed at estrus. We conclude that the stress reaction concerning the mediation of cardiac chronotropism by catecholamines is related to the severity of the stressor agent and is strongly influenced by the estrous cycle.
We report biological data of two generations of Amblyomma triste in laboratory and compared the suitability of different host species. Infestations by larval and nymphal stages were performed on guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus), chickens (Gallus gallus), rats (Rattus norvegicus), rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), wild mice (Calomys callosus), dogs (Canis familiaris) and capybaras (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris). Infestations by adult ticks were performed on dogs, capybaras and rabbits. Tick developmental periods were observed in an incubator at 27degreesC and RH 90%. Guinea pigs were the most suitable hosts for larvae and nymphs, followed by chickens. The remaining host species were less suitable for immature ticks as fewer engorged ticks were recovered from them. Mean larval feeding periods varied from 3.8 to 4.7 d between different host species. Mean larval premolt periods ranged from 8.9 to 10.4 d. Nymphal mean feeding periods varied from 4.2 to 6.2 d for ticks fed on different host species. Premolt period of male nymphs (mean: 15.4 d) was significantly longer than that of female nymphs (14.7 d). Female nymphs were significantly heavier than male nymphs. The overall sex ratio of the adult ticks emerged from nymphs was 0.9:1 (M:F). Capybaras were the most suitable host for the tick adult stage as significantly more engorged females were recovered from them and these females were significantly heavier than those recovered from dogs or rabbits. The life cycle of A. triste in laboratory could be completed in an average period of 155 d. The potential role of guinea pigs, birds and capybaras, as hosts for A. triste in nature, is discussed.
Differences between castes and related aspects in Parachartegus fraternus (Gribodo) have been studied in various stages of the colony cycle. Five colonies from three colony development stages (namely, pre-emergence, worker-producing and male-producing) were analyzed. The main results were: irrespective of colony age, castes were always morphologically indistinguishable; non-inseminated ovary-developed females were found in four colonies; because differences of castes were physiological rather than morphological, castes are evidently post-imaginally determined and this is probably taking place according to the colony conditions. These findings support the occurrence of caste totipotency in Parachartergus fraternus.
Objective: the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of two post-polymerisation treatments and different cycles of polymerisation on the cytotoxicity of two denture base resins.Materials and methods: the resins tested were Lucitone 550 and QC 20. Discs of resins were fabricated following the manufacturer's instructions. Lucitone 550 was processed by long cycle or short cycle. The resin QC 20 was processed by reverse cycle or normal cycle. The specimens were divided into groups: (i) post-polymerised in microwave for 3 min at 500 W; (ii) post-polymerised in water-bath at 55 degrees C for 60 min and (iii) without post-polymerisation. Eluates were prepared by placing three discs into a sterile glass vial with 9 ml of Eagle's medium and incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 hours. L929 cells were seeded into 96 3 well culture plates and DNA synthesis was assessed by H-thymidine incorporation assay.Results: the results were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD test. QC 20 specimens polymerised by the normal cycle and submitted to microwave post-polymerisation were graded as moderately cytotoxic. Similar results were observed for Lucitone 550 processed by long cycle without post-polymerisation. The other experimental groups were graded as not cytotoxic. After water-bath post-polymerisation, specimens of Lucitone 550 processed by long cycle produced significantly lower inhibition of DNA synthesis than the other groups.Conclusion: the long cycle increased the cytotoxicity of Lucitone 550 and water-bath post-polymerisation reduced the cytotoxicity of Lucitone 550 processed by long cycle.
A morphometric study was conducted on the testis of the domestic quail Coturnix coturnix japonica to determine testicular kinetics. We investigated the variability along the year of testicular parameters such as seminiferous tubule diameter, germinal epithelium height and amount of meiotic figures of maturing spermatids in the seminiferous epithelium and of sperm in the tubular lumen. The results of morphometric analysis showed the occurrence of an annual testicular cycle defined by four distinct phases: a resting phase (at the end of summer), a recrudescence phase (in the fall), a proliferative phase (at the end of winter and beginning of spring), and a regression phase (spring and summer). We also observed that the testes of adult quails present elevated and maximal spermatogenic activity in fall-winter (short-day period) and at the beginning of spring, respectively, and lower values in spring and summer (long-day periods), with minimum values at the end of summer.
The mushroom Agaricus blazei has been extensively investigated because of evidence of its antimutagenic, antitumor, and anticarcinogenic activities. This study investigated the clastogenic and/or anticlastogenic activity of aqueous extract of Agaricus blazei (10% w/v) in drug-metabolizing rat hepatoma tissue cells (HTCs), with continuous treatment and treatment during different phases of the cell cycle. DNA damage was induced utilizing two directacting agents-methyl methane sulfonate and ethyl methane sulfonate-and two indirect-acting agents-2-aminoanthracene and cyclophosphamide. The aqueous extract of A. blazei with either continuous treatment or treatment during different phases of the cell cycle showed clastogenic activity. The results with continuous treatment showed that A. blazei does not protect against DNA damage-inducing agents that are direct acting. Meanwhile, when combined with indirect-acting agents, a protective effect was demonstrated. A protective effect was also found during different phases of the cell cycle when cells were treated with indirect-acting agents. The protective effects against indirect-acting agents (continuous treatment and during the different phases of the cell cycle) suggest that A. blazei may provide some health benefits to the public when used as a functional food.
Recently a protocol was developed that precisely synchronizes the time of ovulation in lactating dairy cows (Ovsynch; GnRH-7d-PGF(2 alpha)-2d-GnRH). We evaluated whether initiation of Ovsynch on different days of the estrous cycle altered the effectiveness of this protocol. The percentage of cows (n=156) ovulating to the first GnRH was 64% and varied (P<0.01) by stage of estrous cycle. Treatment with PGF(2 alpha) was effective, with 93% of cows having low progesterone at second GnRH. The overall percentage of cows that ovulated after second GnRH (synchronization rate) was 87% and varied by response to first GnRH (92% if ovulation to first GnRH vs 79% if no ovulation; P<0.05). There were 6% of cows that ovulated before the second injection of GnRH and 7% with no detectable ovulation by 48 h after second GnRH. Maximal diameter of the ovulatory follicle varied by stage of estrous cycle, with cows in which Ovsynch was initiated at midcycle having the smallest follicles. In addition, milk production and serum progesterone concentration on the day of PGF(2 alpha) affected (P<0.05) size of the ovulatory follicle. Using these results we analyzed pregnancy rate at Days 28 and 98 after Al for cows (n=404) in which Ovsynch was initiated on known days of the estrous cycle. Pregnancy rate was lower for cows expected to ovulate larger follicles than those expected to ovulate smaller follicles (P<0.05; 32 vs 42%). Thus, although overall synchronization rate with Ovsynch was above, 85%, there were clear differences in response according to day of protocol initiation. Cows in which Ovsynch was initiated near midcycle had smaller ovulatory follicles and greater pregnancy rates. (C) 1999 by Elsevier B.V.