132 resultados para Games with a purpose
CONTEXTO: As neoplasias de cólon são a terceira forma mais comum de câncer atualmente. Seus tratamentos ainda estão associados a elevado risco de complicações, ressaltando, assim, a necessidade de elaborar novas estratégias de tratamento. A ingestão de probióticos, prebióticos ou a combinação de ambos (simbióticos), representa nova opção terapêutica. Diante da importância do equilíbrio quantitativo e qualitativo da microbiota intestinal para saúde humana e com objetivo de melhor elucidar o papel dos probióticos e prebióticos, o tema citado procura abordar a importância destes como coadjuvantes na prevenção e tratamento de câncer de cólon. METODOLOGIA: Foi realizada pesquisa em bancos de dados científicos (Medline, Lilacs, PubMed, Ovid, Scielo) através de levantamento de artigos científicos, além da busca direta aos periódicos, priorizando-se os mesmos do período de 2003 a 2008. Foram, também, coletadas informações através de sites da internet, como forma de melhor compreender a epidemiologia, conceitos e tratamentos dessa patologia. RESULTADOS: Estudos apontam relação inversa entre o consumo de probióticos e prebióticos e o diagnóstico de câncer de cólon, sendo que alguns dos possíveis mecanismos englobam: aumento da resposta imune, redução da resposta inflamatória, inibição de formação de células tumorais e da conversão de substâncias pré-carcinogênicas em carcinogênicas. CONCLUSÃO: Através da realização desta revisão literária foi possível obter respostas positivas quanto ao uso de probióticos e prebióticos na carcinogênese, colocando seu uso como recomendado de forma adequada.
Stress can cause economic losses due to lower weight gain and increased susceptibility of animal diseases. Among the events that cause stress in calves, stand out weaning and road transport, which can result in increased serum concentrations of adrenaline and / or cortisol. This study evaluated the influence of weaning and road transport on the leukogram of Nelore calves. With this purpose, 30 calves with seven to eight months of age, divided into three groups, the first being composed of lactating animals (GL), the second by weaning animals (GD) and the third by weaning animals subjected to road transport for four hours (GDT). The first day of weaning, but not in subsequent days, there were changes in GD and GDT leukogram compatible with the action of adrenaline, as significant increases counts of WBC and neutrophils (p < 0.05), without changing in the neutrophil lymphocytes ratio (NL). In the GDT, immediately after transport, but not in subsequent days, leukogram changes were (p < 0.05) compatible with the action of cortisol, as higher N: L ratio and decreased eosinophil count. It was concluded that, under the conditions of this experiment, there are changes in leukocytes on weaning and road transport related to the action of adrenaline and road transport, respectively, and that the WBC can be used as an indicator of stress in this species.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The identification of genes essential for survival is important for the understanding of the minimal requirements for cellular life and for drug design. As experimental studies with the purpose of building a catalog of essential genes for a given organism are time-consuming and laborious, a computational approach which could predict gene essentiality with high accuracy would be of great value. We present here a novel computational approach, called NTPGE (Network Topology-based Prediction of Gene Essentiality), that relies on the network topology features of a gene to estimate its essentiality. The first step of NTPGE is to construct the integrated molecular network for a given organism comprising protein physical, metabolic and transcriptional regulation interactions. The second step consists in training a decision-tree-based machine-learning algorithm on known essential and non-essential genes of the organism of interest, considering as learning attributes the network topology information for each of these genes. Finally, the decision-tree classifier generated is applied to the set of genes of this organism to estimate essentiality for each gene. We applied the NTPGE approach for discovering the essential genes in Escherichia coli and then assessed its performance. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Total phosphorus concentrations in the sediment of a cascade of 8 reservoirs located in the Paranapanema River (SE, Brazil) were analysed during two consecutive seasonal periods (2000 and 200 1). The reservoirs of Jurumirim, Chavantes, Salto Grande, Canoas 11, Canoas 1, Capivara, Taquarucu and Rosana were built during the last five decades with the purpose of hydroelectric generation. The sampling points were distributed along a 700 km of river stretch in 19 stations distributed in the river-reservoirs zones and main tributaries as well as in 5 stations representing the adjacent wetlands. The nutrient concentration was determined in samples from surface layers of sediment. Temporal and spatial changes were observed for both years. Three different areas could be identified along the river, considering not only Tot-P variations but also others physical and chemical characteristics such as organic matter concentration, nitrogen concentration of sediment and 02, pH, conductivity and Eh measured in the bottom layer of the water column. Higher values of Tot-P were found in the middle and lower region of the Paranapanema basin (maximum value of 1.96 mg g(-1) in Tibagi River in October/2001). Agricultural practices and cattle raising are the main external sources of nutrient in these regions. Superficial or sub-superficial watershed drainage and tributaries entrances are important nutrient contributors, leading to an increasing accumulation of nutrient in the sediment. This process seems to be especially important in the middle region of the Paranapanema Valley, were the values of Tot-P were higher comparing to the other areas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objetivando auxiliar trabalhos taxonômicos e farmacobotânicos, foram realizados estudos morfoanatômicos dos órgãos vegetativos de Piper crassinervium H.B. & K. (jaborandi). O material foi analisado seguindo-se técnicas usuais de corte e coloração. P. crassinervium é um arbusto de caule ereto, de folhas estipuladas e alternas. Dentre as características anatômicas importantes para a sua identificação destacam-se: parênquima cortical radical com esclereídes; córtex caulinar com faixas descontínuas de colênquima e tecido vascular organizado em dois círculos descontínuos de feixes colaterais, delimitados por endoderme com estrias de Caspary; folha dorsiventral, hipoestomática, com estômatos ciclocíticos e tetracíticos e hipoderme unisseriada, porém, com 1-3 camadas de células na região da nervura principal; parênquima clorofiliano com idioblastos oleíferos; tricomas glandulares na epiderme unisseriada e idioblastos com pequenos cristais aciculares no parênquima em todos os órgãos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper concerns the use of photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) to study the presence of aromatic amino acid in proteins. We examined the aromatic amino acids in six proteins with well-known structures using absorption spectra of near ultraviolet PAS over the wavelength range 240-320 nm. The fundamental understanding of the physical and chemical properties that govern the absorption of light and a subsequent release of heat to generate a transient pressure wave was used to test the concept of monitoring aromatic amino acids with this method. Second derivative spectroscopy in the ultraviolet region of proteins was also used to study the regions surrounding the aromatics and the percentage area in each band was related in order to determine the contribution in function of the respective molar extinction coefficients for each residue. Further investigation was conducted into the interaction between sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and bothropstoxin-I (BthTx-I), with the purpose of identifying the aromatics that participate in the interaction. The clear changes in the second derivative and curve-fitting procedures suggest that initial SDS binding to the tryptophan located in the dimer interface and above 10 SDS an increased intensity between 260 and 320 nm, demonstrating that the more widespread tyrosine and phenylalanine residues contribute to the SDS/BthTx-I interactions. These results demonstrate the potential of near UV-PAS for the investigation of membrane proteins/detergent complexes in which light scattering is significant.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)