113 resultados para Gestão pública municipal
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Neste artigo, trarei a tona uma das discussões presentes na minha dissertação de mestrado A Discoteca Pública Municipal de São Paulo: um projeto modernista para a música nacional. Mário de Andrade, ao pensar a criação de uma música nacional – unindo o folclore com o erudito –organizou uma Discoteca Municipal e a colocou como receptora das manifestações artísticas folclóricas recolhidas no Norte e Nordeste do Brasil, em 1938, com o financiamento do Departamento de Cultura de São Paulo, órgão que Mário dirigia. Esta iniciativa, além de endossar a sua nacionalização musical, fundamentava a idéia de transformar a cultura popular em patrimônio, vontade que expressou, em 1936, no anteprojeto não aprovado de criação do Serviço do Patrimônio Artístico Nacional (SPAN) hoje Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN).
Este texto procura contribuir para a discussão sobre as relações entre Estado, Sociedade e a Questão Ambiental, buscando situá-la em função das especificidades regionais da formação econômica e social brasileira, com destaque para a nova territorialidade da paisagem construída no Estado de São Paulo.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
This research aimed to examine the perceptions of students with learning about themselves and to analyze what their representations are about the judgments that their teachers have of them. The subjects of this study were twenty elementary school students with low academic achievement, of both sexes, from a municipal public school in the State of São Paulo in Brazil. A semi-structured interview containing ten questions was performed. Data was transcribed and processed through content analysis and described in relation to its absolute (N) and relative (%) frequencies. The results indicated that the students believe that their teacher has a negative representation of them, as well as nourish low expectations about their performance and academic progress. The study points to the need to consider social relationships established at school and to promote reflection on the importance of these relationships in the teaching-learning process.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This article aims to present a discussion of the methodological aspects of teaching and learning to read and write in adult education, in an attempt to seek a dialogue with the Early Childhood Education by pointing convergent elements between these two instances. And, therefore, it proposes a reflection on the construction of human nature and ownership of reading and writing as a humanizing process from the perspective of historical-cultural theory advocated by Vygotsky and his collaborators. In this context it is presented a pedagogical situation in a public school for kindergarten in the state of Sao Paulo, followed by analysis from the perspective of Bakhtin in order to make some approximations in the teaching and learning of the mother tongue with adults and children.
Este artigo é fruto de reflexões oriundas de uma pesquisa, em andamento, a partir de observação acerca do trabalho pedagógico relacionado à literatura infantil nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental em uma escola pública, municipal, do Estado de São Paulo. Compreendemos que aprender a ler não é uma prática natural, espontânea, mas uma prática cultural criada pelo homem e, por isso, deve ser conteúdo escolar. Neste sentido, cabe ao professor ensinar a seus alunos atitudes, escolhas, ou seja, ações intelectuais que permitam ao leitor mirim colocar a compreensão como objetivo de sua leitura e que aprenda a mobilizar várias estratégias de leitura para atingir esse objetivo, uma vez que os dados revelados pela pesquisa “A Literatura na escola: espaços e contextos – a realidade brasileira e portuguesa” mostram que, apesar dos investimentos em programas de fomento à leitura, como, por exemplo, o Programa Nacional de Biblioteca na Escola – PNBE, nossas escolas, em sua grande maioria, não conseguem formar leitores qualitativamente melhores.Visto a necessidade de (re) pensarmos as práticas relacionadas à leitura e, especificamente, à leitura literária, nossa discussão se dirige a questões referentes ao modo como a leitura e o livro de literatura infantil são trabalhados, por professores e seus alunos, em sala de aula, e a influência dessas práticas no processo de atribuição de sentido das crianças ao que seja o ato de ler, bem como em relação a sua própria identidade de leitores em formação. O debate gerado pela pesquisa que deu origem a este texto evidencia o quanto as crianças sentem-se capazes e ativas em seu processo de apropriação da leitura literária decorrente do trabalho pedagógico relacionado à literatura infantil por meio da abordagem do ensino de estratégias de leitura.
By analyzing the pedagogical practices in respect of acts of reading in the current context of school education institutions vital, it is clear that they are linked to decipher. But it is believed that for the student to learn to read is necessary dialogue with the text, attribute meaning to writing and comprehension. When thinking about the use of technologies such as film subtitles, it is believed that they allow readers to form since they require a quick read without using the decryption with the attribution of meaning to follow the entire course of the film. This paper aims to present and analyze a film session the project subtitled and dubbed films in public schools and training of the reader, which investigates the contributions of cinematic legends in training readers in elementary school. In this paper we present data on the session of the film The Secret Garden, with students between six and ten years old in a public school in Marilia, SP. The session took place in film school, in a room adapted. When analyzing the results, we observed that reading subtitles contributes to children are not attached to decipher, because we used reading strategies to understand the plot and tried to dialogue with the text. This approach not only contributes reader for reading the screens, but also in fixed supports, for developing specific tactics for the scrolling text which can be applied to the texts on the immobilized support.
The objective of this work is to describe the particularities of the official letter genre, according to theoretical perspective of the Russian philosopher of language Bakhtin. The discourse genres, in this perspective, presented in relative stability, being affected by alterations occurred in the activity sphere where they circulate, for the ideological values that produce the speeches of this sphere and for the dialogic relations with other genres and spheres. It is intended to show as the official letter, in the public departments, although the stability acquired for its formal style, objective, reveals in an instability permeated for the thematic aspect, compositional and until stylistic. For realization of this analysis, were select sixty official letters of the public town administration sphere of the city of Araraquara, produced in the months of February, March and April of 2011. The official letters were separate in two groups for subject: repayment; diverse subjects. The methodology uses the dialogic boarding of the discourse used for the circle of Bakhtin
The life and work of Tatiana Belinky are steeped in fantasy, his works speak of magic and charm of the stories. This research aimed to investigate the knowledge that teachers in the early years of Primary Education (Early Childhood and 1st year of elemen tary school education) have on the work of Tatiana Belinky. Therefore, a survey research theoretical framework in printed documents and digital media (websites and platforms indexed) was performed in order that he might collect data about the life and work of this writer. Concomitantly, the benchmark survey, a field study with teachers from preschool (4) 1st year of elementary school (2), a public school in the town of Jaú, in which a questionnaire semi - structured questions was used was performed . The survey and qualitative study, a case study allowed the lifting of the life and work of the author, approximately 104 considered early childhood education. As to knowledge of teachers studied in the research almost all said they knew the author, however there were few works cited by them
This paper presents an approach to time perception in the daily elementary school teachers. The research was conducted with five teachers from the public system of the Rio Claro City, São Paulo State. The methodology chosen for the preparation of the research was based on two factors: literature review and content analysis. For the literature search were used books and scientific articles, as content analysis, based on information collected from responses of teachers, research subjects, the questionnaire prepared by the researcher, also counted with the testimony in the form of narrative of these teachers (P1). In the final considerations points that all respondents have the perception of scarcity of time to carry out numerous tasks related to the practice of teaching. Also highlighted is the fact that all respondents can not separate work and personal life, as many of the jobs are taken home by integrating everyday of individual teachers, that is, their time outside the classroom
Este trabalho faz parte da pesquisa nacional interinstitucional, intitulada “Análise das conseqüências de parcerias firmadas entre municípios brasileiros e a Fundação Ayrton Senna para a oferta educacional”, financiada pelo CNPq. Esse estudo analisa o Programa Gestão Nota 10, implementado nos municípios de Cárceres, Teresina, Altamira, São José dos Pinhais, Sapiranga, São José do Rio Preto e as possíveis alterações do Plano de Carreira Docente. Para isso serão analisados trabalhos escritos sobre o referente tema, além de documentos oferecidos pelos órgãos públicos dos municípios analisados. O marco teórico para essa pesquisa é a crise do capital que entre suas estratégias de superação o Neoliberalismo e a Reforma do Estado, há qual propõem a descentralização de serviços, que antes eram do Estado, incluindo a sociedade civil organizada e o chamado “Terceiro Setor”. Outra imposição dessa reforma foi à introdução do quase-mercado na gestão pública. Esse tipo de gestão oferece diretrizes padrão, nas quais há o desenvolvimento de metas para alcance de índices elevados, assim os municípios, caso cumpram com essas diretrizes, são gratificados e recebem algum tipo de premiação, desenvolvendo a competitividade entre os educadores. Este trabalho apresenta o convênio de sistemas de ensino público com o Instituto Ayrton Senna, como uma forma de materialização dessas políticas, e as implicações para as alterações no Plano de Carreira Docente.