87 resultados para Mate poaching


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New information technologies and new forms of documentary production have led archivists to rethink the role of archival science in the so-called information age. Since the late 1980s, the principles, methods and concepts stated by the well-known manuals of the 19th and the 20th centuries have been reconsidered along with their application to the organic sets of document in the 21st century. In this new scenario of reformulation and reinterpretation regarding the perspectives on archival knowledge organization, two trends with different approaches have emerged in North America and Europe: postmodern archival science and contemporary diplomatics, respectively. The first one was introduced by Terry Cook, who proposed a reformulation of the basic concepts and the functional analysis method focusing on the process and context of document creation. The second approach originated in Italy and incorporated all the theoretical and methodological models of classic diplomatics. The studies following this new trend were disseminated by Luciana Duranti and aimed to ensure the production, access and use of the documentation generated in the present times focusing on document typology, as opposed by the postmodern approach. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the connection points and distinct features between the two trends concerning the organization of archival knowledge.


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The process of knowledge representation as well as its procedures or tools and its products are not neutral in terms of values; instead they imply moral values. In this context, bias in representation related to prejudice and discrimination, to gender issues, to dicotomic categorization in classification systems or in thesauri and to lack of cultural warrant may arise. Concerning the problem of bias in indexing languages, starting from the initial theoretical reflexions of Brey (1999), Berman (1993), Olson (1998; 2002), Lopez-Huertas Perez & Torres Ramirez (2005), Guimaraes (2006), Hjorland (2008) and Milani et al. (2009), the proposal is to present a preliminary categorization aiming at facilitating the identification of bias concerning feminine issues in indexing languages, to offer a contribution to the theoretical universe of the specific questions of knowledge organization and to present a theme to be discussed by educators and professionals in the areas of cataloging, classification and indexing. If in a society which intends to be politically correct, social attitudes towards stigmatized citizens should be modified, then, the universe of indexing languages, taken as tools of knowledge representation, is a fertile field to sow this reflexion.


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Several hormonal and physiological changes that occur during pregnancy directly affect gastrointestinal motility (GI), however, very little is known about the relationship between the electrical and mechanical activities of the stomach and its implications. The aim of this study was to compare the female sex hormones, with profiles of gastrointestinal motility using AC biosusceptometry (BAC) in pregnant rats. Seven female Wistar rats (weighing 250-350 g) were used and all procedures were approved by the local Ethics Committee of animal. Laparotomy was performed on anesthetized rats and a magnetic marker (3.5 mm in diameter and 3.0 mm height) was implanted in the distal stomach. After 10 days of recuperation, the mice were put to mate until confirmation of pregnancy. Fed animals were anesthetized (mg pentobarbital 30 / kg) and kept supine for recording the signal with a sensor 30 min BAC placed on the abdominal surface on days 0, 7, 14 and 20 of gestation. Statistical analysis was performed by Student's t test statistical Newman-Keuls and a P value of .05 was considered statistically significant. The frequency of contraction of the stomach was 74 mHz ± 3, 67 ± 7 mHz, 59 mHz ± 6 (p <0.05 vs day -1) and 71 ± 5 mHz on days -0, -7, -14, and -20, respectively. The values of 44 ± 15 pg / mL and 31 ± 9 pg / ml 25 ± 6 pg / ml, 22 ± 9 pg / ml on days -0, -7, -14 and -20, respectively, obtained by 17ß- estradiol were not statistically significant. The values of progesterone were 13 ± 6 pg / ml at 54 ± 15 pg / ml, 127 ± 42 pg / ml (p <0.05 vs day-1), 22 ± 13 pg / mL on day -0, - 7, -14 and -20, respectively. A linear correlation (Pearson's test) between the lower frequency gastric and increased levels of progesterone was 80% (p <0.0000001). Until then, the relationship between changes in motility and hormone were not described in detail, but with the work that we were able to demonstrate the high correlation between progesterone concentration ...


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Homogamy has been suggested as crucial for human mate preferences and mate choice. People are attracted to and choose romantic partners that are similar to them in socio-demographic, physical, and psychological traits. However, only a few studies have shown homogamy in preferences for evolved sex-typical traits. Here, we have investigated male and female preferences for the level of cognitive masculinity-femininity (MF). We tested whether self-reported MF positively correlates with preferences for MF. One hundred men and one hundred women from Brazil filled in questionnaires on their own level of cognitive MF and preferred level of cognitive MF in their ideal partner. Half of the respondents were asked to indicate their preferences for long-term, and the other half for short-term relationships. We found a positive correlation between self-ascribed and preferred level of cognitive MF in women (P = 0.002), but no significant correlation in men (P = 0.309). There was no significant effect of the temporal context of the relationship, but there was a positive correlation between self-ascribed and preferred level of cognitive MF only in women answering about long-term partner. By subtracting the preferred from the selfascribed level of cognitive MF, we created a self-similarity index. We found that women desire potential mates more self-similar and more masculine than men (P < 0.001) and that in men there is greater variation in the self-similarity index than in women. Our results thus add to previous evidence on the role of homogamy in human mating, by showing preferences for self-similarity also in cognitive MF for women, especially for long-term partner preferences. Future studies should cross-culturally test whether the higher self-similar preference found in women is universal.


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The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the conceptions of sexuality and female sexual behavior and conduct, formed from the merger of information and securities purchased under the eyes, rules and guidelines established relations with the Holy Office during his visit to Inquisitorial Brazil in the late sixteenth century. It is a survey of historical methodology in which we used as the exploratory research and literature. In the sixteenth century the Church increases the pressure to change the sexual mores that were free in the Middle Ages, a fact which influences the rules and regulations that are adopted by the Holy Office regarding the person's sex life. The first structure was based on Brazilian sexual alliance between Indians and settlers, which led to sugar, by the Portuguese, the customs of the land, which included sexual practices free since the Indians were out of Christian influence. Supported by the absence of white women, the settlers took them wives of the earth, usually more than one, creating conflict with the Jesuits who condemned Indian polygamy. In this context, in 1591, landed on Brazilian soil Heitor Furtado de Mendonca, and with it, the First Visitation of the Holy Office to investigate, arguing, exploring feelings and behaviors, to discover the true facts, finally, to demonstrate the errors Faith and punish them with the rigor of ecclesiastical law. His passing opens us to visualize traces of sexuality in the current "Tropic" a racist, misogynist world where black women and degraded land could be subject to the wishes of the white man, with whom he could mate at will. Alone and forgotten, women have not found the colony margin to denounce or to speak and were stigmatized by the look of travelers and writers have been through here.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Mouse embryo production by superstimulation is a multifactorial process. To minimize the number of sacrificed animals and to maximize the results of the superstimulatory treatment, it should be possible to predict the risk of do not get embryos from such a treated animal. This work aimed to evaluate if the variables - hormone concentration and the timing of its administration, the copulatory plug presence and individual male used to mating – could be predictive factors on the mouse embryo production. Females were distributed in four groups (cross-over design) related to scheduled superstimulation treatment (1300h or 1700h) and eCG/hCG administered concentration (5 or 10IU). After the hCG treatment, females were put to mate. On the next morning it was verified the presence of a copulatory plug (D0.5). Embryo recovery was performed from D2.5 to D4.5 by flushing the oviducts and uterine horns. Total structures recovered (TSR) and the viable embryos (VE) were classified by its morphology. Viability rate (VR) was calculated with VE in relation to TSR (x100). Group comparison was analyzed with 5% of significance. There were no significant differences among groups, even when only main effects were analyzed (hormone concentration and timing of its administration). There was significant difference in VR from animals with or without plug and from the worst and best males used. It was concluded that neither the hormone concentration nor timing of its administration - or their association – was significant as predictive factors for the embryo production. However, the plug presence was related to higher VR.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR