279 resultados para Gels


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Amidos e gomas são hidrocoloides frequentemente usados em sistemas alimentícios com a finalidade de fornecer textura, umidade e mobilidade de água. A interação amido-goma em sistemas alimentícios pode alterar o inchamento do grânulo de amido e as suas propriedades de gelatinização e reológicas. Neste trabalho, o efeito da adição de goma xantana (GX), carboximetilcelulose sódica (CMC) e carragena (CAR) nas concentrações de 0,15, 0,25, 0,35 e 0,45% (p/v) sobre as propriedades de pasta, térmicas e reológicas do amido de mandioca foi estudado. O Poder de inchamento (PI) e a Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) dos géis de amido também foram avaliados. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a GX apresentou forte interação com o amido, penetrando entre os grânulos e provocando aumento das viscosidades de pasta, PI, G' e G, e redução da retrogradação do amido; CMCS aumentou as viscosidades de pasta, PI, G' e G das misturas, principalmente em função da sua maior capacidade de reter água, e não por causa da interação com o amido; CAR não modificou qualquer das propriedades do amido, porque não houve nenhuma interação entre essa goma e o amido de mandioca nas concentrações usadas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This is a study of the structural transformations occurring in hybrid siloxane-polypropyleneglycol (PPG) nanocomposites, with different PPG molecular weight, along the drying process. The starting materials are wet gels obtained by the sol-gel procedure using as precursor the 3-(trietoxysilyl)propylisocyanate (IsoTrEOS) and polypropylenglycol bis(2-amino-propyl-ether) (NH2-PPG-NH2). The shrinkage and mass loss measurements were performed using a temperature-controlled chamber at 50 degreesC. The nanostructural evolution of samples during drying was studied in situ by small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The experimental results demonstrate that the drying process is highly dependent on the molecular weight of polymer. After the initial drying stage, the progressive emptying of pores leads to the formation of a irregular drying front in gels prepared from PPG of high molecular weight, like 4000 g/mol. As a consequence, an increase of the SAXS intensity due to the increase of electronic density contrast between siloxane clusters and polymeric matrix is observed. For hybrids containing PPG of low molecular weight, the pore emptying process is fast, leading to a regular drying front, without isolated nanopockets of solvents. SAXS intensity curves exhibit a maximum, which was associated to the existence of spatial correlation of the silica clusters embedded in the polymeric matrix. The spatial correlation is preserved during drying. These results also reveal that the structural transformation during drying is governed by capillary forces and depends on the entanglement of polymer chains.


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The esterase patterns of sixteen strains from four species in the saltans subgroup were analyzed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Thirty-four esterase bands were detected. By using alpha and beta naphthyl acetates as substrates, they were classified in 18 alpha-esterases (they hydrolyse the alpha-naphtyl substrate), 15 beta-esterases (they hydrolyse the beta-naphtyl substrate) and 1 alpha/beta-esterase (it hydrolyses the alpha and beta-naphtyl substrates). Among the alpha-esterases, three were detected exclusively in males. Malathion, Eserine and pCMB were used as inhibitors in order to characterize biochemically the esterases. The results indicated the presence of cholinesterases, carboxylesterases and acetylesterases. The degree of mobility of the bands in the gels, their specificity to alpha and beta naphthyl acetates and the results of the inhibition tests allowed us to recognize tentatively nine genetic loci. Phylogenetic relationships among species inferred on the basis of the esterase patterns by PAUP 4.0 b8, with neighbor-joining search and a bootstrap analysis showed that, although the four species are closely related, D. septentriosaltans, D. saltans and D. austrosaltans are closer to each other than to D. prosaltans. These results showed to be consistent with phylogenetic relationships previously inferred from inversion polymorphism.


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The work describes the biocompatibility and biodegradation studies of anionic collagen membranes casted form collagen gels collagen, that were selective hydrolyzed at the carboxyamide groups, as a function of the degree of cross-links induced by glutaraldehyde. Independently from the degree of cross-links, all membranes studied were characterized by a similar inflammatory response, inversely dependent on glutaraldehyde reaction time, that decreased from the time of the implant. Cell alterations, mineralization or contact necrosis were not observed in any of the membranes studied. Rates for membrane tissue biodegradation were directly related to glutaraldehyde reaction time, and ranged from 30 to periods longer than 60 days, associated with good biocompatibility. Although other properties must be considered, their use in the treatment of periodontal diseases, the biological behavior observed with the 8 h GA cross-linked membrane suggests that, anionic collagen membrane described in this work may be of potential use, not only in association with guided tissue regeneration technique for periodontal tissue reconstruction, but also in other collagen biomaterial applications where controlled biodegradability is required. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present a non-radioactive alternative to Southern's (J. Mol. Biol. 98: 503-517, 1975) DNA-DNA hybridization technique. The use of AMPPD - Disodium 3-(4-Methoxyspiro {1,2-dioxetane-3,2'tricyclo[,7)]decan}-4-yl)phyenyl phosphate as an alternative substrate for AP-mediated detection of digoxigenin-11 dUTP-labeled probes made possible the simple and nonhazardous reuse of blots. We used 0.8 % agarose gels containing 30 mug per lane of Eucalyptus saligna DNA, digested with Eco RI, electrophoresed and blotted on to nylon membranes (Hybond-N, Amersham, UK), using the Southern blotting procedure, and UV irradiated for one minute for DNA fixation. The hybridizations were carried out overnight with digoxigenin labeled random inserts of E. saligna DNA by using the Genius Kit (Boehringer Mannheim). Detection of the DNA-DNA hybrids was performed in the presence of 0.5% blocking agent and the substrates NBT/BCIP were replaced by 0.26 mM AMPPD in the final alkaline assay buffer (50 mul/cm2). After membrane incubation for five minutes at room temperature in a sealed plastic bag, the AMPPD solution was retrieved and stored at 4-degrees-C for reuse. A Kodak X-BRAF QA-S film was pressed firmly onto the bag containing the wet membrane, exposed for two to six hours and then developed. After use, the probes were stripped off and the blots reutilized, three times so far, with the same results.


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Purpose. To trace the eye components involved in proteoglycan synthesis and to characterize the sulfated glycosaminoglycans which are associated to these macromolecules.Methods. Sodium [S-35]-sulfate was injected intravitreally and the rabbits were killed at different time intervals after the injection. The glycosaminoglycans of choroid, ciliary body, cornea, iris, lens capsule, retina and sclera were extracted and processed for estimations of their specific activities, and for electrophoresis plus autoradiography with or without previous treatment with specific enzymes. In addition, methacrylate sections of the eyes were analysed by autoradiography.Results. The peak of specific activities of the glycosaminoglycans of all eye components occurred at 2 days after the intravitreal injection of [S-35]-sulfate. The autoradiography of the agarose gels revealed three types of glycosaminoglycans, namely, heparan-, chondroitin- and dermatan sulfate, only in the retina. The other eye components contained heparan sulfate and either chondroitin or dermatan sulfate. Tissue autoradiography together with the biochemical techniques contributed to unravel the origin of the glycosaminoglycans in the eye components.Conclusions. The results of the present investigation have shown that heparan sulfate, contrasting to chondroitin sulfate and dermatan sulfate, is synthesized in all eye components studied and that the glycosaminoglycan composition differs according to the tissue of origin.


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Low density silica sonogels were prepared from acid sonohydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane. Wet gels were studied by small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC tests were carried out under a heating rate of 2 degrees C/min from -120 degrees C up to 30 degrees C. Aerogels were obtained by CO(2) supercritical extraction and characterized by nitrogen adsorption and SAXS. The DSC thermogram displays two distinct endothermic peaks. The first, a broad peak extending from about -80 degrees C up to practically 0 degrees C, was associated to the melting of ice nanocrystals with a crystal size distribution with pore diameter ranging from 1 or 2 nm up to about 60 nm, as estimated from Thomson's equation. The second, a sharp peak with onset temperature close to 0 degrees C, was attributed to the melting of macroscopic crystals. The DSC incremental nanopore volume distribution is in reasonable agreement with the incremental pore volume distribution of the aerogel as determined from nitrogen adsorption. No macroporosity was detected by nitrogen adsorption, probably because the adsorption method applies stress on the sample during measurement, leading to a underestimation of pore volume, or because often positive curvature of the solid surface is in aerogels, making the nitrogen condensation more difficult. According to the SAXS results, the solid network of the wet gels behaves as a mass fractal structure with mass fractal dimension D=2.20 +/- 0.01 in a characteristic length scale below xi=7.9 +/- 0.1 nm. The mass fractal characteristics of the wet gels have also been probed from DSC data by means of an earlier applied modeling for generation of a mass fractal from the incremental pore volume distribution curves. The results are shown to be in interesting agreement with the results from SAXS.


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Aims: the aim of this study was to obtain improved strains of pectinolytic yeasts adapted to the conditions of an industrial fermentation process, which was continuously operated to convert citrus molasses into ethanol.Methods and Results: the starter yeast of the industrial fermentation process was a commercial baker's yeast, which was capable of growing without forming any secretion halo of pectinase activity on solid medium. Nevertheless, isolates showing secretion of pectinolytic activity on plates were obtained from the fermentation process. The secretion of pectin-degrading activity by isolates on plates was repressed by galactose and improved as the result of colony aging on polygalacturonic acid plates at 30 degrees C. Liquefaction of polygalacturonate gels as well as the splitting of the pectin-degrading activity into a wall-linked and a supernatant fraction were also observed when the starter yeast was propagated under agitation in liquid medium containing pectin.Conclusions: Isolates capable of secreting pectinolytic activity on plates were predominant at the end of the citrus molasses fermentation. Nevertheless, the sizes of the secretion haloes on plates were not necessarily an indication of the levels of pectinolytic activity secreted in the liquid medium.Significance and Impact of the Study: Improved pectinolytic strains of Saccharomyces can be used as a source of pectinases for a variety of applications. This organism also participates in plant deterioration processes.


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Cr-doped xerogels were obtained by sol-gel process from the acid-catalyzed and ultrasound-stimulated hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) with addition of CrCl3.6H(2)O in water solution during the liquid step of the process. The gels were aged immersed in different pH solutions for about 30 days, after that they were allowed to dry. The samples were annealed at temperatures ranging from 40 to 600degreesC and analyzed by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy. Cr3+ is the preferable oxidation state of the chromium ion in the gels annealed up to 250-300degreesC, in the case of aging in solutions of pH=5 and 11. A high UV absorption below similar to320 nm, due to the host gel, and different absorption bands, depending on the temperature, due to the chromium ion were observed in the xerogels at temperatures below similar to250degreesC, in the case of aging in solutions of pH=1 and 2. These absorption bands have not been assigned. Above 300degreesC up to 600degreesC, Cr5+, and possibly Cr6+, are the preferable oxidation states of the chromium ion independent of the pH of the aging solution, so the xerogels turn to a yellowish appearance in all cases.


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Wet silica gels with similar to 1.4 x 10(-3) mol SiO2/cm(3) and similar to 90 vol.% liquid phase were prepared from the sonohydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) with different additions of dimethylformamide (DMF). Aerogels were obtained by CO2 supercritical extraction. The samples were studied mainly by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and nitrogen adsorption. Wet gels exhibit a mass fractal structure with fractal dimension D increasing from 2.23 to 2.35 and characteristic length xi decreasing from similar to 9.4 nm to similar to 5.1 nm, as the DMF/TEOS molar ratio is increased from 0 to 4. The supercritical process apparently eliminates some porosity, shortening the fractality domain in the mesopore region and developing an apparent surface/mass fractal (with correlated mass fractal dimension D-m similar to 2.6 and surface fractal dimension D-s similar to 2.3) in the micropore region. The fundamental role of the DMF addition on the structure of the aerogels is to diminish the porosity and the pore mean size, without, however, modify substantially the specific surface area and the average size of the silica particle of the solid network. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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New silica-polypropyleneglycol ormosils (organically modified silicates) with covalent bends between the organic (polymer) and inorganic (silica) phases have been prepared by the sol-gel process. Their structural evolution during sol formation, sol-gel transition, gel aging and drying has been studied in situ by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The experimental SAXS curves corresponding to sols and gels exhibit features expected from fractal objects. Clusters of size around 55 Angstrom with an initial fractal dimension D = 2.4 are formed in the sol. They are constituted of small primary silica particles chemically crosslinked at the end of the polymer chains. A strong liquid-like spatial correlation between the silica particles develops during drying due to the shrinkage of the polymeric network induced by water and ethanol evaporation. The continuous increase in SAXS intensity during drying, while the interparticle distance remains constant, is a consequence of the progressive growth of the dry fraction of the total volume. After drying, the gel structure consists of a rather compact arrangement of silica particles embedded in the polypropyleneglycol matrix.


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The viscoelastic properties of siloxane-poly(oxypropylene) (PPO) nanocomposites prepared by the sol-gel process has been analyzed during gelation by dynamic rheological measurements. The changes of storage and loss moduli, complex viscosity and phase angle has been measured as a function of time showing the newtonian viscosity of the sol in the initial step of gelation, and its progressive transformation to a viscoelastic gel. The rheologic properties have been correlated to mass fractal, nearly linear growth models and percolation theory. This study, completed by quasi-elastic light scattering and Si-29 solid state nuclear magnetic resonance measurements, shows that the mechanisms of gelation of siloxane-PPO hybrids depend on the molecular weight of the polymer and on the pH of the hybrid sol. For hybrids prepared in acid medium, a polymerization involving silicon reactive species located at the extremity of the polymer chains and presenting a functionality f = 2 occurs, forming a fractal structure during the first stage of sol-gel transition. For samples prepared under neutral pH, the fractal growth is only observed for hybrids containing short polymer chains (M-w similar to 130 gmol(-1)). The fractal dimensionality determined from the change in the rheological properties, indicates that the fractal growth mechanism changes from reaction-limited to diffusion-limited aggregation when the molecular weight of the PPO increases from 130 to 4000 gmol(-1) and as catalyst conditions change from acidic to neutral. Near the gel point, these hybrid gels have the typical scaling behavior expected from percolation theory. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.