130 resultados para Mensaje político


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Este artigo tem por finalidade discutir as relações políticas entre o grupo reunido em torno do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo e o governo autoritário de Getúlio Vargas instaurado em novembro de 1937, num momento em que a Europa se dividia entre países totalitários, de esquerda e de direita, e liberal-democráticos.


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No sempre reconhecido realismo euripidiano se inclui um envolvimento político. É notável o elogio a Atenas, seja a seu passado ilustre, seja a seu papel no mundo grego. Entretanto a guerra a que Atenas se atira e que faz enfraquecer a Grécia é condenada, pois a defesa de Atenas, concretizada na defesa de seu regime político, a democracia, não inclui a defesa do imperialismo ateniense. Assim, acima de Eurípides patriota se ergue o Eurípides humanista, preocupado com as responsabilidades do ser humano, não apenas do cidadão. Eurípides’ acknowledge realism includes a political involvement. The eulogy of Athens is remarkable both regarding her illustrious past and her role in the greek world. The war in which Athens is engaged and which weakens Greece, however, is condemned, for Athens’ defense, made real in the defense of her political regime, democracy, does not include the defense of Athenian imperialism. Thus, Euripides the patriot is excelled by Euripides the humanist, who is more concerned with the responsibilities of the human being, than with those of the citizen’s.


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A autora analisa as interpretações construídas por parte da imprensa brasileira sobre os Estados Unidos e a Argentina nos últimos anos de vigência do regime monárquico, focando particularmente os jornais A Província de São Paulo, que representava a elite política, econômica e cultural associada à campanha republicana, e o Jornal do Commercio, periódico monárquico-conservador, sediado no Rio de Janeiro, a capital imperial, que gozava de grande prestígio. A autora optou por analisar esses países porque, no conjunto de países americanos, ambos tiveram especial destaque nos periódicos analisados. Ela observa que a cobertura dos Estados Unidos se justificava por ser aquele país um parceiro comercial importante do Brasil, que representava consistente mercado consumidor para seu principal produto, o café, e, ainda, em consequência da admiração que vários setores da sociedade brasileira expressavam por seu crescimento acelerado. A Argentina era acompanhada de perto porque interessava enormemente ao Brasil entender os fatos que se desencadeavam no território vizinho, em especial no âmbito político e militar. A imprensa do período, porém, também enfatizou o crescimento econômico argentino. A imprensa refletiu as posições de grupos políticos distintos a respeito dos Estados Unidos e da Argentina, muitas vezes antagônicas. E acabaria por divulgar o debate de suas propostas sobre o lugar que o Brasil deveria ocupar na América e sobre a forma ideal de governo para o país


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The literature has pointed out the educational deficits of Brazilian public schools, the complexity of school management, and the need for better qualification for the exercise of this function. Considering this perspective, the present research questions: How is school management being contemplated within the initial pedagogical training in the state of Paraná? In this sense, this article aims to survey and analyze how school management in professional training in public universities Educator of Paraná is being contemplated after the publication of the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education Course (DCNP). The study works with a qualitative approach to carry out, in the one hand, the bibliographic survey and systematization and, on the other hand, the survey, systematization and analysis of some elements in the political-pedagogical projects of different public universities. The data collected in six public universities show a significant oscillation between the workload aimed at the knowledge of School Administration and a variety of covered contents. Such differences may reflect the scope of the National Curriculum Guidelines as well as the present theoretical dispersion regarding the current knowledge on School Administration.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Neste livro pretende-se analisar, por meio dos comentários publicados pelo jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, os rastros deixados pelos colaboradores que, durante os anos de 1938 a 1945, interpretaram os acontecimentos do campo internacional como transformadores da realidade interna. Nesse sentido, não se trata de estudar os fatos que marcaram a Segunda Guerra Mundial, mas sim de demonstrar de que modo os articulistas construíram imagens que se firmaram ao longo do tempo e que destoavam, em grande medida, das diretrizes propugnadas pelo Estado Novo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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This essay discusses the theme of poetics in teaching activity, and discusses its possible ability to think about the ethical-formative sense and its possible political use to propose alternatives to the educational praxis that is restricted, in actuality, a pragmatic teaching. From the point of view of aesthetics of existence, therefore, we proposes a particular notion of poetic, fairly close to what can be understood by the dramatic that underlies the pragmatic of you last Foucault, as well as analyzes your chances to problematize the current pragmatic teaching. Thus, we look forward to assist the educator thinking both the possibility of ethics (self) transformation as the meaning of formation of another in his educational activity.


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Will be demonstrated here, the importance of preparing the Political-Pedagogical Project - PPP in a way that the school´s actors participate constantly. his participation is essential to promote both their production and the ongoing evaluation of activities, actions and educational purposes. Following the guidance of experienced researchers in this matter, we assume the defense of a school that favors the character of belonging for everyone: administrators, teachers, students and parents, the whole community. his study is conducted in two stages: a theoretical study, highlighting the main researches and thoughts at academic level, a documentary analysis of four schools and interviews with directors or vice directors and coordinators of schools. With this study and analysis, it is possible to realize the importance of their development and promote relection to guide those interested to a new vision or revision of structures already plastered. he school thus may undergo changes renovating their routine, making it fresh news and events, allowing the daily challenges foster contextualized strategies on concrete basis.