97 resultados para Jogo de sedução
Sports team, specifically soccer and handball, has traditionally composing the physical education school contents as a curriculum component. There are several criticisms to extend this approach beyond the sportive discourse. While we recognize this need for expansion, we believe that the methodological endeavors to teach these sports content are still very poor, requiring, therefore, studies that guide us in changing not only contents but also the way of teaching it, which implies new e teaching, pupils and teaching relationship perspective. In this sense, the objective of this study was to identify and analyze, from a sports team tactics teaching approaches of invasion, the demonstrations by students, the phases of handball and soccer games, as well as the elements/dynamic structural, functional and operational in the same school environment. Given this objective, qualitative research, specifically, collaborative action research, best meets investigation is this scenario, since classroom teacher and students also participated in the content construction and strategies undertaken during the intervention. The study enrolled 28 students in the fifth grade, aging 10 to 11 years, in a Bauru/SP public school, physical education teacher and the researcher. Were planned and taught together, 14 classes over a semester with the handball and futsal content, guided for teaching tactics approaches. The data collections were made through systematic lessons observation (through filming and recording diary), interviews with students and descriptive reports made by the classroom teacher and researcher. The results indicate that there was an improvement in the phases of soccer and handball game, even though only the latter has changed its category phase to decentralized anarchic phase. Several students showed in the situational interviews, a more elaborate game understanding than the one identified in the game demonstration. In the analysis of relationship levels..
As the ludic taking the second place at school environment, on account of logical and rational activities and the excessive charge of a professional achievement of children by society and, also, the own family, the school doesn't become a pleasant ambient of frequenting. This study wants to understand, in a better way, the utilization of ludic activities as a pedagogic support into the learning and the development of the cognitive, emotional and creative potentiality of children in different education system (public and private) of Ibitinga-SP. It also investigates the docent attitude and practice during the ludic activities and its repercussion in the students' performances when introduced. The bibliographic researches present that the utilization of games, as a pedagogic resource, contributes to the learning process and to the human development of the students from the first cycle of the Elementary School. The School has to rescue the desire of learning, which is playing, the most natural way. The research's target audience are teachers from the Ciclo I of the elementary school and the focus is the utilization of the ludic into the different areas of teaching, considering the context that the schools are embedded. The reality observation, which enables a straight contact with the researcher and the study object, helped out with the issue comprehension. It was possible to identify that the utilization of ludic activities as a pedagogic strategy does not happen just because of knowledge absent, but also because of the submission to many goals imposed by the education system and/or by the didactic materials used, which don't have any worry to valorize the period of develop that the students are living, filtering out some characteristics from the phase that contributed to the learning. The responsibility to create a new signification to their social function is from the education system and the school that works with it. To the...
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Adolescents with a course of life based on the lack of ethical and moral values are more vulnerable to the practice of infractions, and in this case the statute of the child and adolescent assumes their insertion on socio educative measures. The objective of this research is to identify the moral development phase in adolescents who are in confl ict with the law. Thirty male adolescents between fi fteen and eighteen years old, who are inserted on the socio educative care Center, were studied. Data were collected through futsal game observation, without the presence of a referee and structured interview, according to the general lines of the Clinical Method of PIAGET (1994). The arrangement of the collected data confi rmed our hypothesis – these adolescents are still with the characteristics of a heteronomical moral, confi rmed by the differences between conscience and the practice of rules in a game situation. Although they know the rules, these are only respected in order to get some benefi ts, like not charging foul, deceive the opponent or simply win the match. It is presumed that the rules would only be respected in the presence of an authority (referee), because he would impose punishments and privations. However, it is believed that the results of this study may become a parameter to educators in order to create favorable situations which can be preventive and interventive to the socio moral development, minimizing suffering and seizing opportunities to the formation of citizens with higher ethical and moral standards, who are able to choose the way to the solidarity, cooperation and justice.
This article is a reflection on the clothes used as a ideology vehicle, fashion used by groups, tribes, and available to all those who do not belong to those. Since stylists and designers began to get inspirations "on the street", leaving aside the arrogance and restrictions imposed by the major international trends, it’s visible they have been more open to non-Western cultures and cultures from past and present. This generates consumers seeking for more than clothes: they identify and perform a read of author’s (stylist) interpretations, choosing the "ideas" they will wear.
The aim of study was to verify what tactical behaviors differ winner from loser teams in small sized games in youth soccer players. The tactical performance of winners and losers teams was compared through of System of Tactical Assessment in Soccer (FUT-SAT). Three thousand eight hundred and eight tactical actions were carried out by seventy-two youth soccer players from the under-11 (n=12), under-13 (n=12), under-15 (n=30) and under-17 (n=18) categories of Portuguese teams. Twenty four teams were composed to analyze, each team carried out one match (12 match analyzed). Each team was composed by three line players with goalkeeper which was not analyzed in test. The statistical analysis was performed thought the SPSS 17.0 software for Windows. A descriptive analyze and the KolmogorovSmirnov, Chi-square, Mann-Whitney U and T-Test tests to the independent samples was carried out, and the Cohen’s Kappa test to determining of the sample reability. Considering 76 variables analyzed, 12 presented significant differences among players of winners and loses teams. The players of the winner teams presented superiority in Macro-Category Action, in the Defensive tactical principles, Equilibrium and Defensive Unity. In the category Local of action in the Field, the winner teams presented superiority in the number of defensive actions performed in the defensive midfielder. In the category Result of the action, the variables Keep without the ball, Retrieving the ball possession and Shots on goal the winner teams presented higher results, while in variables Losing the ball possession and Suffering shot on goal the loser teams presented higher results. In the Performance Macro-Category, the superiority of the winners was showed by better Tactical Performance Index (TPI) in the Penetration principles, Offensive Unity, and in the Offensive phase of the game. The results demonstrated that the winner players presented superiority in both stages of the game.
Como é conhecido pela maioria, infelizmente, o ensino de matemática vem enfrentando muitas dificuldades. Cerca o ensino dessa disciplina mitos, preconceitos, que fazem com que o estudante, muitas vezes, já chegue à escola com medo das aulas de matemática. Por outro lado, ainda perdura em muitas escolas um ensino focado na reprodução e não na construção do conhecimento, apesar de alguns professores buscarem alternativas para tornarem as aulas mais atrativas, priorizando atividades interessantes e motivadoras. O famoso livro didático e os caderninhos de apoio enviados pela secretaria do estado da educação ainda continuam sendo os principais recursos disponíveis na sala de aula. Os exercícios e listas, muitas vezes considerados intermináveis, buscam sem sucesso fixar um conhecimento que muitas vezes não foram se quer apropriado pelos alunos. Diante do exposto faz-se necessário pensar em transformações no ensino de matemática que ultrapassem a simples reprodução de exercícios e permitam tanto para o professor, quanto para o aluno um ensino mais atraente e desafiador e principalmente repleto de significados. Dessa forma, este estudo tem como objetivo mostrar ao aluno, a partir dos jogos matemáticos, a diversão e, também, a superação, possibilitando a construção de aprendizagens significativas.
To Freud the group of the psychic activity has for purpose the search of pleasure and escape to the displeasure, and of that drift that the aspects associated to memories of unpleasant experiences have for tendency the removal of level of conscience. The unconscious repeats in subject, in way of being and through where he sees the world. That repetition also shows in practice of game. This study leaned on in analysis of Freudian work to play. Because, independent of sphere in that it is acting, the activity of the game is accomplished, predominantly, under an atmosphere predominantly pleased. The game can propitiate situation so that it happens the sublimation of drive forces, making possible occurrence, in an acceptable way socially, contributing to accomplishment of satisfaction. Like this, this study had as objective contemplates, starting from the reading of passages of Freudian work, on desire and the pleasure to play. For the elaboration of that text pertinent bibliographical revision was accomplished to the game, in relationship with psychoanalysis starting from Freud and other authors.
A proposta deste trabalho é criar um Jogo de Tabuleiro Empresarial voltado para a capacitação de profissionais de micro e pequenas empresas em comunicação, juntamente com a aluna de Design da Unesp - Bauru, Tatiana Kurokawa Hasimoto. Observando o poder dessa ferramenta em outras áreas do conhecimento (como administração e empreendedorismo) exploramos o potencial da área de comunicação para a criação de um Jogo de Tabuleiro Empresarial, voltado para a capacitação e seleção. O trabalho tem como base um mapeamento de microempresas da cidade de Bauru, realizado pelo Núcleo de Opinião da UNESP, coordenado pela Profª Drª Célia Maria Retz Godoy dos Santos, onde foi possível perceber a falta de conhecimento sobre a área de comunicação por essas empresas. O objetivo é mostrar a importância da comunicação e principalmente como o profissional de Relações Públicas pode atuar nessas empresas
Sabe-se que o atletismo vem sendo pouco ensinado nas aulas de Educação Física das escolas brasileiras, dadas justificativas tais como: falta de materiais e de espaço, falta de interesse dos alunos ou o fato do professor não saber como ensiná-lo. Pensando em formas para motivar o ensino do atletismo na escola, verificamos a possibilidade de utilização de videogames, já que, desde os mais antigos, o atletismo tem aparecido com uma das modalidades esportivas que podem ser jogadas virtualmente. Nesse sentido, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi identificar os jogos de videogames relacionados ao atletismo, analisando, em um deles, isto é, no Kinect Sports (Xbox 360), as proximidades e distanciamentos em relação à modalidade esportiva oficial, a fim de se verificar suas possibilidades pedagógicas. A análise deste videogame revelou que este possui características que podem ajudar o professor no ensino do atletismo, já que aborda algumas de suas regras e movimentos específicos, particularmente, da corrida de velocidade, lançamento do dardo, salto em distância, lançamento do disco e corrida com barreiras. Entretanto, o videogame apresenta fragilidades em relação as características antes apontadas, as quais merecem ser realçadas pelo professor de Educação Física em suas aulas. Conclui-se, portanto, que são várias as possibilidades pedagógicas deste jogo de videogame para o ensino do atletismo em aulas de Educação Física, desde que haja uma apropriação devida por parte do professor
This work's aim was to verify the contributions of educational games usage as a teaching resource in alphabetization and literacy process during elementary school initial years. For this, there was a bibliographical survey on the topic, identifying Brazilian publishing on articles, dissertations and theses over the last ten years and what were the possibilities to use this feature of offering a more meaningful and playful learning to students, ensuring their learning processes. The results indicate that, although there are several themes that address the game and learning, there is little published concerning game and literacy. Overall, it is possible to affirm that games are features that enable the learning of reading and writing in early literacy process. Therefore, it is reiterated that games constitute resources that enable learning in the early literacy process and constitutes in a different activity, which mobilizes the child in a playful dimension to learning