92 resultados para Lúdico
A good night sleep is part of a healthy lifestyle. However, children and adolescents replace sleeping hours by several other activities. This project aimed to disseminate information about sleeping and stimulate some reflections about the risk factors to health arising frompersonal and collective habits. A group of 1014 junior high school students from five schools in the city of Assis-SP, participated in the project. The students visited an exhibition about the theme "sleeping and health" and took part of group assignments. Issues related to sleeping and alternatives to promote healthy sleeping habits in day-life context were discussed. The activities were planned and executed by six trainees under the supervision of the responsible teacher. The majority of the visitors reported pleasure (90% of students) and interest in the subject; (85%) enjoyed learning new information about it (93%). Among the activities performed, 25% of visitors particularly enjoyed playful educational activities, 19% the oral presentation and 23% all the activities without distinction. Group discussion on everyday situations encouraged the adolescents to reevaluate previous experiences and knowledge that were not always consistent with current scientific knowledge. Undergraduate students had a rich practical opportunity that stimulated them to create health education strategies for adolescents. Some adolescents got more involved in the activities and others were more stimulated by the change of school routine. The activities were feasible and can be designed according to the target public. Certainly individual experience was sporadic and we suggest that future projects might be improved by stimulating bigger schools and more teachers to participate.
It is a fact that between the child and the adult there is an adolescent being that experiments his experiences in a different way than those others. Therefore, in clinical care, the use of toys and play do not have the same value as for the children, and, on the other hand, the majority of adolescents are not ready, as the adult is, for the exclusive use of speech in the psychotherapy context. There is the need to introduce some specific strategy in order to give the adolescent conditions to express himself openly in the psychotherapy process. The mediator's resource introduces this variable to enable the expression of emotions for those who cannot find the available channels for that. This paper seeks to answer this question by presenting the Time Tunnel Game in the psychotherapy with young people, based, during several years, on its clinical use with patients during this period of their lives. Explaining, when it is a question of a demand for a game, that the youngster tries to respect the rules, therefore, expressing his experiences more at ease. By using the mentioned game, it is not the psychotherapist that questions or addresses the youngster, but it is through this playing that the questions arise, providing the youngster a facilitating context for his experiences, even for the more difficult ones. At the direct request of the psychotherapist, it is possible that the adolescent may have the imposing idea that he is being evaluated, which is inadequate when attending any youngster. It is understood that this facilitation also occurs because in a game the atmosphere of lucidity is less threatening to the patient to reveal himself as playing. It is the game that "interviews" and, therefore, the youngster has less to be afraid of when expressing his experiences.
This text’s objective is to present an analysis of Aída, adapted by Han Mi-Ho (2012) and illustrated by Lucia Sforza, from the classic eponymous opera by Giuseppe Verdi. This book is part of the collection Classical music on the scene, published by FTD, which aims to introduce stories of important librettos regarded as classics in the music field to young audiences. More specifically, we intend to verify in this text, with Bakhtinian principles, how the dialogue between Verdi’s work and HanMi-Ho’s is actualized. To achieve these objectives, we will present a reflection of what provides the pleasure in reading. In this text we built the hypothesis that Han-Mi-Ho’s strategy to rescue a classic opera and adapt it in the form of an illustrated narrative for the young reader provides the contact with an attractive and playful text that leads to critical reflection and expands his knowledge through the rescue of the cultural memory. The appropriation of a classic cultural production adapted to the narrative language and targeted to a young audience can act as an appraisal factor in the identity of the reader. Through it, he is able to raise his self-esteem, because he perceives that he is considered as a production receiver, while at the same time he is recognized as the heir of a traditional cultural heritage.
As the ludic taking the second place at school environment, on account of logical and rational activities and the excessive charge of a professional achievement of children by society and, also, the own family, the school doesn't become a pleasant ambient of frequenting. This study wants to understand, in a better way, the utilization of ludic activities as a pedagogic support into the learning and the development of the cognitive, emotional and creative potentiality of children in different education system (public and private) of Ibitinga-SP. It also investigates the docent attitude and practice during the ludic activities and its repercussion in the students' performances when introduced. The bibliographic researches present that the utilization of games, as a pedagogic resource, contributes to the learning process and to the human development of the students from the first cycle of the Elementary School. The School has to rescue the desire of learning, which is playing, the most natural way. The research's target audience are teachers from the Ciclo I of the elementary school and the focus is the utilization of the ludic into the different areas of teaching, considering the context that the schools are embedded. The reality observation, which enables a straight contact with the researcher and the study object, helped out with the issue comprehension. It was possible to identify that the utilization of ludic activities as a pedagogic strategy does not happen just because of knowledge absent, but also because of the submission to many goals imposed by the education system and/or by the didactic materials used, which don't have any worry to valorize the period of develop that the students are living, filtering out some characteristics from the phase that contributed to the learning. The responsibility to create a new signification to their social function is from the education system and the school that works with it. To the...
One of the interests of leisure is social and involves the festival. The holidays can be of different types and occur in different places, having lots of functions as the union of those involved, the development of creativity, fun and identification with the culture. The festivities are part of the play culture. The school, being an environment that deals directly and indirectly with the culture of organized behavior and appreciation of the discipline, often in second person through the formation of relationships, cultural transmission and access to the traditions of the groups around it. The entertainment component of culture in the school also finds himself sidelined in a society of work and a school that educates more to the labor market. The parties almost do not occur at school and when they happen, are given in order to make profits and sell consumer goods, apart from values that are intrinsic. In this study the objective was to deepen the study of parties, given that these are elements provides the establishment of the identity of a group of groups and of each individuals. When it comes to educating people, parties contributed to the emancipation of the human being which is cultural. Was developed a study in the field about the theme parties at the school, to understand whether and how it is being taught in schools, and what is its real importance for teachers and students, since we consider it fundamental to the development of culture and leisure culture of individuals. For this, we conducted a qualitative study based on a field research, using as a tool for collecting a semi-structured interviews with 52 students from 6th grade (7 years) from two schools at Ibitinga-SP, since one of them was a public school and the other a private school. Based on data collected from interviews and analysis, we found that the parties do not happen in schools, students do not learn what is leisure, and do not study or folklore festivals in physical...
O atletismo, no Brasil, é um esporte pouco divulgado nas aulas de Educação Física. Vários são os motivos apontados para que isso ocorra: falta de material, deficiência de infraestrutura, falta de interesse dos alunos e ausência de um caráter lúdico no ensino das provas. Entretanto, o GEPPA, Grupo de Estudos Pedagógicos e Pesquisa em Atletismo, por meio da pesquisa e extensão universitária, tem se dedicado à difusão e estudo das inúmeras possibilidades de adequação e criação de oportunidades que envolvem seu ensino. Partindo dessa ideia, o grupo desenvolve o Projeto de Extensão Atletismo para Crianças e Jovens na cidade de Rio Claro, que tem, justamente, o intuito de divulgar o atletismo e proporcionar às crianças e jovens da comunidade um contato com essa modalidade esportiva. Constatando-se a eficácia desse Projeto de Extensão, desenvolvido na Unesp-RC, este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem como objetivo: promover a pesquisa em torno do atletismo, a fim de evidenciar o panorama da extensão de atletismo no ambiente universitário brasileiro. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foi desenvolvida uma revisão de literatura que em um primeiro momento abordará os principais problemas que cercam o ensino do atletismo, apontando o papel do profissional de Educação Física no seu ensino; aspectos relacionados à extensão universitária brasileira e à sua relação com o ensino e à pesquisa. Além disso, será realizada uma pesquisa exploratória na internet, em busca de materiais que poderão evidenciar a existência de projetos de extensão de atletismo oferecidos à comunidade, que serão descritos no trabalho a partir das informações coletadas. Com base nos resultados dessa pesquisa esperamos concentrar informações referentes a projetos destinados ao ensino do atletismo no Brasil, tomando como ponto de partida que esse tipo de trabalho de extensão universitária é importantíssimo para a difusão...
Com a globalização, a sociedade ainda não deixou de privilegiar o saber em detrimento de outras ações, a competição está cada vez mais sendo valorizada, seguindo os moldes do capitalismo e essas questões estão acima da importância da formação humana fazendo com que o lúdico seja desvalorizado. Este pensamento tem entrado nas séries iniciais, fazendo com que cada vez mais os alunos se afastem do brincar e dediquem-se aos conteúdos. Esta situação torna-se ainda mais agravante quando pensamos que os professores muitas vezes não tem em sua formação saberes que contemplem tal ato, fazendo com que eles tenham uma visão pejorativa sobre o brincar, tendo até medo de utilizá-lo nas salas de aula ou já estabelecendo no início do primeiro ano que o interesse maior neste momento não é mais o brincar e sim a leitura e a escrita. Diante do exposto, pretendemos entender como o brincar está presente na vida escolar de crianças do 1º ano do Ciclo 1 e qual a importância do brincar para a sua formação humana. O estudo foi embasado teoricamente em autores que trabalham com a questão do brincar. Aplicou-se questionários com graduandos em Licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia e com professores que lecionavam no primeiro ano do Ciclo I em escolas da Rede Municipal de Rio Claro. Pesquisou-se 03 escolas participando de aulas durante três dias, observando suas práticas na questão do brincar
Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC
Introduction: To correctly attend the health needs of the elderly population, it is necessary to invest in training of human resources. Thus, it becomes indispensable to insert the geriatric dentistry content into graduation courses. Objective: To describe the experiences and the results obtained during 10 years of an university extension project focused on oral health care of institutionalized elderly. Methodology: This is a documental and descriptive work, which was analyzed the institutional process of ten years of the University Extension Program, “Always Smiling - Dental Care for the Elderly Institutionalized of Araçatuba, “ developed at the Araçatuba Dental School, FOA/ UNESP. It were collected quantitative and qualitative data, and these were classified and interpreted according to the technique of categorizing the content. Results: In ten years of implementation, the project “Always Smiling” involved undergraduate students, professors and post-graduate students, who together have developed practical activities such as health education, hygiene supervision, recreational and educational activities, epidemiological surveys of oral health conditions and consequently, dental care according to the need of the treatment. Conclusion: The project “Always Smiling” serves as a working model for elderly health care, because it acts involves many aspects, from the prevention of diseases, even to the training of elderly caregivers, benefiting the institutionalized elderly and health professionals.
The purpose of this article is through a brief review of some studies about the sport, check that the commodification of sporting activity, a process intensified in the late twentieth century, would corrupt its secularized and playful essence. In this sense, it discusses how athletes have left the "love for the shirt", and the sport, his romantic practice in exchange for the interests of advertisers and investors.
This experiment report refers to the project named “Sarauzinho”, which is linked to the extension “Workshops of Psychoanalysis and Artistics Gatherings” project. “Sarauzinho” was a partnership between UNESP and CREAS, created with the aim to assist children victims of sexual violence though a playful and artistic method and to implement a psychoanalytic listening of demands that appeared during the working group implementation. At the same time, the parents/responsible person who took the children to the meetings also received psychotherapeutic service at the waiting room, in an operative group format with psychoanalytic listening. The project has happened in 11 sessions (once a week, two hours each), with 4 kids and 4 caregivers participating. The service for the kids was organized in workshop models (open and free) and in little gatherings, with preprogrammed contents (playful and artistic). The initiative was inspired by the “Green houses”, a creation of the French psychoanalyst Françoise Dolto, and by the Museum “Imagens do Inconsciente do Centro Psiquiátrico Pedro II”, in Nise da Silveira, Rio de Janeiro city. This university extension activity has enabled the students to access some of the children’s traumas, as well as to obtain a better understanding of an infantile group psychotherapeutic service, with psychoanalytic listening. Besides, it has provided a playful and artistic environment to listen to the children and enable them to create new meanings of their traumas. For the adult participants, the meetings were moments to talk about their anxieties and to receive new guidance and instructions about their children’s education, especially about sexuality. The results, either related to the children’s meeting, as to the adult’s meeting, were favorable to the continuity of the project.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
The chemistry is a science little adored by students, because it is a modeling science. The study in chemistry needs a little of abstraction to be able to view something that can not being viewed, that is why chemistry uses many models and tools. The periodic table is a tool useful, but complicated to be understood, where many students end up just decorating for a test, and losing interest in class. The use of ludic games is a way to facilitate the teaching-learning process, because a game has rules to be followed, so the student will get involved to the content to be studied in addition to having to respect rules. Therefore, it is needed that teachers make their lectures more attractive for their students. This work has analyzed an alternative method for teaching the periodic table using basic computer resources, in order to propose a ludic game to a different class, seeking to get the students attention in order to facilitate the understanding of the content
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE