89 resultados para Indústria brasileira


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Recentemente, alguns países fora da tríade têm assumido importante papel no cenário farmacêutico, como grandes produtores, entre eles destacam-se Índia e Brasil. O presente trabalho buscou avaliar a trajetória de desenvolvimento dos dois países, mostrando como as trajetórias são diferentes, e como essa diferença culminou na maior capacitação da indústria indiana, em relação a brasileira, embora quarenta anos atrás elas fossem extremamente semelhantes


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A indústria de transformação é considerada de suma importância para o desenvolvimento do país tanto em termos econômicos como sociais, visto que é responsável por encadeamentos produtivos e efeitos multiplicadores no emprego e na renda do país. Entre os anos de 2000 e 2011 ainda que haja indícios de desindustrialização da economia brasileira, devido à queda da participação do valor adicionado da indústria de transformação no Produto Interno Bruto e à deterioração da indústria de transformação frente ao comércio exterior, no que concerne ao emprego, em termos absolutos e relativos, não há suspeitas de que esteja em curso no Brasil um processo de desindustrialização. Paralelamente, ressalta-se que embora se façam presentes sintomas da chamada “doença holandesa” no Brasil, ou seja, balança comercial superavitária em commodities acompanhada de déficits da indústria de transformação e de taxa de câmbio valorizada; o Brasil não parece sofrer da “doença”


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The continuous advance of the Brazilian economy and increased competition in the heavy equipment market, increasingly point to the need for accurate sales forecasting processes, which allow an optimized strategic planning and therefore better overall results. In this manner, we found that the sales forecasting process deserves to be studied and understood, since it has a key role in corporate strategic planning. Accurate forecasting methods enable direction of companies to circumvent the management difficulties and the variations of finished goods inventory, which make companies more competitive. By analyzing the stages of the sales forecasting it was possible to observe that this process is methodical, bureaucratic and demands a lot of training for their managers and professionals. In this paper we applied the modeling method and the selecting process which has been done for Armstrong to select the most appropriate technique for two products of a heavy equipment industry and it has been through this method that the triple exponential smoothing technique has been chosen for both products. The results obtained by prediction with the triple exponential smoothing technique were better than forecasts prepared by the industry experts


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The main idea of this paper is to outline a brief overview about the fashion world from its evolution in the world and in Brazil, including also its growth in the Brazilian economy. From this point, the paper aims to show the relevance of the Public Relations professionals in the fashion market, which needs, more than anything of professionals who are capable and specialized in the relationship between the company and its target market, and in the service for customers who are more and more demanding when talking about quality of customer services


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The use of electricity for obtaining light has been quite an issue currently discussed, either through new technologies that are emerging, the quest for greater efficiency, reduced waste and rational use. This work comprises a lighting design applied to a metallurgical based Brazilian Standard 5413 which mentions levels of luminance for interior and, in the case of this work, for a sandblasting booth. Ways to improve the workplace and luminosity presented before the project and also after its implementation are discussed. Technologies are chosen guided by technical calculations according to the illuminance values they want to reach for the environment studied. All pertinent design features are critically analyzed and discussed, and at the end proposals are presented, relating to each other in a comparative framework, so the best solution is applied in a practical way in the enclosure. Results are also presented concerning the maintenance of a bank of capacitors to correct the power factor for the metals studied company


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The cassava wastewater, generated during the cassava processing, is a pollutant and toxic waste. This study compared the efficiency of the cassava wastewater treatment in three batch aerobic systems with a ru1nning time of 24 hours, and aeration stoppage of 12h with 2,500, 6,000 and 10,000 mg COD L-1 . The systems were evaluated for COD, pH, SVI and F/M. The results showed that the reactor with aeration stoppage for 12 hours, with 2,500 mg COD L-1 , presented the best reduction in a process with considerable energy consumption saving compared to traditional continuous systems.


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Este estudo analisa o desenvolvimento do processo de integração vertical na indústria petroquímica brasileira a partir da década de 90, focando nos determinantes para este movimento e confrontando com o mesmo processo adotado em grandes empresas mundiais da indústria


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After years of stagnation, the naval construction industry in Brazil has been experiencing a period of recovery caused by investments in the oil and gas sector and the implementation of governmental programs that aimed to regenerate it. However, efforts in learning and innovations are needed in order to reinsert the country in this activity and achieve international levels of competitiveness. Based on literature about learning processes and continuous improvement practices and their impact in the innovative and productive processes, this paper aims to identify the main tendencies, mechanisms and procedures to improve the construction and management processes in the Brazilian naval construction industry. The methodology used for the data analysis classifies obtained information from magazines and annals of congresses of the sector, according to the established analysis categories (phenomena). Such categories study information related to the productive and technological processes of the industry, the main internal and external relations of the industrial park, the management of resources and processes, policies, investments, etc. The data was collected in the period 2004-2010, and more than 500 registers that show a dominance of the investment phenomenon, especially in the increase of productive capacity, were catalogued. In addition to this, there is evidence of modernization in the manufacturing plan and the equipment, diverse forms of cooperation, implementation of human resources management practices and engineering or processes and products. Hence, a process of catching up governs and is guided by modernization and increase training in this industry.


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O presente trabalho busca trazer um olhar mais humano para a formação de jovens jogadores de futebol. A carreira é uma das mais almejadas pelas crianças em um país onde a educação primária ainda é deficitária. Soma-se isso à cultura enraizada na parte massiva da população de que estudar não é substancial. Deslumbrados pela fama e a importância dos jogadores profissionais, evidenciadas pela mídia esportiva e presentes na sociedade brasileira, estes garotos passam a buscar o mesmo para si, sem saber dos riscos e dificuldades que a carreira pode oferecer. Muitos deles esquecem-se da vida escolar e, caso não tenham sucesso na carreira profissional futebolística - o que acontece com a maioria, correm sérios riscos de ficarem marginalizados perante a sociedade. Este trabalho busca mostrar a visão de jovens que já estiveram envolvidos no universo das categorias de base do futebol e não prosseguiram no esporte, mas souberam priorizar os estudos e ter uma profissão alternativa. Mostra também depoimentos de profissionais que lidam com jovens que ainda alimentam esse sonho. Por último, traz notícias em geral do mundo do futebol de base


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study has as main objective to identify the complains occurrences about pain in the spine segments, that are related to work standing posture, adopted by the collaborators in the production section of a food industry, in the city of Marília São Paulo state. A descriptive research and studying case was made, using 30 employees as a sample. It was used as methodological procedure, a questionnaire to obtain information on professional and personal data, posture to remain standing, the most uncomfortable postures in the work environment (signed by the form of Ranney, 2000) and pain (pointed out by Corllet and Manenica Diagram, 1980). It was also used the Nordic questionnaire (Kuorioka et al.,1986), validated in the Brazilian culture by Barros e Alexandre (2003) and adapted for the study, the direct evaluation and, a direct observation was made in the production work, a posture analysis using the OWAS Method. It was noticed that the posture of standing up is adopted during work, and 73.3% of the people that was interviewed said that they felt tired in consequence of this posture, especially when associated with trunk twists, trunk inclination and elevation of their arms above their heads. Most complains regarding pain through their bodies, by Corllet e Manenica (1980) pointed to the lumbar region, followed in the dorsal area and legs and in the neck area, shoulders and right thigh. The adapted Nordic questionnaire reveled the lumbar area, in 10 interviewed people (33.3%) as the area mostaffected by musculoskeletal symptoms, next in the dorsal area, with five people interviewed (16.7%) and one of them (3.3%) felt pain in the cervical area, none reported pain in the hips area. The postural analysis was applied using OWAS method, and it was identified the postures that demanded more effort in the four levels of musculoskeletal injuries. As conclusion, the standing up posture and the asymmetric and incorrect movements are related to pain in the spine, mostly in the lumbar area.


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In the last decade, Brazilian meat export rates for Muslim religious countries have increased, and also has the immigration of Africans workers able to perform the slaughter following the precepts of Islam - religion that has expanded in the world, and thus, has the halal food segment. Halal, the Islamic ideology, means lawful, authorized by God: are those products that Allah in the Holy Qur'an releases for human consumption. To get halal certification some measures during slaughter/processing food should be taken. In the case of the slaughterhouses the animal must be slaughtered by a Muslim. Consequently, the demand for this skilled labor makes many African-Muslims get jobs in factories owned by BRF Foods, JBS and Marfrig; refugees and with their citizenship rights committed, these individuals live in a socio-political state of exception and overexploitation. In this study we intend to discuss the object of study Islamist workforce in Brazilian halal meat industry using the theoretical reflections of Giorgio Agamben (Homo Sacer in 2002, and State of Exception, 2004) and David Harvey (The Condition of Postmodernity, 2008, and The New Imperialism, 2004) to address the situation of immigrants in the meat business in Brazil, specially those on the halal certification segment, whose working and living conditions were described from academic studies and primary sources (articles in newspapers / magazines, websites, immigration official data). In addition we use the works of Rogério Heasbaert (O mito da desterritorialização, 2007) and Robert Kurz (Os paradoxos dos direitos humanos: inclusão e exclusão na modernidade, 2003) to discuss human mobility in this new century


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Dada a atual importância ambiental e econômico-política da Amazônia, busca-se analisar e compreender a totalidade da Zona Franca de Manaus (ZFM) em relação à Amazônia Ocidental, à Amazônia Brasileira, ao Brasil, aos outros países amazônicos e à Comunidade Internacional, sob os âmbitos histórico-econômico, ambiental, político e social. A escolha da Zona Franca de Manaus como recorte se deve à forma pontual com que este projeto geopolítico se desenvolveu gerando um pólo industrial regional/nacional/internacional e, simultaneamente, evitando a exploração e devastação da floresta amazônica ocidental. A escolha do período de 2002 a 2014 se dá em função da necessidade de um maior aprofundamento de análise somada ao fato de que a República Federativa do Brasil se encontra - neste período - sob a mesma linha diretiva política, evidenciando assim a necessidade de pesquisar o que tem sido feito na ZFM pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) nos governos de Luís Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010) e Dilma Roussef (2011-2018). Os dados têm mostrado que a ZFM busca estar em consonância com o Governo Federal à medida que esta tem investido em instituições locais de ciência, tecnologia e inovação (como por exemplo o Centro de Biotecnologia da Amazônia - CBA), buscando internacionalizar a indústria local, assim como interiorizar o desenvolvimento para a região