103 resultados para Infrações administrativas


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The paper aims to describe the steps undertaken in the development of a training program to prepare the physical education teacher to meet the demand of inclusion of students with disabilities. Seventeen physical education teachers who worked in public schools, from 1st to 5th grade, participated in the first step. The Data were collected through focus group. The analysis was performed in categories. Two teachers participated in Stage 2, which consists of 28 classes that there was a student with disabilities enrolled. The reports focus group identified eight different subcategories of difficulties: 1 ) Training , 2) Administrative-school issue ; 3 ) Student ; 4 ) Diagnosis ; 5 ) Family ; 6 ) Teaching resource ; 7 ) Strategies ; 8 ) Physical Education. The filming analysis enabled to identify difficulties and success situations of each teacher. The identification of the difficulties pointed out ways to prepare Physical Education teachers, and based on such difficulties actionsand contents that include a training program may be stipulated.


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Applicability of management theories to developing organizationations and structured process for managing change and create an environment for innovation and adaptation. The study skills resources focus described information science area and your essencial function building a knowledge society. The work process administration involves organizational environment. When working to resolve conflict, it is important to solve parties in personal conflict for success of the organization. For theory of human relations, informal groups influence in the archive workplace. Thus the aim of this paper is to proposed analyse the influence human relations theory for the process archive management. That methodology will follow the recommendation archive university case study. The data analysis for the current case study follows focus group. The conduct the case study was guided by three phases: Motivational elements, the individual and influence behavior, integration of the formal and informal organization. Employees May Be the Key to Success for O rganizations and develop the conclusions and recommendations portray motivation and a good working environment stood out the factors that employees develop skills and competencies. Organizational behavior that is present in forms of rewards, recognition, social man and informal groups. The nature of research contribute to the process archive management. Development and suggested that the findings of the analysis are applied to a larger structure of archive organization, as well as public archive case study.


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Analyze possible relationships between the bankruptcy and the family structure of informal micro-enterprises in Fortaleza city, Brazil. The analysis began with a research among micro-entrepreneurs who were beneficiaries of PROFITEC loans in bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy situation in 1997-1999 period. Evaluate whether the overlap of family and professional relationship inside the organizational structure of those micro-enterprises is a factor leading to bankruptcy. The comparative analysis divides the micro-enterprises into two groups: one that which had complied with the loan obligations (abiding firms) and another which had not (non-abiding firms). The analysis pointed out the familiar structure as having positive and negative influences over organizational work in both groups. The research also realized that those groups of family informal micro-enterprises do not recognize the professional problems related to the family, giving room for managerial conflicts related to the compliance, work time and use of profit. We cannot say that family structure of the informal microenterprises is the decisive cause for non-abidance, since there are also family firms which have the same disadvantages of both groups, but are complying with their obligations. The personal relationships in the informal family firms, however, define good practices and behaviors that definitely affect their operations.


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This article examines some aspects of the organization of multigrade schooling, taking as reference the state of Sergipe. It describes the profile, the conceptions and pedagogical practices of teachers working in multigrade classes in public schools. The data presented result from a statistical analysis of information collected by Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixiera (Inep) and from researches realized with public school teachers of Sergipe. The research has shown that the organization of multigrade schooling has different patterns and its central premise is the junction of years/grades, disregarding the age factor and inhibiting a possible pedagogical intervention, which considers the diversity of subjects and their lifetime. Therefore, it is necessary that teachers have a closer look at subjects of education in rural areas and build an educational intervention that goes beyond administrative aspects of formation of classes. The analysis of conceptions and practices of the teachers working in multigrade classes showed that the teaching work is obstructed by external determinations and by administrative barriers, inhibiting new reflections and practices that break up with the traditional logic of grades, permeated of excluding elements. The article aims to contribute to the dissemination of reflections and policies in the area of country education, especially for schools organized by multigrade schooling.


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Pós-graduação em Matematica Aplicada e Computacional - FCT


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In managing an Inpatient unit, nurses face the need to make decisions involving agents in the institution’s internal and external environments, and all these measures are influential, regardless of how beneficial they may be. Hence, ethical issues constitute an important dimension of nursing management. This study aimed at identifying measures and/or interventions adopted by managing nurses at Inpatient Units in the Botucatu School of Medicine University Hospital - UNESP with the purpose to analyze professional ethics. The study involved nurses holding technicalsupervision positions in sectors related to the Nursing Division, comprising a total number of 20. The exploratory method was used by means of taped interviews with a qualitative approach based on the Collective Subject Discourse. Human resources deficit was observed as nurses’ major concern in relation to nursing care provision. The managers seek the nursing staff’s development by means of educational activities in their own unit at the same time that they adopt those offered by the hospital. When ethical violations occur, they resort to measures ranging from individual strategies for violators’ orientation to legal intervention. The resolution of ethical conflicts by nursing managers generally occurs in a gradual fashion by taking into account their compromising level, whether in relation to the patient or to the multiprofessional team. Educational activities are focused on the development of technical skills aiming at preventing physical damage to patients although educational activities targeted at the development of professionals’ ethical awareness were not mentioned


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This study aims to examine rural development in the State of São Paulo, comparing the administrative regions of Campinas, Registro, and São Jose dos Campos. In addition, it will be studied new concepts and new actors in rural Brazil together with actions and changes in the European Union regarding the rural development, as well as structural and social changes of the old dichotomy CITY – COUNTRYSIDE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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The government of a megalopolis, such as São Paulo, shows singular challenges that do not exist in less complex urban contexts. Being a city of a country with a recent industrialized economy, with an income (functional and geographical) highly concentrated, that has resumed the democracy for only one quarter of a century, this megacity lives with its own political and organizational assignments, due to the contradictory character of the political behavior of its habitants/ voters and of the traditionalist nature of populism and patronage in the relationship between the rulers and the ruled and between the Executive and Legislative powers at the local level. In such context, the difficulties to prosecute the assignments of the metropolitan organization, the decentralization and the institutionalization of citizen participatory channels in the governance and administrative activities are huge. The centrifuge forces (of the decentralization of the local government, through subprefectures), the centripetal forces ( of the metropolitan organization process) and the diffuse forces (of the claiming popular participation) act simultaneously over the deciding processes, in São Paulo, receiving, still, state and national political influences, since the city is a very significant historically producer of political and electoral capital. The analysis of the recent experience of the creation of the subprefectures and the representative counsels (fixed in the Municipality Organic Law of 1990) and the attempt to implement the participatory budgeting, in two occasions (1989-1992 and 2001-2004), reveal some of the social and political reasons that make difficult the establishment of a solidly democratic governance and of a more efficient public administration in the metropolitan area of São Paulo.


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This paper analyzes the opinions of legislators members of parliamentaries elites of Legislative Assemblies of the States of São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina on democracy. The opinions of legislators paulistas were collected using a questionnaire selfadministered and structured, while the opinions of legislators paranaenses and catarinenses were collected with the surveys “As elites administrativas, parlamentares e partidárias do Paraná, 1995-2006” and “Elites políticas e a democracia: os valores políticos dos parlamentares catarinenses da 16º Legislatura, 2007”. The results were: i) democracy is stable, ii) it is superior to any other type of regime, iii) is supported by some social policies and the use of voting and iv) democracy has support of various ideological currents.


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Dental software allow for a practical management of clinical and administrative tasks of the dental office. The aim of this study was to correlate different software (ProDent, Is-Odonto, ExDental, DentalPro, Dental Office, Dental Clinic, Dentalis, EasyDental), through research in specialized sites on the internet, enumerating their advantages and disadvantages. Due to the variety of software in the market, the dentist should be aware of some aspects such as: friendliness of use, presence of a calendar base and administrative controls, storage of treatments and images, broader coverage of the dentist competency, direct contact with software developers, and the pertinent ethical issues.