109 resultados para Loxosceles sp — Paralisia diafragmática humana
Com a disseminação da agricultura industrial, com grande utilização de insumos tecnológicos, mecanizada e fundamentada num número reduzido de espécies e variedades de plantas cultivadas, os modos de produção autóctone têm sofrido pressões em todo mundo. Entre estas, citam-se a modernização do campo, a perda de terras para agricultura comercial em larga escala e a emigração dos jovens em busca de melhores condições de vida, que acarretam grandes mudanças para estes sistemas agrícolas. As comunidades de agricultores de subsistência são detentoras de uma gama de variedades de diversas espécies cultivadas, sendo que essa diversidade é um fator adaptativo importante para o agricultor ante as variações ambientais, climáticas, biológicas e socioeconômicas, além de ser importante para a segurança do sistema alimentar mundial. Isto faz com que estes agricultores se tornem importantes parceiros para programas de conservação in situ de plantas cultivadas. No Brasil, assentamentos rurais são formados por agricultores de diversas origens, e são locais onde a agricultura é parcialmente voltada para a subsistência. Dentre a grande diversidade de plantas cultivadas para subsistência, as raízes e os tubérculos constituem, depois dos cereais, a principal fonte de alimento para a população humana. O presente estudo visou levantar as espécies de raízes e tubérculos cultivados nos Assentamentos Rurais Araras I, II, III e IV, no município de Araras, São Paulo, e analisou a potencialidade dos pequenos agricultores das assentamentos como mantedores de agrobiodiversidade. A pesquisa se deu através de entrevistas estruturadas e semi-estruturadas, onde os agricultores entrevistados forma selecionados de maneira aleatória e estratificada entre os quatro assentamentos. Os dados coletados foram analisados de maneira descritiva. Os resultados...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Currently the mobile services represent an essential tool in daily life of the population. However, while offering greater convenience to its users, there is growing concern about the harmful effects to human health, derived from daily exposure of the public to electromagnetic fields from radio base stations (RBS), since even today, there is no study proving that longterm exposure to low-level fields are not harmful to health. In Presidente Prudente has not been a study reporting values of measurements of electromagnetic fields from base stations installed in the city. Based on these data, this study aimed to assess the levels of electromagnetic exposure in the city of Presidente Prudente regarding recommended by international bodies, as well as propose measures that can reduce public exposure to electromagnetic fields. For measuring values of electromagnetic fields, we used appliance Electromagnetic Field Meter Portable Digital - DRE-050, the Instrutherm, following the methodology suggested and adapted from the Adilza Condessa Dode’study. In total, 49 points were mapped corresponding to the areas at risk of exposure to electromagnetic fields generated by the substations of power grid, transmission towers and telecommunication towers located in the city of Presidente Prudente (SP)
Currently with the growing technological advancement and global, new areas are being devastated, and as a result, the erosion became more frequent causing loss of soil, infiltration capacity of the surface and weathering of rocks. In this way, environmental studies are increasingly frequent to understand the environment in which we live, but also to avoid any degradation of the same and of finite natural resources, which are essential for human life. From this, this work has as main goal, analyzing the rates of chemical and mechanical erosive watershed of Ribeirão Jacutinga, at its mouth, in the city of Rio Claro, supporting environmental studies and sustainable development today. Order to reach these values were measured and total dissolved solids in suspension in the stream during the months from January to July 2012. As results included higher rates of both physical and chemical weathering in the rainy months, especially january
The environmental issue has been considered of fundamental importance for the well being of the present and future generations and is inserted into the commitment of political parties at federal, state and municipal government programs, into the interests of popular organizations and business planning. The Parque Ecológico Cidade da Criança is one of the most sought after places for visitation at Presidente Prudente – SP. Located outside the Raposo Tavares Highway, next to the exhibition grounds and beside the agricultural school, has more than 30 acres of area with an infrastructure designed for recreation and leisure activities for all ages and has received new investment of the public power. Given the importance of the ecological aspects, the objective of this work is to perform an environmental diagnosis in order to be able to submit proposals for solving the problems encountered and improve the use of the environmental resources. Therefore, the study was divided into three foci: sewage disposal, erosion process and control of the stormwater drainage system. It was checked the discharge of sewage from the restaurant on exposed soil, erosion processes that develop at the camel and llama cages ground and erosion processes resulting from the convergence of the stormwater in the highest region of the park. Based on these studies, proposals of solution were made for each case, having considered the effectiveness of the project
Sociedades sustentáveis pressupõem o uso de recursos naturais na medida em que o limite de capacidade de suporte dos sistemas naturais não seja ultrapassado. Neste contexto, o uso de indicadores de sustentabilidade se coloca no importante papel de operacionalização do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável. O método da Pegada Ecológica utiliza a conversão dos fluxos de matéria e energia utilizadas por uma população em áreas biologicamente produtivas para a provisão dos mesmos. No presente estudo, será feita uma aplicação deste método para a cidade de Rio Claro, contabilizando-se os principais itens e serviços consumidos pela população. Pretende-se inferir sobre a sustentabilidade na cidade, através da comparação entre a área apropriada para obtenção dos recursos consumidos e o próprio limite da área do município
We intend to expose this paper a brief review about the social factors that include the capitalist system. Having the city of Rafard as our focus of study, we are going to analyze how agribusiness and migration have great political significance in this small town, and still are determining factors for socio-cultural training of its citizens, as well the formation and economic development of their own city. We are going to observe how a town with only 8.599 inhabitants is subjected to the laws dictated by capital through the interference of a large sugarcane agro industrial production unit present in its territory
The city of San Carlos is known to have important centers of research aimed at developing high technologies, which are: Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), the University of São Paulo (USP). Thus, the portion of the population of students who are not from the city of San Carlos, but it has to be present daily to provide their respective courses in San Carlos, has the need to rent property. The housing market, in turn, uses the application of capital to meet the demands of students and business is taking steps that make the production of space and provide new scope of the place, giving new meaning to the settings and new residents. This work goes towards understanding the students, social workers, boosting growth in this market and the influences of space and real estate agents and their actions materialized in space to meet this demand
This work discusses the analysis of microartifacts as a means to study the process of sculpturing of slopes actants of slopes actants of sculpturing in the archaeological site Lagoa do Camargo. Microartifacts have specific characteristics of transportation and deposition, that helps identifying shaping and sculpturing processes of slopes. The methogology used for analysis of microartifacts is based in Dunnel and Stein's theory (1989) that defines microartifacts as artifacts with reduced size - between 2mm and 0,25mm. According to the authors, an artifact is any object that presents attributes consequent of human activity, in other words, artificial. Also is used the protocol of Vance (1989), that proposed the analysis only the fraction between 0,5mm and 0,250 mm. For disclosure and preservation of archaeological patrimony in the city of Rio Claro, is intended development activities with schools of municipal education system, abour the subject Patrimonial Education, with the methodology adopted by the Institute for National Artistic and Historical Patrimony (IPHAN). Demonstrate and emphasize the importance of cultural patrimony within the local community provides the (re) cognition of these areas as conservation areas, which can be incorporated by this population as areas of collective interest
Discussões a respeito de propostas de intervenção em espaços ur-banos que possuem valores culturais para a comunidade têm sido um tema bastante explorado por arquitetos e urbanistas contemporâneos. Muitos são os teóricos que se ocuparam do assunto – as primeiras teorias de restaura-ção do patrimônio arquitetônico construído datam do século 18 – mas, até hoje, não se pôde estabelecer um consenso sobre como se deve ou não proceder na concepção de projetos dessa natureza. Este trabalho trata de um espaço ocioso na área central do municí-pio de Bariri, interior do estado de São Paulo, onde se deram as atividades de uma indústria de óleos vegetais de grande expressão na cidade, entre as décadas de 1960 a 1980. Mesmo depois de a fábrica ter entrado em proces-so de falência, seus equipamentos e edificações permaneceram no terreno, e, até hoje, parte considerável de seu patrimônio construído ainda continua lá. Porém, nunca se deu outro uso para o espaço, sendo que, atualmente, as instalações se encontram em processo de ruína. Sabe-se que áreas desocu-padas inseridas na malha urbana podem levar a uma degradação do espaço, devido à falta do cuidado mantido pela presença humana, causando, diversas vezes, a perda do controle pelo poder público, e incidentes provocados pela falta de segurança. A Indústria Resegue de Óleos Vegetais (IROV) teve considerável importância histórica para o município, sendo um dos maiores símbolos da atividade econômica dos imigrantes sírios na cidade. Foi responsável pelo emprego de muitos trabalhadores e por grande movimentação financeira na época em que esteve em funcionamento. Além disso, seu espaço físico im-ponente está presente no cognitivo da maioria dos habitantes baririenses, compondo, de maneira significativa, a identidade visual de Bariri. Sendo as-sim, trata-se de uma área de interesse cultural... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The human being has a dependency with the natural environment, since it is from withdrawing resources from it is essential for their survival. But this relationship appears to be unbalanced from the moment that society emerges and changes the substrate in which land is located. In this context the study about the formation of technogenic deposits, has assisted in the preparation of environmental diagnoses in an area very changed by society. Technogenic deposits are sedimentary deposits originated by human activities in the environment, with special emphasis in this work in the fluvial plains. Their classification depends on both the manufactured materials found in its layers, and the processes that led to its formation. Thus, the main objective was to understand the formation history of technogenic deposits in the fluvial plains of the Santo Anastacio river and streams of Cedro and Cedrinho surrounding the dam of SABESP (Basic Sanitation Company of São Paulo) in Presidente Prudente-SP. The experimental proceedings are based mainly on realization of fieldwork to characterization study area, collection of technogenic materials in PVC´s (polyvinyl chloride) tube, and analysis of laboratory through of particle size analysis (EMBRAPA, 1997) of the technogenics layers... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This paper is aimed to analyze the distribution of green areas in public spaces of the Limeira city. This study seeks to diagnose the current situation of the distribution of green areas in the city of Limeira and how these areas contribute to the quality of life of city residents. The concept of public green areas can be defined in different ways , and for this study were considered spaces where there is a prevalence of vegetation, parks , public gardens , squares and medians of avenues performing aesthetic and ecological , whose soil is not completely covered . The presence of urban green areas has several functions, such as a space for recreation , environmental education and interpretation , and thus contribute to a greater closeness between man and nature . The aim of this study is to discuss what benefits, incentives and difficulties exist for the maintenance and expansion of green areas in the city and investigate the population's perception of, and their relationship with, these spaces
Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar a dinâmica geomorfológica, bem como a apropriação humana do relevo, mediante a interpretação de forma integrada dos documentos cartográficos elaborados a partir de técnicas da cartografia morfométrica, geomorfológica e de uso da terra, de forma a subsidiar ações vinculadas ao planejamento ambiental da Bacia do Ribeirão Tijuco Preto (SP). Sob os auspícios da abordagem sistêmica, a partir de uma visão integrada e complexa dos sistemas geomorfológicos, propôs-se a quantificar os atributos das formas de relevo, representando-os cartográficamente com a elaboração das Cartas Morfométricas de Declividade ou Clinográfica (De Biase, 1970 e 1992), de Dissecação Horizontal (Spiridonov, 1981 e adaptações de Mauro et. al.,1991), de Dissecação Vertical (Spiridonov, 1981) e de Energia do Relevo (Mendes, 1993). Também, contemplou-se a cartografia geomorfológica de detalhe, com a elaboração da Carta Geomorfológica (Tricart, 1965), bem como o mapeamento do uso da terra, expresso na Carta de Uso da Terra (Ceron e Diniz, 1966). De forma geral, a análise dos Produtos Cartográficos elaborados, permitiu constatar que a Bacia do Ribeirão Tijuco Preto vem sofrendo o desencadeamento de processos erosivos variados. Tais processos estão associados a uma conjunção de condicionantes, que podem ser apontados pelas variadas condições morfométricas do terreno, o clima quente e úmido reinante, as diferentes litologias aflorantes, a tipologia dos solos, bem como, e, de maneira veemente, a intervenção humana. O condicionante antrópico está majoritariamente representado pela monocultura canavieira e pela urbanização, sendo agentes cruciais no desencadeamento dos processos erosivos existentes e na interferência direta na dinâmica do escoamento fluvial da Bacia do Ribeirão Tijuco Preto.
In Brazil, there are three main codes that surround the issue of right or possession of various lands according to concepts of ownership or purchase. When it comes to indigenous issues in Brazil is difficult to say which legal code applies more fairly the native population of the country. In the case of the Indians who have their reserves near urban areas there is such a conflict of laws becomes more evident and takes even greater than in other regions of Brazil. As is the case in the indigenous villages of the District of Jaragua in Greater São Paulo, the Tekoá YTU and Tekoá Pyau. The two villages are located in northeastern São Paulo and currently are surrounded by continuous growth and disorderly city of Sao Paulo while their inhabitants fight to preserve the customs and traditions of the Guarani people. They prevail on the City Statute (2001), the Indian Statute (EDI) Environmental Laws and the National Council of Environment (CONAMA) and the Forestry Code, the latter solely because they are near the State Park Jaragua - area environmental preservation
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
One of the ways of Geography is the study of the relationship between man and space, so that the question of the preservation of the environment and yours attributes is increasingly standing out in society. The State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade is a conservation of sustainable use, so with this category aims to reconcile nature conservation with sustainable use of a portion of its resources, and a place that has many direct and indirect benefits to the interconnected environment . Therefore, the object of study is the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, highlighting its Public Use Area. This work has as main objective to measure the importance of the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, in the view of visitors, and present some key aspects of the unit in relation to its attractions. Thus, we seek the appreciation of the history of the city of Rio Claro and qualities of the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade