92 resultados para Head neck
The 5-year survival rate for oral cavity cancer is poorer than for breast, colon or prostate cancer, and has improved only slightly in the last three decades. Hence, new therapeutic strategies are urgently needed. Here we demonstrate by tissue micro array analysis for the first time that RNA-binding protein La is significantly overexpressed in oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Within this study we therefore addressed the question whether siRNA-mediated depletion of the La protein may interfere with known tumor-promoting characteristics of head and neck SCC cells. Our studies demonstrate that the La protein promotes cell proliferation, migration and invasion of lymph node-metastasized hypopharyngeal SCC cells. We also reveal that La is required for the expression of beta-catenin as well as matrix metalloproteinase type 2 (MMP-2) within these cells. Taken together these data suggest a so far unknown function of the RNA-binding protein La in promoting tumor progression of head and neck SCC.
Background: Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) is an inducible endogenous negative regulator of signal transduction and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3). Epigenetic silencing of SOCS3 has been shown in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), which is associated with increased activation of STAT3. There is scarce information on the functional role of the reduction of SOCS3 expression and no information on altered subcellular localization of SOCS3 in HNSCC.Methodology/Principal Findings: We assessed endogenous SOCS3 expression in different HNSCC cell lines by RT-qPCR and western blot. Immunofluorescence and western blot were used to study the subcellular localization of endogenous SOCS3 induced by IL-6. Overexpression of SOCS3 by CMV-driven plasmids and siRNA-mediated inhibition of endogenous SOCS3 were used to verify the role of SOCS3 on tumor cell proliferation, viability, invasion and migration in vitro. In vivo relevance of SOCS3 expression in HNSCC was studied by quantitative immunohistochemistry of commercially-available tissue microarrays. Endogenous expression of SOCS3 was heterogeneous in four HNSCC cell lines and surprisingly preserved in most of these cell lines. Subcellular localization of endogenous SOCS3 in the HNSCC cell lines was predominantly nuclear as opposed to cytoplasmic in non-neoplasic epithelial cells. Overexpression of SOCS3 produced a relative increase of the protein in the cytoplasmic compartment and significantly inhibited proliferation, migration and invasion, whereas inhibition of endogenous nuclear SOCS3 did not affect these events. Analysis of tissue microarrays indicated that loss of SOCS3 is an early event in HNSCC and was correlated with tumor size and histological grade of dysplasia, but a considerable proportion of cases presented detectable expression of SOCS3.Conclusion: Our data support a role for SOCS3 as a tumor suppressor gene in HNSCC with relevance on proliferation and invasion processes and suggests that abnormal subcellular localization impairs SOCS3 function in HNSCC cells.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Identificar as queixas dolorosas dos pacientes é essencial para determinar diagnósticos e intervenções terapêuticas adequadas em dor orofacial (DOF). Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a frequência das queixas de dor relatadas comparando-as àquelas marcadas pelos pacientes em mapas de dor. MÉTODO: Os dados foram coletados dos prontuários de 532 pacientes da Clínica de Dor Orofacial da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara. Os indivíduos responderam a um questionário informando suas queixas de dor e completaram um mapa corporal indicando as áreas dolorosas. A frequência dos relatos foi comparada à frequência dos locais identificados nos mapas. Foram consideradas nove regiões anatômicas: cabeça, face, pescoço, ombros, braços, tórax, abdômen, costas e pernas. Também foram calculados sensibilidade, especificidade e valores kappa comparando os relatos de dor aos mapas, os últimos considerados padrão-ouro. RESULTADOS: A média etária da amostra foi de 33,5 ± 13,8 anos, 33,9 ± 13,9 anos para as mulheres e 31,7 ± 13,1 anos para os homens. Foi observada maior prevalência de dor entre as mulheres. em ambos os gêneros, as regiões com mais queixas de dor estavam localizadas na parte superior do corpo e uma diferença significativa entre os relatos de dor e os desenhos de dor foi observada para as regiões abaixo do pescoço. Os mapas de dor corporal demonstraram superioridade sobre os relatos de dor na identificação das queixas dolorosas durante a anamnese. CONCLUSÃO: O relato da queixa principal não foi um método eficiente para conhecer todas as queixas dolorosas, pois os mapas corporais evidenciaram a presença de dores adicionais em pacientes com DOF.
Background Head lice constitute a problem in children. Each year, numerous cases of pediculosis occur worldwide. Little work has been performed to evaluate the understanding, opinions, and actions of populations regarding head lice. These areas are important as they enable clinicians and educators to alert parents on how to avoid treatments that are innocuous or of high risk to patients.Methods A cross-sectional study was performed by interviewing the heads of households of 100 randomly chosen residences within the study area.Results The results obtained showed that 13% were infested during the first week of the survey, and 86% in the 24 weeks prior to the study. The number of positive cases increased with increasing resident number, and decreased in families with parents with a higher educational level. Itching was the principal clinical manifestation and caused sleep compromise in 65% of respondents. Innocuous and unhealthy practices to combat infestation, such as the use of inflammables and home insecticides, were common.Conclusion The results showed that certain beliefs generated worry and confusion in parents, who blamed head lice as the cause of various health problems which were not due to this insect.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV), a causative agent of uterine cervical cancer, has also been detected in head and neck squamous cell cancers, especially in squamous cell carcinomas of the tonsils. However, the true HPV prevalence in normal and neoplasic oropharyngeal mucosa remains uncertain. To determine the prevalence of HPV DNA in normal oropharyngeal mucosa of cancer-free individuals, a study was carried out on 50 Brazilian subjects. PCR was performed to identify HPV DNA in samples from four sites in the oropharynx (tonsils, soft palate, base of the tongue, and back wall of the pharynx). For amplification of the HPV DNA, MY09/11 consensus primerswere used, and specific genotypes were identified by dot-blot hybridization or cloning and sequencing. HPV DNA was present in 14.0% of the individuals, and the identified genotypes were 16, 18, 52, and 61. All these types are considered high-risk (HR) HPV. The tonsils and the soft palate were the sites with the highest HPV prevalence. This study shows the prevalence of HR HPV in the oropharynx of normal individuals. However, the prevalence of HPV is still unclear, and if HPV infection in a healthy it is not known individual predisposes to HPV-associated disease such as oropharyngeal cancer. Thus, it is important to assess the prevalence of HPV in cancer-free individuals, in order to compare it with the HPV prevalence in oropharyngeal carcinomas and to attempt to determine the true role of HPV in the development of head and neck squamous cell cancers. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Claudins (CLDNs) are a family of membrane proteins important for permeability of tight junctions. They have also been implicated in carcinogenesis and tumor progression. We analyzed patterns of distribution and intensity of expression of CLDNs 1, 3, 4, and 7 in mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) of salivary gland in 39 patients. Correlations between the expression of CLDNs, tumor grade, and survival were explored. In immunohistochemical analysis, high expression of CLDN 1 was seen in low-grade MEC, and it appeared to be a suitable auxiliary marker of good prognosis. It classified MEC similarly to histological grading in 89.7% of cases (p=0.001). High CLDN 3 expression was seen in intermediate-and high-grade MEC, while it was low in low-grade MEC. CLDN 3 intensity correctly categorized tumors into grades in 71.8% of cases (p=0.017). However, in multivariate analysis CLDN 1 and CLDN 3 did not achieve significance over tumor grade in predicting patient behavior. We conclude that analysis of staining intensities of CLDN 1 and 3 is useful as an auxiliary diagnostic and prognostic tool in patients with salivary gland MEC.
Head dipping (HD) is a behavioral pattern considered to have a risk assessment or an exploratory role and is used as a complementary parameter to evaluate anxiety in experimental animals. Since rats with electrolytic lesion in the area of the median raphe nucleus displayed high frequencies of HD in a previous study, the present investigation was undertaken to confirm this observation and to determine its anxiety-related origin. HD episodes were counted in adult male Wistar rats (270-350 g) with electrolytic lesion (N = 11) and sham-lesioned controls (N = 12). When HD was measured for 60 min on an elevated open platform, lesioned rats emitted 13 times more HD than controls (264.7 ± 93.3 vs 20.3 ± 7.6 episodes), with the difference being statistically significant (P < 0.05). HD counts during 10-min sessions held 7, 14, 21, 27, and 63 days after lesion showed significantly higher means (range: 28.14 ± 5.38 to 62.85 ± 9.48) compared to sham-lesioned controls (range: 7.37 ± 1.13 to 8.5 ± 1.45). Normal rats stepped down into their home cages when the vertical distance between them and the cage was short (16 cm), and the step-down latencies increased with increasing depths (36.7 ± 7.92 to 185.87 ± 35.44 s). Lesioned rats showed a similar behavior when facing the shortest depth, but had a significantly increased number (23.28 ± 2.35 episodes) and latency (300 ± 0.00 s) of HD compared to normal rats (9.25 ± 1.37 episodes and 185.87 ± 35.44 s) when facing the greatest depth (30 cm). This suggests that HD may be a depth-measuring behavior related to risk assessment.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A utilização das drogas agonistas dos alfa2-adrenoceptores para controlar a pressão arterial e freqüência cardíaca, propiciar menores respostas hemodinâmicas à intubação e extubação traqueal e poupar anestésicos já está difundida na literatura desde a introdução da clonidina. O desenvolvimento de agentes providos de maior seletividade alfa2-adrenoceptora que, por isso, determinam menos efeitos adversos, como a dexmedetomidina, recentemente liberada para utilização clínica, possibilitou que ocorressem maior sedação e analgesia com o seu uso. Despertou-se, então, o interesse em sua utilização como substitutos dos opióides, conhecidos por determinarem potente analgesia e sedação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a analgesia promovida pela dexmedetomidina e pelo sufentanil, utilizados em infusões contínuas durante anestesias de procedimentos otorrinolaringológicos e de cabeça e pescoço. MÉTODO: Os 60 pacientes estudados foram divididos em dois grupos de 30: G1, recebendo sufentanil e G2, dexmedeto- midina, na indução e manutenção anestésicas. Para a manutenção da anestesia utilizaram-se, também, o óxido nitroso e o propofol, em infusão contínua alvo-controlada. Foram avaliados os parâmetros hemodinâmicos (pressões arteriais sistólica e diastólica e freqüência cardíaca), tempos de despertar e de extubação após interrupção do propofol, locais onde foram extubados os pacientes, sala de operação (SO) ou sala de recuperação pós-anestésica (SRPA), tempo de permanência na SRPA, índice de Aldrete e Kroulik e as complicações apresentadas na SO e SRPA. RESULTADOS: G1 apresentou menores valores de pressões arteriais sistólica, diastólica e freqüência cardíaca, tempos de despertar e extubação maiores, maior número de extubações na SRPA, maior tempo de permanência na SRPA, valores mais baixos para Aldrete e Kroulik na alta da SRPA e mais complicações per e pós-operatórias. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização de dexmedetomidina como analgésico per-operatório apresentou melhores resultados que a de sufentanil, nos procedimentos selecionados neste trabalho, com relação à estabilidade hemodinâmica e às condições de despertar e de recuperação anestésica.
Objetivou-se avaliar os rendimentos dos cortes e dos não-componentes das carcaças de cordeiros Santa Inês puros e ½ Dorset ½ Santa Inês, alimentados com dietas contendo diferentes fontes de óleo vegetal (óleo de soja, óleo de canola e óleo de linhaça) e uma dieta controle (sem adição de óleo vegetal). Após o abate, foram coletados sangue, pele, aparelho gastrintestinal cheio (esôfago + estômagos + intestinos delgado e grosso com seus conteúdos), aparelho gastrintestinal vazio (esôfago + estômagos + intestinos delgado e grosso, previamente esvaziados e limpos), aparelho reprodutor + bexiga, baço, fígado, coração, aparelho respiratório, rins com gordura perirrenal, cabeça, patas e cauda, que foram pesados para determinação do rendimento em relação ao peso vivo ao abate. Após resfriamento por 24 horas em câmara fria, pesou-se a carcaça e, posteriormente, dividiu-se longitudinalmente, sendo a metade esquerda seccionada em sete regiões anatômicas: perna, lombo, paleta, costelas flutuantes, costelas verdadeiras, baixos e pescoço. O estudo dos não-componentes da carcaça destacou a representabilidade dos pesos da pele (8,74%) e do conteúdo gastrintestinal (10,65%) na determinação do rendimento. As porcentagens dos cortes não apresentaram diferenças (p>0,05) em relação às dietas e grupos genéticos estudados.