86 resultados para História Comparada
The salivary system of the Hymenoptera consists of the mandible, hypopharynx and thoracic salivary glands. It is very important because it is related to various aspects of the life of the insects, such as pheromone production, feeding the young, food digestion and nest building. Adult Polistes versicolor (Olivier) individuals were dissected, the thoracic salivary glands removed and processed for scanning electronic microscopy and histological examination. The P. versicolor thoracic salivary gland presents alveolar secretory units, consists of pseudoacines and does not have a reservoir. Four types of cells are present in the gland. The T1 and T2 cells make up the pseudoacines and differ mainly by the many secretory vessels in T2. There is a cluster of T3 cells at the base of the gland duct collectors, also with secretory characteristics. The secretion produced in the pseudoacines is conducted by canals and ducts to the outside, and the latter are made of T4 cells. The comparison of these characteristics with those of different Hymenoptera species, already studied, showed that the thoracic salivary gland cannot be used as a single comparison factor in evolutionary studies.
Due to its great incidence in Brazil, malaria is one of the most important transmissible disease studied in the papers that deal with public health today. Although it is present in the Brazilian history since the colonial period, it has hardly been studied from its historic perspective. The present article intends to give a general view of the disease in Brazil, specially in the state of São Paulo. The research is based on historic papers of health and epidemies not only in Brazil but also in the world, found in the legislative documentation of São Paulo. Until 1930, malaria had spread through the country and the health authorities took no care in stablishing especific campaigns to face the disease. This negligence was mostly due to the fact that the mortality rate of malaria was lesser than variola, yellow fever or the many other endemic or epidemic diseases. Eradication seemed to be close to an end but the social and economic transformations after the 70's brought the disease in a proportion ten times worse.
Hearing loss and tinnitus impact the lives of workers in every instance of their lives. Aim: this paper aims to investigate the existence of a dose-response relationship between hearing loss and tinnitus by determining whether higher levels of hearing loss can be associated with increased tinnitus-related discomfort. Materials and method: this cross-sectional case study assessed 284 workers exposed to occupational noise through pure tone audiometry. Test results were categorized as defined by Merluzzi. Individuals complaining of tinnitus answered the adapted and validated Brazilian Portuguese version of the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory. A generalized linear model was adjusted for binomial data to test the interaction between these factors. Results: over 60% of the ears analyzed had hearing loss, while more than 46% of them had tinnitus. Tinnitus prevalence and risk rates increased as pure tone audiometry results got worse. The association between both, considering all hearing loss degrees, was statistically significant. Conclusion: the results point to a statistical association between hearing loss and tinnitus; the greater the hearing loss, the greater the discomfort introduced by tinnitus. 2009 © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia.
The history of concepts, albeit still little explored by information science, can provide important contributions for the study of key concepts that constitute the theoretical-conceptual framework in a scientifi c context. Thus, the history of concepts is presented as a tool for the study of diachronic and synchronic features of the scientific concept in Information Science. For such, it was imperative to understand the intersection of the categorical-abstract and analytical-causal dimensions, both relevant for constituting the very proposition of the history of concepts elaborated by Reinhart Koselleck.
Since the 1990s, research into indigenous history has grown both quantitatively and qualitatively in Brazilian academia. Nevertheless the concepts of ethnohistory and indigenous history have been frequently used imprecisely. This article discusses the concept of ethnohistory and its development. Also, it discusses the interdisciplinary character of research into indigenous history and its social relevance. Questions are also raised about the training of human resources for teaching, the research into indigenous history, the teaching of it in the context of basic education and the professional ethics of the researcher.
A comparative evaluation was made of the use of natural language versus two specialized indexing languages, aiming to demonstrate the influence of the availability of indexing languages on the functioning of information retrieval systems. The study was conducted within the ambit of the construction of search strategies by subject in online university library catalogs. The precision ratio was calculated to determine the accuracy of each indexing language in subjectbased information retrieval. From the comparative evaluation of the use of indexing languages, it was concluded that the term specificity required by the user during retrieval was more satisfactory when the query was made through controlled languages, whose availability and simplicity is also an indispensable requisite.
This paper proposes a discussion on the need to prepare a history of development through effective approaches and methods of its own history. The objective is to show how, until now, historians have not produced a history of development in light of the discussions and disputes related to the structuring of history as a field of knowledge. To this end, it was demonstrated how history can help to identify the borders of history that allowed the consecration of a limited development model and tied only to criteria of economic performance.
In this article we tried to show the paths outlined during the past years by the Research Group on History of Mathematics and/or its relations with Mathematics Education (GPHM) at UNESP in Rio Claro - Brazil, as well as the contributions we believe we have made to Mathematics Education. The group's production has focused on issues that address the history of institutions and characters, linked to the history of disciplines, concepts and learning materials. Also, in broader terms of mathematics education, this article presents results from research that supports the understanding of teachers' conceptions about the use of History of Mathematics in the classroom; material on the history of mathematics accessible to the teacher; the presence of the history of mathematics in textbooks; proposed introductions of real numbers; and the subject of Analysis in teacher education and training.
In this paper we intend to sketch a configuration of the research practices of the Research Group Oral History and Mathematics Education (GHOEM) and, in general terms, to explain some concepts and procedures in which these practices are founded. In order to do this, the expression Regimes of Historicity - meaning the different ways of articulating the notions of present, past and future - is initially mobilized. By this expression we are able to understand the emergence of the discourse that underpins a set of actions and theoretical frameworks for the research in Mathematics Education and more particularly, for the Historiography of Mathematics Education.